❝ first day of my life — roman . ❞
#d69342[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]❝ Nervous? ❞

Clearing his throat after swallowing the pungent clear liquid, Frank’s pale eyes darted over to Eben who’d stopped nearby, adjusting his tie absently as he looked across at Frank. ❝ What makes you think that? ❞ He questioned, tucking the small flask away in his blazer. Eben tipped his head to the side, lips curled downwards thoughtfully before gesturing towards Frank. 

❝ You just had a swig of... was that vodka? ❞ He pointed out, Frank huffing a short breath of laughter. He wasn’t wrong - Frank did just take a swig of a spirit - but it wasn’t out of nerves, but from anticipation. A small smile lingered on his lips, choosing not to speak but to turn his head to gaze away, back leaning against the exterior of the small and rickety church. ❝ I think everyone is in the church now, by the way, man. Ready whenever you are. ❞ After a moment of silence, Eben finally turned and entered the church again.

Slowly, Frank rested the back of his head against the wall, staring up at the cloudless cerulean sky, before his small smile slowly curled into a toothy one, followed by a quiet chuckle to himself. He was about to marry the love of his life. This was his wedding. His wedding. Frank was so in love that nothing felt more right than this felt. In his entire life, filled with doubts and insecurities, all that hope of love which turned out to be nothing more than a lie, this was the closest Frank would get to a love that would last forever.

And, as he chuckled quietly to himself, overjoyed, Frank knew that he wanted to be with Roman for the rest of his life.

Eyes fluttered shut for a moment, features dissolving slowly into seriousness as he took a deep breath, tucking his strands of hair neatly behind his ears, before he turned and wandered into the church.

In all of his life, he felt so cold and dead until he met Roman. It was almost as if the first day of his life began the moment his eyes locked onto Roman’s at that party, the one where they proceeded to spend the entire evening together where everything felt so alive and right. And how their relationship grew to become the most exciting part of a former mobster’s life; it was wild and rocky, almost too good to be true until it fell apart. The way Frank had to look Roman in the eyes and pretend as if he didn’t love him, because love could be what would tear them apart.

And, for a moment, it did.

And yet, whilst at the time Frank was inconsolable with heartbreak, it had also been one of the greatest moments in his life. He’d gathered the strength to take back control of his life, become fearless when faced by his family and express that he liked men, and loved only one. By the time Roman returned to make things right, Frank was in the right place to commit fully to him. Reinvent his life despite his fears because he realized that Roman was worth it.

He didn’t regret this new life of his. Not for a second.

As shoes clicked against dusty wooden floorboards, Frank strode down the aisle, eyes darting around at the very few guests he and Roman had invited as they sat in the pews towards the front, all glancing over their shoulders to look at the approaching groom. But, as he neared the altar, he couldn’t help but allow his gaze to land on Roman, eyes lighting up at the sight of his husband-to-be who stood next to his best man. He looked amazing. Beautiful.

Frank was never good with words, nor was Roman, yet as he stopped beside Roman and rested his hand on the small of his back, he couldn’t help his lips from twitching into a hint of a smile. ❝ You look- ❞ Slowly, he shook his head with disbelief, releasing a quiet huff as dazzled eyes looked at Roman. So perfect. ❞ His hand moved so that he could gently clasp onto Roman's hand, gazing at his fiance for a moment longer before the officiant caught his attention. The officiant smiled joyfully, voice soft as the older man then gently uttered, ❝ Such a lovely couple... Shall we begin? ❞


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“never thought i’d see you clean up this nice.” roman turned his head to look over towards his best friend while he adjusted his tie in the mirror. any other day he might have managed to keep a stoic face and remain impassive, unable and unwilling to let others into his own thoughts. however, today was such a special occasion; the fondness and the slight twitch of the corners of his lips couldn’t go unnoticed. there were no words to say how much it meant that green had agreed to come to the wedding, let alone as his best man. there was no other way he would rather have it; his best friend was more like a brother to him than anything. he wouldn't trade this moment with him there for it all for anything in the world.

“you’re telling me,” he replied casually, sparing a second glance towards green. he stared at his best man for a moment longer before he noted, “you don’t look too bad yourself.” stepping away from the mirror, he turned to look over at the other man. “i didn’t think you had it in you to clean up this nice; i’m impressed.” he was just pulling green’s leg at this point, a certain amused glimmer in his eyes. he watched as the other man shrugged, a grin on his lips that was more or less signature at this point as he said a self-approving, “i try.”

he tried to hide his eye roll in a simple once-over of his outfit. green took the moment of passing silence to ask, “how’re you feeling?” roman took a moment to ponder the words, thoughtful eyes as he looked over himself.  “i feel-” he blew out a short breath. there was no way to describe it. the jittery flutter in his chest, the light tremble in anticipated fingertips. having to describe just how it felt to get to marry the love of his life…  part of it felt almost unreal and too good to be true. lifting his gaze, he looked towards the door to the chapel. “ready.” roman never felt more certain of anything in his life. a man once so uncertain of commitment, the looming fear of abandonment clouding his judgment on most relationships, now more than ready to commit himself to another person. it was a feeling so strong and so different than the others that truly made frank the exception to roman’s otherwise distant and cold heart. this was love.

nodding towards the door, he started to walk out towards the front of the church. he looked around at the guests gathered at the front. though there were few of them, each of them were important to the two of them. this wasn’t a showy, fancy wedding full of elegant decorations and absurd decor. it was simple. it was sweet. it was them. greeting a few gently as he made his way to the front, he stopped at the altar, glancing around as he waited for his partner to arrive. this was it, roman thought. this was everything he could’ve ever asked for.

how he even managed to keep someone like frank around was a mystery to him. there wasn’t a single thing that would ever be enough for frank in roman’s eyes; everything simply wasn’t enough. the thought that the other man saw anything, let alone everything, in him was an overwhelming one. no matter all of the disappointments, the toughest days and the most trying of days, frank was ever-present, a shoulder to lean against. as he turned his head to look at his approaching groom, the flutter in his chest almost enough to make him break. his lips tried and failed to conceal the smallest of smiles. if there had been any room left that didn't fully take this moment in, still too convinced it was all too good to be true, it was quick to be thrown out the window. he was going to marry the love of his life, the one he cherished the most in this world.

how did he ever get so lucky? nobody could possibly compare to frank. he could leave roman feeling so breathless, yet so full as if something wonderful blossomed inside his chest all the same. he was breathtaking, stunning; perfect. frank stopped beside him, hand resting on the small of ro’s back. “you look-” a quiet huff of breath and dazzled eyes, he uttered, “so perfect.” something welled up inside of roman, lips forming a small smile as hands were gently clasped together. he gently squeezed his groom’s hand, only able to utter to him in a gentle whisper, “beautiful.” even as ro said the word, his tone filled the spaces, showing how desperately he ached for there to be a word that could so perfectly capture how amazing frank looked in that moment.

”such a lovely couple… shall we begin?”
roman nodded his head, the officiant glancing between them fondly before addressing the others in the church.

“first, i’d like to welcome everyone and thank each and every one of you for being here on this most happy of days.” he looked among them. “it is no accident that you are here today to join roman and franklin in the union of marriage.” he gestured towards the small crowd with open hands at his sides. “each of you were invited to be here because you are someone important in the individual and collective loves of roman and frank. this occasion - i know - is not only monumental for the wedded-couple-to-be, but for all of us who are lucky to know and love them as individuals, and better yet as a perfect match.”

the older man looked between the two, a gentle smile on his face. “the most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes you feel complete. the person who makes the world a beautiful and magical place. the person with whom you share a bond so special, that it transcends normal relationships and becomes something so pure and so wonderful. you can’t imagine spending another day of your life without them.” roman couldn’t keep his eyes off of his lovely husband-to-be, gently squeezing frank’s hands, a knowing look in his eyes. “ for these two, that happened when they crossed paths. i know how deeply these two care for and love one another; i feel privileged to be here today as a witness of their commitment to a lifetime of love for one another.”

“although now would be the time i would tell a story about roman and frank that truly encapsulates what they mean to each other, the truth is that there isn’t one single event that can truly capture it all. that’s not a story that i know; but what i do know is that both of them care deeply and passionately about each other. they protect each other; they make each other laugh; they make each other cry; they make each other the best versions of themselves. they help each other in ways that are both obvious and unnoticed, but always appreciated. it’s a love that’s very much its own which makes this union so truly wonderful. now, without further ado...”

turning to roman, the man asked, “roman, do you take franklin to be your husband? do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding unto him forevermore?”

lip twitching, roman released a short breath through his nose. eyes wandered over frank’s own fondly before he answered gently, “i do.”

“and franklin, do you take roman to be your husband? do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding unto him forevermore?”

this - roman decided - was the best moment of his life.

[abbr=26 years old, male, bluestem prairie, second-in-command]—[/abbr] it was beautiful .
#d69342[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]This was love.

And even after everything they had endured together as a couple, nothing felt as right to Frank as vowing to spend the rest of his days with Roman, for better or for worse. The tiny gleam of a small smile was ever-present on his lips as Frank gazed over to Roman. Their wedding wasn’t ostentatious or bold, but it was enough. More than enough for Frank. In fact, the sheer simplicity of today’s celebration was perfect in Frank’s eyes. The thought of an over-the-top wedding was enough to make Frank cringe. Like his brother’s wedding - it all felt so superficial, as if he had someone that he wanted to impress. All Frank cared about, on the other hand, was showing his ever-lasting commitment to Roman. He was ready for this lifetime with him.

As he stood beside his husband-to-be, a flutter in his chest had him shift with anticipation. In the next few minutes, it would be the start of a new era for Frank, a new chapter. Out with the torment of a life full of heartache; today would be the day where he would no longer be known as a Stirling. He could be the bastard brother for all he cared, but a life where he could build a new family with the man he loved sounded far more genuine and hopeful than a life trapped in the terror and bloodshed of a family who did all of their talking with a gun.

A light gaze searched each and every part of Roman’s face. The happiness that was undeniable, the way his eyes looked so full of life and love. Frank mirrored the expression with a knowing ease, proudly looking at the man that would soon be his husband. This was their day. After all of the dread and horror that they had faced together, Frank was almost beginning to lose hope that this day would ever come. He’d get so close to the end, fingertips barely hovering over, before that happy ending would be snatched away from him all over again. First had been the heartbreak, second had been the near-death experience. Every time Frank got too close, he’d almost lose Roman all over again.

Until now.

The officiant began to speak and, whilst Frank held onto each and every word, cherishing this special moment, he did so with fond eyes watching Roman. He squeezed Roman’s hands gently - a perfect couple, the officiant said. The corner of his lip twitched; it did feel like they were perfect for each other.

❝ Now, without further ado- ❞ It was the moment he’d been waiting for for what felt like forever. Eyes refused to tear away from the man he loved as Roman said ❝ I do. ❞ Frank trusted Roman without a doubt, and yet there'd always be the slightest niggling worry that perhaps he simply would never be good enough for Roman. That Roman would take off again. After all that Frank had shared about himself, he wouldn’t blame Roman.

But he said it. He said ❝ I do. ❞, granting the both of them the start of forever.

With a joyous expression, the officiant looked to Frank. ❝ And Franklin, do you take Roman to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding unto him forevermore? ❞

Frank was unable to repress the smile which tugged at his lips, squeezing Roman’s hands gently before he said, Yeah. I do. ❞ The officiant chuckled heartily at the somewhat unorthodox response, then rounding the ceremony up with enthusiasm.

❝ Well… It has been an absolute honor to officiate your ceremony this afternoon. Now, I can say something that I’m sure you have been looking forward to hearing for a long time. By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your husband! ❞ As the guests began to clap and cheer, Frank searched Roman’s face with pure adoration before leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to Roman's lips.

This was the start of a beautiful life.

❝ C’mon, dance with me. ❞ With eyes narrowed determinedly, Frank wrapped his arms around his husband as the saloon was bustling with people celebrating the wedding. He tried to drag Roman to where people were dancing and mingling, chuckling a short huff of laughter below his breath as he gave Roman a playful look. ❝ Who cares who’s here to see; they all know we both can’t dance. ❞ That was only partly true; Roman could dance, at least far better than Frank ever could, but he knew just how to egg Roman on.

Eventually, he slowed to a stop, pausing just to take in the perfection of his husband for a moment, before he pulled Roman into a long embrace. Frank pressed his face to the side of his neck, cherishing the moment for a few long seconds. Never did he believe that one day he’d find himself living a life he loved with a man he could gladly spend the rest of his life with. After growing up to be a man so aloof and detached from the world, because he had to prepare for the day he’d inevitably have his life robbed from him at a woefully young age, finally he got to start a life in which he finally felt safe.

In control.

In love.

❝ Thank you, ❞ Drunken words were muffled against Roman’s neck, pressing a small kiss against his skin before he said, ❝ for loving me. ❞


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all roman ever wanted from life was a family. people to come home to at the end of a long day. to breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of them because the sight of them alone could lift any stresses off his shoulders. his bond with his family had been so strong; they had been his place to call home. it absolutely broke the young man when they so easily walked out of his life. it felt like they took everything he had and left him empty, longing to find that idea of family again to fill in the spaces. he needed someone to call family. someone to love; someone to love him back. someone who was there for the long run, no matter how convenient it might’ve been to leave at any given time. fond eyes glimmered gently, heart racing proudly in his chest. after so long of searching, this was it. frank was family. there wasn’t anyone else more perfect to fill the void in rome’s heart.

loving frank was easy. he denied that to himself multiple times from the start. what an idiot he had been, he often scolded himself, for chasing after someone else when the true person meant for him had been right there standing in front of him the whole time. what an idiot he had been for even briefly breaking that man’s heart. though if it meant going through all of those tough times to wind up here, roman would’ve went through the pain and anguish a hundred times over. getting to know frank for who he was - the mess that was a damaged and war-torn heart - only made rome want to love him that much more. protect him. cherish him. never let him go. after all that he’d gone through in this messed-up life, frank deserved it. more than anything, he deserved it.

it had been easy to say ”i do.” his lips couldn’t help but break out into a smile, thumb gently brushing over the back of frank’s hand as the officiant asked the same things of franklin. frank smiled and it was the most perfect thing roman had ever seen. “yeah. i do.” he huffed a short breath through his nose, warm features staring at frank paired with a subtle shake of his head. of course frank would say something like that; he shouldn’t have expected anything else.

“well… it has been an absolute honor to officiate your ceremony this afternoon…”

there were moments roman made mental pictures of, wishing to never forget them. his brother’s arm around his shoulders as they walked down an empty street. sitting on the couch with ju in his arms, livvy asleep on his shoulder, and green playing quietly with gus on the floor a ways away.

and frank. so many moments with frank.

frank washing ashes and soot from roman’s tear-stained face with careful hands. when everything crumbled around him, roman hadn’t known where else to go but into frank’s arms that night. packing up his bags to move into their beat-up home with him. the house was old, creaky, and small, but frank had been the missing piece needed to make the place finally feel like home. as he stood there, eyes tracing over cherishing features and a rare smile, his lips twitched. he squeezed frank’s hand adoringly. he never wanted to forget this moment.

”by the powers vested in me, i now pronounce you married. you may kiss your husband!” guests clapped and cheered. he brought his hands up to gently caress frank’s face as he leaned in to press a loving kiss to husband’s lips.

he couldn’t forget it if he tried.

”c’mon, dance with me.”

frank,” he complained as frank wrapped his arms around him, dragging him towards the crowd of dancing people. no complaint had ever sounded so fond. a hand grasped firmly around frank’s inner elbow as he let frank drag him along, a short breath of laughter falling through parted lips. eyes narrowed at frank’s playful remark. now he had done it. and franked seemed to know it too. “oh. so you want everyone to know you have two left feet?” as they started to sway to the music, roman drunkenly hummed a few notes of delighted laughter; he found himself hilarious when he was tipsy. he held onto frank. “don’t worry; i’m good enough for the both of us.”

as they danced and swayed, he couldn’t get over the fact that his husband looked so perfect. eventually as the song came to an end and they slowed to a stop, he wrapped his arms around frank as he was pulled into a loving embrace. eyes slowly slipped closed, taking in the moment. “thank you,” frank mumbled against his neck. ro held onto him even closer. “for loving me.” his lips couldn’t possibly fight the smile that twitched at his lips. one hand gently carded through the hair at the back of his partner’s head, detangling himself enough to press a small kiss to the side of his face.

"of course," he assured. starting to sway to the start of the next song, ro met frank’s eyes lovingly.

“you make it easy to.”

[abbr=26 years old, male, bluestem prairie, second-in-command]—[/abbr] it was beautiful .
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