As if on cue, footsteps sounded from beyond the brush. They were close, and before he knew it, a stranger and his dog had made themselves visible. He, of course, had to address the furry friend before he did anything else. He smiled at the black labrador and put his hands upon his knees, slightly bending in a downward direction. "Aww, hi puppy!" Bryce cooed, chocolate eyes lighting up instantaneously. Gosh, it had been so long since he'd seen a dog. It was really refreshing.

He didn't spend too much time focusing on the animal and instead straightened back up to address Torrin. After all, Bryce's priority right now was joining this group. "Hey there! Name's Bryce. I was wondering if I could join your group." He sported his signature goofy smirk. Hopefully there wouldn't be any trouble; he was freezing his toes off out here and he would be glad to get inside as soon as possible.

She appeared not long after Torrin did, her hands shoved in her pockets as she assessed what was going on. The boy - his name was Bryce - wanted to join. Easy enough. "Welcome to Flintlock." she greeted "I'm Blake. We can certainly continue this in the lodge but I must ask to hand over any weapons you may have. You'll get them back - just safety measures." she explained, though if he wasn't armed it meant they could go inside sooner which she really was not opposed to.

Even after all this time on the mountain, Blake wasn't used to the cold, in fact she hated it. But it wasn't something she could change, so she just ended up in layers when she left. "Otherwise we can definitely get out of this cold" she added on finally, doing her best to offer a smile even if it was a small one. She would prefer to continue in the warmth of the lodge.

[spoiler=TAGS 4/1]
Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise — general
▪ Blake Adrian Kegan | Blake, Blakie | open to nicknames
▪ AFAB | Identifies as Genderfluid | she/they
▪ 23 | Born July 26th | ages real time
▪ combat | member of Flintlock Lodge

Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised — physical
♦ Health: 100%
— They stand at 5'9" with semi-long wavy ginger hair. She has a rose tattoo and a few scars from past events. She's closer to an athletic build and is on the thinner side. She has an Australian accent as she's originally from Adelaide, Australia.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it — important events
4/1 Had Xena
12/05 Lost her best friend, Alfie
7/26 Celebrated her 23rd birthday
5/31 Had Keiron and Louis; The "Hell Twins"

Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it — personality
— I like to think Blake is a good example of the whole "strong, independent woman" thing even if she doesn't identify as a woman. She has a short temper and what I gently put as homicidal tendencies. She will gladly fight someone, regardless if they're bigger than her or not. However, she's also rather maternal and is more likely to protect a child than anything. Her maternal side has massively shown itself since the twins were born, though that leaves her more violent side to be overlooked or forgotten.
— Maternal, "Strong Independent Woman", Protective
— Violent, Homicidal Tendencies, Short Tempered

I'm headed straight for the castle — relationships
▪ Ryan Kegan x Katherine Kegan
▪ Pansexual | Panromantic | Polyamorous
▪ It's complicated | Crushing on one | Maybe Crushing on no one
    ↳ Involved with Danny Hargrove
▪ Ex-wife of Edmund Moray
    ↳ cheated on her
▪ Mother of six
    ↳ Thomas and Charlotte Moray (2yrs)
    ↳ Louis and Keiron Stirling-Kegan (10m)
    ↳ Xena Hargrove (0m)
    ↳ Guardian to Danny's son, Cade (9yrs)

They wanna make me their queen — interaction
— Physically very hard | Mentally intermediate
— Uses compound bow and arrows
— Also skilled in hand to hand combat
— No killing and ask before major injuries or major interactions
— To attack, [member=9567]Noccy[/member] & attack in #B34600

A young woman appears now, assumedly with some sort of authority considering that she's making the decision to allow him entry into Flintlock. Blake was her name; her hair was as fiery as the sun. He's never seen someone with such vibrant hair. "Hey. I like your accent. British?" Bryce furrows his brows, his question lingering so that she could clarify. It sounded British, if not a bit more "twang". He's not too familiar with Australian accents.

"No weapons here. Just my board and some snacks." The young adult shrugs, zipping open his backpack so that they could see inside. "You can search me if you don't believe me," He raises his hands like he's being arrested and probed by an officer. "Just try to avoid touching my tushy, don't really like strangers doing that." He is only half-joking, not really expecting them to actually do a thorough search for strapped weapons but he wouldn't be opposed to if they did. Didn't want some crazy psycho murderers running around, right?

Gray too was a former farmer, though he'd left in the middle of the night when he was eleven, telling no one. He hadn't been back ever since, and he never planned on returning. It was too toxic there, to the point that he sincerely doubted that it'd be safe for him to return. Even with his agricultural background, he tended to prefer to leave farming to other people and stick with hunting. Not that he wouldn't farm if it was necessary, he'd just much rather be out walking the trails. The memories were better there.

Oh, right. It'd been so long since Gray had been witness to a joining, that he'd forgotten that they actually happened. He and Torrin had just gone up to the door and been welcomed back in, though that was perhaps because Gray knew how to avoid the patrols and Torrrin was friends with the same fiery-haired woman now accepting Bryce. "You've known her all of three seconds, and you're still calling her a stranger? His tone was sarcastic, but lighthearted compared to his frequent vitriol.

[spoiler=MY CHILDHOOD SPAT BACK OUT THE MONSTER THAT YOU SEE | 04/02]General — biograhpy
▪ Grayson Hanson | Gray | Formerly Aria Rivendare
▪ Masculine presenting | Identifies as male | He/Him | DFAB
[size=7pt]— Almost impossible to tell his birth gender (get Pyre's permission before having y/c know)

▪ 19 years, 1 months | 2/6/22 | Ages primarily real time
▪ Ex-Ranger of the Flintlock Lodge | Ex-Member of Moorland Riders | Member of Nowhere

Physical — reference
♦ HUMAN | Health: 100%
— Gray is about medium height at 5'6", and very thin and lanky. He has gray eyes, and off-black hair cropped into an undercut, which has recently been cut a bit closer to the scalp than normal. Under his left eye he has a beauty mark, and there are a few scars on his medium-brown skin, and there are more under the slate gray bandanna, hoodies and jeans the gangly teen tends to wear. There are three pierces in his right ear, two in his lobe and one in the cartilage.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Important Info — roleplayer
▪ In no way shows that he was born female, does everything possible to hide it (such as binding) and wears clothes meant for men. Without him stripping, it's pretty much impossible to tell that he isn't biologically male.
▪ Low-key history nut.
▪ Nearsighted.
▪ Has a blue pit bull named Brianna.
▪ Opinions and motivations are Gray's and Gray's alone and are not shared by his roleplayer.

Personality — INTJ-T
— Articulate; contemplative; efficient; driven; incisive; intelligent; meticulous; orderly; perceptive; practical; rational; self-sufficient; shrewd; vigilant; witty, enigmatic; frank; neutral; placid; private; stoic, abrupt; aloof; assertive; blunt; calculating; coarse; critical; cynical; distrusting; judgmental; opinionated; pedantic; sarcastic; self-serving; unreliable; vindictive

Relationships — heartchart
▪ Val x Summer Rivendare | Adopted by Diana Hanson
▪ Pansexual | Panromantic | Monogamous
▪ Dating Torrin | One crush
▪ ½ Graytor | ½ Graux
▪ Generally puts on a friendly front and cares for those around him, but still holds them at arms' length and is very hard to get close to. Very awkward when flirted with and doesn't really like it, but becomes quite flirty when drunk

Interaction — plotting thread
— Medium Physically | Hard mentally
— Still in training
— Prefers to fight with a machete, but can go hand-to-hand
— No kill/capture/maim without permission
— To attack, [member=2027]Gray[/member] and attack in underlined #708090

i'm looking for a good time on my own, i'm all alone ——
”Oh! Please be careful! She’s paying attention.” Torrin babbled nervously, glancing down to Bella. ”She’s my service dog. She’s supposed to be with me if a person isn’t. If other people are around, it’s okay to distract her by me, but if it’s just me and Bella and you, please don’t!” The small medic’s tone stayed light and friendly, in an attempt to avoid sounding reprimanding. He opened his mouth to speak when Blake arrived, and he stopped speaking to simply watch and smile.

”Oh! Blakie, he skates too?” Torrin seemed ecstatic. ”I am so rebuilding that skate ramp then.” Mischief twinkled in his eyes when he said it, but it immediately turned to that look could only be reserved for Gray.

The ‘I can’t even recognize that the joke you just told was absolutely fucking awful because i think everything you do is amazing’ one? yeah, that. he cackled. ”You’re such a dummy.” He teased.

Then he turned to the joiner himself. ”It’s nice to meet you, by the way! I’m Torrin. This is Bella.” He shuffled the basket in his arms and scrunched up his nose a little. allergic. ”I’ve been working as a doctor here for a really long time so if you’re roughed up at all you’re free to come to me for help. I know how it is skating in the mountains. and i won’t even tell anyone you wiped out. i have a lotta cool spots, too, if you wanna look at any of em!” torrin was grinning really wide now. he was in his element, chatting up a storm and (hopefully) making friends.

The question about her accent made her grin, finding amusement in him thinking it was British. To her, they sounded nothing alike, but she supposed to someone who didn't have either they may "Nah, I'm from 'Straya." she explained "Thanks for the compliment though" she added afterwards, offering him a smile before glancing towards Torrin when he spoke about the skate ramp. She wouldn't say anything about it, but she saw that little mischevious twinkle.

"Boys, behave." she spoke, looking between Torrin and Gray though more joking...to an extent. She looked back to Bryce and shrugged "I believe you, no worries" she explained, he seemed to have been honest and no vibe told her otherwise. Besides, everyone in the lodge was usually armed - including her - so if he was still armed...well, it wouldn't end well.   

[spoiler=TAGS 4/1]
Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise — general
▪ Blake Adrian Kegan | Blake, Blakie | open to nicknames
▪ AFAB | Identifies as Genderfluid | she/they
▪ 23 | Born July 26th | ages real time
▪ combat | member of Flintlock Lodge

Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised — physical
♦ Health: 100%
— They stand at 5'9" with semi-long wavy ginger hair. She has a rose tattoo and a few scars from past events. She's closer to an athletic build and is on the thinner side. She has an Australian accent as she's originally from Adelaide, Australia.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it — important events
4/1 Had Xena
12/05 Lost her best friend, Alfie
7/26 Celebrated her 23rd birthday
5/31 Had Keiron and Louis; The "Hell Twins"

Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it — personality
— I like to think Blake is a good example of the whole "strong, independent woman" thing even if she doesn't identify as a woman. She has a short temper and what I gently put as homicidal tendencies. She will gladly fight someone, regardless if they're bigger than her or not. However, she's also rather maternal and is more likely to protect a child than anything. Her maternal side has massively shown itself since the twins were born, though that leaves her more violent side to be overlooked or forgotten.
— Maternal, "Strong Independent Woman", Protective
— Violent, Homicidal Tendencies, Short Tempered

I'm headed straight for the castle — relationships
▪ Ryan Kegan x Katherine Kegan
▪ Pansexual | Panromantic | Polyamorous
▪ It's complicated | Crushing on one | Maybe Crushing on no one
    ↳ Involved with Danny Hargrove
▪ Ex-wife of Edmund Moray
    ↳ cheated on her
▪ Mother of six
    ↳ Thomas and Charlotte Moray (2yrs)
    ↳ Louis and Keiron Stirling-Kegan (10m)
    ↳ Xena Hargrove (0m)
    ↳ Guardian to Danny's son, Cade (9yrs)

They wanna make me their queen — interaction
— Physically very hard | Mentally intermediate
— Uses compound bow and arrows
— Also skilled in hand to hand combat
— No killing and ask before major injuries or major interactions
— To attack, [member=9567]Noccy[/member] & attack in #B34600

Bryce had really taken a leap this time. His trusty skateboard was strapped to his travel-backpack full of his possessions (mostly snacks and plant seeds, and whatever clothes he could fit). This was the first time he had permanently left his family's farm and journeyed out into the world, looking to find new experiences and create a better life. After all, how could he as a free-spirit stay cooped up forever? Bryce was like lightning in a bottle; he would not allow himself to be held back by any feelings of guilt. His parents had his sister to take care of them, and his father to take care of his mother (his dad was always headstrong and would never admit to needing a caretaker). He had promised to visit, anyways. This could be his chance to start something new... maybe a small farming or plant business? Bryce didn't consider himself a hardcore farmer but he had grown up around tons of produce. He could live off of his own crops if he wanted to.

The dark-haired boy lightly shook his head. He felt like such a nerd as he hyped himself up about the business. Hell, he sounded like his dad. There was something fulfilling about participating in a trade, though; it wasn't like there was much else to do in this world besides bartering. Growing and selling made Bryce feel like he was something other than a total deadbeat. Had he not grown up on a farm, he probably would have never thought of growing his own food.

As the young adult strayed further into the territory, he found himself surrounded by trees, trees, and more trees. Oh, and snow. This placed looked great! Surely there was some land around here that was healthy enough to sustain a garden (once the snow began to melt, of course). From what he had heard, these folk were peaceful. Hopefully they would allow him to settle here easy-peasy. There was only one way to find out — "Hey! Anybody out here?"

The very tiny lodge skaterpunk was about to meet another of his own kind. Torrin was out with Bella, arms full with a basket various herbs and plants that were managing to thrive in the climate. Torrin in no way liked to heal entirely with herbal remedies, but the young medic saw the merit in a good peppermint tea when you had a cold.

And then this dude caught his eye. And after that dude caught his eye, his skateboarded did. Torrin’s eyes lit up and he snapped his attention just near he other boy’s face when he spoke, passing a little further out of the brush to make himself more visible. ”I am! How goes it? Can I get your name and why you’re here?”

[div style="margin-top: -6px; height: 75px; width: 250px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8px;"]TORRIN is a MALE HUMAN with HE/HIM pronouns. he is currently a medic of the FLINTLOCK LODGE and is 18 years old. he is physically MEDIUM and mentally HARD. attack in BOLD #FFB347. played by ARCTURUS..
[div style="margin-top: -6px; height: 75px; width: 250px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8px;"]TORRIN is a MALE HUMAN with HE/HIM pronouns. he is currently a medic of the FLINTLOCK LODGE and is 18 years old. he is physically MEDIUM and mentally HARD. attack in BOLD #FFB347. played by ARCTURUS..
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