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[div style="width:450px; font-family: times; font-size:10.5pt; text-align:justify"]The well defined man hesitated slightly as the silence stretched on, eyes upon him, seeming to pierce into his very soul. His Adams apple bounced again as he swallowed nervously, tongue whetting his dry and cracked lips. This was much different than the life he had lived as a gladiator, and different also to the life he had lived before even coming to the lands under control of the Romans. He missed his homeland, the thick forests, raging rivers, torrential downpours. But what he missed most of all was his innocence.

Much had happened in the years he had been here, much had been learned, ingrained into his mind over and over again with the lash of a whip. Much had been taken from him, torn from his grasp as he yet stretched out, any shred of happiness he might attain slipping through his fingers. His eyes dropped, suddenly uncomfortable with all the attention being afforded him, he was unaccustomed to the way that these people were looking at him.

His life was spent in front of the crowds, arenas full of people chanting his name, all but begging him to finish the fight. He had never felt comfortable with the roar of the crowd, demanding blood, demanding another life be taken. He had fought to survive, killed to survive, and he would forever harbor animosity towards himself for those selfish actions. Cutting the life of another short before his time was something Arnbjorg regretted. However, must they die, at least they were able to die with a sword in their hands.

There was no glory in the arena though, and the claims of such made the man's stomach turn, finally the silence was broken, probably less than a minute after his final words had been spoken, yet, it seemed ages, lifetimes. He knew little of Alfhild, but what he had gleaned was that she was a fearsome opponent, skilled in battle, highly intelligent, and after her show during their escape, well he gave equal or better credit to the rumors surrounding the mysterious Norsewoman.

Lips curled inwards as she spoke, and his brows furrowed, while lighting a fire was a risky action, he did agree that cooking the food that they were able to scrounge up was better than eating the meet raw. However, he was unwilling to allow the sparks of a fire and glow radiating from the flames to alarm the Romans as to their position. "Gratitude for your words." Arnbjorg spoke softly, dipping his head in deference to the woman.

"I would accompany you." He paused, trying to find the right words. "Should that be agreeable with you." He finished.

rainy daze | p
[div style="width:450px; font-family: times; font-size:10.5pt; text-align:justify"]Mistakes had been made, by him, by those who had underestimated his abilities. Today was an example of what happened when you didn't watch your back. Those in power often become complacent, and it was that feeling of safety which he had used against them. Terminus, it was a fitting gladiatorial name. He was the last thing many had seen before crossing over to the afterlife, now including the man who had bought him, and had him trained as a gladiator. But Terminus was no longer a name he wished to give fuel to. It had never been his name, merely what the Romans decided to call him.

The muscular man swallowed, Adams apple bobbing up and down in quick succession. He and a small clutch of others, the only surviving, had embraced the cover of darkness to put some distance between themselves and the Romans. Right now they were running for their lives, but that did not mean they should do it stupidly. Each risk had to be weighed and counter-weighed, calculated to indicate if it was truly worth it.

As impetuous as the man was, training as a gladiator had taught him more than one little trick. And one of those, was patience. His brows furrowed, and he stood up from his crouched seated position. It was unwise to have a fire, and so they were forced to travel by the dim light of the moon, a few stars whispering of the direction they should follow. If all went well, they would not be discovered, but that hinged on a multitude of ifs.

His fingers moved to the fresh scars adorning his chest, much like a necklace on a wealthy woman. The wounds caught the eye of any observer, questioning the cause of so many injuries. The man took a shaky breath in, and exhaled long and slow. There was so much that could go wrong, so many things that could stop them in their tracks... so many ways that this could fail. And yet, he would rather die trying than never try at all.

Perhaps he was a fool, perhaps they were all fools. However, the alternative did not seem any better. As lacking in religious beliefs as he was, he sent up a silent prayer to the gods, any gods that would answer... and see those he was with safely away from the cruelty of those who would seek to oppress them. The group had been walking since night set in the day prior, and it was plain to see that most were exhausted, though, who could blame them.

He was not calling the shots, he was uncertain as to who was calling the shots, making decisions, an idle group of fugitives with no leader seemed dangerous to themselves more than any who might come across them, yet, he had no intentions or will to command to others what they should do. But something needed done, "We should take a rest, set up camp in the thick woods to the east, harder to be discovered, and easily fortified..." He paused, all eyes on him.

It was not something he was accustomed to. For the first year of his time among his fellow gladiators, he had scarce spoken three words together, and now he was speaking in full sentences, albeit trailing off at the end. No, he was not a good orator. "And organize a hunting party before the cloak of darkness abandons us fully." He finished, his eyes glancing towards one of the only true friends he knew.

There were about a dozen or so of them, not a huge group, but not a group hidden as easily as one or two persons. The orchestrate of escape and sword turning on those who had trained them was dead now, passing to the next life from injuries sustained in the fight for freedom. His valiance and bravery never to be forgotten. But that left a power vacuum, one that Arnbjorg was less than eager to take up, perhaps another would fill the role more willingly.

Alfhild Eld
Alfhild regretted nothing. Would not, could not, let herself regret a single thing. Even though there was barely a whisper of the moon to guide their feet in the endless dark, her eyes kept drifting to her hands. As if she could still see the blood that had dripped from them, staining her very skin with the souls of men. No. Not men. Monsters. Truly horrible creatures the Romans were. Their archaic, barbaric methods of torture made her stomach roil. It was sickening just to think of it all. The screams that haunted every footstep she took away from the prison she had been held captive in made her keep going despite her bone weary exhaustion. She had lost track of how long she had been tortured. Days had turned into weeks, weeks into months. She knew it had been at least three months. Three months of bone breaking, skin piercing, flesh burning agony. It had been Hel itself.

She bore new scars to prove it. As if the callouses and small nicks and scars she had accumulated over the years of training to be a warrior didn't already mark her body with a story. They were still tender, but one of the first punishments she had received upon capture was some brutal hours of being whipped. Over, and over, and over. It hadn't been until they hit bone that they had stopped, but still unhappy with her refusal to yield to their wishes and give up her secrets as a lethal Nordic warrior. She never did. So when they had rubbed salt to secure scars, she had acquired some very hideous marks that stretched sideways across her back. It was the most prominent addition to her collection now. But definitely something she would never forget so long as she lived now. What she endured, and what she had to resort to for even a taste of freedom. Which is where she stood now.

She and a few other captives with spines had made a silent blood pact. Watching the kind of horrors each other had gone through, the passing days had more and more hatred and blood thirst for many things that had gleamed in each and every one of their eyes. And she remembered it as clearly as if it had just happened, although barely a day had passed already. She had been dragged again, back to her cell. Bleeding and ravaged. And she just... snapped. Couldn't contain that rage anymore as she had thrown one of her guards off balance, had access to the sword latched at his side, and just slit his throat. And then many more after until many of the other captives snapped too. One or two that now struggled along in their band she had helped free from their cells, and ever since, have run. Not in a cowardly fashion but, to ensure freedom and life. They have been on the run ever since. Barely stopping, barely resting despite the exhaustion and pain they had already endured.

But the troupe of men she was with stopped. Only one man cleared his throat to speak, albeit a little hesitant to suggest making camp and forming a hunting party for the night. As she also turned her ruthless gaze upon him, eyes clear and always calculating, she saw an uncomfortable weight that seemed to sit heavy on his shoulders. But then his eyes found hers, almost questioning as if he was doing okay. He was the only one that she was comfortable with. Shared whispers in the dark that kept each other going, although she didn't really knew who he was. What his name was, she didn't think. Something-bjorg. She stuck to the edge of the group, not wanting to step into that spotlight again. Not just yet. She merely nodded her head a little bit encouragingly. He covered everything they really needed. More solidified protection, and food. And then rest for however long they might dare before they needed to continue on. She wasn't quite happy with how much distance they had gained between them and the Roman's but, it would by them a little bit of time to do all of those things. Barely.

"I agree." Was all she said, the only one to actually speak up in return. Many of the men looked like they could have dropped dead then and there, based on the exhaustion that clouded their eyes and their steps. "I can go ahead and start trying to hunt something down that we could cook over a small fire that can be hidden. Although we would have to snuff it out as soon as we're done cooking." She mused, looking around to make her point get across that it'd be another chilly night before her eyes met her only friends again.

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