made by zenith

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created by zenith

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      [size=7pt][color=#403645][b][font=arial]carrd - valkyrie ♡#6182 - char. gallery
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i'm warning u

all we do is drive
「arps ∙ zen's bby child ∙ premade fancieschar dump
created by zenith

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「 ✧*:・゚— SOME TURN TO DUST OR TO GOLD // group rp」
Welcome to D-190, the docking bay where all pods are stored. Please, make yourself at home, you're going to be here awhile...

Every member of Pod-861 will be gathering in the cafeteria to receive their instructions from Captain Ashanti Zain. Common areas of the Dock are the med bay, the sleeping wing, the cafeteria, and center console. Every section has large glass windows perfect for looking out into space. The members of Pod-861 will be loaded into their space pod and shot into the atmosphere of nearby planet, Aurilia. Their mission is to record the living conditions of the planet and look for signs of life.

The crew will face challenges they've never encountered before. They will be pushed to their limits and forced to survive among strangers. The terrain will be rough, the weather treacherous, but they will persist. If they fail, then they'll die. The odds are in your hands...


The Captain/Pilot- This is the leader of the group of misfits lost in space. They're level headed, and unbiased with their decision making. Many people look up to them. They also pilot the Pods on expeditions. played by [member=8206]APHRODITE ♡[/member]

The Co-Captain- The future leader of the group, the Second in Command, or Co-Captain as many refer to them as, dishes out the daily chores and duties the other members have to do, whether its cooking and cleaning in the Dock's kitchen or training the new members in the sparring room. played by [member=8130]solstice[/member]

The Doctor- Self-explanatory. They are the medics on board the Pod. They can treat anything from a splinter to a missing limb. played by [member=2996]BEATLES.[/member]

The Mechanic- This person is solely responsible for fixing up the Pods and helping on board the Dock. They are a necessity among the crew of Pod-861, definitely the most valued person. played by [member=8913]persephone .[/member]

The Programmer- The nerd of the Pod. Known for their coding skills and ways with a computer. Mess with them and they'll turn off your Wi-fi. They also help the mechanic with fixing the Androids and Cyborgs. played by [member=5146]zenith[/member]

The Soldier- They're the one who will train you in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. They are an extremely skilled fighter, the best of the best. played by [member=122]finny.[/member]

The Herbologist- They are the plant-parents of the Pod. They can tell you which species of plant are edible and which will leave you in the infirmary. played by [member=8315]yongsook[/member]

The Nurse- Once again, self-explanatory. They're the Doctors second hand man. played by [member=8984]nibbles ✭[/member]

The Architect- They have the building skills needed for survival. played by [member=3036]icarus.[/member]
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"Captain's Log 001. I don't exactly know how to start this off. This is Captain Zain of Pod-861, reporting for duty." Tia sighed, her brows furrowing as she stared down at the little black voice recorder in her palm. She turned the device thrice in hand before continuing. "All orders have been received from command central. Currently, we are sat in the Dock cafeteria awaiting further instruction..." The cafeteria, normally bustling with energy and people, was quiet this early morning. The captain flexed her metal arm and glanced up at the large double doors that stood as the entrance to the room. She was waiting for the other members of the pod to make their way in so she could meet them all and give them all their instructions for the day. They'd be boarding the pod soon and she wanted everyone in tip-top shape. This was her first mission as captain and she wanted to show command central it wasn't a mistake.

Nervousness wasn't a typical trait of hers but today she was especially nervous to meet everyone. Ashanti hummed softly and turned the recorder off for the moment, placing it on the table in front of her. Wrapping her arms around her tiny body, she only then noticed she was shaking like a leaf. Her hands played with the zipper of her navy blue jumpsuit as she thought more on whether of not the new crew members would get along with her. They were heading to a brand new planet, if everyone didnt listen to her command they could get themselves killed or worse, she looked down at her metal limbs, they could end up like her.

Shifting her weight from leg to leg, she grimaced in pain as the cybernetic metal pinched at her scarred skin. Ever since the accident, she had been in more pain than ever before when it came to her new robotic limbs. Tia pulled over a nearby chair and sat herself in it, rubbing her bare hand against the seam where skin met metal. The skin was red, irritated, and puffy, in contrast to her deep complexion. She made a mental note to stop by the med bay on her way back to her room. She picked up the recorder once more and began her closing sentence. "We will board the Pod later this evening. This is Captain Zain signing out."
[div style=" borderwidth=0px; width: 310px; height:35px; background-color: transparent; line-height: 35px; font-size:20px; font-family: arial; text-transform: none; color: #898989;"][align=center][abbr=DUMP][fa]trash[/fa][/abbr]  [abbr=BIO][fa]info-circle[/fa][/abbr]  [abbr=PLAYLIST][fa]music[/fa][/abbr]  [abbr=MOODBOARD][fa]picture-o[/fa][/abbr]  [abbr=CAPTAIN OF THE POD][fa]tags[/fa][/abbr]  [abbr=SINGLE][fa]heart-o[/fa][/abbr]
Analiese navigated the halls of the Dock at a brisk pace, her strides long and sure and punctuated by a soft mechanical whine. While her thoughts were on auto-pilot, directing her to the cafeteria, her eyes darted to each and every window she passed. As always they found the darkness of space sparsely lit by faraway celestial bodies. Her child-like wonder never burned out seeing the stars. Nothing could snuff it out, not even the dull, constantly humming reminder of what she was now.

For now, the mental reminder of what lay ahead made her focus on the approaching doors. Ana paused before them, hearing the faint sound of a lone voice on the other side. She stifled a strong yawn and ran a hand through her brown hair. Still damp. And tangled, she discovered painfully. Thinking she was running late, Ana had put aside combing and putting her hair up. The woman took a minute to twist it into a practical bun. She drew a long, slow breath with one final check to smooth out the top. Sloppy, she chastised herself, but it'll have to do.

Another deep breath, and she pushed open one of the doors. The cafeteria was full of unoccupied tables and chairs, save for one; a woman in a dark blue jumpsuit sat with a device in one hand. Probably a recorder, Ana thought as the woman spoke to the device. "... Captain Zain, signing out." She straightened up and began walking towards her. She vainly tried to ignore the pricking sensation in her back that started when she moved.

This early, Ana wasn't feeling so hungry, and she claimed a chair nearby the other woman. There was a moment of silence as she eased in to her seat, contemplating what she should say, and deciding on a simple, pleasant introduction. "Co-Cap Sokoloff, Ana, Pod-861. Nice to meet you."

i need a[br]taste of freedom

i need some room to breathe
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