
CULTURE Werewolves are known for their loyalty, down to earth nature, and risk-loving personalities. They reside in packs typically, though can be "loner wolfs". They typically keep to their own kind, wary of vampires, and often feeling most at ease with their own kind. Werewolves are usually regarded as the neutral occult, more often only to attack when threatened.
> TRANSFORMATIONS The curse of the moon ensures werewolves endure a more irrational transformation every full moon. Despite this, at any other time, werewolves are able to transform at will with practice. The transformation itself is, at first, extremely painful, but as repeated, becomes nothing more than discomfort. Werewolves can only become such through bloodlines, or by being bitten by an existing werewolf during a full moon.
> APPEARANCE Werewolves look just like ordinary wolves, only twice as large and powerful. However, while in their human form, strong emotions can trigger slight alterations in their appearance- their eyes shifting to a green or gold, canines lengthening, or hair changing color.
> ABILITIES Much like vampires, werewolves possess heightened speed and strength, even when not in their lycan form. Their sense of smell is also heightened, even when not in wild form. This translates to recognizing individual scents of others, they are able to alert of someone coming nearby, or track someone they wish to pursue. They also share regenerative health in both their forms. Werewolves also can read other werewolves' minds when in their canine form. They are most dangerous in their wolf form, for whether you run or hide, you're unlikely to survive an attack unless armed.
> WEAKNESSES As the legend goes, the best way to mark a werewolf and find their true identity is to remove an appendage (a finger, eye, arm, etc.) and look for this missing limb when in their human form. Fire is also a major damager to werewolves, posing a serious threat they cannot always regenerate from unless minor. Lastly, silver bullets will easily take down a werewolf if aimed correctly. Silver bullets will tear through them, and burn intensely. Once removed, the werewolf will begin to heal, but while embedded, they are impaired much more than normal ammunition. Werewolves will avoid silver jewelry as well, as if left on for an extended period of time, it will begin to eat through their flesh.
> PACKS Most werewolves do belong to a pack of their choice. Though most pack nowadays are non-traditional due to modern perspectives, each pack decides it’s own hierarchy and organization. Today, most packs are simply made up of like minded lycans. Wolves are extremely loyal creatures, and that is shared in their blood. Packs are sworn to look after one another, so beware when harming a werewolf belonging to a pack.
vampiresharbingershalfmoon countydiscord



> are werewolves immortal?
not quite. they do have longer lifespans (averaging around 100-120 years) but they are not immortal like vampires. they do age, though at a slightly slower rate due to their regenerative health.

> do werewolves eat humans?
no, not commonly. werewolves may harm/hunt humans in their wolf form if they 1) wish to or 2) have not controlled their urges. werewolves usually only harm humans when they’re newly turned, they are seeking someone out, or it is a full moon. usually a werewolf, if during a full moon or otherwise with an uncontrolled temper, will be very animalistic and may tear the body apart, but they very rarely actually ingest humans, as it is taboo in the community.

> can werewolves conceive?
yes, though only in their human form. when pregnant, they will not be able to transition and instead will only feel moody/unstable during the full moons that pass, as their body is adjusting. again, werewolf children will not transition until their puberty years.

> what happens when a werewolf bites a werewolf/harbinger on a full moon?
(there are no hybrids in hmc) because of their regenerative properties and otherworldly origins, harbingers and werewolves are immune to a werewolf's cursed bite. however, the bite will harm them greater than an ordinary bite due to the power behind it. it will burn and take longer to heal, but is recoverable.

eyes black, big jaws
And it's poison in his blood
A big fire, big burn
Into the ashes and no return
٬٬----You are the sound that I hear
you are the sound that i hear
We are not standing
We are falling
ORIGINS The first werewolf was born centuries ago from the curse of the sun and moon, just as the first vampire. The lycan brother found himself lonely and angry, and upon discovering the power of the full moon's bite, turned many of his loved ones in selfish greed. Since, the curse has spread to many who still reside in Halfmoon County, a few different packs native to Lunar Point and Hallow Vale that still hold power.
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