A Night's Dreaming ~Joining~
What was she thinking going up a mountian while it still was cold in nothing but a thin, holey, black jacket over a dark grey tank top, with ripped, black, skinny jeans, and plain black, steel toe boots. She was obviously not perpared for the cold, but that didn't stop her from continuing on. She reached up and pulled out the rubberband that she had in her blonde her, letting her hair fall to about mid back. "Now my neck won't be cold." She said to herself since no one was around. She kept her whole body moving so she wouldn't get cold, but she knew sooner or later, probably sooner, she would freeze to death if she didn't find a place to stay.

The young girl looked at the sky as she walked and didn't pay any attention to the ground around her. All it took was one wrong step and the girl went down. As the girl sat up she frowned. "Way to go Cecelia." She complained to herself as she looked at her right ankle, it had already swollen. She didn't dare to try and push forward for the time been and hope that there was others near by. Cecelia looked at the sky again, but using her hands and her left foot to move next to a tree. She decided to wait and just hoped to be found.

Cecelia looked at the sky again as time past slowly to her and since she wasn't moving around she started to get cold. This only made her ankle hurt more, plus she was getting sleepy since, she liked to sleep when it was cold to her. She knew that she couldn't sleep right now and so she started moving here hands and arms to keep herself warm enough, but she still hoped that help would arrive soon, rather than later.
[align=center][div style="width: 470px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 7pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]Truth be told, there had also been a time once in Eddie's life where he too had that same niggling thought at the back of his mind: what the hell was he doing here? Boston looked like a lifetime away now, skyscrapers dominating the skies, peering down and applauding any brave soul who still had the tenacity to battle it out for territories and goods in a world which had otherwise abandoned them. Despite the destruction down below, those high-rises lingered in a recumbent commiseration, marked as sorrowful reminders of just how far mankind had come before the sudden regression back into the dark ages. 

Back then, the Stirling family was in their prime and Eddie grew up in a world where he was given every opportunity to thrive. Some would even say that the teenaged boy was taking a very sinister path in becoming a vicious man. Perhaps little had changed in that light - same man, different circumstance. His world had been tilted off of its axis the day his family was torn apart by their arch enemies. The Stirling empire had finally fallen in Boston and now the only proof of their power was his father's reputation that so often preceded him. Up this very mountain Eddie trekked alongside his father and step-mother, two young children in tow, as the base of Flintlock Lodge had always been decided upon as the family's safe house if situations in Boston were to ever go awry. Once things would turn in their favour once more, then they would swiftly return to Boston to take a firm hold on what was theirs once more... At least, that had been the plan.

Half a decade on and most of the Stirling family had reconvened in one way or another. His father was buried deep in the ground where he belonged, and Eddie had since taken on his position as the head of the family. Some of his brothers had found their ways back to this new place that they called home. Alfie had died in this lodge as a noble man. Nik did not have the good fortune of doing so. Thomas had kept his loyalty to his brother unwavering for years, but there had come a time where he had chosen that it was finally time to reunite with the woman that he loved for the sake of their son and their happiness. Eddie missed his older brother's firm means of providing advice, but no man could step in the way of love. It'd be foolish to do so. As for Franklin, he had finally come to his senses upon realising that running away from the duties of a Stirling was futile.

Frank was the only brother that Eddie had left, and sometimes it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Despite the tension that had once been apparent between the brothers, Frank had to admit that Eddie was right all along. It was a win in Eddie's books, and so he'd offer to give his brother another chance. He had to count his blessings; some people would kill to have a second chance with a loved one.

And so together they'd wander on an evening patrol together, making sure all Flintlockers were safe and sound in the comfort of the lodge before nightfall. The nights out here were a death wish, and Eddie wasn't sure he could bear the thought of one of the younger members stumbling across a hypothermic body one day. The brothers wandered in silence, Eddie's brows bunched together firmly as he trudged through the slowly melting snow.  ❝ Ed. ❞ Frank alerted with a mutter, pointed finger landing on a small silhoutette pressed up against a tree in the distance.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a woman, an unrecognisable one at that. ❝ Are you hurt? ❞ Eddie enquired upon approaching, instinctively feeling for the strap that kept his rifle close to his person just in case this were a set-up. One could never be too sure nowadays, especially after the trouble that Flintlock had faced formerly. Those wicked events that had sealed Alfie's fate in the first place. Eddie wasn't prepared to lose his only remaining brother, even if the woman did appear to be unassuming.

Frank was less concerned of any perceived risks, sighing before crouching down nearby and shimmying his thick coat off to reveal a thinner layer beneath. He offered the thick coat to the woman without question, the cold sending a shudder coursing through his body at the sudden new chill he felt in the air. ❝ The lodge is not too far away. Just hidden behind those trees over there. ❞ He nodded towards the grove of trees in the distance before looking up towards Ed for instruction. With a sigh,  Eddie reached for his walkie talkie, ❝ Injured newcomer just east of the village. We're gonna need a sled. ❞

And, with that, Ed looked back towards the woman, his usual deadpan expression perhaps somewhat intimidating, before he stated, ❝ Lets get you seen to first. Once you've warmed up and someone has checked your ankle, I'll need to know what brought you all the way here. ❞ Especially with her lack of warm coat, Edmund observed warily. She could have been chased this way. If so, where was the danger? Would it risk Flintlock? Was she the danger? A damsel in distress, only to turn around and strike once Flintlock got too comfortable? Was she a member from one of the many groups that wanted to see Flintlock crumble? Perhaps many would brush Ed off as too suspicious, but his suspicious nature was what kept people safe.


Cecelia had been focusing on keeping herself warm when she heard other voices. Looking at the two males that were near her, especially looking at Edmund. "I mean no harm, I was just looking for a home." Cecelia said knowing that her old home was gone. Especially since she was on her own. Cecelia nodded when she was asked if she was hurt. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and hurt my ankle." She said.

Cecelia looked at both men still. She hadn't even said her name yet, but she hadn't even thought about it, since she was still deciding whether if it was a good idea to trust these two. "Who are you?" She asked not sure what kind of reaction that would get from them. She just hoped to have a home.

When Frank offered her his coat it took her by surprise. She didn't except that either one of them would be that nice. "Thanks." She said now having a source of being warm. That's when she decided that it was probably safe now. "I'm Cecelia Mac." Cecelia said now telling the two her name. Cecelia nodded to what Edmund said. No one brought her here, she came on her own free will. She had no family or home.
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