[align=right]Territory ⚜⚜

Vice World's territory starts at a wide open parking lot, with abandoned cars and overgrown weeds. There is a wide arch into the park, where the park's previously lit name proudly loomed, but the N and O from the original name had fallen off, leaving a lights-out VICE WORLD to watch over the vacant lot. Past the gates, a statue of two bison stand. Buffy, and Bronco, the mascots for the park. Buffy's horn has fallen off, and Bronco is missing his tail. Past them, a trade center stands. It's a busy market, with thieves, scammers, and all sorts of unfortunate faces just trying to make a living. Beyond that, is the housing units, scraped together with scraps from all around the park, made form the gift shop, and several concession stands. Past the trading ring and the houses lies the park's most treasured spot--a giant bison head, protruding from the ground. In it's mouth, the Overboss' chamber lies. The only way in and out is a long-winded staircase.

From the main park, it branches off into the other three attractions. Astralland is the closest, also being the smallest. It's got a ride that shows the evolution of space age, from first discovering space, until it's most recent update (several years prior to the power outage). There's a brief rollercoaster that's a shoot-for-points, where it takes you through space, and you have to fight against the aliens attacking Earth! It doesn't work anymore, and the track has fallen apart and clogged. The robots and cut-outs have since rotted and fallen apart, leaving behind a creepy remanence of what was. The park itself isn't as worse as the others, as it had a wide, open dome to protect the electronics and other things from the weather. There's some fallen pieces of the dome, but none of the stuff isn't terribly rusted, nor rotten. Due to the roof collapsing in the inside bit of the rollercoaster, and the part of the dome covering it also having fallen in, the building is worse for wear. It's livable and easily the cleanest out of the entire amusement park.

Titanpark has everything large. It's the furthest from the main park. The cups, the rides, the seats, the food. It's all comical, really. The largest ride is the rollercoaster, expanding through the entirety of the park, including the entrance. Just watch your head! A part of the track had fallen off, where the coach had also fallen, leaving a good, hefty dent in the pavement. In the middle of the park, a tall ferris wheel stands, creaking and groaning, threatening to fall over. There's a giant mountain, but it's hollow inside, instead being a restaurant, where the large foods were made and sold. Don't look for food there now, it's all gone! The third worse-for-wear, with the rollercoaster falling apart, the mountain slowly crumbling, and the ferris wheel on it's last legs. It's not the worst place to live, but it's also not the best.

Thrillfair isn't too far, between the other two parks' distance. Stepping through the gates, right off the bat, will send anyone wishing they could turn around. This park had suffered the worst out of all of them, the rain had rusted everything, leaving metal joints creaky. The mannequins that haunt the park seem to move on their own, missing an arm or a leg and sometimes even a head. Halloween decorations, left abandoned to swing in the wind. Nothing here seems comforting, everything keeping you on edge. Not at all a recommended place to live, but yet still some choose to stay.

Behind Thrillfair, between it and Titanpark, a fourth park was destined to be created. A zoo, based around everything animals. However, because of the bankruptcy declare, and the loss of power, the project was abandoned. It's now just a space full of supplies and animal cages.
History ⚜⚜

Novice World, when at it's peak, was one of the most successful amusement parks in the whole city. However, funnily enough, it was the name that was it's downfall. No one wanted to go to a park named Novice World--it made people feel as if this park would never become anything greater than what it was. In a desperate attempt to gain money, the owner of Novice World put forth a project on bringing more to the park. During the add-on of a fourth attraction, about to be a world dedicated to animals, the owner had to file bankruptcy, as he could no longer afford neither the construction, and the ability to keep the park running. Novice World closed its doors permanently.

About five to ten years later, the power outage had struck. The lights of the park stayed on, but within the initial strike and those fifteen years until all power was lost, the grid shut down, and had not been able to turn on since. However, it was gaining the attention of a group of people, destined to make a living out of the park. They were called raiders for a while, stealing form other groups that began to form, and other, innocent settlements nearby. The three main groups were formed, although they were ridiculously named, the leaders were very proud of their group names.

Magnus, the current Overboss, found Vice World, and had quickly climbed the ranks between all the people living there. He gained the trust of the three gangs, and took over Vice World with an iron fist. Now, everything that goes, goes with his say, or else. While he rules the entire park, he also is in charge of who comes and who goes (as well as the Second in Command).

Upon finding how big of an attraction Vice World had gotten, Magnus gained the idea of opening tours for extra money. He realized that this would both benefit Vice World via money, and possible group members.
Ranks ⚜⚜

  (1/1) Played by [member=10306]timothy[/member]

Second in Command[b]
  (0/1) Played by ---

[b]Park Leaders

  (0/3) Played by ---

  (0/5) Played by ---

Trade Overseers
  (0/5) Played by ---

  (0/3) Played by ---


[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
track! u know i'm interested!

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

[align=center][shadow=#72d3fe,right]TRADE ALL MY TOMORROWS FOR JUST ONE YESTERDAY,[/shadow]

[Image: 782656776469479424.gif?v=1]

[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify;line-height:1.2;font-size:9pt;"]omg i am obsessed w the territory especially!!

i know they seem to be mostly rough n tumble, but i think it would be so cool if they held kinda like tours of the park or something for characters to visit? something along those lines bc i know some of my characters wouldn’t fit in but also would like to visit the park to see what everyone’s been talking about. maybe like a lil visitor pass thing so ppl can walk the park i not sure!
[align=center][shadow=#211B26,right]SANDER  F U C K I N G  COHEN[/shadow]

ohh i love the idea of tours!! bring in that extra money aside from raids heheheh

[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
[align=center][shadow=#211B26,right]SANDER  F U C K I N G  COHEN[/shadow]

updated the guide a little bit! filled out the history and changed the picture

[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
[align=center][shadow=#211B26,right]SANDER  F U C K I N G  COHEN[/shadow]

Going to change group hostility to minimum. They’re a very isolated, self-centred group, but if desperate, will raid others. Also going to add that tour idea!

More inputs are more than welcome <3 I’m very excited for this group!!

[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
VICE WORLD - interest check!
[div style="overflow: auto; width:400px; min-height: 10px; background-color:transparent; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; color: black; margin-top: 5px; padding-top: 5px;"]
[align=center][shadow=#72d3fe,right]TRADE ALL MY TOMORROWS FOR JUST ONE YESTERDAY,[/shadow]
[div style="color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; width: 395px; border-top: 3px solid #ffa2f6; padding-right: 5px"]

hey yall!! i have a group idea, inspired by nuka-world from fallout 4!
basically, it's a group that lives in an abandoned amusement park. there will be four total parks; the main one, astralland, titanpark, and thrillfair! the group will be mostly antagonistic, but will leave most of the groups alone

feedback and inquiries are welcomed!!

i'll post the guide in the next post :^)

[align=left]RESIDENT EVIl. bioha7ard
[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
[align=right]Introduction ⚜⚜

Welcome to Vice World, formerly Novice World, an amusement park, abandoned and left to rot several years before the power outage. Left to the generosity of nature, the rides and everything that attracted the crowds were taken over with vines, creatures, and other unpleasant things, destined to reclaim what was originally theirs.

It houses three small parks: Astralland, a place dedicated to everything space! From space-age, to the most recent moon landing! You can find everything you ever wished for with space here. The martians, aliens, and other extraterrestrial beings seem to haunt the park in forms of spooky statues, rusted and falling apart. Titanpark, based around a familiar fear of megalophobia. Everything here will make you feel tiny, from the giant rollercoaster, to the sky-scraping ferris wheel. Everything is just so ridiculously large, that even the prices are inflated! Thrillfair, a horror-theme park, perfect for your every day Halloween fix! With spooky rides, jumpscares, and.... zombies? No, those are just mannequins. There's a lot of those around here, you'd think they moved on their own!

Novice World is not responsible for injury, dismemberment, or death.
Rules & FAQ ⚜⚜

The first, most important rule is always listen to the Overboss.
- Do not attack other groups without the Overboss' say-so.
- No power-play allowed. Everyone has to be equal here.
- No bigotry. If there is any hate spread either IC or OOC, staff will be notified.
- Fist fighting is allowed, but if weapons are drawn, it better be a good reason for it.
- All high positions must be respected. A warning and punishment will be handled.
- If you are to settle in Vice World, loyalty is a demand. If it's found out that there's any alliance with another group, punishment and possibly exile will be put forth.
- Traders are welcomed, but must be checked before entering the park for weapons, lack of supplies, or anything else that can hurt Vice World in any way.
[align=right]Other ⚜⚜

There are three gangs.

There is the Coterie - a group centered around each other. They are clean, smart, and focused on success. They are very clique-y, and like to look after only their own. They own Astralland.

There's the Ferals - a group of people who are dedicated to living more animalistic. They live off the land and make the most of what they have. Animal fights, mostly dogs, happen regularly here. They own Titanpark.

Then there's the Bleeding Streets - a completely unhinged group, desperate for bloodshed wherever they go. They're completely off the rails, and very unpredictable. They own Thrillfair.
Politics ⚜⚜

They are a neutral group. They’re very isolated, but they will, when desperate and out of supplies, raid near-by groups or settlements.



[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
[align=center][abbr=he/they/it]♛[/abbr]when i miss you
[align=center]come and kiss me[abbr=19 yrs][/abbr]
[align=center]with a smile[abbr=19 yrs]♛[/abbr]
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