cherry bomb, head strong [&] o, just an entire hawk
they remind him of his brother. 

the massive birds of prey circle the air, lazy and strong and poised to strike.  his brother had always stalked the alleyways in such a manner, great strides and scarred features daring anyone to get in his way.  he had always been harsh on pyrrhic, but the younger knew it had all been out of love, out of the need to know that his little brother could defend himself should the need every arise.  of course, as naive as he was, pyrrhic had dodged as many training sessions as possible, preferring to practice with ranged weapons rather than get sweaty and injured in close combat.  even a pole arm was better than the various swords and daggers he'd been presented with.

oh to be one of those hawks, able to strike and kill with no extra weapons, to be strong enough to survive on its own.  it had taken losing everything he'd ever known to force himself to become something his brother might've been proud of.  pyrrhic still refused to fight more than was absolutely necessary, but he put that pretty little head to better use these days.  he'd long since emptied it of the various poems and tales and art techniques of his youth, making space for more pertinent knowledge.  it left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he wasn't going to survive out here any other way.

it's only been a few months since he first arrived at the outskirts of the freezing territory, but he'd already found his place.  well, perhaps not exactly, but it felt far more right to stand beneath the circling avians than it did to make small talk with the other inhabitants of the lodge.  years of tracking and hunting and careful observation had taught him a lot, and so did his keeping of various birds in his younger years.  now, he stood languidly with his right arm outstretched, the makeshift leather guard wrapped about the forearm to provide protection from the killer talons.  pyrrhic's sharp gaze tracked a particular red-tailed hawk, one with quite a bit of white feathering on the wings, as it followed the air currents.

this hawk had been the first one he'd been able to get close to, having run across the avian feasting upon his own meal while pyrrhic had only just grabbed some various animals from the traps he'd laid out the previous day.  through patience and perseverance that he only ever reserved for his most close-kept interests, he'd eventually formed some semblance of a bond with the hawk.  even nameless as he was, his readiness to descend from his hunt down rest heavily upon the lodger's arm was enough.  the duo was no fighting team, but pyrrhic nevertheless enjoyed being out here, the briefest of interacts enough to drive away the chill of the slowly thawing winter.

turning' heads : " i got all the eyes on me "
[ pyrrhic n. flintlock lodge member info hub ]
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 400px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]

freddie often boasted to himself that he was one of the worst people to come across. sure, if people were of little use to him, then he wasn’t likely to reveal his true colors and give them any trouble. that didn’t make him any less of a monster. he was still a violent man that longed for destruction wherever he went. he could burn the entire world down to the ground without any remorse. it made it hard for him to try and relate to people that chose a more pacifist way of life. what was the point in life if you couldn’t cause a bit of trouble?

he had been keeping to himself, walking absently around the territory when he’d taken notice of pyrrhic. he watched with curiosity at the man’s outstretched arm, following his gaze up towards the birds that circled above. fred might not have thought much of it, until one of the hawks descended, making itself comfortable on pyrrhic’s outstretched arm. that managed to pique his interest.

stepping closer towards the duo, he observed, “now that’s badass.” perhaps not the wording pyrrhic would have chosen, himself, but fred didn’t seem bothered by it. besides, to fred, it was definitely badass in its own way. “how long did it take you to learn that, huh?”

[spoiler=tags ― updated 03/04.][size=8pt]◜BASICSTHE CURSES OF DIAMONDS AND RINGS
‣  ❝ frederick flynn stirling ❞ | freddie, fred, freds | male [he/him] .
24 years old . | june 20th; gemini.
‣  currently the warlord of flintlock lodge

‣  boisterous . adaptable . athletic . articulate . brilliant . captivating . charismatic . charming . clever . confident . precise . youthful . loyal . amusing. aggressive . deceptive . proud . smooth . stubborn . traditional . argumentative . conceited . difficult . greedy . power-hungry . impatient .
↳ lover of beer and attention
↳ considers himself royalty

five foot ten & one hundred and seventy five pounds ; reference .
↳ blonde hair kept short and neat
↳ muscular, toned build
↳ blue eyes , often alight with mischief , a deceitful smile

‣  kelby stirling x lydia clarks | whereabouts unknown
‣ has a brother named william and two sisters named harriet and lucy
‣ large family; multiple cousins and other relatives

‣  bisexual ; monogamous | never had a serious relationship before . noncommittal
‣ ex-lover to mollie hawthorne
↳ when she announced she was pregnant, he broke things off with her to avoid commitment . still loves her .

‣  [ 9/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ very difficult ] | difficulty w/ melees [ difficult ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ difficult ]
[member=1512]elysian.[/member] | dm for any major plots .
‣  friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .[/size][/spoiler]

[align=center][div style="width:345px; font-family: arial; font-size:10pt; color: #060845;"]DON'T JUST STAND AND STARE
[size=10pt]*・゚[abbr=24 years old, male, flintlock]✦[/abbr] COME ON AND BARE YOUR TEETH
rightfully assumed, badass is not the term that pyrrhic would've used to describe the situation he is currently in.  in fact, he would never ascribe such words to himself and his interests, no matter what they were.  years of being his brother's pretty little shadow did little to bolster his sense of self, and even the bird of prey that rested upon his arm seemed much more trivial than freddie seemed to think it was.  in pyrrhic's eyes, the avian was merely a song bird in disguise.  treating it as such allowed for him to get as close as he did, as quickly as he had.  it was no different than the doves and canaries he'd spent so much time around, when he got down to it.

the male turns slowly towards freddie, not wanting to upset the balance of his feathered companion.  "you think so?" he queries in response, the words far more vulnerable and uncertain than usual.  even when he'd taken out his first dummy target under his da-ge's supervision, the older man had merely nodded his head before commanding him to go again.  that feeling of power, of being 'badass' had been extinguished in that short moment.  pyrrhic doesn't feel like dwelling on what once was though, instead focussing in on the question freddie had posed.  "erhm..." he lets out, eyes darting about in the space before him in an attempt to map out the blurred years of his past and pinpoint an answer.  "it's been...quite a few years," he finally gives, hoping it's an answer enough.  "i used to care for smaller birds when i was a lot younger, i guess you can say i've had a lot of practice."

that was a lot more information than he'd usually enjoy giving out to someone he barely had any connection with, but in this moment he felt he could give it up.  what harm would come from freddie knowing he'd taken care of birds?  perhaps he'd appear a little less badass, but wasn't that his one condition for being here anyways?  don't bring too much attention to himself, to pass in the shadows and slide beneath the notice of his group-mates.  pyrrhic was here to be a simply useful member of flintlock lodge, not to be the diva standing center stage.  as if sensing the inner turmoil, the hawk lets out a low sound, turning his piercing gaze to pyrrhic and cocking his head to one side as if asking what was wrong.  "intelligent birds," the man hums, more to himself than to freddie.

turning' heads : " i got all the eyes on me "
[ pyrrhic n. flintlock lodge member info hub ]
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Edmund was hopeless with animals.

They spoke an unspoken language, one in which Eddie struggled to learn and memorise. They lived their lives so differently to him, he’d imagine, with the way their world was so uncomplicated. Unequivocally, they did not feel in the same way that Eddie did; the crushing sensation of dread and misery still lingered wherever Eddie walked. But that was the curse of humankind — emotional intelligence led to heartbreak, and heartbreak tended to break people like Eddie.

Perhaps they were more similar than Eddie wanted to believe, though. After all, he too made it through this life with a hierarchy of needs and desires. The desire to eat, to drink, to seek shelter and, like a hawk, Eddie preferred to be alone.

He frowned as he came across Pyrrhic and Freddie, soon noticing the hawk perched on Pyrrhic’s arm before Eddie slowed to a stop nearby. ❝ You… tamed that? ❞ He questioned, nodding towards the bird before he looked away, taking a slow drag of his cigarette before he spoke through a plume of smoke, ❝ Impressive. ❞ Whilst Eddie had limited knowledge on falconry, he did know that birds of prey had their uses. ❝ You gonna train it to hunt? ❞ He asked, soon adding, ❝ Could do with a couple extra rabbits for when the others return from Northstar District. ❞


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