an act of kindness || open
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harrison had to admit, it had been a long while since he’d busied himself in the lodge’s kitchen. it didn’t make sense sometimes to come up to the lodge from the village - not unless he ran out of ideas, or wasn’t busy at his newly-opened salon. looked like things lined up perfectly for him to try and put his so-called “baking skills” to the test. was it bad that even after multiple semi-successful attempts at making cakes, he was still completely clueless on the exact steps to get there?

winging it seemed to be his specialty. except for this time. eyeing the batter, he let go of the spoon inside - just to see it sticking up in the thick mix. “i’m trying to make a cake… but i think this looks more like bread dough, don’t you think?” he asked no one in particular, swiveling his gaze around to the people in the next room over. he couldn’t help but scoff at his attempt, holding the bowl up to show. “i think i could hold this upside-down and it wouldn’t budge.” his eyes looked almost pleadingly at the people within the living room, as if he were begging for at least someone to come and help him out of this mess.
[align=center][div style="width: 370px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4; color: black;"]— colt had been taking a moment to breathe, splayed out on a couch in the living room. his cheeks were rosy, and his hair was slightly damp; it was clear that he'd just been out in the cold for some time. he was dressed in a simple t-shirt, jeans, and socks; his heavy boots sat on the ground beside him, and his coat and other outerwear had been folded up next to him, still dusted with snow. he'd been out setting some traps all morning - he didn't usually mingle in the living room long, but he was tired - and just happy to be out of the cold.

the mercenary had noticed harrison's presence behind him in the kitchen, but didn't really pay him any mind until he spoke. at the other man's words, he lifted his head to look, curious.  "that's gonna be a cake?" he would question, quirking a brow as he stood. "think you might've missed a few steps. or added some." he rolled up his sleeves and walked over, frowning, eyeing the bowl of concrete-like dough. he wrinkled his nose. "looks pretty stuck, but i bet i could get it out. let me see." he held out his hands to take the bowl.

[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Eddie could claim that he was a jack of all trades but a master of none, but even still his baking skills were not up to scratch whatsoever. It tended to be a hobby of his mother’s, tasked with the job of having to bake half a dozen birthday cakes a year to cater for her large family. As for Eddie, he couldn’t claim to have ever learned how to make baked goods, his limited knowledge in grilling foods over a fire being the extent of what he knew about making food to eat. Anything more complicated, and he’d be left more puzzled than ever.

Lips parted as he peered over towards Harrison, curious to see the result of his efforts. But, instead of seeing a thick batter, the batter could only be likened to bread dough if anything. Colt would lend a hand which was a relief seeing as this certainly was not Ed's area of expertise. If only Frank was still around; he would’ve helped Harrison, just like they always used to before Frank chose to leave. Eddie’s features were unmoving, desperate to will the thought of his older brother away before he rose to his feet and wandered into the kitchen to take a look for himself.

❝ Okay... ❞ Eddie mumbled softly as he leaned on the counter of the kitchen island, brows bunching together as he shifted his gaze from the bowl to Harrison. ❝ I’m sure that’ll make something. Not sure a cake, but definitely something. ❞ He pointed out in a soft utterance, lowering his head as a small ghost of a smile found its way to his lips for a moment. Only Harrison could amuse Eddie like this. The smile faltered quickly, Eddie taking in a deep breath before straightening up.

❝ Would putting water in it help? ❞ Eddie was by no means an unintelligent man — if anything, he was quite the opposite — but nobody could expect him to know a thing about the sweeter things in life. He didn’t understand baking and creative hobbies and a softness that it could bring; all he knew was the harshness of life, as if the earth below his feet was a battleground wherever he’d tread.


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harris quirked a brow in return as colt stepped forward and peered at the cake. one of the few people brave enough to try and fix the problem, it seemed. ”think you might’ve missed a few steps, or added some.” the remark was enough for him to huff a short note of laughter, staring at the batter as he turned the bowl around and admitted, “well, come to think of it… maybe a bit of both.” he handed the bowl off to colt, seeming more than happy to have the issue be briefly out of his hands. “good luck.” he leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

turning to look towards eddie, he felt his lips twitch at eddie’s mildly optimistic words. nodding his head, he lightheartedly joked, “thanks, ed. you always know what to say.” he watched as eddie lowered his head, a small hint of a smile so barely there that harrison almost wondered if it counted as a smile at all.

furrowing his brows in contemplation at the suggestion of adding water, he hummed thoughtfully. even with the likes of baking, eddie’s mind still worked like clockwork, trying to find the right solution. “i like your thinking.” sparing a glance the other man’s way, he remarked, “there’s a reason i keep you around, eddie.” he said that as if he wasn’t the one that sought the company of the stirling family. as if the reserved man next to him even had a choice in the matter.

leaning forward, he looked to inspect the bowl more closely with pursed lips. “i think the only problem would be stirring it all. want to give it a shot, muscles?” he asked colt. hey, anything to make harrison’s job a bit easier. he didn’t think he had the upper body strength to try and stir the sorry excuse for cake batter.

[spoiler=tags ― updated 02/23.][size=8pt]◜BASICSYOU KNEW WHO I WAS WITH EVERY STEP
‣  ❝ harrison rose ❞ | harris | male [he/him] .
31 years old . | february 19th ; pisces.
‣  currently lives in the village of flintlock lodge
↳ owns a hair salon in the village

‣ kind . sensible . confident . sympathetic . clever . loyal . fun-loving . family-oriented . creative . gentle . honest . soft . independent . unlucky . realist . overprotective over those he cares about . sweet . has trust issues . lacks even an ounce of toxic masculinity . outgoing .
↳ has a love for animals and nature . a hairstylist . loves baking, fishing, and tending to the animals of flintlock
↳ likes to call people silly nicknames from time to time

five foot nine & one hundred and fifty eight pounds ; reference .
↳ short, thin, dirty blonde hair
↳ skinny frame lacking much muscle tone
↳ hazel eyes, often wears a gentle smile .

‣  frank rose x linda rose | deceased
↳ frank passed away from an illness . linda passed away defending her children from thieves that broke into the home .
‣ has an older sister, penelope
↳ passed away the same night as linda trying to rescue her mom
‣ has a younger sister, ellie
↳ lives in flintlock . they're very close .
‣ uncle to grace

‣  homosexual ; monogamous | taken
‣ current boyfriend of colton overton

‣  [ 10/10 ] physically  |  [ 10/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ very easy ] | difficulty w/ melees [ very easy ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ very easy ]
[member=1512]elysian.[/member] | dm for any major plots .
‣  friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .[/size][/spoiler]
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