and the sky turned red. \\ o, joining?
✦ tapeworm; tags; location: mountains, 10 miles from lodge; tagged: nobody

tw + note: violent thoughts, semi-graphic descriptions; ic opinions! apologies in advance for how awful he is

xThe cold was unbearable.

xSalem cursed his own name as he struggled through the snow; his weakened voice strained as he screamed slanders every time his leg gave or he lost his footing in the loose snow. He'd been an idiot for leaving that small encampment at the base of the mountain; he'd been a fool for going upwards instead of downwards. Well, correction: he'd been forced out of that camp and he'd been chased up the mountain. He hadn't exactly the choice of going downwards; those men wanted him to head up here and freeze and be devoured upon by animals. Salem blamed the men for the choices they'd made; he'd blame them for decisions he coerced them to make, and he'd blame himself for acting too soon.

x"Bastards were keeping too much food to their damn selves," he thought, hissing another forbidden word under his raspy breath as he struggled to his feet for what must be the hundredth time. His twisted leg kept twitching from pain; his body needed a rest. However, Salem's own stubbornness refused to give in to his own pain, "I'm not getting eaten by animals today. Not my time yet, Satan," he said to himself, voice sounding as if it were grinding against itself shortly before he coughed from the effort of speaking after having yelled slanders for hours. Shortly after he spoke, he spat on the ground with such force it was as if he saw the face of Satan himself sunken partway through the dirt like a rotten apple, as if he could see in the first place.

xAs Salem continued to hobble forward, no idea what direction he was going, his mind racked itself for what could've been. If those men hadn't been patrolling so early in the morning. If those dogs hadn't seen him. If he hadn't distracted himself from the food by a young man who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. That kid probably would've let him have the slip if he hadn't been so tempted to choke him to death.

x"It just seemed like the perfect time to. . ."

xHe dismissed the thought. It'd been forever since he'd killed someone, and it almost made him feel like he was becoming a better person. . . almost.

xAn unpleasant stinging overcame Salem's throat from the amount of freezing air he'd been breathing heavily for hours. Personally, he felt like he was strangling himself with it considering how harshly it filled his lungs and ripped its way out of his esophagus. He swallowed hard with what little of his spit hadn't been dried up, a vain attempt at alleviating the pain. He had no real hope of finding shelter out here; excellent echo-location skills weren't going to do him much good when all he was surrounded by were trees, and the cold, dead ground beneath his feet.

' To name his evils would be his greatest act. '

bio --- tags --- heartchart --- [abbr=no link here yet]plotting[/abbr] --- [abbr=salem birch lonan ; 'tapeworm' ; male + masculine pronouns ; local burnt toast of flintlock ; always ic opinions!]quick info[/abbr]
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 400px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]

although richard hadn’t been around flintlock lodge for too long - that was what he kept telling himself, insisting he wasn’t making himself a permanent face around the area - he felt almost too used to the skeptical way  new joiners showed up. or sometimes, even just a temporary guest. rich couldn’t say his first time up this mountain had been anything spectacular - not to the untrained eye, at least. he showed up looking untouched, unwary.  however, richard banner was nothing more than a refugee at this point, hiding until the target on his back seemed less visible from those he’d wronged. from brock van den bergh. he didn’t want to entertain the idea of people finding out about the potential dangers he could’ve dragged along to the lodge; he didn’t think he’d ever tell a soul.

a few lodgers mentioned that they’d heard distant screaming down the way, so it seemed only natural for a few people to go and investigate - and, naturally, help. ”christ, where did summer go?” freddie mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms in front of his chest as the patrol group walked further down the slope. rich raised a brow to himself, but didn’t say much. he hardly ever did. then, they came just in time to watch a man spit hard onto the ground, limping. jesus, what were they getting themselves into, now?

the man looked worse for wear. it put salem on edge; was he in trouble? was he dragging everyone else into danger with him? then again, rich would be a bit of a hypocrite to turn the man away if that were the case. the group slowed to a stop a few feet away, rich feeling almost uncertain of what to say. freddie, nonchalantly, couldn’t help but ask the question, ”the hell happened to you?” richard only spared him a quick glance. guess that was a place to start.

“you look like you need a little help,” he observed, looking the man over before remarking, “there’s a medic further up this mountain if you’ve got it in yourself to climb a bit more..”

//hey ! welcome to fl : ' )
✦ tapeworm; tags; location: mountains, 10 miles from lodge; tagged: richard, freddie

tw: mild cursing.
xAmidst Salem's cursing and shouting, it wasn't until Salem was trying to alleviate his dried throat that he realized how silent the forest actually was. He could hear tree branches being ever-so-slightly rustled by a light wind, but that was all. With his haggard voice not filling up the void, the still weight of his surroundings began to press on him in such a manner that he despised. It was a familiar weight, but his frequent visits with it only heightened his distaste towards it. However, much to his relief, the quiet would only last a few breaths. His keen ears had picked up the faintest sound of movement. Snow crunched off to his left in a manner that was short of chaotic, but had some vague pattern to it; he was hearing footsteps, and lots of them.

xSalem immediately braced himself as he could only figure the individuals he'd angered before had tracked him down, having decided to finish the job themselves rather than let him starve. He couldn't run for aforementioned reasons, so he would turn to face the group he couldn't see. However, he would only realize that his assumptions hadn't made any sense until a voice arose.

x"The hell happened to you?"

xThe cripple had been asked that more times than he cared to remember. He'd contemplated making it part of his introduction, but those wiser than he knew to keep their stories sealed behind tightened lips, even if they were entirely false. Salem had been taught those eager to tell their stories are more likely to speak lies. It was ironic, his attempts at feigning truth by taking extra steps to make his words seem genuine. His mouth opened to betray his chances at survival and give a smart-Alec reply that would have him be left either at the mercy of the cold or a weapon. Yet, it seemed he was spared a second chance at the arrival of another voice which would unintentionally interrupt him.

x"You look like you need a little help; there’s a medic further up this mountain if you’ve got it in yourself to climb a bit more."

x"Of course a cripple would look like he'd need help," he thought bitterly, inward hatred directed only at himself and his state. Though, if he still had eyes, that hatred would be cast upon the strangers with but a glance. Even without eyes, it took every ounce of willpower in himself to keep from running his mouth. He'd been without food for three days and perhaps this would be the only time whatever God above would smile on him for spitting in Satan's general direction.

xStill yet, Salem couldn't refrain from smiling. For individuals with pretty faces, that would be more than a blessing. However, Salem's face was contorted by his body's attempts to heal itself from burns; therefore, his grin forced the stretched and warped skin of his horrid visage to shift in an unpleasant fashion. Even though his teeth were mostly clean, that wouldn't save him from the inevitable putting off of the kindness he'd somehow been blessed with.

x"For all I know, these fucks are in some cult and are looking to sacrifice me - the likely pig of mankind," he debated silently. For both appearances sake as well as to not seem like a real idiot, he would remain openly skeptical. He would reply to their seemingly welcoming gesture with a few words, "Well, my leg likes to lock up-" he replied as he put more weight on his cane so that he could turn to face the general direction of where he heard their voices a bit more. He would then wave a free hand over his face, hopefully emphasizing the skin which had healed over his empty sockets, "-and I can't see for shit; so, letting possible killers lead me to my inevitable doom sounds right up my alley."

xHere was to hoping the joke would slide and he wouldn't instead get shanked by actual cult members.

Many thanks for the welcome!

' To name his evils would be his greatest act. '

bio --- tags --- heartchart --- [abbr=no link here yet]plotting[/abbr] --- [abbr=salem birch lonan ; 'tapeworm' ; male + masculine pronouns ; local burnt toast of flintlock ; always ic opinions!]quick info[/abbr]
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Snow tended to provoke reactions.

With the first snow of the season sweeping across the mountains at a ferocious rate, it seemed that the last trace of summer had since been enveloped by blustering winds and a thick blanket of snow. Eddie knew that this made for far more treacherous journeys up the mountain range in order to reach Flintlock Lodge in the first place. Without the correct clothing nor necessities to survive the inhospitable terrain, it was easy to find yourself in a dangerous position. Death was common in these parts — all the unfortunate travellers who had never completed their journeys.

Edmund would do everything in his power to prevent such a tragic end to those who only wished to seek a place of refuge.

When he was informed that Richard and Fred went to investigate the area after hearing a scream, it immediately alerted Eddie. A scream was never a good sign — especially if it had potentially come from one of his own. And so, with little hesitation, Ed prepared himself to make the trek down to where Richard and Freddie had gone. When Eddie turned up, he was met with the face of a stranger who certainly looked like they were in need of a place to rest. He knitted his brows together slightly, observing the man’s extensive scars and lack of eyes. Whatever had happened to him in the past, it certainly seemed Richard was already acquainting the newcomer with Flintlock’s way of life; they would offer help if the stranger so required it. In return, the stranger would hopefully give back to the group someday.

Slowing to a stop nearby Fred, Edmund glanced over towards his younger cousin briefly — as if waiting for a snarky remark from Fred — before Eddie looked back towards the newcomer as he began to talk. His comments ought to make a friendly man smile, but Eddie remained stoic. Quiet. Ed was barely an ill-tempered man, if at all. An aloof man for certain, but his naturally stand-offish stance was never the greatest first impression for a newcomer to have. ❝ —letting possible killers lead me to my inevitable doom sounds right up my alley. ❞

A short huff of air from Eddie before he glanced over his shoulder towards the lodge in the distance. ❝ Mine too. ❞ He uttered in what seemed to be the closest attempt at a jesting remark before he looked back towards the newcomer. ❝ The lodge is not too far now. There’s a fire, warm food and a bed for you to rest in, if that interests you. ❞ After all, this was no place for an incapacitated man to lose his bearings. Without the safety of the lodge, he’d certainly die in the fast-approaching night.

[spoiler=tags ― updated 10/28.][size=6pt]◜BASICSSO THIS IS WHERE WE ARE
&. ❝ edmund theodore stirling ❞ | ed, eddie | male [he/him] .
&. 25 years old . | seventh august ; leo .
&. currently the captain and official loyalist of flintlock lodge .
&. currently the boss of the stirling's notorious irish crime family .

&.  ambitious . brave . calm . disciplined . honorable . intelligent . leading . logical . patient . reliable . skillful . trustworthy . wise . aloof . cynical . detached . flirtatious . harsh . jealous . lustful . pessimistic . quiet . ruthless . secretive . stubborn .

&.  five foot eight & one hundred and seventy one pounds ; reference .
↳ dirty blond hair kept very short and neat .
↳ stocky and well-built frame , lightly freckled skin .
↳ muted blue vacant eyes , unreadable , somewhat frowning expression .

&. alfred stirling x leonora moray | both deceased .
&. four older siblings and two younger half-siblings .
↳ dominik stirling , dead at 32 , shot and killed by alfred .
↳ thomas stirling , 32 , caretaker in flintlock .
↳ alfonso stirling , 28 , enforcer in flintlock
↳ franklin darrow , 26 , estranged in bluestem .
↳ henry stirling , 12 , resident in flintlock
↳ ida stirling , 10 , resident in flintlock
&. also lives with two cousins , frederick and william .
&. father to thomas , charlotte , kieron and louis .
&. also father to an illegitimate child , charles .

&. bisexual, biromantic ; mongamous | tends to have a wandering eye .
&. ex-husband to blake kegan
↳ marriage fell apart after he cheated on her .
&. ex-lover to mickey serge
↳ he learned about his bisexuality with him .
&. lover to maxine van doren
↳ a rekindled flame where their relationship is kept a secret .

&.  [ 9/10 ] physically  |  [ 7/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ very difficult ] | difficulty w/ melees [ difficult ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ difficult ]
&. [member=2919]truce.[/member] | dm for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .[/size][/spoiler]


✦ tapeworm; tags; location: mountains, 10 miles from lodge; tagged: richard, freddie, edmund

xSalem was, unfortunately, unfamiliar with snowy environments. He knew extra layers were necessary in staving off the cold, plus fires and shelter surely aided in preventing frostbite. However, Salem had done his best to avoid these sorts of hostile environments for ten odd years. Since he was blinded and his leg was bent out of shape, he knew he'd never last in freezing environments. Even with echolocation, he'd miss shelters and have great difficulty in starting fires. He'd already been reminded that his leg wouldn't allow for an easy trek through the snow. It made him wonder how he allowed himself to end up here.

xHis body shuddered against the biting frost as memory glazed his mind, brief visions of a time long gone. However, they were put to rest as soon as they attempted to rekindle themselves; his fingers were growing numb and so he would have to face a begrudging reality yet again. Salem hated dependence, but he was as good as dead in this environment if left without any form of aid. Thus, he could put it off no longer.

xThe cripple's head would cock to the side to listen to a new voice - that of yet another man. They had merely huffed at his vain attempt at humor. He could tell better jokes, but he was sure they would be ones they wouldn't like.

x"The lodge is not too far now. There’s a fire, warm food and a bed for you to rest in, if that interests you."

xThe sound of a lodge piqued his interest, not that a warm bed or food didn't. It simply sounded to him like they had a big place, which came as more than a surprise. In this age, it was difficult to imagine anyone being able to set up shop in such rugged land, but humans have proven many times that they were resilient and stubborn to the point of stupidity. Salem wasn't any better; had he been any weaker or any less bull-headed, he'd have died the day of the fire, but perhaps that would've been in everyone's best interest. Then again, that lodge also sounded too good to be true, but it was his only bet.

xAnother crooked smile finally reached his features, an attempt at an expression of gratitude. However, much would be lost in translation when there were no eyes to be gazed upon. He would reply, "In this weather, that lodge sounds like heaven," Salem began, voice rattling with strain as it usually did, "Take me there, if you would."

xHe hated niceties, but those were what was keeping him alive for at least another day. Salem extended a free arm at the end of his response, asking for someone to take it and lead him.

' To name his evils would be his greatest act. '

bio --- tags --- heartchart --- [abbr=no link here yet]plotting[/abbr] --- [abbr=salem birch lonan ; 'tapeworm' ; male + masculine pronouns ; local burnt toast of flintlock ; always ic opinions!]quick info[/abbr]
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