[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Hello! Firstly, thank you to those who managed to reply to the surveys with suggestions; it was very helpful! Unfortunately, we didn’t get many replies on these surveys so I don’t know how well these plot suggestions reflect the general consensus on the direction the majority want the groups to go in, so hopefully these plots will be enough to help with everyone’s muse and inspiration.

So, without further ado, these are the suggestions:

Northstar District
• A long term plot where Northstar begins to notice an increase of theft in the marketplace, the group losing out on valuable resources. Slowly, these incidents begin to get worse, more valuable supplies being stolen and incidents becoming more violent, and it leaves people trying to figure out who is behind the thefts and what can be done to stop them.
• Tensions rising with a risk of war (perhaps this is related to the conflict between Bluestem and Flintlock currently since Northstar are allies with both and may feel like they must pick a side?) which may make people feel on edge and nervous. For a group which prides itself on being a refuge for those who seek safety, I imagine that this would make them feel pretty anxious!! Especially since I know that Green will believe that they wouldn’t be ready for any sort of war, so he’d be trying his best to get people to prepare for the worst. Furthermore, it may cause them to begin shutting off trade from some groups, affecting other groups as they may then have a shortage of supplies because of this.
• Additionally, more events such as water sports competitions, and making the most of their ideal coastal territory with beach parties, and fireworks, and other summer events.

Flintlock Lodge
• Now that the village is open, it makes the territory at the bottom of the mountain less isolated (ofc, the lodge itself is still very isolated though! The best of both worlds I guess) and so it gives more opportunity for there to be more external conflict with other groups.
• An idea which I had personally was Eddie doing some pretty dodgy trade deals which attract a couple of less than ideal faces from his past to the village and perhaps it creates a sort of danger. For example, these people could try to distribute drugs or weapons (or really anything less than ideal in a seemingly safe territory) which cause some problems, or these faces are beginning to scare visitors away and tarnish FL’s reputation somewhat.
• There’s also ofc the conflict between Bluestem and Flintlock which was been exacerbated when Eddie tried to assassinate positions of power in Bluestem. There can be skirmishes and tension rising, or even attacks which result in damage to some buildings in the village or anything which reverses the progress they have made??
• Poisoning of the water supply, perhaps making a couple of people around the lodge fall ill??
• Also, more events such as a fair! It would be really sweet having them set up smth in the village for all the groups to enjoy??

Bluestem Prairie
• More group-wide or tnw-wide conflict, especially where the group is struggling immensely but Brock acts like things are okay. Even him insisting everyone puts on a show for the other groups (perhaps in the form of a party or another sort of celebration) even though, behind the scenes, they are struggling.
• Some backlash following the raids. For example, a group returning with vengeance or the foods and goods they’d stolen having been tampered with or poisoned which creates trouble for the people of Bluestem.
• Then there is the Flintlock drama which has only been heightened by an attack from Flintlock which was kept very hush hush by Eddie. Brock wants people to fear Bluestem as he wants to prove that they are dangerous enough to take everything away from everyone else if they wanted to - it’s literally only a tactic to preserve Brock’s own self-serving system. Maybe this also creates group-wide tension because I've noticed there's a pretty even divide between people who support/oblige with Brock's way of handling the situation, whilst the other half despise him for it so maybe this causes trouble between those with conflicting views.

What are your thoughts on these plots? Looking at them from my perspective, I feel like we can very easily incorporate all of these plots into the groups if we wanted to, so let me know bc I'd love to get started on them ASAP! Additionally, if you have any ideas you'd like to add onto these plots, or any other ideas you have, then feel free to bring them up as the more the merrier.

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

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