
[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]

[align=center][font=arial][I]so, i heard the world doesn't revolve around me /:
Hoot loves your aesthetics

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
(blue waves) — private
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]AHN SEORA

seora couldn't recall the last time she was outside. the moon's rays were almost blinding, so she sat on a bench with her head hanging down.

she remembered her glee when her brother announced he landed a job downtown. she begged, pleaded for him to let her out of their home, and with a simple agreement from their parents, he was able to send her to a boarding school out of state.

whenever things got hard, seora reminded herself that anything was better than home. anything was better than listening to shrieks from behind closed doors or being subject to them yourself. anything was better than bottles being thrown across a room or having to muster up the courage to sneak out at night.

but sometimes, attempting to bide time at st. petersberg was no less than a nightmare, either.

seora could hear a rustle in the leaves beside her. she glanced to the side, then buried her face in her hands. why here, out of all places?

he sat down. she held for around eight seconds before mumbling a disgruntled "hey."

rey and her had been okay until yesterday. she usually wasn't one for confrontation, but her frustration and childish jealousy led her to act..impudently.

it was about her roommate, claudia, as it usually was. she knew she was involved with rey, and didn't bother for a while until she started to look visibly distressed. seora often tried to ask her about it, and though initially to no avail, was able to connect the dots in due time.

nice guy, her ass.
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]REY MORENO

She'd been his first friend.

Short conversations during classes became much more longer and profound. Sometimes he'd even walk her home. They'd bonded over both of their misfortunes, he remembers. She was here for her temper, for robbery? And he— well, his fate built overtime. He was just getting his life together when he made the decision to nearly slaughter his friend's boyfriend for putting his hands on her. It was ironic that playing hero put him here in the first place.

Rey is too dumb to realize when it'd shifted. Maybe it's when he began branching out and away from her, found misfits who he— as someone who should be "getting his life together"— should have opposed. Maybe it's when he started excusing himself away from their table during lunch to sit with Declan, or not replying to their texts until three hours later. Rey's distancing wasn't on purpose by any means, and yet he caught onto the resentment forming on her end. Seora had always been agitated, but it'd never been blatantly directed towards him. Not until he and Claudia's falling out, at least.

There wasn't really a time he ands Seora was alone, not really. That's why when he does see her he does take it upon himself to sit down. He finds it almost ironic. The first time they'd met happened almost similarly. Rey was usually unafraid to start conversation, but there seemed to be a lot weight held behind something as simple as the word, "hey."

"Is that, like, your default stance or something?" Rey smiles, leaning in to glance at Seora slightly. Then, he reels back (in case Seora was still in a biting mood), an small exasperated sigh escaping his lips. Instead, he swings one leg over to straddle the bench, his body now facing hers. "I remember my first school day approaching you on this bench and you're looking the same way. I asked you for directions and you tell me to fuck off." He snorts. At the time, he'd been kind of pissed himself. But seeing Seora equally as such it kind of assuaged his temper in knowing his wasn't the only one. 
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]AHN SEORA

"Is that, like, your default stance or something?"

Seora straightened up slightly. "No. This is how everyone sits!" she wanted to say, but bit her tongue. He was kinda right;  her posture sucked. Rey was the only one who pointed it out, though.

She felt him practically lurch backward when she moved, and she snorted despite herself. She was irritated, yeah, but too tired for actual confrontation. She already had her fill a few hours ago.

"I remember my first school day approaching you on this bench and you're looking the same way. I asked you for directions and you tell me to fuck off."

"Oh my God. No I didn't!" There's no way she could've possibly been that mean to a person she'd never met. The worst thing that could've happened was her pretending that she didn't hear him, but she was pretty sure that she had just shooed him off with an "I don't know, sorry". Seora turned her head to face him, but looked back at her knees when she met his gaze.

Maybe she did tell him to fuck off. She couldn't remember.

Seora inhaled as if to speak, but ended up discarding her words. She was at a loss. She didn't expect Rey to approach her out of the blue, and it showed her how much he was willing to try.

And she hadn't meant for it to get this bad. She really didn't.

"Hey, listen.." she began, gathering up the courage to look at him again. "I'm stupid."

She paused. This was not how she pictured this going down. But when Rey turned up in the flesh and blood, her mind went in circles.

"I didn't really care. That much." she did. "I kinda ruined your evening, sorry."

Seora was looking back at the texts earlier. When had she started to sound so bitchy? She was usually a little nicer, or so she liked to consider herself. But the feeling gnawing at her gut told her otherwise. She knew exactly why she behaved the way she did, and Rey had caught her in the act.

The words blared at her from her screen.

"Why, you like her?"

She denied it immediately, shoving her phone in her bag as soon as the ordeal was over with. Since then, she tried to search for a distraction, and eventually found herself on a bench facing a moonlit field. And now she was here with Rey.


Just talking.
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