[div style="width: 390px; text-align: justify;"]triggers: short mentions of violence and drinking
tinny knew his rusty kitchen knife wouldn’t do much against anyone. considering where he was currently living, he knew he needed something better then that. he also knew a lot of people hung out at the casino and there was bound to be someone who would sell or make weapons. he had gathered a few things, some things people might want as payment- alcohol, cigarettes, a bullet or two he had found in random sheds around the city, even a can of peaches.
while the casino still horrified him to no end, he knew he just had to suck it up and go inside or he wouldn’t be getting anything to protect himself with. not properly at least. he needed something light, quick, something that could knockout his father if he ever came looking. slowly, he stepped inside, seeing people drinking and gambling amongst themselves. there was a few loners here and there, a few fist fights. he scrunched his nose at the heavy smell of smoke and alcohol in the air and let his eyes fall on the current bartender.
she was a flirty looking woman, always smiling and leaning close to the men and woman that sat at her bar, her blond hair in a high pony tail with strands of hair hanging in her face, a low cut top and low waisted jeans with a half undone belt. he guessed she was pretty, but he didn’t know if she was.. pretty. he made his way to the bar and hesitated as he jumped into a stool, holding his book bag in his lap.
the woman, once she caught sight of him, gasped softly, a true, genuine smile breaking over her face. “aw, look’it! aren’t you just the cutest! what can i get you, honey?” she asked cheerfully, causing his face to go beet red. he hadn’t expected that, to say the very least.
tinny cleated his throat, fiddling with the zipper on his bag. “i uh.. i was h-hoping someone here might.. have some w-weapons? i only have an o-oooold knife.” the woman paused, standing straight for a long moment as she looked around the bar. as her eyes landed on one of the liners, her eyes lit up.
“that guy right over there, honey. now, you run off!”
tinny didn’t have to be told twice. he didn’t skip a beat going over to the man, who only glanced at him and put down his shot glass. it didn’t take much explaining for the man to silently get to his feet and nod to show his he should follow. out the door, down he street, and into an old shed they went, tinny shaking a hand the entire time as he tried to relieve his anxiety.
stood on the fire escape of the little apartment he had claimed for himself, the one lowest to the ground where he could jump down the fire escape if he needed, was tinny. he had chosen a very odd baseball bat. it was wood, painted red with a chain wrapped around the barrel of the bat, nine inch nails poking out of eat hole of the chain and little metal spikes where there wasn’t a nail or a chain. he held the bat by its knob and letting it swing slowly over the side of the fire escape.
maybe he should go test it out sometime. not on a person or animal, of course, but there had to be something he could test it on.
[align=center]dead or inactive characters of @cosoleum / @cosmyn
if you need tinny, @cosmyn!
tw. harm from weapons.
Lucerne hated weapons. Never in his time did he own one. No gun. No melee weapons. No knives. Nothing. He preferred his own stealth to escape from danger rather than confrontation and plus he was a medic - the idea of harming somebody else felt too surreal and cruel for Lucerne to tolerate, even merely in self-defense. Sure, his opinions on weaponry were harsh, but so were the implications on using such weapons on somebody. Lucerne knew from experience - he'd been shot before in his early twenties, slashed by a knife one too many times and even had his arm shattered in multiple places from a hammer being deliberately sent down on him.
He detested weapons with a passion.
And so, when Lucerne spotted Tinny stood by the fire escape, gently swinging a spiked bat about, Lucerne froze dead in his tracks, eyes widening. He'd merely been walking passed to find himself a place in the hotel to do some more work on saving the world and solving the electricity crisis, but all thought had failed him as he gawked at the child with such a nasty and dangerous looking weapon. ❝ I see they're making a monster out of you yet. ❞ He commented snidely, sneering to himself gently as he stared up at the child. This was... Disappointing, but Lucerne didn't expect much. This is what the Badlands did, after all. Dangerous crooks, the whole lot of them. What made him think that Tinny would be spared?
[align=center][div style="width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family:verdana; font-size: 7px;"][spoiler=tags :: updated 08/13] basics.
⫸ wilhelm lucerne nouvel // no known nicknames
⫸ goes by his middle name, lucerne
⫸ male // he/him
⫸ thirty three // ages real time // born fourteenth february
⫸ medic for the badlands // formerly a loner
⫸ joined BL - twenty first february
⫸ faceclaim - benedict cumberbatch
⫸ voice claim - benedict cumberbatch
⫸ speaks with a received pronunciation british accent
⫸ 6'2ft // tall and lithe // very little muscle mass
⫸ cold, china blue eyes and disheveled, dark brunet hair
⫸ physical health - 100%
¬ current injuries: none as of now
⫸ mental health - 70%
¬ has been showing signs of major depressive disorder
⫸ enigmatic and difficult to understand
⫸ astute and intellectual // generally very logical in his way of thinking
⫸ self-absorbed and overly prideful // massive god complex
⫸ lack of empathy and often insincere // evident sociopathic tendencies
⫸ assertive, blunt and arrogant // strong, unwavering opinions
⫸ analytical and perceptive // often good at figuring things out at breakneck speed
⫸ overly motivated and stubborn // it's often his way or the highway
⫸ chronic boredom, often acts out childishly based on this
⫸ fastidious and a known perfectionist
⫸ unpredictable and notably unhinged // makes it difficult to get on with him
⫸ a total narcissist in many ways
⫸ aloof and incredibly socially awkward // very antisocial in general
⫸ a complete drama queen // incredibly theatrical and melodramatic
⫸ breathes sarcasm // snide and often witty with his quips
⫸ silently a very sensitive and introverted soul // worries about what others think
⫸ self-conscious towards how people react towards him // this makes him withdrawn
⫸ wilhelm nouvel x annette nouvel // one older brother [deceased]
⫸ aromantic asexual // not interested in any romance
⫸ owns a dog named faline
⫸ has taken a liking towards addy douglas
¬ sees him as his person
¬ doesn't view their relationship as romantic
¬ loyalty lies with him entirely
⫸ storage // playlist // pinterest
⫸ physically: medium // mentally: hard
⫸ owns a pistol but finds the idea of injuring somebody very difficult
⫸ dislikes getting into physical fights as he's not very good at fighting
⫸ would much rather die than kill somebody else
⫸ will be acting out of character as he is still grieving over the loss of his brother
⫸ TW. he is an active drug addict // cocaine, heroin and opioids such as morphine
¬ some interactions with him may be whilst he is under the influence of said drugs
[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 1.1px; word-spacing: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]THAT IF YOU TALK ENOUGH SENSE THEN YOU'LL LOSE YOUR MIND
Cat was heavily armed roughly 99% of the time, and for that final 1%, there was always something nearby. Not just with any one thing, either, they kept a small arsenal of blades and brass knuckles on their person, along with a handgun at their hip. They liked closer combat, but they weren't going to risk themself or someone they cared for getting hurt because they refused to carry a gun.
Guns were still the fucking worst though.
Looks like Tinny had selected something with a bit more class than a firearm - an absolute beast of a bat. "That thing looks like it weighs more than you." They commented, walking over and halting next to Lucerne. Surprisingly enough, this wasn't Cat's doing. The kid had gone off on his own and done this.
[spoiler=IF YOU DONT KNOW NOW YOU KNOW && INFO && 09/02/19]GENERAL welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life
⇥ Given name is Scott Mathew Darrow ⇥ Goes only by Catalyst or Cat
⇥ Assigned male at birth ⇥ Agender ⇥ They/Them pronouns only
⇥ Twenty-one ⇥ Born 11/27/17 ⇥ Sagittarius ⇥ Real time aging
⇥ Boss (leader) of the Badlands ⇥ Ex prisoner of the Badlands
⇥ Ex cultist (Mourningstar) ⇥ Ex member of the Young Rogues
RECENT EVENTS done my time and served my sentence
⇥ 09/02/39 ⇥ Returned from vacation
⇥ 08/23/39 ⇥ Went on vacation with Gavril
⇥ 08/21/39 ⇥ Oversaw their parents' vow renewal
⇥ 08/16/39 ⇥ Witnessed their boyfriend get shot
APPEARANCE dress me up and watch me die
⇥ Catalyst is 6'2" tall; they possess a lean and muscular body, one that has a variety of old scars adorning it. One of the easiest to notice is one that stretches down their right cheek. While not a scar, one very notable marking on their chest is the "BL" brand. They have two piercings, one in their tongue and the other in the cartilage of their left ear. They typically dress in dark colors (favoring jackets with some sort of writing on the back), and their hair is black. They're not all dark, however, as they have pale blue eyes that peer out from beneath medium-sized eyebrows.
PERSONALITY if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
⇥ Catalyst is ambitious, with the cunning and ruthlessness to reach their goals by any means necessary. They can be brutal when they feel it is needed, however when it's not they won't bother. They tend to be rather aloof and apathetic to most things and people, with some very rare exceptions. Provided those around them don't cross a few specific lines, they're content to leave them be, though they've been known to take an interest in some people, which seldom has a positive end for whoever their interest is in. They can be manipulative, and will often encourage people to make bad decisions. Those that stick by them will be rewarded, but those that do not will be cast out, as they've been outcast for their entire life and have learned to appreciate loyalty wherever they can find it. Even during the most stressful of situations, they usually keep a firm grip on their temper and keep their calm, though when they do snap and lose their temper, it is uncontrollable. They're remarkably observant, often able to deign much from subtle clues in what people say, how they say it and how they act.
RELATIONS dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight
⇥ Molly Darrow x Austin Darrow ⇥ No biological siblings
⇥ Adopted parent of Molly Valentina Darrow-Lupei (Mo)
⇥ Pansexual/Panromantic ⇥ Very much taken ⇥ One Crush
⇥ Not looking but it happened ⇥ Rarely forms romantic attachment
⇥ Holds most people at arms length and doesn't get close
INTERACTION i'm taking back the c r o w n
⇥ Hard physically ⇥ Hard mentally ⇥ Doesn't let their guard down
⇥ Is most comfortable with close ranged-weapons ⇥ Dislikes guns
⇥ Brass knuckles ⇥ A variety of knives ⇥ Carries a handgun
⇥ Will kill/capture/maim in certain circumstances
⇥ Will leave things be in others ⇥ Will start & finish fights
⇥ No kill/capture/maim without permission
⇥ Attack in bold #0d0d0d and tag @/Bryne
⇥ Peaceful powerplay allowed but they may react negatively
⇥ Dislikes almost any sort of touch unless they initiate or agree to it
there's blood on the leaves / there's blood on the sands I ——————
[align=center][div style="width: 390px; text-align: justify;"]truthfully, tinny hated weapons too, but.. what other choice did he have? slowly he rose a hand to his still-busted lip and looked away. he didn't want to be seen as a monster, but if thats what carrying a weapon got him, then he guessed that was fine. "i-i did this on m-mmmm-my own. i-f wanting to pr-protect mys-myself makes me a monster, th-then so be it." he stated, almost bitterly. he didn't want anyone judging him, not for something so small like a baseball bat.
as cat made his way over, he shifted slightly at the comment and shrugged. it might've weighed more then him if the bat had just a few more modifications. "h-hardly." he mumbled, listening to the chain rattle slowly.
[align=center]dead or inactive characters of @cosoleum / @cosmyn
if you need tinny, @cosmyn!
That was a line of thinking they couldn't get behind. Self defense didn't make someone a monster, attacking someone made the monster. They should know - they'd hurt others doing both. "You aren't a monster for wanting to protect yourself from the monsters, kid." If he was, then there were a lot more monsters in the world than not. They shot a brief glance over at Lucerne before looking back at him. "I've heard people say that it takes a monster to kill a monster, though." Whether or not that was true... Who were they to say?
Although, carrying around a baseball bat and carrying around a baseball bat with chains and nails were two very different things. That's when fending off to escape could turn into murder in self defense. "Mhmm."
[spoiler=IF YOU DONT KNOW NOW YOU KNOW && INFO && 09/02/19]GENERAL welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life
⇥ Given name is Scott Mathew Darrow ⇥ Goes only by Catalyst or Cat
⇥ Assigned male at birth ⇥ Agender ⇥ They/Them pronouns only
⇥ Twenty-one ⇥ Born 11/27/17 ⇥ Sagittarius ⇥ Real time aging
⇥ Boss (leader) of the Badlands ⇥ Ex prisoner of the Badlands
⇥ Ex cultist (Mourningstar) ⇥ Ex member of the Young Rogues
RECENT EVENTS done my time and served my sentence
⇥ 09/02/39 ⇥ Returned from vacation
⇥ 08/23/39 ⇥ Went on vacation with Gavril
⇥ 08/21/39 ⇥ Oversaw their parents' vow renewal
⇥ 08/16/39 ⇥ Witnessed their boyfriend get shot
APPEARANCE dress me up and watch me die
⇥ Catalyst is 6'2" tall; they possess a lean and muscular body, one that has a variety of old scars adorning it. One of the easiest to notice is one that stretches down their right cheek. While not a scar, one very notable marking on their chest is the "BL" brand. They have two piercings, one in their tongue and the other in the cartilage of their left ear. They typically dress in dark colors (favoring jackets with some sort of writing on the back), and their hair is black. They're not all dark, however, as they have pale blue eyes that peer out from beneath medium-sized eyebrows.
PERSONALITY if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
⇥ Catalyst is ambitious, with the cunning and ruthlessness to reach their goals by any means necessary. They can be brutal when they feel it is needed, however when it's not they won't bother. They tend to be rather aloof and apathetic to most things and people, with some very rare exceptions. Provided those around them don't cross a few specific lines, they're content to leave them be, though they've been known to take an interest in some people, which seldom has a positive end for whoever their interest is in. They can be manipulative, and will often encourage people to make bad decisions. Those that stick by them will be rewarded, but those that do not will be cast out, as they've been outcast for their entire life and have learned to appreciate loyalty wherever they can find it. Even during the most stressful of situations, they usually keep a firm grip on their temper and keep their calm, though when they do snap and lose their temper, it is uncontrollable. They're remarkably observant, often able to deign much from subtle clues in what people say, how they say it and how they act.
RELATIONS dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight
⇥ Molly Darrow x Austin Darrow ⇥ No biological siblings
⇥ Adopted parent of Molly Valentina Darrow-Lupei (Mo)
⇥ Pansexual/Panromantic ⇥ Very much taken ⇥ One Crush
⇥ Not looking but it happened ⇥ Rarely forms romantic attachment
⇥ Holds most people at arms length and doesn't get close
INTERACTION i'm taking back the c r o w n
⇥ Hard physically ⇥ Hard mentally ⇥ Doesn't let their guard down
⇥ Is most comfortable with close ranged-weapons ⇥ Dislikes guns
⇥ Brass knuckles ⇥ A variety of knives ⇥ Carries a handgun
⇥ Will kill/capture/maim in certain circumstances
⇥ Will leave things be in others ⇥ Will start & finish fights
⇥ No kill/capture/maim without permission
⇥ Attack in bold #0d0d0d and tag @/Bryne
⇥ Peaceful powerplay allowed but they may react negatively
⇥ Dislikes almost any sort of touch unless they initiate or agree to it
there's blood on the leaves / there's blood on the sands I ——————
Salem was always armed; he might be friendly to nearly everybody, and he might get along with his enemies more than he fought them, but he knew how harsh the world was and he found it tiring to be a victim again and again.
So, scimitar, whip and revolver all neatly sheathed and laced into his belt. Pretty classy, and also very pirate-themed which was partially why he'd standardized it for his crew back when he was a captain. What? He'd still been a stupid teenager when given command of a ship, and now he was stuck with the aesthetic.
So yeah, he didn't judge Tinny for arming himself. In fact, Salem was kind of glad the kid had armed himself; his amazing stutter and constant, obvious nervousness weren't going to defend Tinny from anybody with ill-intent.
"Hey, don't discredit his monster status. He can be whatever he wants, and all that motivational shit." Salem commented as he approached. He didn't really judge Lucerne for being disgusted with the things the Badlands was doing to Tinny though; it was kind of disturbing, if you hadn't realized how much children needed to be able to defend themselves nowadays.
"Nah, I agree with Cat. That might get unwieldy if you're tired; may I suggest getting a pocketknife as well? They're useful for plenty of things other than violence too." Salem said, rocking slowly back and forth on his heels as he spoke. What? He wanted the kid to be safe; it was a wild world out there, and Tinny had been proving exceptionally useful.
[justify]I feel the unbearable weight, [abbr=Goes by Salem or Monty | He/Him or They/Them Pronouns | 28yrs Old | 6'3"| Officer of the Badlands | Former pirate captain | Sexuality is a unlabeled free for all, romance is questioning]&[/abbr]
I sense the ripping of my shame, [abbr=Medium-Hard Physically | Hard Mentally | Attacks with whip, scimitar or revolver | Open to capture and maim if requested / discussed prior | Not open for death | Difficult but not impossible to defeat or subdue]&[/abbr]
I hear the sigh of indifference [abbr=Guy Fieri aesthetic | Neck-length dull brownish-grey hair | Bright green eyes | Three piercings on both ears (two on top cartilage, one large on lobe), and a lip piercing | Scruffy beard starting to grow in | Both pinky fingers cut off]&[/abbr]
(IC Opinions)[/justify]
TAKING LESSONS FROM THE DELUDED top dog salem - he/him or they/them
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