[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify; line-height: 110%; font-family:georgia; text-transform:lowercase"][i]Jackie had long ago learned that Death was the only god that came when you called. A droplet of blood dripped from her brow, grazing her lashes and trailing down her cheek. Glossy red nails reached into the pocket of her black cargo pants, extracting a stained rag to wipe most of the crimson splatter from her face. Tucking the rag away, the femme turned to glance back at the scene she had created behind her. Dark eyes examined the now unrecognizable corpse as she lit her cigarette, gazing over the torn flesh and spilled blood. She took a long drag, eyes squinted in the sunlight. She was merely one of Death’s prophets.

A black feline sat upright upon a tree stump, having witnessed the scene clad in curiosity that had yet to kill him. ”Come, Church,” his owner beckoned, and with a prick of his ears, he trotted after her. The two black haired prophets continued their journey down the worn trail that split the mountain range. The Badlands had a bloody trail, and despite what warnings Jackie had heard, she did not care to yield to them. They were sharp and intense and deadly and everything Jackie was. The femme couldn’t help but wonder if this was where people like her found their home.

Adjusting the small bulletproof vest she wore, the dark haired girl scanned the area as she cleared a small woodland, nearing the border of the city. Her heeled boots crunched upon the gravel,  cigarettes and a metallic smell lingering faintly upon her. A manicured hand clutched the bloodied pistol, and with her other she took the last drag from her cigarette before flicking it to the floor, crushing the creation to nothingness under her boots. ”I’m looking to join,” she announced in effort to avoid any overly-defensive approachers. She’d wait at the border, Churchhill beside her. Fortunately, the two were very good at being patient.
— Lucerne and Death were well acquainted but had never been friends. After all, he'd seen what death left behind, ghastly images etched in the back of his mind until the day he would eventually meet Death face to face. Often so insensitive to most signs of death, the loss of his brother had been significant to Lucerne; when he discovered the body, it took him a while to actually recognize what had been left of his brother. As a doctor, he was used to death. Used to blood adorning peoples' skin. He only had one last person whose death would kill him. Anyone else meant little to Lucerne anymore.

In many ways, that was a good thing. Shut off emotion to enhance logic.

And so, as a bloodstained woman called out that she was looking to join, all Lucerne could do was approach calmly, unaffected by the blood across her features. Of the members in the Badlands, he was one of the lesser threatening-looking ones. Though tall, he was limber. Though aloof, he was passive. He was unarmed, as he always was - in his mind it was better to be killed than to end the life of another. All he could do was hope his smart mouth could keep him alive, but there was only so much that talking could so.

He stopped several feet away, piercing blue gaze peering over sharply before he nodded towards her face. "Your blood?" Of course he'd ask such a thing, eyes flitting across her features. It was in his morals to try treat any injuries, regardless of whether he knew the person or not. After all, it was not out of the kindness of his heart but more so the fact that he could prove to himself and others that he was skilled and intelligent. A low self-esteem could do that to a person. But, she was not injured. A brief once over could tell him that. She'd killed something. He stopped to peer around, checking if any other Badlanders were on their way, before speaking once more, monotonous and low, "I am not the one to choose whether or not you may join - that is for Catalyst to decide. They ought to be here soon. I can imagine they'd be welcoming, unless you choose to kill one of us like you did to whoever's blood that is."

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family:raleway; font-size: 12px;"][spoiler=tags :: updated 4/15]basics.
⫸ wilhelm lucerne nouvel // no known nicknames
⫸ goes by his middle name, lucerne
⫸ male // he/him
⫸ thirty three // ages real time // born fourteenth february
⫸ medic for the badlands // formerly a loner
⫸ joined BL - twenty first february

faceclaim - benedict cumberbatch
voice claim - benedict cumberbatch
⫸ speaks with a received pronunciation british accent
⫸ 6'2ft // tall and lithe // very little muscle mass
⫸ cold, china blue eyes and disheveled, dark brunet hair
⫸ physical health - 100%
    — current injuries: none as of now
⫸ mental health - 70%
    — has been showing signs of major depressive disorder

⫸ enigmatic and difficult to understand
⫸ astute and intellectual // generally very logical in his way of thinking
⫸ self-absorbed and overly prideful // massive god complex
⫸ lack of empathy and often insincere // evident sociopathic tendencies
⫸ assertive, blunt and arrogant // strong, unwavering opinions
⫸ analytical and perceptive // often good at figuring things out at breakneck speed
⫸ overly motivated and stubborn // it's often his way or the highway
⫸ chronic boredom, often acts out childishly based on this
⫸ fastidious and a known perfectionist
⫸ unpredictable and notably unhinged // makes it difficult to get on with him
⫸ a total narcissist in many ways
⫸ aloof and incredibly socially awkward // very antisocial in general
⫸ a complete drama queen // incredibly theatrical and melodramatic
⫸ breathes sarcasm // snide and often witty with his quips
⫸ silently a very sensitive and introverted soul // worries about what others think
⫸ self-conscious towards how people react towards him // this makes him withdrawn

⫸ wilhelm nouvel x annette nouvel // one older brother [deceased]
⫸ aromantic asexual // not interested in any romance
⫸ has taken a liking towards addy douglas
    — sees him as his person
    — doesn't view their relationship as romantic
    — loyalty lies with him entirely

storage // plot
⫸ physically: medium // mentally: hard
⫸ owns a pistol but finds the idea of injuring somebody very difficult
⫸ dislikes getting into physical fights as he's not very good at fighting
⫸ would much rather die than kill somebody else
⫸ will be acting out of character as he is still grieving over the loss of his brother
TW. he is an active drug addict // cocaine, heroin and opioids such as morphine
    — some interactions with him may be whilst he is under the influence of said drugs



[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 1.1px; word-spacing: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]THAT IF YOU TALK ENOUGH SENSE THEN YOU'LL LOSE YOUR MIND

You would think the whispered horrors would be bad for the Badlands growth. That their sinister reputation would stave people off, and no one would be willing to interact with them. This was not true. Sure, many people stayed away, but if the bloodstained stories spun by travelers was enough to dissuade you, this wasn't the place for you. If you were weak, you'd be eaten alive unless you had someone stronger looking out for you, using their own reputation as a shield for you.

But while some stayed away, others flocked. There were a variety of reasons for it; they had no where else to go, they were desperate, they were just as fucked up as the rumors and wanted a place that would allow them to be that way, they wanted to know the truth, the why. And the list goes on. In many ways, the rumors are true, but in others, they were not. You wouldn't get beat up for looking at someone wrong... probably. It had happened before, but generally, shit like that didn't happen. Badlanders took care of their own, though if you expected that to be free of snark, you'd be mistaken.

Cat? Welcoming? More or less. It was rare that someone was denied entry into the Badlands, but they weren't really the type to roll out the red splattered welcome mat all that often, or even crack much of a smile unless amused. "Killed someone?" They doubted this was the point that Jackie would want to focus on, considering she'd cut right to the chase of wanting to join, but they always liked knowing if they should be worried or not.

[spoiler=IF YOU DONT KNOW NOW YOU KNOW && INFO && 05/05/19]GENERAL  welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life
⇥ Given name is Scott Mathew Darrow ⇥ Goes only by Catalyst or Cat
⇥ Assigned male at birth ⇥ Agender ⇥ They/Them pronouns only
Twenty-one ⇥ Born 11/27/17 ⇥ Sagittarius ⇥ Real time aging
Boss (leader) of the Badlands ⇥ Ex prisoner of the Badlands
⇥ Ex cultist (Mourningstar) ⇥ Ex member of the Young Rogues

RECENT EVENTS  done my time and served my sentence
⇥ 04/20/39 ⇥ Released Northstar from Badlands occupation
⇥ 04/16/39 ⇥ Was saved by Sheogorath
⇥ 04/15/39 ⇥ Took the Badlands brand

APPEARANCE  dress me up and watch me die
⇥ Catalyst is 6'2" tall; they possess a lean and muscular body, one that has a variety of old scars adorning it. One of the easiest to notice is one that stretches down their right cheek. While not a scar, one very notable marking on their chest is the "BL" brand. They have two piercings, one in their tongue and the other in the cartilage of their left ear. They typically dress in dark colors (favoring jackets with some sort of writing on the back), and their hair is black. They're not all dark, however, as they have pale blue eyes that peer out from beneath medium-sized eyebrows.

PERSONALITY  if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
⇥ Catalyst is ambitious, with the cunning and ruthlessness to reach their goals by any means necessary. They can be brutal when they feel it is needed, however when it's not they won't bother. They tend to be rather aloof and apathetic to most things and people, with some very rare exceptions. Provided those around them don't cross a few specific lines, they're content to leave them be, though they've been known to take an interest in some people, which seldom has a positive end for whoever their interest is in. They can be manipulative, and will often encourage people to make bad decisions. Those that stick by them will be rewarded, but those that do not will be cast out, as they've been outcast for their entire life and have learned to appreciate loyalty wherever they can find it. Even during the most stressful of situations, they usually keep a firm grip on their temper and keep their calm, though when they do snap and lose their temper, it is uncontrollable. They're remarkably observant, often able to deign much from subtle clues in what people say, how they say it and how they act.

RELATIONS  dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight
⇥ Molly Darrow x Austin Darrow ⇥ No siblings
⇥ Adopted parent of Molly Valentina Darrow-Lupei (Mo)
Pansexual/Panromantic ⇥ Very much taken ⇥ One Crush
⇥ Not looking but it happened ⇥ Rarely forms romantic attachment
⇥ Holds most people at arms length and doesn't get close

INTERACTION  i'm taking back the c r o w n
Hard physicallyHard mentally ⇥ Doesn't let their guard down
⇥ Is most comfortable with close ranged-weapons ⇥ Dislikes guns
Brass knuckles ⇥ A variety of knives ⇥ Carries a handgun
⇥ Will kill/capture/maim in certain circumstances
⇥ Will leave things be in others ⇥ Will start & finish fights
⇥ No kill/capture/maim without permission
⇥ Peaceful powerplay allowed but they may react negatively
⇥ Dislikes almost any sort of touch unless they initiate or agree to it

there's blood on the leaves / there's blood on the sands I ——————
[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify; line-height: 110%; font-family:georgia; text-transform:lowercase"][i]”No.” Her response was plain. There was no reason apparent for her to lie- after all, if this posed problematic she would at least known now that she was in the wrong place. Jackie briefly addressed the other with her gaze, a bit surprised to find no visible weapons on him. Perhaps he was not one of the group’s defenders. Medic, possibly, or perhaps skilled in other departments such as farming or cooking. Nevertheless, she did not ponder the subject for long- she would know in due time as long as this went over successfully.

Upon his next statement, the corner of Jackie’s lips lifted slightly. ”My intentions are quite the opposite,” She returned, sheathing her pistol in tune with her words. With the scars of living alone for so long, Jackie’s intentions were pure. Her feet ached and her hands were rough. She had never been one for domestication or ‘settling down,’ but that didn’t mean she didn’t want a home for herself.

Her eyes flickered to meet Catalyst’s as they approached, eliciting a short nod upon their words. Perhaps she should try to find a new compact. ”A man tried robbing me on my way here,” She stated, assuming perhaps they were concerned it was one of their own. ”I handled it.” Something about the other’s eyes seemed familiar, ever so faintly, and not enough to cause her to question it. ”My intentions are to join, not do harm.”
Not her blood, that was good to know. Less work for Lucerne, that was for sure. Someone had tried robbing her, and she'd taken care of it. Even better to know. "We've always got room for people that can handle themselves." They commented, pausing for a moment before adding: "I usually like getting people's names before letting them in, though."

It was just smart to try and get an idea of who was being given access to their group, their home, their family. As much as you could get an idea for these things in times like this, when background checks are a thing of the past and all you could do was go off of people's word. Occasionally someone in the Badlands would know who arrived, but all too often they were unwilling to speak of the past to prevent the person from joining. It wasn't often that someone actually gave a good reason to bar someone entrance.

[spoiler=IF YOU DONT KNOW NOW YOU KNOW && INFO && 05/05/19]GENERAL  welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life
⇥ Given name is Scott Mathew Darrow ⇥ Goes only by Catalyst or Cat
⇥ Assigned male at birth ⇥ Agender ⇥ They/Them pronouns only
Twenty-one ⇥ Born 11/27/17 ⇥ Sagittarius ⇥ Real time aging
Boss (leader) of the Badlands ⇥ Ex prisoner of the Badlands
⇥ Ex cultist (Mourningstar) ⇥ Ex member of the Young Rogues

RECENT EVENTS  done my time and served my sentence
⇥ 04/20/39 ⇥ Released Northstar from Badlands occupation
⇥ 04/16/39 ⇥ Was saved by Sheogorath
⇥ 04/15/39 ⇥ Took the Badlands brand

APPEARANCE  dress me up and watch me die
⇥ Catalyst is 6'2" tall; they possess a lean and muscular body, one that has a variety of old scars adorning it. One of the easiest to notice is one that stretches down their right cheek. While not a scar, one very notable marking on their chest is the "BL" brand. They have two piercings, one in their tongue and the other in the cartilage of their left ear. They typically dress in dark colors (favoring jackets with some sort of writing on the back), and their hair is black. They're not all dark, however, as they have pale blue eyes that peer out from beneath medium-sized eyebrows.

PERSONALITY  if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
⇥ Catalyst is ambitious, with the cunning and ruthlessness to reach their goals by any means necessary. They can be brutal when they feel it is needed, however when it's not they won't bother. They tend to be rather aloof and apathetic to most things and people, with some very rare exceptions. Provided those around them don't cross a few specific lines, they're content to leave them be, though they've been known to take an interest in some people, which seldom has a positive end for whoever their interest is in. They can be manipulative, and will often encourage people to make bad decisions. Those that stick by them will be rewarded, but those that do not will be cast out, as they've been outcast for their entire life and have learned to appreciate loyalty wherever they can find it. Even during the most stressful of situations, they usually keep a firm grip on their temper and keep their calm, though when they do snap and lose their temper, it is uncontrollable. They're remarkably observant, often able to deign much from subtle clues in what people say, how they say it and how they act.

RELATIONS  dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight
⇥ Molly Darrow x Austin Darrow ⇥ No siblings
⇥ Adopted parent of Molly Valentina Darrow-Lupei (Mo)
Pansexual/Panromantic ⇥ Very much taken ⇥ One Crush
⇥ Not looking but it happened ⇥ Rarely forms romantic attachment
⇥ Holds most people at arms length and doesn't get close

INTERACTION  i'm taking back the c r o w n
Hard physicallyHard mentally ⇥ Doesn't let their guard down
⇥ Is most comfortable with close ranged-weapons ⇥ Dislikes guns
Brass knuckles ⇥ A variety of knives ⇥ Carries a handgun
⇥ Will kill/capture/maim in certain circumstances
⇥ Will leave things be in others ⇥ Will start & finish fights
⇥ No kill/capture/maim without permission
⇥ Peaceful powerplay allowed but they may react negatively
⇥ Dislikes almost any sort of touch unless they initiate or agree to it

there's blood on the leaves / there's blood on the sands I ——————
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