Heron tore her eyes away from Ravenclouds dead body. She watched the patrol search for a good burial spot and Swiftclaws scent. Her facial features blank other than a little irritated twitch of her eye.  She noticed Russetpelts look and she just stared back at him as if challenging him to say something rude to her.

Though she didn't speak, for the time being, she just made her way back to her little place by the river, staring down at the little Flower and Pebble. Her features softened for a split second at the thought of giving them to her brother. Perhaps Crow would perk up a bit. Maybe he would see that their old life wasn't completely gone, but it had just changed. Drastically.

Ok, that sounded dumb, she heaved a deep sigh and flicked a big, rounded ear as Russetpelt spoke. She turned to him and listened to what he said to his patrol.

That kit back at camp will join her soon.

Heron felt her tail began to lash and the fur along her back to bristle. "Crow will not join her. He's not going to die so don't you dare talk about him like that." She snapped, fury in her bright sunflower eyes.  Though she soon forced her fur to lay back and she gritted her teeth. It would do no good to get into a fight with this cat. She'd be kicked from the protection of the clan and wouldn't be able to see Crow while he recovered.

"I don't give a damn where you bury her. Keep her above ground for all I care." She murmured under her breath, finally moving her gaze back to the limp molly with a dead gaze. Raven didn't deserve to be buried. Not after all she had done to completely ruin Heron, while she coddled and fawned over Crow.

Crow wouldn't like what she just said, Heron idly thought. She glanced around and stared at where her nest was. She walked over and prodded at the ground "Here is fine if you must. She spent most of her time in her nest." She glanced over to where there was a tree that was split in half.

That's where Raven liked to take Heron to hiss and yowl at her about something she had done wrong.

"Only one bird? You're just like Swiftclaw. Not able to hunt like a good warrior. Go back out, do it again. Come back with enough for all of us or you're useless."

Heron was useless, she dug her claws into the soft ground as she pulled her lips back in a silent snarl.

"You play too hard with Crow. He's delicate, and now he has a scratch from you. Go away, Heron. I don't want you here and you're just hurting Crow."

She was hurting Crow. She was the reason Ravencloud had died. She suggested they go find Swiftclaw, and then she led him right back to their safe place without thinking that he was a dangerous cat. She lowered her ears, and her distant gaze came back.

"Actually, bury her by that tree. The one with the split in the middle."


thes code
ten moons old
At Heron's word and Russetfur's nod of approval, the three warriors did as told. Vinetail and Scorchfrost seizing the body and dragging it a little closer to the shade to avoid any more of the sun's rays on it. Vinetail staying closer to the shaded area as well, only coming out to help start digging before seeking shelter again.
Blackmuzzle passed his son, bumping shoulders with him, "[b]Apologize for what you said. The kit is not dead, and she will not allow you to already bury her brother," the older tom hissed into his ear. Trotting to where Scorchfrost had already begun digging, making an outline of the grave they were to make, the speckled tom took to one end as his clanmates took the other.

Admittedly, Russetfur had taken a little more interest in the young stranger as she lashed at him. He knew the kit back at the camp had a so and so chance of survival. But if he refused to accept and cooperate with any of the help being offered, his chances just decreased with time. He was already too thin, both were. They were wary and afraid. But the tom did feel a little sting of guilt for already talking as if the kit was dead. Already burying him along with his mother.

With his father's words, he sighed heavily before dragging himself towards Heron. Sitting a little way from her, he lifted a paw to lazily examine it, giving it a tentative lick before clearing his throat to speak. "Hey, kit, I'm sorry for what I said back there. I didn't mean to make it seem your brother doesn't have a chance of survival," green eyes flickering up to the sky, he continued to speak softly, "It's just that the state you two arrived in doesn't look very promising. From what I understand and saw, he shut down on the way to the camp. At least you have a fire still lit inside of you, his is just dimming"

Back at the camp, Crow had taken a slight interest in what was going on around him. He wasn't dead yet- the clan cats had yet to slit his throat and watch him bleed out at their paws. A shudder sent the young tom burying his face into his paws, stifling a cry. He was still alive. He was safe it seemed. His gaze could still hover around different details of the den he was in, his nose still smelled the earthy and comforting scent he was in the center of. He could still hear the words quietly exchanged between the mentor and her apprentice.

The dark tom could only be grateful for the small laugh the skinny tom had given him. The poor tortie jumping back and crying that he heard the shadow speak before he fell unconscious again. As they believed Crow had slipped into a deep sleep, but instead, the kit was pretending to be as he was listening to what was going around him.

When the apprentice had been sent away with a treated pinched paw, he barely opened his eyes to watch him go. Making a show of how his paw still ached from him tripping on a rock while playing with a kit. And while Crow was curious about what was happening just outside the den, he felt much too weak to stand to venture outside and was much too nervous to speak. So instead, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, pulling his fore-paws closer to him as his breathing slowed to a quiet snore.

Heron watched the cats begin to drag Raven towards that tree. Her long tail wrapped around her skinny paws, head held high and big, round ears droopy as if she didn't really care.

She didn't care, really. Not in the sense that she should. She didn't care how twisted and petty it was, but she did care that Ravens eternal resting places would be under the soil of her countless yowls and smacks that she seemed to love giving to her daughter. She cared because Ravencloud deserved it.

Heron sniffed hard, turning and watching as the big russet-coloured tom came and sat near her. She listened to him speak with an aggravated expression. Whiskers twitching and tail wagging upwards every so often to show that her temper was hanging on by a string. It usually was, anyways. She was quick to snap and had been for a long time now. Since Raven finally broke that kit-innocence that she had and made her realize that the world was cold and cruel, unforgiving.

The white oriental molly turned her head to look away from Russetfur and watch the cats begin to dig her mothers grave. Any cat would be crying and whimpering at the sight of their mothers grave being dug next to the lifeless body. But the young cat just sat. Watching with obvious disinterest.

Sure, she was upset. A little. Because of Crow, mainly. He loved Ravencloud despite her being the worst mother in the forest. She was kind to him, coddled him. Any sane cat would love a mother who treated them like that. But heron herself had a much different upbringing.

Since she was first born, Raven despised her. Heron tried everything from bringing her pretty flowers or food or random Twoleg things she thought was cool. But every time, Raven stomped on whatever she brought or spit on it or otherwise damaged it and called Heron a disgrace.

Eventually, while Crow was still being doted on and purred about by the abusive molly, Heron stopped trying. She sat in the shadows and watched. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care that Ravencloud was dead, but she cared that it upset the only cat who had ever been kind to her.

Heron gave a deep, frustrated sigh. "He's strong. He'll survive because He doesn't want to die. He's just depressed, he'll get better." She murmured simply, almost a whisper.

Her sunflower-coloured eyes slid shut for a brief moment to enjoy the peacefulness that this place currently brought. To her, at least. Despite the scent of death, fear, and blood, Heron felt her shoulders relax. She liked the fact that for once, her home was quiet. Not filled with arguments or growls. And no fear that Raven would come up behind her and start snarling in her face.

"He did shut down. I think he shut down when Ravencloud first died. He barely started to run away. But the thing is..." She turned to the clan cat with an upturned nose and scrunched muzzle, big ears now flat against her skull- "His fire fuels mine. His fire goes out, so does mine. If mine goes out, his will start to dim as well. That's how we've been since kittenhood. If my flame is still burning strong, his will perk up, or I'll go down with him. That is what being littermates is all about." Her voice was barely above not speaking at all, as if she was talking to herself. She then stood, picking up the little gifts for her brother with a strange delicacy, and walked over to the now ready-made grave. She quite literally pushed Ravencloud inside.

'Have a great time in hell, Ravencloud.' She thought bitterly, before kicking the dirt over her to fill the hole back up. That didn't take long, with the couple of cats that were also beginning to cover her body.

Heron placed the three rocks she had gathered in a little circle on top of the dirt. Where it had been dug, there was a clear cut off from the grass. Heron hoped it would grow back soon so that Crow could visit without being reminded that someone had dug that out and put Raven inside.


Heron turned back, little smooth pebble and bright orange flower in her mouth. She didn't say anything, but the minuscule shuffling of her paws showed that she wanted to go back. To see Crow.


thes code
ten moons old
Observing the young molly, Russetfur could only wonder what had happened to this catling. Expression changing in disgusted anger as he watched how she tossed the dead mother into the simple pit. What had the black cat done to turn her daughter? As to have her so disinterested in the corpse left behind? To have only her brother to keep her going in life. With Heron being so young, she should have been energetic, curious, and naive. She wasn't meant to already know the hardships of being grown. Shaking his head, he let it droop for a second before he sighed loudly. 
"[b]Very well," he cleared his throat as he stood "if we can't find any fresh traces of the rouge, we should head straight to the camp" Russetfur announced, flicking his tail as he walked to the entrance of the clearing, turning to scan it once more, eyes stopping on Heron, he gestured for her to move with them. Looking at the small mound of dirt, his heart grew heavy- the smaller version of the mother could soon join her. Despite what his sibling said, Russetfur was not sure if a full recovery could be expected. Whatever she did, she will not be able to do it anymore. The kits will be safe with us from now on for however long they stay.
Signaling for the patrol to line out of the clearing, he trailed behind. Green gaze fixating from one thing to another, his attention being drawn back to Heron. Unsure whether or not he should apologize for earlier, he groaned to himself before he rolled his eyes "Hey, kid, listen, I-" he yowled in anger as he stumbled forward, quickly forgetting what he was going to say. His tail had been caught in the bushes, causing him to trip and lose his train of thought. Instead, he only hissed to himself as he pulled himself free and gave his tail short, annoyed licks before glancing up to see Blackmuzzle turning to give him a questionable tilt of his head.
Clearing his throat, the large tom simply shook his head and waved his tail in a dismissive manner and to show it was fine. Continuing to walk forward, he just sighed as he neared the white youngster “Let us just get back to the camp. We don’t know if this sicko is still out here or if he still wants to bring harm to you.” he said almost in a worried tone. He knew that the rouge wouldn’t be able to grab the kit while in their care, he would be stupid to even try, but he still worried that she would be put in harms way and he’d be responsible for it.

While under the state of coming in and out of consciousness, Crow would cry his sister’s name. Feeling around the nest for the missing body that was usually always next to him. When he could not sense her, he’d whimper before twisting to face the wall, pressing himself closely to the stone wall.
During his short moments of being awake, Dapplepaw looked over and shook his head slowly, “He’ll be out before I can even lift my paw…” he murmured before he returned to trying to convince Turtlepaw to stop crying over his paw and reassuring him that it wasn’t broken. “Go check on the elders, why don’t you? See if they need anything and search for lice, I believe I heard Hawk complaining about an itch earlier. Come back if he or any other elder has any signs.” his voice came out tired yet hopeful and cheerful. The task could keep the apprentice busy long enough to forget about his ‘injury’ and he would be able to go bother some other cat that wasn’t Dapplepaw.
To the medicine cat’s apprentices relief, Turtlepaw sniffled and stood up hesitantly before slowly inching towards the entrance, glancing back with a pitiful look, the apprentices sharing a look before the younger apprentice gave him a last nod of encouragement and a slight wave of his paw before he turned to share the report to Ivyleaf. The tortie sighed and made his way towards the elder’s den, making sure to make a show of a limp and the pain that he was clearly in. The elder’s peeking out of the den to watch him curiously and filing out to sniff at his paw, the apprentice beaming slightly at the amount of new attention he received.
The elders were good to humor him of his little incidents that turned to be as tiny as a branch tapping on his shoulder when he passed a bush during a patrol, returning to the camp to claim that he was attacked by a vicious beast. Until the older warriors that had been in the same patrol chuckled and cleared what had happened. The young tom had earned a title of being a crybaby that loved the attention of being babied. And most of the elders and older warriors or queens didn’t mind it, as it gave them something to do during their day and most of the time, they’d get the apprentice to fetch them their meal in return of a story or more showering of attention.

Refusing to look at the grave any longer, the lanky molly stared towards the direction of camp. Where Crow lay. Was he awake yet? She hoped not, simply for the fact that she wasn't there.

Herons head turned towards Russetfur as he spoke, little rock and flower held delicately in her jaws. If she wasn't trying to be so careful with the pretty little flower, she probably would have scowled at him and rolled her eyes.

The mentioning of Swiftclaw had the white cats long, thin tail flicking back and forth in mild irritation. Not because she didn't want to find him. Of course she wanted to find him. But, This was all his fault. Heron had a big part in it too, but if it wasn't for him, their lives wouldn't have turned upside down. Thrown into such an unfamiliar territory, with strange cats and customs, away from their home.

She blankly stared after the patrol, following with even steps and refusing to actually look at anybody. She just stared at the ground, watching her strong paws fall in a little pattern that seemed to make a somber tune in her head.

Massive ears twitching, Herons gaze swept up to the fluffy russet tom as he spoke. Raising a single brow in confusion. That is, until he tripped.

For a moment, she seemed to relax. That cold hard look in her eyes that seemed to age her more than an elders wrinkles and sunken eyes was replaced by amusement fitting for such a young cat. The corners of her mouth twitched up, as if she was going to laugh.

Though it didn't last longer than a second, and she reverted back into that angry wall that kept her safe.

"Watch it or you'll break your neck." Herons voice was muffled by the gifts in her mouth, and though the amused look was long gone, she almost sounded like she was teasing him, instead of the mild insult she intended.

Ignoring his second remark, she continued to follow the patrol quietly. She actually would prefer it if they got back to the camp soon.

Honeybreeze was currently sitting outside of the leaders den, enjoying a rather plump sparrow with Froststar and listening to her complain about her deputy with thoughtful hums and nods.

When did she become the clans therapist? Not that she was complaining! It felt pretty nice to be needed by a majority of the clan.

wide Yellow-green eyes shut for a moment, hearing Froststars voice but not really listening. She seemed to complain about Sparrownose often. Though went on to give him an apprentice and more duties afterwards. He was a very nice cat, though tended to ignore duties. Honeybreeze was pretty surprised that he was keeping up on Applepaws training.

Head twisting as she heard a little uneven steps she heard, the round molly caught sight of Turtlepaw and gave a little smile, huffing a little puff of air through her nose in amusement as she excused herself from the leader and pushed the rest of the sparrow towards her.

"Turtlepaw, don't complain to the elders." She teased lightly, bumping his shoulder affectionately and giving out a gentle laugh. She didn't know if he actually was, though by the dramatic limping she figured he had gotten another 'injury'. Whenever Ivyleaf was giving her a check-up on the barely-there life in her belly-per request of Russetfur, of course-she would give one of those dry laughs and tease that maybe the new kittens would help her move her doting off of Turtlepaw.

Not gonna happen.

"Come on, I'll help you out here and then we can go look for some feathers or flowers to put in the nursery...sound good?"



The weather had gotten very nice since Crow and Herons' first arrival at the clan. Whereas it was cold and snowy at first, the temperature had lifted a bit to give the air a crisp, relaxing feeling to it. It was pleasant and eased the white molly quite a bit.

Though they had been here for a bit now, she still felt anxious. She wasn't used to having so many cats around, and all of their personalities had a stark contrast to Ravens. All kind and patient. She had started to learn names and be more comfortable in letting the medic help her brother, who had recovered pretty nicely. One cat, in particular, had pretty much made herself comfortable with Heron. Making small talk in that soft, lovely voice, and assuring her that nobody was going to harm her.

It was hard to believe, but Honeybreeze seemed to be sincere. Even now, as Heron patiently waited for Crow to arouse so he could use Ivyleafs permission and explore, Honeybreeze sat next to her with a big smile. Grooming her paws and humming a gentle tune.

Even though things had settled, and Crow had recovered enough to begin building a new life, Heron couldn't help but feel a constant rock in her stomach. After all, Swiftclaw was still out there. Cats still gave her vicious looks and whispered. And she couldn't blame them, either.

"Heron, Darling, You're slouching. I thought you said that you wanted Crow to feel protected by you acting confident?" Honeybreeze purred, raising her brows in a big grin towards the oriental, who huffed and puffed in return.

"Me slouching Isn't going to affect him." She grumbled in return, shooting a scowl at the round warrior, earning a chuckle and a nod.

The tortoiseshell stretched- "Well, alright. I'm going to go grab Turtlepaw. He’ll be happy to know that Crow is coming out today." She informed, trotting off out of the camp to fetch the apprentice, who was no doubt off with her mate collecting more rocks.

Leaving Heron alone.

Her wispy ebony tail curled around her neatly aligned paws, sitting tall and tuning out the little chatter around her to focus on the herbal smelling den.


everything i've loved has turned to stone // P
thes code
ten moons old
A couple of the clan cats had begun to look for areas where the soil laid loose and wouldn't be so much trouble to dig a grave in while the young molly collected rocks, avoiding them as the remaining scouted the area. Pushing through the plants as they sniffed the area for the possibility of the rouge's scent trail or body. Though the tom still staying around the scene of a murder he committed was very unlikely. But still, they searched.
Russetpelt quietly observed the young cat, green eyes lingering for a second or two before turning to search for the source of a rustling. It was just one of the cats on their patrol digging his paw into the ground as he announced the soil around a tree wasn't as dense as the others. It would be a nice resting area for the corpse, but of course there were words of concern shared as to it would be worth the trouble of navigating around the roots or even carrying the body that far.
As the words continued to grow disrespectful, the large tom's face turned into a scowl, his paws carrying him the voice that said it wasn't as if the body was one of theirs. His lip curled as he pushed his muzzle into the other cat's face with a low growl.
"[b]She may not have been one of us, but she was a Clan cat at a point of her life. She deserves a place of rest as her remaining moments were to bleed out at the claws of a cat that wanted her and her kits dead. That kit back at the camp will join her soon and will to be buried next to her. Find a place that can fit both without the water rising to wash the dirt away and exposing them to the elements."
His eyes unfocused from their intended target as they searched for the other cat that mattered now. "You. Is there a place that she had enjoyed sitting? We may be able to bury her there, or around that spot. You decide where you want the body to rest."
Giving the cat one last glare, he sulked away, muttering to himself "I will not be reporting a half-assed job being done."

everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
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