going under the knife [having serious surgery]
Ahaha well it's about time I made a thread fully announcing something pretty life changing that's about to happen soon.

**Warning don't read below if you're sensitive to surgery talk**

So just to give some context I was born with what is called an accessory navicular bone in both feet. Basically I have two extra bones that shouldn't be there. These cause my feet to swell all the time and my toes turn purple because of lack of circulation. This is largely apart of the reason I can't go out much. It literally hurts to walk.

Now I'll be undergoing some pretty major surgery to fix my right foot. Just this alone will cause me to be bedridden for two weeks and in a wheelchair for six months. This is largely because  so many of the doctors I'd speak with would tell me I'd grow out of it. One even said that and then made me wear boots exactly like these. Yeah see that nozzle on the side? Every day I'd have to use this plastic squeezer thing to blow up balloons inside of the boot to correct my foot. Yeah he thought that would cure a literal deformation.

Anyways after years of being ignored and not treated seriously, my accessory bone has fused with my real bone. Ergo they have to remove it and put in a cadaver bone. Yayyy. So you can imagine the pain that I'll be in. Luckily I'm going to be given the good shit for pain so I will be having fun.

Good News!!!
This is not until August or September. I wanted to post this now because I am on a waiting list for any cancellations (which is like 1/million but still) so you never know. I'll be able to post once I'm conscious.

Now there is always the chance of body rejection which is a bridge I'll have to cross when I'm there. No worries though!! Reedy is a tough cookie. I'ma be okay.

tldr: i'm having surgery in august or september but i am on a cancellation wait list which may make it sooner (nearly impossible though). i will be bedridden two weeks and in a wheelchair for six months.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. I'm on a very tiny iPod touch rn because my phone is dead and I have fat thumbs.
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wheeze idk if we actually roleplay together but good luck dude! i've had a billion surgeries so, as one science experiment to another, i bid you good luck! [s]also wheeze is a cadaver bone what i,,, think it is

[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request    —    van#5054
Aha thank you soo!! much.

Yeah a cadaver bone is basically some dead guys bone that I get to have Big Grin he won't be using it anytime soon
i'm cackling you're gonna be part dead if you use that bone reed
but gl!! i know surgery is sucky and inconvenient as hell so

when this r e p e t i t i o n ends behind the window shades, a semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made  —— that most unrestful bed, that most original of sins, and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again. I'd hate to let you [sub]down,[/sub] so I'll let the waters [sup]rise[/sup] and drown my dull reflection in the naïve expectation in your eyes. back in a cast bit-part, back when I felt most free, I had a butcher's / heart and no-one thought they knew me         .        .        .        .        .         .          [ ★ ]

Hey well at least someone will bone me

[Image: anigif_original-21247-1439996951-5.gif]

Hahaha seriously though thank y'all! I'll be Gucci brah soon.
Catch me laughing for a good bit when I see this first:
(06-28-2018, 08:09 AM)reedy link Wrote: Hey well at least someone will bone me

But like everyone else said, good luck!

( i wanna get better ) —————————––- [abbr=ELY/LYSIA & HE/HIM & SEMI-ACTIVE]INFO[/abbr]
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