
HALLOW VALE is a bustling city full of a diverse population- a dream come true for those looking to start a new life. However, with the recent murders and supernatural sightings, many are beginning to suspect that this perfect city is not what it seems...

Underneath its cover, Hallow Vale is a hotspot for supernatural beings. Although not the ideal place to hide (Lunar Point takes the trophy on that one), Hallow Vale has many hidden services and activities for every werewolf, Harbinger or vampire. Some examples include alleyways with hidden entrances to supernatural-themed cafés and stores, plenty of (some quite literally) underground clinics and businesses, and even a frequenting taco truck who gives vampires "extra spicy sauce" if given the correct code word.

HISTORY Halfmoon County has a rich history belonging to both the supernatural and the non-supernatural. Centered mostly in Lunar Point and Hallow Vale, supernaturals have called this location their home for centuries, just as the non-supernatural have, each laying their claim to it, and thus, a power struggle began to those aware of the supernaturals' presence. Ever since people have witnessed supernatural sightings, there has been an increase in the number of hunters, whether their target be werewolf, vampire, or even Harbinger, these hunters have posed a true threat to the supernatural population. With diligent research and careful choices in weaponry, hunters target these creatures’ known weaknesses, and do the most to eliminate them from Halfmoon County, some believing them to be nothing but monsters, and some only in it for the money: vampire venom, werewolf skins, and Harbinger wings sell for a pretty penny.

The story goes, a powerful coven once resided in Lunar Point long ago- Circle of Blair Lake. These witches were wronged by two brothers, who discovered the coven’s abilities and burned three of the witches in fear. In their grief, the coven cursed one brother to endure the transformation of vampirism, and the other lycanthropy. From there, their curse spread like a wildfire to those close to these brothers. Borne were the current day vampires and werewolves. In turn, however, the witches also met a village called Harbinger. Here, they took pity on its residents as the brothers’ clan had ravaged and burned their home. To help the people, the witches gifted them strong, sharp wings that would protect them from further ill will. The Harbingers, grateful for the covens gift, worked hand in hand with them, offering them protection and supplies with their newfound abilities.

Nowadays, witches have died out due to their small population and threats from man, werewolf, and vampire alike. In the wake of their absence, the grudges between all three occults have grown, Harbingers angry for their creators' deaths, and Vampires and Werewolves left with no one to purchase spells from. It seems nowadays, everyone is against one another.

LAYOUT Lunar Point is infamous for its small town appeal and nostalgic design. To the east resides Lake Blair, a gorgeous, sprawling lake bordering the town and the mountain peaks. To the west and north, the town borders a thick woodland area, spanning for miles beyond them. To the south resides roads that will take you to Hallow Vale within a 20 minute drive. Lunar Point’s shops are all very nostalgic feeling, as is the entirety of the town it seems is stuck in another decade. Many neighborhoods reside near the center or town, but many lake houses and country side houses reside on Lake Blair and in clearings close to the edge of the woodlands. Lunar Point is also known for its gorgeous scenery during Autumn, as shown here at the town hall, and some townhouses.


i heard a scream
In the woods somewhere
A woman's voice; I quickly ran
Into the trees with empty hands
----What caused the wound?
How large the teeth?
I saw new eyes were watching me
(I found something in the woods somewhere)
Welcome to Halfmoon County; home to both Lunar Point and Hallow Vale, here boasts both the appeal of a quaint town and a bustling city life.

LUNAR POINT is located in the northern range of New York, and is a small town surrounded by mountains and lush woodlands with a lake adorning its east most point. The town is quiet and picturesque, with a rich history it enjoys celebrating, and a very… unique population. The town is known for their love for oddities and their supernatural folk stories, but with recent accidents flooding the town’s headlines, the long time residents are growing suspicious of these “folk stories” they once celebrated.

Unbeknownst to most, this small town is home to an infamous coven in the 15th century, Circle of Blair Lake, who cursed man to become vampires and werewolves, and gifted Harbingers their wings. Ever since, these ancient bloodlines have mostly remained in Lunar Point or in the nearby Hallow Vale, stubborn to their roots.
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