open your heart — tatiana.
[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]In his heart, he loved her all the time.

Reclined upon fresh linen, Teddy would seldom take notice of the gentle fluttering of curtains against the breeze, French doors opening out toward the sunset as slanted rays of orange and yellow were dappled with clouds. After all, despite all the allure of the coast's acclaimed evenings, nothing was as beautiful as his dear Tatiana. On his side he lay, cheek resting upon his open palm as he propped himself up to admire her from close. There had been a time where there had been unequivocal confirmation that Teddy would never get to feel this way ever again. Tatiana had left The Badlands wounded and betrayed, and Teddy had been the one with blood on his hands. He had a turbulent and uncontrolled attitude, and that hurt the people that he loved.

To stab a loved one in the back was a solution he would weakly recommend.

So when Tatiana returned to Teddy, he knew that she forgave him; at least enough for him to make things right again. At least enough to show her that he was the light heart that she had once met. It was clear that he showed remorse, eyes puffy and red as he begged for forgiveness. And soon, he learned that she had fallen pregnant again. Whilst the thought of commitment terrified him, Teddy wouldn't wish for anyone to spend the rest of his life with than with Tatiana.

All he could do was count his blessings. This was his final chance to make things right. To let her know that he loved her. He did. He did.

Hand reached out to gently caress her cheek, Teddy giving her a playful closed-lip smile. ❝ How about da name Lovella for a girl? Benoit for a boy? Or Dior. ❞ suggested Teddy, rolling closer so that he could pull Tatiana flush against him. Pecking kisses across her face, he cackled beneath his breath until raising his brows to gaze into her eyes. ❝ I can't have a kid with a common name. Theodore's already common enough; why'd ya think I go by Teddy? ❞

Rolling onto his back, Teddy rested his hand against his chest to contemplate within a moment of silence before adding, ❝ And if ya name is so beautiful, then so should our kid's name — ya get me? Mais, I wanna be able to say... meet my beautiful girlfriend, Tatiana, and our son, Dior, who is so cute by the way... ❞ Lips curled into a softer smile. ❝ It just feels so right to me. So right... ❞

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; text-align: justify; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]✧・゚: I'VE BEEN IN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, DATED EVERY WOMAN IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I'VE BEEN TO EVERY CONTINENT, BROKEN ALL THE HEARTS IN EVERY HEMISPHERE, AND IF I'M NOT THE TYPE OF GUY YOU LIKE TO CIRCUMVENT, JUST REMEMBER NOT TO LOVE ME WHEN I DISAPPEAR. I GRADUATED AT THE TOP, I LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BOURGEOISIE . . .
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