CANT HELP HE WAS BORN A KING — belated birthday, open

//just starting this off w a tw for alcohol! you are more than welcome to step in and get ves to stop :]

♔  The years always kept blurring into one, coming and going before him. Somewhere between two years ago and now, Ves had forgotten how old he was now. He went around explaining he was going to be 28, but as the day approached, he realized he was, in fact, not. He was 29. He groaned, running a hand over his face and pulling on his skin, knowing one day said skin would be wrinkly, and he'd be old and frail. Now that scared him an awful lot more than anything would. He rummaged around for some alcohol, anywhere. He needed a drink, and bad. It was reaching a point where he was positive that he'd die if he didn't drink.

♔  He couldn't even remember the year before, and he wasn't quite sure if that was a good or a bad thing - after all, it wasn't like Ves' memory was slipping entirely. He continued to look in the house he and Axel were living in before he gave up. Very clearly the eldest of the two had stashed the alcohol away so that Ves couldn't get absolutely hammered on it. Frustrated, he glared in the direction of his brother's room before he stalked out of the house. If he couldn't find his own... well, he could just get it elsewhere.

♔  Ves headed right for the casino. Maybe he'd have more common sense than to just drink, and maybe he'd actually let people know his birthday had passed, and that he was, in fact, celebrating, but he kept it to himself, pushing into the casino doors. He would have normally been friendly, chatting away with people as he made his way to the bar, but this time he beelined for it. He kept his head down, a scowl on his face as he reached the bar and tapped on it. He'd visited quite enough that his order was well known, but this time it was for a special occasion.

♔  He ordered it double, and seemed to just inhale both glasses. He winced, then nodded, continuing to order until he could no longer see straight.

♔  If old age didn't kill him, his horrid drinking habits would.

♔  "TEXT!"

[spoiler=//tags — updated ;; 09/06/22]
> vesania bielschmidt | ves, vessie
> male ;; he/him
> 28 years ;; ages real time ;; april 18th
> badlands ;; loner / previous los santos leader

> physical health ;; 90%
> minor injuries ;; n/a
> major injuries ;; n/a
> important things to note ;; situs inversus, the reverse/mirroring of major organs

> long, white hair ; pink-red eyes ; rather thin, small shoulders and wider hips ; 6'01" ; 160 lbs
> tattoos on his whole body, including face ; piercings all over body as well, including ears, left eyebrow, nose, tongue, chest, naval, and other spots ; forked tongue ; sharpened canines
> wears a patchy, old vest with a fur collar ; ripped skinny jeans ; no shoes
> carries a picture of his brother ; some pocket change ; possibly a flask
> important things to note ;; ves has albinism

> very laid back and flirty ; he is easy-going and likes to make jokes ; hides a lot about himself ; really difficult to gain his trust ; just as easily to lose it ; doesn't settle well if he is getting bad vibes from somebody ; very childish when he trusts someone ; bit of a goofball ; very blunt when talking ; not worried about how his words may affect someone ; suspicious of people he first meets ; starts things if he knows he's gaining something from it
> adhd ; ptsd
> plays with his hair often ; blinks really hard during conversations ; is unable to make eye contact

> pheobe bielschmidt x henry bielschmidt ;; pheobe - m.i.a ; henry - deceased
    > henry passed in freak accident
    > pheobe went missing at scene of the crime
> axel bielschmidt ; chris bielschmidt ;; axel - alive ; chris - deceased
    > chris passed away due to an illness
> pansexual ; demiromantic
> no known crushes

> easy mentally | medium physically
> has no filter | ALL IC OPINIONS
> non-violent power play allowed
> will not attack/kill/maim/capture without asking the author
> do not kill/maim/capture without asking me (timothy)
> if you want to attack, use this colour (red) and underline it

misc importance
> "this is him talking." ;; his speech is in italics
> this is him thinking ;; thoughts are in italics

[align=center][Image: ves_8_2.jpg]
[align=center]*:・゚✦[b] JUST SO I COULD FEEL WHAT I FELT WHEN [abbr=pinterest]YOU[/abbr] [abbr=bio]TOOK[/abbr] [abbr=playlist]ME[/abbr] [abbr=penned by timothy - all ic opinions]IN[/abbr]
[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]A cigarette was seemingly attached to his lips as Theodore Knope comfortably puffed away. In the casino, he'd rarely find himself without a group of cronies by his side, itching for just a taste of his success as they sat around a round table, constructing a cacophony of chatter whilst playing a game of blackjack together. A smile would remain unwavering on Teddy's lips as he observed the game, choosing to indulge in the sounds of musicians practicing their pieces in preparation for the next casino night.

Until his attention began to linger off to the side.

Chin tipped up slightly and brows pinched together in keen observation. The curiosity was irresistible, and soon Teddy nodded his head towards where Vesania was slumped at the bar, exhaling a slow plume of smoke. ❝ How long's he been there for? ❞ Teddy questioned, several confidants twisting their heads around to glance at whoever Teddy was referring to. ❝ A long while. ❞ Someone provided, Teddy humming under his breath to himself before rising out of his chair. ❝ I'll be back. ❞

The boss wandered across the casino and towards the bar, squeezing Vesania's shoulders as he reached the inebriated man before sliding onto a barstool beside him. ❝ Gonna be a drought behind da bar by the time you're done with it. ❞ He pointed out matter of factly, quirking a brow Vesania's way before waving his hand to catch the bartender's attention. Eyes were drawn back to Vesania before he visibly scoffed with a slough of amusement and bafflement. ❝ Y'ain't wanting to do this without cause — 'cause tomorrow's hangover? That won't be nothing nice. ❞ He gave a bartender a quick wink of acknowledgement as he handed a classic Manhattan over before looking back towards Vesania. ❝ Drowning in ya sorrows won't make 'em go away, y'know? So... what's gotten to ya? ❞

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; text-align: justify; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]✧・゚: I'VE BEEN IN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, DATED EVERY WOMAN IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I'VE BEEN TO EVERY CONTINENT, BROKEN ALL THE HEARTS IN EVERY HEMISPHERE, AND IF I'M NOT THE TYPE OF GUY YOU LIKE TO CIRCUMVENT, JUST REMEMBER NOT TO LOVE ME WHEN I DISAPPEAR. I GRADUATED AT THE TOP, I LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BOURGEOISIE . . .

♔  It wasn't expected to see Teddy at the casino. He had seen him, though briefly, when he pushed past the normal people he'd chat with, and just headed to the bar. By the time that Teddy got up to the bar and spoke to him, Ves was hardly even able to sit in the stool properly. His leg kept slipping off the rest, limp on the counter as he struggled to lift another glass to his lips. He leaned back, nearly almost falling off the stool entirely as he knocked back the glass, choking and wiping his face of the alcohol that spilled out of his mouth and down his chin. He swiveled his head to look at Teddy, finally taking note of him there, all of his words were just drowned out in the noise of the background.

♔  It also didn't help that Ves wasn't the best at listening. "Wassat?" He spoke, tilting his head.

♔  When Teddy asked, what's gotten to ya?, Ves' eyes lowered to the bar. He sniffled and wiped his face, shaking his head and looking away. He came here to get drunk, of course, and yet here he was, sitting before Teddy, about to start bawling. What the fuck happened? He continued to sway in the stool before he dropped forward onto the bar, cheek against the wood, arms limp at his side. His shoulders shook and, at first, it sounded like maybe he was laughing, but large, ugly tears rolled down his cheeks as he sobbed.

♔  He couldn't even find the words to tell him.

♔  "I'm- it's, I-" He'd hiccup, bottom lip quivering as he turned his head to look at Teddy. "I... It's... M'bi...birthd...ay." His words were strung together in a giddy whine.

♔  He reached an intoxicated hand for the glass, but even the bartender just kind of gave him a look. It was his birthday, and he was nothing but a drunken fool, sobbing to one of the heads of the Badlands like he was his best friend, celebrating in one of the worst ways possible. He'd think, it could be worse, he could be in nothing but his smalls, not able to tell left from right, laying spread eagle in the middle of a crowd--but to Ves, of course, that seemed like a fun time.

♔  This was, in fact, not a fun time.

♔  "TEXT!"

[spoiler=//tags — updated ;; 09/06/22]
> vesania bielschmidt | ves, vessie
> male ;; he/him
> 28 years ;; ages real time ;; april 18th
> badlands ;; loner / previous los santos leader

> physical health ;; 90%
> minor injuries ;; n/a
> major injuries ;; n/a
> important things to note ;; situs inversus, the reverse/mirroring of major organs

> long, white hair ; pink-red eyes ; rather thin, small shoulders and wider hips ; 6'01" ; 160 lbs
> tattoos on his whole body, including face ; piercings all over body as well, including ears, left eyebrow, nose, tongue, chest, naval, and other spots ; forked tongue ; sharpened canines
> wears a patchy, old vest with a fur collar ; ripped skinny jeans ; no shoes
> carries a picture of his brother ; some pocket change ; possibly a flask
> important things to note ;; ves has albinism

> very laid back and flirty ; he is easy-going and likes to make jokes ; hides a lot about himself ; really difficult to gain his trust ; just as easily to lose it ; doesn't settle well if he is getting bad vibes from somebody ; very childish when he trusts someone ; bit of a goofball ; very blunt when talking ; not worried about how his words may affect someone ; suspicious of people he first meets ; starts things if he knows he's gaining something from it
> adhd ; ptsd
> plays with his hair often ; blinks really hard during conversations ; is unable to make eye contact

> pheobe bielschmidt x henry bielschmidt ;; pheobe - m.i.a ; henry - deceased
    > henry passed in freak accident
    > pheobe went missing at scene of the crime
> axel bielschmidt ; chris bielschmidt ;; axel - alive ; chris - deceased
    > chris passed away due to an illness
> pansexual ; demiromantic
> no known crushes

> easy mentally | medium physically
> has no filter | ALL IC OPINIONS
> non-violent power play allowed
> will not attack/kill/maim/capture without asking the author
> do not kill/maim/capture without asking me (timothy)
> if you want to attack, use this colour (red) and underline it

misc importance
> "this is him talking." ;; his speech is in italics
> this is him thinking ;; thoughts are in italics

[align=center][Image: ves_8_2.jpg]
[align=center]*:・゚✦[b] JUST SO I COULD FEEL WHAT I FELT WHEN [abbr=pinterest]YOU[/abbr] [abbr=bio]TOOK[/abbr] [abbr=playlist]ME[/abbr] [abbr=penned by timothy - all ic opinions]IN[/abbr]
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-size: 7.5pt; line-height: 125%; font-family: arial; letter-spacing: 2px;"]where there was alcohol, there was bound to be drunkards. what he didn't expect was for one of those drunkards to be the man he had kissed recently. a stupid grin grew on his face and he waltzed on over, sitting himself on the other side of ves and swinging an arm around his shoulders cheerfully. maybe they could forget about the whole kissing scene if shepherd had some sort of gossip on the other dude.

well, that was until he noticed that this wasn't drinking for funsies -- this was drinking to forget something. whatever that may be, it wasn't shepherd's place to use it for blackmail (or anybody's place for that matter). his smile fell from his face and instead his expression became more concerned. something in him told him to brush loose strands of hair from vesania's face and he used his thumb to wipe at the corners of his mouth. shepherd looked up at teddy with a slight frown hearing the slurred words coming from ves's lips. "ain't that somethin' to celebrate, bud? ain't no reason to be wallowin'."

he had dealt with drunken fools before, his father being a prime example of it. he became knowledgeable in how to deal with hangovers at a young age, which pain killers worked best for headaches, and how to coax someone out of drinking anymore than their body could handle. it was as if shepherd had been the parental figure, and his own father was like a helpless child babbling nonsense. "c'mon now, get some h2o in you, vessy."

[div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; width: 430px; text-align: center; font-size: 15pt; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: -1px;"]✧ so come, one and all to see the apathy
[div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; width: 430px; text-align: center; font-size: 9pt; font-family: arial; margin-top: -4px; letter-spacing: 1px;"](( the reems of grey stencil that fill the tapestry. ))
[Image: cef42342274b2a408b9394d3e1e027e6dcea3762.gif]
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]Sometimes, just to escape her own thoughts, Salem came to the casino. She never really talked to anyone, or drank anything. She just observed and let the raucousness of the night occupy the space in her brain that was usually taken up by thoughts of her son, her business, her old life. Tonight, she was doing just that - perched on a bar stool, watching the crowd - when she noticed Teddy walk over to Ves.

Okay, so maybe she turned her attention to Teddy. There was no harm in watching, especially when he was being uncharacteristically sincere to a member who seemingly had nothing monetary to offer him. Sure, if she never interacted with Teddy again, it would be too son, but there was a little voyeur that was growing inside of her, and she wasn't ready to stamp it out just yet.

Salem instinctively hopped off of her stool when she saw Ves' shoulders start to shake. Looking around cautiously, she quietly slunk up besides Teddy, and listened to Ves stumble over his words, saying something about his birthday. In response, she knit her brows and nodded slowly. Due to her mother's neglect, she hadn't celebrated her birthday since she was a child. At least, not until last year. And, while that birthday was fun, she couldn't deny the years of hurt that the coldness of her mother had instilled in her by creating a lovely tradition before cruelly abandoning it when Salem didn't meet her expectations as a daughter. Truth be told, she was lucky that she was able to salvage the tradition and keep her birthday a happy occasion.

All of a sudden, Shepherd appeared out of nowhere, petting Vesania and offering him water he didn't have. Salem sighed. That boy...

She had come to the casino to escape being a mom. However, she couldn't deny that Vesania was not only a loyal customer, but a breath of fresh air among a crowd of people that always seemed so bleak, herself included. Salem pulled out her cantine, which had been shoved under her arm, and offered it to Ves.

"Maybe after you drink some of this, we can get you home." Salem tried to find a nice medium between the voice she used with Jasper and her kindest "talking to strangers" voice, hoping that it would read as caring and delicate rather than condescending.
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> Elisa Barone | "Salem"
> Female
> 24
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time, a small handgun, and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> medium physically | easy/medium mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Lionel King x Melissa Barone
> Son Jasper
> Half brother Rafe
> Half niece Gigi
> Cat Chrisanthymum "Chrissy"
>Bisexual | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
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