by the way, you’ve been uninvited | o, birthday
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]sure, josephine van doren is sitting at a table in the lounge, but her mind is anywhere but. coo’s and laughter fill the lodge as her now one year old is passed around the room, soaking up the attention and beaming with it while she goes between sucking on some old teething toy and throwing it across the room to erupt into giggles. joey never understood birthday parties for babies, it’s not like they would remember or even be able to do anything that’s actually fun, so it’s always seemed pointless to her; but, this isn’t her doing. when lucia mentioned having a party for rosalie, joey insisted that it wouldn’t be necessary and truly thought that would be the end of it; she was wrong. the whole room is decorated with whatever cutesie things they would find laying around, there’s an assortment of snacks set up as nicely as they could be, and people have little paper birthday hats that were clearly made by someone at the lodge; one ended up on her head, too, to “cheer her up” as the person put it. how could she? one year. one year of her life gone, along with so many other things. joey feels like she lost herself: her body, her ideals, her freedom, all for something she never wanted.

legs outstretched in front of her, joey looks fixated on the table at first glance, but she’s clearly looking past it, absent-mindedly fumbling with a half-full cup of water. the hat is sat slightly off center of her head, the strap over her hair, making part of it droop forward. her whole body is tense, her hands slowing to a stop for a moment before she huffs out a small breath, sitting up in her seat and resting her forearms on the table. she longs for a break, go back to her old life as an early-twenties bachelorette with nothing to worry about, constantly finding herself in trouble. joey could always take care of it, of course, but that’s part of the fun.

she gets to her feet, taking a quick drink of her water before leaving it on the table, she needs something stronger. no one would notice if she slipped out for a few moments, just enough time for her to down a couple shots and maybe not feel so empty. she tries to just weave through people with her gaze down and get no questions, but almost instantly after she turns for the door, she hears her name, “ joey! rosie said she wants to do presents now, “ aspen calls with a little grin, cheek on rosie’s head. she stops the oncoming eye roll with a straight-lipped ‘ smile ‘. ” uh, yeah, sure, “ she says, feet dragging across the floor. aspen’s been pretty active with rosie recently, joey guesses it’s because max is basically about to pop; she thinks, at least, her and her sister aren’t exactly on the best of terms still.

// this is like half a month late oops. but, i have more time to post now so hopefully this won’t happen again < 333 this is just a little birthday party for rosie’s first birthday thrown by lucia. feel free to have your oc’s doing anything!

[spoiler=tags, updated 09/11/2021]BASICS[color=#990000]I HAD A DREAM

&. ❝ josephine elena van doren ❞ |  joey, hoey | female [ she/her ] .
&. 22 years old . | november first ; scorpio .
&. reaper of flintlock lodge .

&. impulsive . outgoing . femme fatale . flirtatious . seemingly emotionless . guarded . self-destructive . obsessive . hot headed . reckless . kleptomania tendencies . selfish . brat .  assertive . loyal to those close to her . intuitive . stubborn . passionate . self-preserving . quick . nosey . reliable . non-committal . determined . secretive . resentful . resourceful . distrusting .

&.  five foot six & one hundred and seventeen pounds ; reference .
↳ blonde hair just past her collarbone, grows a dirtier blonde, lightening up as soon as any sun touches it .
↳ slim, muscular build. legs on the longer side .
↳ big blue/green doe eyes, light yet well-groomed eyebrows, full lips, dimples .

&.  [ 8/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ medium ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #990000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 2 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 2 ] aid items | [ 1 ] misc .
↳ one combat knife .
↳ a three piece throwing knife set
↳ a bracelet from her late mother, each one of her sisters has a piece to the same set, their mother having the biggest piece

&. elizabeth van doren (npc) x malcolm van doren (npc) | second youngest of nine children .
↳ cassian van doren, eldest, flintlock .
↳ beau van doren, second eldest, unknown .
↳ range rover van doren, unknown .
↳ scarlett van doren, flintlock .
↳ tara van doren, unknown .
↳ julian van doren, flintlock .
↳ maxine van doren, just older than joey, flintlock .
↳ richard van doren, youngest, deceased .
↳ lucky van doren, cousin, flintlock .
&. pansexual, panromantic ; mongamous  . | scared of commitment, however enjoys casual fun .
&. lover to william stirling
↳ reoccurring friends with benefits.
↳ parents to rosalie willa van doren, one year old .
&. lover to theodore knope
↳ partner in the badlands
&. crushing on cassidy van den bergh[/spoiler]

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 6.5pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px; color: #484a4d"]As far as moral obligations went, this one was pretty self-explanatory. Being the father of the birthday girl, it was deemed a necessity that William should attend her birthday party at all costs which was funny considering she likely wouldn’t miss him if he chose not to show his face. She had no basis to form an expectation from — this being her very first birthday — and now that William had chosen to commit to this celebration it would be an unspoken presumption that, for as long as he wanted Joey in his life, he had to settle with the role of a loving father who would mollycoddle his sweetheart daughter especially so for her big day.

William barely thought of his little sister as someone who would be so keen to celebrate her baby niece’s first birthday but he supposed that this was her very first niece to spoil. Lucia seemed to like kids enough, or at least felt sorry enough for Rosalie to act like it — sometimes she’d send a sneer one’s way if it squealed too incessantly as, regardless of how tolerable a person could be, even a worm would turn. But, even though she’d deny it, Lucia did have a knack for handling children. She enjoyed making them feel as if she was a friend rather than a superior, and children always felt drawn towards the freedom that came with siding with authority. In William’s mind, that was a very manipulative way of creating a bond with another person; but what did William know?

In the lounge, William seemed somewhat disinterested as he sat on an armchair, brows slightly raised and arms crossed comfortably across his chest as he watched people give Rosalie the attention she deserved yet rarely received an abundance of. As the father, William had been one of the first people that Flintlockers hounded down to ensure he was wearing a handmade party hat, the colourful accessory sitting rigidly on the middle of his head. Around his chin, the thin white elastic pinched at the hairs of his beard, William sliding a finger across his jawline every once in a while to relieve him of the annoyance. It seemed as if he’d been already sitting there for eternity before Rosalie was handed over to him. Oh, right — he was sitting amidst this circle of baby-lovers. William assumed that he was nothing more than a spectator, subtly grimacing as his baby erupted with laughter as people tried to get a giggle out of her, but truly he was somewhere involved in it too.

To save face, William began to smile. ❝ You like all this attention on you today, huh? ❞ William tickled her belly, earning a squeal as Rosie gripped onto his shirt with her hand. Leaning in, William murmured softly, ❝ You’re just like your mother, you know that? ❞ Without a second wasted, William pressed his lips against her cheek, giving his daughter a kiss before passing her onto the next person. Gaze shifted up towards eyes looking towards him. A woman, smiling. ❝ You have the loveliest daughter. ❞ And, as William exchanged glances with her, he could tell that she truly believed that he thought so too. He crinkled his nose and huffed, ❝ You’ve not seen her when she hasn’t had her beauty sleep. ❞ William remarked dryly, earning a laugh. His eyes darted off to the side, smile fading with disinterest. If she took it as a joke, then so be it.

William lifted his head to see that Aspen was holding Rosie now, saying something about opening presents. He had gotten Rosie a gift on her actual birthday, so hopefully he wasn’t expected to bring something for today’s party too. If anyone questioned him on it, he’d have to make it clear that Rosie had received more than enough from William. Glancing around the room, William made eye contact with his sister. In her hands, Lucia was carrying over gifts to place in the middle of the room for Rosie to open in front of everyone. Was William going to have to act excited for this? He decided to avert his gaze to look over towards Joey instead, hoping to catch her attention so that he can call her over to sit by him. At least she understood the frustration of having to endure celebrations like these.


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