[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]there’s the periodic crunches of snow, despite the stealth mode, along with the labored breathing that they’re trying so desperately to keep under wraps. ” shit, i think we’re outnumbered, “ gets bowie to glance over to drew with just his eyes. he huffs out a breath and curt nod, a smile threatening to make him break character, ” good luck out there, my guy. “ next, his eyes search for their last companion, his doberman mix who sticks out like a sore thumb against the blinding white of the dusting of snow. she creeps closer to their opponents, repeatedly looking to him with little excited whimpers from the impending game. this is what finally broke the act, making him smile. with a flick of his head, bowie tells garble to go out alongside drew.

bowie only looks out from behind his tree when drew announces she’s been hit. he swings his body around just in time to watch garble jumped to try and catch a snowball out of the air, ida’s last one, for good measure, before she flips down, kneading closer to drew.

letting out a dramatic sigh, aspen slowly put his hands up as a white flag in surrender, [color=#80bfff]” you’ve caught me! please spare me! “ he jokingly begs, stumbling towards ida. until he broke out in laughter, falling into the snow. henry cuts into his view of the sky, a smug but excited smirk on his face, [color=#80bfff]” guys really won! that was great, why are you takin’ freds’ spot as adviser by now? “ he teases as he sits up, immediately met with wet kisses from garble. he had to pull his face away when someone not part of their original group takes a snowball to the noggin. bowie’s brown eyebrows rose a bit at the people’s reaction, [color=#80bfff]” they’re just playin’, bro, “ aspen mutters under his breath, glancing to ida, [color=#80bfff]” don’t worry, i’ll be on your side for this one, “ he assures her.

[color=#80bfff]” oh common! it isn’t that serious, mate, she’s a little girl!
henry says with a laugh, gently elbowing ida.

[align=left]just a teenage dirtbag, baby ・゚✧ ☾
[i][b]--- listen to iron maiden, baby, with me
strange ways ┊ snowball fight (O)
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]drew was crouching behind a tree, her back resting against it as her heartbeat pounded in her chest. she tried to remain still, careful to not give away where she was as she tried to steady her breathing. normally, she was able to stay calm and collected during situations, but her adrenaline was going haywire and eventually she found it easy to tune out the yelling going on around her so she could think of what she wants to do next.

carefully, she peaked her head to try and see the situation that was unfolding, only to lock eyes with one of the enemies. drew quickly whipped back around. "shit..." she mentioned under her breath. "i think we're outnumbered," she mentioned to bowie who was near her, laughing slightly before she picked up the weapon of choice in her hand. "see you on the other side, buddy." drew finally got to her feet and ran out from behind the tree with a playful yell, running right into the battle field which was really just a bunch of flintlock kids having a snowball fight. she lightly tossed two of her snowballs at some of them, before she felt one make contact with her arm.

dramatically falling to the ground, her hand went flying over to hold her arm. "i'm down! you got me!" her big brown eyes went over to look at her assailant, it was little ida giggling over how she got her. "i win! i win!" drew smiled as she watched her jump around happily, still giggling over her victory. "hey! i got new target for you," she whispered to the young girl, quickly getting up to kneel beside her, packing snow together in her hands as she motioned towards the other flintlocker who was walking by. "right there," she handed her the snowball, nodding her head before she watched as ida threw the snow at them, chuckling as it hit them.

// just a fun little snowball fight thread!
got permission from truce for using ida! feel free to have your character be the one ida hit with a snowball!
He'd been back for a day and if any of the residents knew anything about him, it was probably that he was grumpy. Or surely. Or an asshole. Or someone with the gentle demeanor of a cactus. It's not that he wasn't capable of being nice or sociable, he was just still getting used to Flintlock. Everything was the same, but everything was different. That was a difficult thing to get used to. This place had been home but now it wasn't, he was just here for Torrin.

But... he supposed he could make himself useful while he waited for Torrin to either realize this place sucked or that he missed Johannes. It'd be nice to see if the wildlife patterns had changed since he'd been gone, or if they followed the same cycles they always did. Going out to hunt for the first time after returning felt good, a return to a normal he hadn't realized how desperately he'd missed it.

Then he got beaned in the head by a snowball.

Snow exploded around him into chunks and a mist, and he was glad for the hat that probably kept it from getting in his ears. He spun around and glared at the source of the snowball. He wasn't sure if it was the girl that looked to be about his age, or the girl that was about ten years younger, but in any case he was scowling. "Do you mind?" A surprisingly levelheaded response.

[spoiler=MY CHILDHOOD SPAT BACK OUT THE MONSTER THAT YOU SEE | 04/02]General — biograhpy
▪ Grayson Hanson | Gray | Formerly Aria Rivendare
▪ Masculine presenting | Identifies as male | He/Him | DFAB
[size=7pt]— Almost impossible to tell his birth gender (get Pyre's permission before having y/c know)

▪ 19 years, 1 months | 2/6/22 | Ages primarily real time
▪ Ex-Ranger of the Flintlock Lodge | Ex-Member of Moorland Riders | Member of Nowhere

Physical — reference
♦ HUMAN | Health: 100%
— Gray is about medium height at 5'6", and very thin and lanky. He has gray eyes, and off-black hair cropped into an undercut, which has recently been cut a bit closer to the scalp than normal. Under his left eye he has a beauty mark, and there are a few scars on his medium-brown skin, and there are more under the slate gray bandanna, hoodies and jeans the gangly teen tends to wear. There are three pierces in his right ear, two in his lobe and one in the cartilage.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Important Info — roleplayer
▪ In no way shows that he was born female, does everything possible to hide it (such as binding) and wears clothes meant for men. Without him stripping, it's pretty much impossible to tell that he isn't biologically male.
▪ Low-key history nut.
▪ Nearsighted.
▪ Has a blue pit bull named Brianna.
▪ Opinions and motivations are Gray's and Gray's alone and are not shared by his roleplayer.

Personality — INTJ-T
— Articulate; contemplative; efficient; driven; incisive; intelligent; meticulous; orderly; perceptive; practical; rational; self-sufficient; shrewd; vigilant; witty, enigmatic; frank; neutral; placid; private; stoic, abrupt; aloof; assertive; blunt; calculating; coarse; critical; cynical; distrusting; judgmental; opinionated; pedantic; sarcastic; self-serving; unreliable; vindictive

Relationships — heartchart
▪ Val x Summer Rivendare | Adopted by Diana Hanson
▪ Pansexual | Panromantic | Monogamous
▪ Dating Torrin | One crush
▪ ½ Graytor | ½ Graux
▪ Generally puts on a friendly front and cares for those around him, but still holds them at arms' length and is very hard to get close to. Very awkward when flirted with and doesn't really like it, but becomes quite flirty when drunk

Interaction — plotting thread
— Medium Physically | Hard mentally
— Still in training
— Prefers to fight with a machete, but can go hand-to-hand
— No kill/capture/maim without permission
— To attack, [member=2027]Gray[/member] and attack in underlined #708090

i'm looking for a good time on my own, i'm all alone ——
”Aw, c’mon, bubs.” Torrin was loping behind Gray, lagging a good few feet because Gray’s legs were simply so much longer than his own. It was hard to spend a lot of time away from him, with so many strangers or... People that were supposed to feel like old friends but instead felt like strangers. He jogged the last few paces, skirting to a stop and looking up at his partner. ”They were havin’ fun, didn’t ya hear? Just be more careful, okay?” He turner to the others with a sweet smile to contrast Grayson’s prickles. He giggled, winking at Gray. ”And babe? Once they hit you, they’re fair game. Revenge is the best option, after all, isn’t it?” Leave him to challenge Gray into having fun rather than just beg him to. Oh, no. Torrin had learned a thing or two in two years. Begging would work eventually... But this might be easier. ”Unless you don’t think you can hold your own... Worried I might have to patch you up?”

[div style="margin-top: -6px; height: 75px; width: 250px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8px;"]TORRIN is a MALE HUMAN with HE/HIM pronouns. he is currently a medic of the FLINTLOCK LODGE and is 18 years old. he is physically MEDIUM and mentally HARD. attack in BOLD #FFB347. played by ARCTURUS..
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