11-11-2020, 11:35 PM
xPiper's nerves may have been dead to feeling, but he knew he wouldn't last long under the sun.
xA lithe figure was unknowingly crossing the border of the Badlands. He vaguely recalled their name and he knew their nature was - relatively speaking - in their title. Yet, his mind swam with busied ideas as he struggled to remember exactly why they were seen as terrible. The word "dogs" briefly passed over his mind but he couldn't put together a coherent thought. He was too focused on trying to find shelter from the heat lest he be subject to a premature death. Then again, a bullet would also provide the same result.
xHe should've turned back earlier, but he'd spend more time backtracking than finding shelter here. Besides, the nameless farmhouse he abandoned was not only long behind him, but the faucet had stopped running. He'd checked up and down the lifeless farmstead for water and the only source to be found was a dirty pool. It was a shame, really; the place was the nicest he came across - that he could remember, at least. The roof leaked a bit but there weren't any holes. The wood on the porch was splintering but it wasn't falling apart. Of the mice he'd seen, they made a decent snack since he hadn't been able to trap any deer. However, he wasn't going to survive on rats and dirty water, so he packed up and left.
xThe sun had peaked in the cloudless ocean of blue above him. He couldn't imagine how hot it was, but he was starting to sweat, which was a feat for his body by itself. However, after several hours, he'd finally arrived upon the shelter of some trees. Piper had no idea how exhausted his body was; he could only assume it desperately needed rest. Thus, he slipped his bag off his shoulders, hid it underneath a root, and plopped down to lean against the oak. He removed his canteen from his mess of robes, took a long swig of water, and then shunted it back beneath the folds of cloth. Before long, he'd fallen asleep; he was bound to get a rude awakening, if he was that lucky.
' fly away, o' canary, turn a blind eye. '
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