[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px;"][font=calibri]A fallen king in his former domain.

Well, he had been more so stripped of his crown. Some of his, er, old friends had finally caught up with him. Unfortunately he hadn't been prepared to take on a whole band of thugs, even in the presence of his pregnant girlfriend, and they had both been taken away without a trace.

It's been a long two years. More than that, probably. He doesn't keep count anymore. Charlie had roamed for a while after he had escaped the stone walls, trying to keep on his toes and get by. Maybe he would find his Kit if he kept on searching. Was his child okay? Was Kit? God, he didn't even know. He had held onto hope for so long, but with his searching yielding no trace of them, it was slowly fading away.

Charlie had avoided this place for a long time. He had never wanted to return, and he wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe he would feel like a failure if he returned to his gang, knowing that he had built up his own image as a fearless and dauntless leader only to be kidnapped by a group of low-lifes. Maybe he was anxious about seeing someone else in his place, dismantling months of hard work and the blood and sweat and tears poured into making this city his kingdom. Maybe... Maybe he was afraid of finding that Kit had come back, raising his child with another man. A stronger one than he ever was; one that could protect them.

Now, those thoughts would be laid to rest. Charlie would find out if his fears had come true or not.

As per usual, he donned a white button-down shirt with rolled up sleeves. He hardly ever wore them down anymore; the weather had been far too warm. There were smudges of dirt on the fabric; he had always liked to keep a neat look, but he didn't have much energy or will these days to keep all of his clothes clean. Over his shirt was a simple black vest.

His appearance hadn't changed much... save for a cheek scar and a droopy right eye. His hair was currently in its natural state -- tousled and curled (there wasn't a lot of hair gel to go around in his travels). His face looked sun-beaten and shone with dried sweat; it was obvious he had been walking for a while. This looked nothing like the Charlie Luciano, the former boss of the Badlands, that everyone once knew.

The border still looked like... well, the border. Chocolate brown eyes glanced up towards the city, still in its decaying state although something about it was always charming to him. The man knew that he would be questioned and interrogated should he step past the border -- at least, that was how his soldiers operated under his rule.

// !! if there are any characters who would be able to recognize him, i'd like to keep his identity a secret in this thread at least! he is free to be recognized, but please don't mention anything in this thread ^^

[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #262626"]❝ Boss, there’s someone at the border. ❞

Boss. The formality was unfamiliar as it rung through the air, but one which Teddy would revel in freely. Brows knitted together, gaze shifting across the Badlander’s features before Teddy looked away to stub his cigarette out ❝ Uh huh, okay. ❞ Standing up, Teddy was ever-so-casual as he smoothed his clothing down. Freshly washed laundry - that was a luxury that he was rarely afforded even in his childhood. Nowadays, it was more of a norm. It was funny how easy it was to take the luxury of a successful life for granted; even a man who was raised with nothing could so easily have his humbleness whisked away by the limelight.

With the NPC close behind him to show him the way, Teddy strolled out onto the streets that he so delightfully owned, soon to approach a man very much like him. A visionary in his own right, a headstrong man with the willpower and strength to become a king. Never did Teddy ever entertain the thought that one a he could very well stand in the very same shoes as this man. A fallen king, one who’d find himself potentially having to sweep the very streets that he used to own. That could never be Teddy - he could only envision the future if there was something good in it for him.

Selfishness could never look good on a king.

Teddy slowed to a halt beside the NPC as they reached the newcomer - unknown to Teddy that he was talking to a big fish in the world Teddy desperately scrambled to relish in. He was quiet for a few seconds, taking the time to read the man’s face, until he finally spoke. ❝ Long journey, huh? ❞ Teddy could tell. Bedraggled and windblown was the man’s hair, and skin glistened from days of venturing through the midst of a torrid land. Teddy no longer had to deal with that reality whilst he lingered comfortably in this land he called his stage.

Teddy pointed out, part complacently, part sternly. ❝ If you weren’t aware, you’ve found yourself in the Badlands. You best have a credible reason for being here. ❞ He prodded for an honest response but, more importantly, a test for the newcomer’s reaction. If he were to join, it wouldn’t take long for him to find that Teddy’s sharpness upon arrival would dissolve into his own smug and recklessly carefree character in no time at all.

// i'm so sorry for taking so long to respond to this!! really wanted to make it count bc i think the dynamic between lucky and teddy will be interesting as hell

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; text-align: justify; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]✧・゚: I'VE BEEN IN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, DATED EVERY WOMAN IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I'VE BEEN TO EVERY CONTINENT, BROKEN ALL THE HEARTS IN EVERY HEMISPHERE, AND IF I'M NOT THE TYPE OF GUY YOU LIKE TO CIRCUMVENT, JUST REMEMBER NOT TO LOVE ME WHEN I DISAPPEAR. I GRADUATED AT THE TOP, I LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BOURGEOISIE . . .
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]in contrast to his brother's eagerness for titles and success, micah doesn't even register that "hey boss," is also for him. he has his head down, focused intently on the changes they're doing to the lobby of the casino. with their intentions for the place, it needs a facelift and why not tailor it to their specific needs and wants. micah's pretty silent while instructing the members on what they have envisioned with the space; well, they probably had some difficulty imagining it since micah has never been good with words, but he sure knows how to have people listen to him.

with furrowed brows, he turns to see if teddy would approve, this is his project anyway, but he is no longer anywhere to be seen. he rolls his eyes, he has an amazing skill for avoiding work. clenching his jaw, micah slips out of the motel without a word.

there's a part of him that's shocked that ted is actually doing something necessary, meeting someone new. he heads over, taking his time to look the newcomer up and down. he's dressed nicer than micah, just unclean, which he barely takes note of, micah grew up similarly. he remains quiet, though, stopping a foot or so behind his brother, acting the silent bodyguard.

[spoiler= tags, updated 09/20/2020]BASICSNOW SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH
&. ❝ micah alexander knope ❞ | male [ he/him ] .
&. 30 years old . | june third ; gemini
&. 1/3  of the administration of badlands .

&. ruthless . silent type . rough exterior . heartless . every man for themselves . controlling . a planner . brooding . apathetic . determined . cold . short tempered . impatient . serious . stoic .

&.  six foot four & one hundred and eighty-nine pounds ; reference ; stephen james .
↳ keeps the sides of his heads shaved, exposing some tattoos on his head with his hair slicked back in a clean fashion.
↳ nearly his whole body is covered in tattoos.
↳ has ice grey eyes and an oval face. his chin is wide and jawline sharp.
↳ almost entirely muscle.

&.  [ 10/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ hard ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #000000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 3 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 3 ] aid items | [ 2 ] misc .
↳ one shotgun
↳ one rifle
↳ one set of brass knuckles
↳ three low quality explosives
↳ one pitbull puppy named leia
↳ one munchkin cat named ozzy

&. npc x npc | eldest child to a crime family .
↳ theodore knope, 28, badlands .
&. heterosexual, heteroromantic ; mongamous  . | never had a good model for relationships growing up, is learning how to be a good significant other .
↳ in a serious relationship with juliette rousseau .
↳ father to matthew knope & milo knope, 3 months .[/spoiler]

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