The Last of Us [small group + OPEN]
hey guys!! so in light of part two about to release soon (and the fact I just finished a play through of part one) I wanna make a small group role play!! I’m going to be looking for about 3 people! (me included so in total 4 people!)

** possible spoilers for the last of us, if you’re interested in playing the game! You’ve been warned! **

You won’t need incredible knowledge about the game, in fact I can explain some if need be! But I’m planning for each of us to play 1-2 characters (if you need a 3rd just let us know!), you can also kill off a character and later replace them with a new one.


[ this takes place within an apocalyptic world filled with “zombies”. There are different types of “zombies” that have their own name such as: Clickers, Runners, Bloaters. The world takes place in 2033, 20 years after the initial fungal infection as infected over 60% of the population. Nearby towns, cities are filled with infected. Buildings are over run with plant growth, it’s rare to find a car that’s drivable, and all supplies are very limited. People are hostile towards each other and most make a living off a hunter gather lifestyle outside the quarantine zones!

quarantine zones are run by the government, but there’s still black markets! Here people trade ration cards given by the government (for food and supplies) so they can obtain other things. Sometimes this means hiring a hit man, trading for a dog, or even for a comic. The possibilities are endless, but I wouldn’t get too hung up on this as our characters won’t need ration cards once they escape their zones. For most it’ll be terrifying hunting for their own food, whether it’s taking down animals on their own or ripping apart stores for canned goods.

Horses are a good means of travel, provided you can find one. They’re about as rare as a running car, and even rarer to find one that’s tamed unless you steal from another. ]

The plot would sort of follow something similar to the last of us. Upon hearing a cure was on its way to the fireflies, tales of a man and girl traveling across the country to deliver this cure, people start taking interest. Soon, others begin to break out of their quarantine zones, much to the governments dismay. Guards are stationed 24/7, and blockades are placed at every entrance and exit. Guards begin to blow up the secret passages, and it begins to get more and more difficult to escape the zones. Those who plan escapes are often turned over to the guards, you can’t trust anyone. But somehow, our characters make it. Alone of course, not together. They run into each other down the line, somewhere near the first firefly check point. At first they’re ready to fight, unsure what side they’re on. But they soon learn they have a common enemy. There’s groups of people inside the abandoned cities, and they kill off any “tourists” that come through. They want their supplies, but also to wipe them out. They don’t want anyone else taking what little they have, and soon the group is thrown together, faced against a tank. At first they fear its from the government but these people are too reckless, too many weak spots. They find a way to take these guys out, and scour for supplies after. When they make it to the first fire fly check point, everyone is gone. There’s nothing but a few bodies and left behind notes. They follow the clues that point them half way across the country.

From here, it’s kind of up to us. There’s no way for me to plan what our characters will do from the first check point to the next, as they have a lot of ground to cover, and lots of seasons to make it through. They’ll have to overcome enemies, dead and alive, and find ways to deal with each other. Everyone’s so used to being on their own they aren’t quite used to working in a group. And yet, they know it’s best for their own survival.


Romance is fine within the group! I’d prefer once were settled if we all make character apps and go from there! But it’d definitely be better to allow chemistry to write itself instead of planning it out, but hey, whatever you guys want to do!

I’m looking for semi active to active! I’d also like if everyone was mindful about not flooding everyone else, let everyone get a reply in instead of going on for two pages. And of course, if for whatever reason you need to drop out then just let me know! Whether the rp isn’t what you want or if you’re just too busy, just let me know and I’ll see about someone else hopping in or we’ll just continue from there ^^

But yeah!! If anyone is interested feel free to post here! Talk about characters, etc. I’ll pm people I think will fit and if you’re willing we can go from there!! Ideally I’d love if you had a discord so we could all chat while the rp goes on, I can make a server and everything. ^^

This isn’t required but it is preferable that everyone be 17+ at least. qwq I don’t mean to offend anyone, I’m just 22 and trying to remain comfortable.
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