03-27-2020, 02:11 AM
[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%; color: #494949; font-family: karla; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: 0.2px; word-spacing: 1px; margin-top: 10px;"]they been travelin' solitary for two years now.
new york , mainly manhattan , is dangerous for them but they try to make it last. keep shit lowkey. surfing on friends' mattresses until' they was seen by an opportunist or snitch— and then they are off again. they hood was looking a lot less like a viable option; something that elijah accepted it along time ago, "let's go find jerry in that crazy ass cult he settled in" but memphis would be lying if he were to say he wasn't stalling; after all , jay was still there; the last words they exchanged were intense. an petty argument about something he couldn't remember. maybe about his brother. they argued about that a lot.
one day he gon' get you killed. memphis is surprised he hasn't, but the things you'll do for blood, he guesses. jerry might've been able to stand on his own but elijah was co-dependent and as vexed as he was, he continued to enable him. he isn't sure why , but it kinda been that way since they was kids with elijah volunteering a twelve year old memphis to kick the ass of kindergarteners every time someone threatened him for something he did. "take care of him" his mother used to say, and so he did. he does.
eventually, memphis has to swallow his pride; messily spray painted in the tunnel bridges he'd cast jay his love and off on his way. apparently there was some people they knew up north: "ed was my dude. you gon' love him." eli would say for the millionth time. it wouldn't be his first time meeting ed— he could nearly recall him as a client of his—but for eli, that'd been his best friend until they nearly killed each other due some , "broad that stole my wallet", as eli recounts.
"i think it's right here. damn , it's chilly." eli shivers and at that, memphis glances down at legs that eli leaves exposed; manhattan's weather wasn't too far off from this yet eli barely complained til' now. "might want to get your skinny ass legs some long johns then," memphis mused, a smirk ghosting his features as eli becomes notably offended. "i said [I]chilly not freezing. there's a difference."[/I] in response, memphis notably rolls his eyes before changing the subject. the subject that mattered. getting them the hell out this weather because in earmuffs and a large jacket, he's still cold.
"ight so what now?" memphis asks , stuffing his hands in his jacket. "i don't know. . . i'm in this like you are." eli says pointedly. memphis sighs, notably annoyed but then finally— "protect those legs." he nods his head towards them, smile returning as he leans up against a post and does just that. waits.
new york , mainly manhattan , is dangerous for them but they try to make it last. keep shit lowkey. surfing on friends' mattresses until' they was seen by an opportunist or snitch— and then they are off again. they hood was looking a lot less like a viable option; something that elijah accepted it along time ago, "let's go find jerry in that crazy ass cult he settled in" but memphis would be lying if he were to say he wasn't stalling; after all , jay was still there; the last words they exchanged were intense. an petty argument about something he couldn't remember. maybe about his brother. they argued about that a lot.
one day he gon' get you killed. memphis is surprised he hasn't, but the things you'll do for blood, he guesses. jerry might've been able to stand on his own but elijah was co-dependent and as vexed as he was, he continued to enable him. he isn't sure why , but it kinda been that way since they was kids with elijah volunteering a twelve year old memphis to kick the ass of kindergarteners every time someone threatened him for something he did. "take care of him" his mother used to say, and so he did. he does.
eventually, memphis has to swallow his pride; messily spray painted in the tunnel bridges he'd cast jay his love and off on his way. apparently there was some people they knew up north: "ed was my dude. you gon' love him." eli would say for the millionth time. it wouldn't be his first time meeting ed— he could nearly recall him as a client of his—but for eli, that'd been his best friend until they nearly killed each other due some , "broad that stole my wallet", as eli recounts.
"i think it's right here. damn , it's chilly." eli shivers and at that, memphis glances down at legs that eli leaves exposed; manhattan's weather wasn't too far off from this yet eli barely complained til' now. "might want to get your skinny ass legs some long johns then," memphis mused, a smirk ghosting his features as eli becomes notably offended. "i said [I]chilly not freezing. there's a difference."[/I] in response, memphis notably rolls his eyes before changing the subject. the subject that mattered. getting them the hell out this weather because in earmuffs and a large jacket, he's still cold.
"ight so what now?" memphis asks , stuffing his hands in his jacket. "i don't know. . . i'm in this like you are." eli says pointedly. memphis sighs, notably annoyed but then finally— "protect those legs." he nods his head towards them, smile returning as he leans up against a post and does just that. waits.
[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'M [I]HIGH AS A PRIVATE JET. â€â€