questions on store items?
apologies for the questions, seeing as I’m sure they’ve been asked before, but as for what I’ve read through, I’ve not been able to come to a solid conclusion and i don’t want to do anything that would be against the rules. I am new to this site, and I have read through most of the given information awaiting approval of my account, but now that it has been approved and I’ve been able to look through the shop, I just wish to clarify a few aspects:

you have to purchase rifles and shotguns from the shop. is purchasing for more powerful guns like these only, since I didn’t see anything for any other guns? ie, would my character be able to carry something smaller with less firepower, such as a pistol or revolver, for free? with moderation in check for the lack of supply for these.

and secondly, while I’m not currently interested in explosives, I noticed the shop items mentioning not including military explosives? what exactly would the difference in these be?

Apologies if I just have to read a bit more to find these? I’ve checked a couple of the guides already, though I’ve planned to finish reading up tonight, looking over groups and any guide threads I might have missed? 
Hi there! Hopefully I can clear things up;

1. Correct! A pistol/revolver would be free - much like knives/bows/other weaponry. Go wild with those!
2. Military grade explosives would be Very Very Very Strong explosives - think bombs dropped by air, nuclear bombs, anti-tank, rockets, things that we wouldn't be able to access in real life regardless if we have a license for explosives. Typically, our explosives are detonated with either a fuse or a traditional detonator, not a sonic wave like stronger explosives could be. SO to make a very long ramble short military explosives means its basically like things that the military would exclusively use? I hope that makes sense?

I am totally here to clarify and clarify if my clarifications aren't enough - excited to see you around! <3

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Ah, you answered it perfectly for me! Thank you so much for the help and for your time, I genuinely appreciate it!!
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