Selena Felix
Sel was not always the most diplomatic or civil person, in the sense that she tended to swear and be overly familiar with people. But she was friendly, and she did have a way with words that was often disarming. Some people were put at ease by her demeanor, though there was always the exception that found her false and untrustworthy.

They were right, of course.

Los Santos was turning into something of an adventure alright, one that was definitely going to escalate more and more, such was the nature of the beast of the woman left to lead it alone. Hey, why not go wild, right? In a good way, of course, a beneficial way. There was too much on the line to be destructive.

There was another woman on the border, thank goodness because with the exception of Bub it was starting to become a sausage fest. Not that Sel especially minded that. "Hey there, you're on the edge of Los Santos' territory Miss...?"

[spoiler=INFORMATION &&— UPDATED 11/23/19]General —
▪ Selena Felix | Sel or Lena depending on the situation
▪ Biologically Female | Identifies as Female | She/her
▪ 25 years 11 months | 12/18/13 | Ages real time
▪ Member of Bluestem Prairie | Lady of Los Santos | Heir of the Felix Family
▪ Former Warchief of the Badlands

Physical —
♦ HUMAN | Health: 100%
— She's small, but not too small, about 5'4" or so. Slender and always moving, pretty blue-green eyes with a mischievous glint in them and you know she's gonna get you into trouble. Dark hair, no doubt dark thoughts as well. Red lips curve into a lazy grin that reveals white teeth - they won't stay pearly for much longer, though, as she's often seen smoking.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Important Info —
▪ Currently pregnant
▪ Trained medic but prefers the war and/or social branches.
▪ Drug dealer and enabler.
▪ Usually untrustworthy, everything is calculated, ambitious as fuck, nefarious motivations.
▪ Opinions, motivations and ambition are Sel's and Sel's alone and are not shared by her roleplayer.

Personality —
— Sel is a very bold, competitive and stubborn person, with a wild side that is shown frequently as well as flirtatious tendencies. She is easily bored and is always on the lookout for adventure, with a spark of curiosity that she hopes will lead to what she seeks: adventure and romance. She seems to not be a very serious person and would rather have fun than be productive, and failing entertainment she can be quite productive and get quite a bit done. She's loud and lacks discipline. While Sel is irresponsible (and oddly bossy) and wild, she is very family-oriented and loves her family dearly. She is usually a cheerful, friendly person but she definitely has a passion for the weird, dark and creepy. She is somewhat vain and egotistical. She has her secrets and one of them is her intelligence and ability to collect information; most dismiss her as a dumb party girl (or something like that) and that's part of her cover, she has her fair share of sins and has to have a way of hiding them, and because she is a good liar and good actress, she succeeds.
— Ambitious; arrogant; bold; bossy; brave; competitive; cruel; curious; cunning; dark; deceptive; egotistical; friendly; flirty; intelligent; irresponsible; manipulative; observant; sadistic; sly; stubborn; vain; wild

Relationships —
▪ Geoff x Eliza | Heir of the Felix Family
▪ Bisexual | Biromantic | Polygamous
▪ 1/2 Sank | 1/2 Selem | 1/2 Seleo
▪ Dating Mateo Suarez | Crushing on n/a
▪ Generally very friendly but not easy to become close with; flirty and defiant; loyalty is hard-earned and easily betrayed

Interaction —
— Physically Medium | Mentally Hard
— Trained with knives and poisons
— Prefers to fight with poisoned knives
— Relies largely on speed and agility
— No kill/capture/maim without permission
— Will kill/capture/maim with permission
— To attack, [member=183]Sel[/member] & attack in underlined #440349[/spoiler]

[div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; padding: 1px; text-align: justify; color: #4B3E2D; line-height: 14px; font-size: 11pt; font-family:timesnewroman"]"speech" 'thought' text
tw: violence

Jude was about to leave or break into the city due to boredom when a person arrive to interrupt her mental conversation. It was a woman, about the same age as her if she wasn't mistaken... kind of pretty she supposed, interesting, possibly someone with whom she could have actual conversations instead painful silence.

Granted, she loved silence, but sometimes it was exhausting and made her feel annoyed. What didn't annoy her though. The young woman pursed her lips for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face. Whether or not it was real was debatable.

"Jude." She replied, wondering if she should have given a fake name. Her brows furrowed for a moment. "I gathered that. Here to join, stay, try and live... whatever..." Was her eloquent response.

She raised a hand to her face and scratched the side of her nose absently. While she was excellent in many ways, having conversations (at least with anyone but herself) was not her strong suit. She would much rather be reading or listening to music than speaking with other human beings. They were always so unpredictable.

Selena Felix
Secrets, false names, half truths, Sel was well acquainted with such things. They were her bread and butter, and she knew how to lie convincingly and pick out when someone was doing the same to her. She wasn't flawless at it, some people were able to see right through her facade or present one that not even she could pick out, but for the most part she was good.

And it was almost always on. Watching for insincerity or threats, if for no other reason than just to know. The movements of peoples' eyes and hands, the little inflections in their voice. Paying attention to all of it. It could get exhausting, yes, but it was worth it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jude. I'm Sel." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "You're welcome to stay for as long as you like. Care for a tour?"

[spoiler=INFORMATION &&— UPDATED 11/23/19]General —
▪ Selena Felix | Sel or Lena depending on the situation
▪ Biologically Female | Identifies as Female | She/her
▪ 25 years 11 months | 12/18/13 | Ages real time
▪ Member of Bluestem Prairie | Lady of Los Santos | Heir of the Felix Family
▪ Former Warchief of the Badlands

Physical —
♦ HUMAN | Health: 100%
— She's small, but not too small, about 5'4" or so. Slender and always moving, pretty blue-green eyes with a mischievous glint in them and you know she's gonna get you into trouble. Dark hair, no doubt dark thoughts as well. Red lips curve into a lazy grin that reveals white teeth - they won't stay pearly for much longer, though, as she's often seen smoking.
minor injuries: n/a
major injuries: n/a

Important Info —
▪ Currently pregnant
▪ Trained medic but prefers the war and/or social branches.
▪ Drug dealer and enabler.
▪ Usually untrustworthy, everything is calculated, ambitious as fuck, nefarious motivations.
▪ Opinions, motivations and ambition are Sel's and Sel's alone and are not shared by her roleplayer.

Personality —
— Sel is a very bold, competitive and stubborn person, with a wild side that is shown frequently as well as flirtatious tendencies. She is easily bored and is always on the lookout for adventure, with a spark of curiosity that she hopes will lead to what she seeks: adventure and romance. She seems to not be a very serious person and would rather have fun than be productive, and failing entertainment she can be quite productive and get quite a bit done. She's loud and lacks discipline. While Sel is irresponsible (and oddly bossy) and wild, she is very family-oriented and loves her family dearly. She is usually a cheerful, friendly person but she definitely has a passion for the weird, dark and creepy. She is somewhat vain and egotistical. She has her secrets and one of them is her intelligence and ability to collect information; most dismiss her as a dumb party girl (or something like that) and that's part of her cover, she has her fair share of sins and has to have a way of hiding them, and because she is a good liar and good actress, she succeeds.
— Ambitious; arrogant; bold; bossy; brave; competitive; cruel; curious; cunning; dark; deceptive; egotistical; friendly; flirty; intelligent; irresponsible; manipulative; observant; sadistic; sly; stubborn; vain; wild

Relationships —
▪ Geoff x Eliza | Heir of the Felix Family
▪ Bisexual | Biromantic | Polygamous
▪ 1/2 Sank | 1/2 Selem | 1/2 Seleo
▪ Dating Mateo Suarez | Crushing on n/a
▪ Generally very friendly but not easy to become close with; flirty and defiant; loyalty is hard-earned and easily betrayed

Interaction —
— Physically Medium | Mentally Hard
— Trained with knives and poisons
— Prefers to fight with poisoned knives
— Relies largely on speed and agility
— No kill/capture/maim without permission
— Will kill/capture/maim with permission
— To attack, [member=183]Sel[/member] & attack in underlined #440349[/spoiler]

silence is a virtue >> joining
[div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; padding: 1px; text-align: justify; color: #4B3E2D; line-height: 14px; font-size: 11pt; font-family:timesnewroman"]"speech" 'thought' text
tw: alcohol, death, violence

For twenty-something years the blonde young lady, who traversed the world seeking excitement, had been taking care of herself. A few years after the blackout the young woman had been cast out into the unforgiving world that lay in wait, and despite the trials and tribulations that Jude went through, she was still alive... if not a bit worse for the wear.

If she had learned one thing from her years of experience out in the world, it was to trust no one. This philosophy had gotten her through life quite nicely, though she yearned for a friend... someone to share secrets with, lie next to and talk about the future, snuggled up on warm nights.

Perhaps it was all the reading that she did when she wasn't raining terror down on unsuspecting persons. She was obsessed with the copy of Anne of Green Gables that she had (though a few pages were missing or torn), and she wanted so desperately a "bosom friend" as Anne Shirley put it so eloquently. However, practical Jude knew that was next to impossible, and she was resigned to living her life alone.

Trinkets galore did she have from her travels, she didn't have a use for them though, just kept some of them to remind her of the thrills she'd lived through, jumping off a building, repelling down, smashing through a window and breaking into a safe. It was all so glorious to her, even if the things in the safe were far from interesting to her, she kept bits and bobs.

She'd heard about Los Santos second hand from a group of mercenaries who hadn't realized she was listening in. She'd taken their goods from their bags and left them none the wiser to her appearance until next they checked. They were probably transporting goods... at least that was Jude's assumption.

And here she was at the boarder of a beautiful city, the idea of being here quite interesting to her, as she was always down for a new adventure, though it was a bit worrisome as well, she didn't play well with others, especially when they were uncivil, though she supposed that there had to be at least one civil person with which she could communicate.

If someone was rude to her she was likely to punch them, stab them, or strangle them... not the most diplomatic method, but it worked.

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