WAY DOWN WE GO -- private
The Monastery had been repaired for a long time - and new features were added. However, she wasn't enjoying one of these. Instead, she had been holed up in her room. It was on the second floor - like most nobles. She had stared at the light blue carpet for some time, before deciding to read a book. On the history of the Monastery. About how the kind Seiros had helped cleanse the continent- how people thought they were Gods, and so forth. Heterochromatic eyes scan through the pages, as if merely skimming. But no, she was simply a quick reader. Plus, there was no fiction or any stories she could delve into. The wooden chair was leaning back, up against the desk.

That's when she hears a knock. Sturdy, with very audible thuds. She puts the book down with its own thud, losing her page in the process. She sighs, putting the chair back and fixing herself up slightly. Hair, that kind of thing. When the knock happened again, she called out that she was getting ready and would be there in a minute. Anastasia's pace was brisk and she opens the door. "Hello?" She asks.


[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

pyre patted this person
hoot hoots
Esme was a quiet individual, as well as shy and rather meek. She was quite unlike her mother and father, though she supposed some of their traits had passed on to her. Her eyes, tired and half-lidded, kept on the ground as she padded along. Her destination was not far, especially since most of the dorms were near one another. She did love life at the Monastery, as much as the fighting and war bothered her. Perhaps that was why she had taken after her mother in terms of fighting style. Magic was what she preferred, as much as her father was teasingly disappointed. Given her father was a noble, she too resided in the noble wing of the Monastery. Thus, her thoughts were cut short as she approached the door belonging to her friend.

When it opened, she was greeted by Anastasia, to whom she smiled softly at. "Good morning," Esme greeted in return, offering a small curtsy. Ana was higher in nobility than she, so she took it upon herself to be courteous, at least sometimes. She lifted a hand to the scarf around the lower half of her face, lowering the fabric so that the smile could be seen and her voice could be better heard. "Doing anything interesting today?" the girl inquired with a cock of her head, hands soon folding in front of her as she peered at Anastasia.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
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