[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height:13px;"]It took a lot to get Zero agitated. And clearly, Zero was. He was pacing by the bonfire, hands behind his back as he stared into the fire, the flames reflected in his dark eyes as he tried to formulate his response. "Asphodel, we'll begin to move aboveground in a few days. The weather is starting to turn cooler, and it'll be safer for us to be aboveground. We'll have to assign several sweepers to make sure nobody.. or anything has taken shelter inside our houses." He spoke monotone, deadeyed into the flames, the words starting to relax his tension. This was what seemed to calm him, seemed to move him back into normalcy. (Well, Zero normalcy, at least.) "We'll take any of our supplies aboveground, and use up the rest before we need to get into the harvest." The harvest, that was something Bella had always loved. Bella loved the aboveground...

"Bella has..." Zero suddenly couldn't speak, the faint reflection of fire disappearing as his eyes shut, trying to maintain his composure. "I will be the sole leader, from now on." He finally said, letting out a soft sigh. "We'll try to fix that, though. I'll be looking for ambitious souls to help me out. Fall is an essential season, we'll need all the help we can get." Zero muttered, closing his eyes and stepping out of the light of the fire.

"That will be all."

/// yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo whats up im finally back from vacation!!! so here's what's up! We have some cool stuff, I have officially made us a calendar where all our fun shiz will go, and we now have high position tryouts! Try your hand ; 0 more fun updates to come hee hee, we'll be moving aboveground soon

you and your pity don't fit in my bed
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