It’s just another damn part [o] don’t let it get the best of you
[glow=Black,2,300] DON’T BURN OUT ON ME x [url=http://]x[/glow]
Ravenblaze had been a part of the recondite realm for a bit now but the most they had done was laze around and take on a thing called a ‘weekly task’. But there had been a lot of things that had caught their attention. Shiny and glowing things. The place was filled with them, it sparked something inside of them which made them feel like they had to collect these things. The serval was searching around the forest, trying to find loose things that shimmered.

Ravenblaze- Melanistic Serval- Recondite Realm
Non-binary (they/them)- Pan (has a preference for women)- witch

Tigertuft - Cat- Shadowclan - Female - Warrior
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