Innocence Is Beautiful To See [Joining] Won’t You Box It Up For Me?
[glow=Black,2,300] DON’T BURN OUT ON ME x [url=http://]x[/glow]
It was a quiet night and the crickets were chirping louder than usual. A small figure walked through the thickly covered tree path. They had a rather bad hunting experience while waiting at the border to join, no one had seemed to come so they had grown bored and decided to welcome themselves into the territory. If a welcoming party didn’t come to introduce them to the group they figured that they might as well do it themselves. Ravenblaze lazily walked through the glowing forest before something caught their eye; a lake. It seemed to be glowing as well, Raven already liked this place due to how shiny it was. The serval approached the body of water and laid down in it, making herself comfortable and decided to take a small nap there. It probably wouldn’t be long, they knew the groups of creatures that lived in territories regularly got territorial so they’d smell their strange scent and be there any moment.

Ravenblaze- Melanistic Serval- Recondite Realm
Non-binary (they/them)- Pan (has a preference for women)- witch

Tigertuft - Cat- Shadowclan - Female - Warrior
Twilight hadn't been out as much. That was partially due to her fear that the Fused Shadows or the Mirror of Twilight would get stolen again. However, she knew she was the leader of this place, so she had to start going around and making sure everything was fine. The dire wolf made rounds among the border, deciding if there were any joiners, she'd be the one to welcome them. For all she knew, Moonshadow would growl at them and tell them to leave. Of course, that would be the case, especially since they needed new people. The Realm was losing members, due to old age and the like. And new blood was always welcome.

Unfortunately, no one was at the borders right now. The wolf lets out a sigh as she treks down, going to make a trip back to camp. That's when she hears a splash of water, her ears perking up. Her pace becomes faster now as she stumbles onto the springs. Golden and red eyes scan for anyone that may need help. That's when she sees a serval in the water. Sleeping. Seriously? It took a bit for the wolf to get annoyed, but she didn't even stay awake for questioning. "Hey! Who are you?"

casting shadows into the light
[sup]hiding in the darkness of night
[glow=Black,2,300] DON’T BURN OUT ON ME x [url=http://]x[/glow]
Speaking of territorial clan groups here was one of the members right now, just as they had just gotten comfortable! Slowly getting up the serval let out a big yawn as they prepared to speak. ”Yo chill, there’s no need to be so antsy and rude. I was just havin a nap on this warm day. Don’t go getting your ears in a knot” they said, stretching out to awaken themselves a bit more. ”Name’s Ravenblaze, decided to join this place and got bored of sitting at the border is all. Who are you” the serval chirped, raising their head to look at the dire wolf cockily.

Ravenblaze- Melanistic Serval- Recondite Realm
Non-binary (they/them)- Pan (has a preference for women)- witch

Tigertuft - Cat- Shadowclan - Female - Warrior
//i just realized i used the wrong pronouns i am so sorry

The silver and black wolf watched as the melanistic serval seemed to laze about, as if they hadn't had a care in the world. The leader, meanwhile, had so much stress they could literally cause a meter to break by just telling it about one problem she had. Her tail lashes behind her, one eye focused on the wildcat.  "I will because I don't know if everyone is friendly. I don;t know if you know the history, but we got to this place because we were banished from our old home, and - and, mind you, people have come to attack us here to drive us out of here too! Great Hylia." The wolf begins her rant with an extremely angry tone of voice before sighing.

A joiner. huh? Her ears perked at that somewhat and flicked a bit. She does her best to smile, one fang poking out of her mouth.  "Welcome. I'm Perpetualtwilight, leader here."

casting shadows into the light
[sup]hiding in the darkness of night
[glow=Black,2,300] DON’T BURN OUT ON ME x [url=http://]x[/glow]
/no worries, you would’ve seen it eventually cx

This wolf could sure talk, Raven was hoping that this joining process was quicker than this but it seems that they got on this ones bad side. That or they got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. ”Alright I got it, apologies for makin’ ya think I was an invader or somethin’. You done talking my ears off yet, I’m ready to be a member of this place Perpetualtwilight. That name’s a mouthful, you got a nickname or something? I thought mine was long, so I shorten it to Raven” they chirped, lifting a foot to scratch an itch behind their ear.

Ravenblaze- Melanistic Serval- Recondite Realm
Non-binary (they/them)- Pan (has a preference for women)- witch

Tigertuft - Cat- Shadowclan - Female - Warrior
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