RINGING OUT IN MY HEAD // meeting 5.23
From what she understood, she had been gone for some time. A few months, at least. Why? Well, the Fused Shadows had been stolen, so she and her brother, [member=9340]moonshadow[/member] had to go on a manhunt for them. It took a long time, and a lot of faith, but they managed to make it. The direwolf's tail slinks behind her as she enters camp,and she looks to her brother as she puts her helm on, one of the pieces of the magical artifact itself. 

With her gold and yellow eye, she scans camp. It was nice to see the place was not entirely dead while she was gone. A native of the group, a NPC, comes up and tells her what has been going on. Perpetualtwilight nods thankfully, shifting her cloak as she moves up to the Lifting tree. She makes sure to get a good hold on it, before stepping upwards.

She lets out a call. "All of those who call this Ream their home, gather under the Lifting Tree for a meeting!" When people start to gather, the wolf begins. "For those of you who do not know me, I am Perpetualtwilight, Ancient Sorceress or leader here. I am to give my deepest apologies for not being here, however I had family matters to take care of."

She looks back at her brother, before deciding to go on with the meeting. "We've got some newcomers here, or people who have decided to show their faces. Please extend a warm welcome to [member=9836]BARNABY.[/member] [member=9833]GWYNDOLIN[/member]  and... a few others, but I currently don't see them around. If they show up later on in the meeting, I'll personally welcome them as well."

Next order of business? "I've not seen other groups around, but if there are any, we should get on their good side. Let's not get banished out of this home too, wizards and witches."

Just because the place wasn't entirely dead didn't mean it wasn't on a fast track on becoming dead, though.  "This group is not gonna become stagnant under my paws. So, I am encouraging you to participate more."

// ooc recap:
welcome to [member=9632]mochaccino[/member] [member=9819]caffeine ♡[/member] [member=165]TEMPEST[/member]
welcome back to [member=2531]loki[/member]
Make friends w/ Moonlight Vale?
Encouragement to post open threads + maybe a contest!!

casting shadows into the light
[sup]hiding in the darkness of night
As Moonshadow stepped into camp with Twilight, his gaze immediately swept the area with suspicion. And he surprised to find it... okay, and not gone. Throughout their 'little' trip, he'd had doubts that there would be much to come back to, if anything at all. Their location had been exposed to outsiders in hopes of gaining help and members, but without the leader to keep things in check, he was sure something bad would've happened.

Fortunately, everything was whole. For the most part. Their membership was still at an all time low, but Moonshadow didn't mind it much when there weren't too many outsiders milling about. He was sure his sister didn't share the same sentiment, though, so he tried not to look too relieved.

Just about to leave to his home for a well deserved nap, Twilight called for a meeting. Right. He let out a quiet huff and turned back. He was tired from their journey, but rest would have to wait, it seemed. He stood out from the small gathering of creatures, tilting his head up to watch Twilight as she addressed the group.

When the new members were mentioned, he took a glance around at the others, looking for the faces that matched the names. He looked back to Twili as she continued on. Hopefully, for his sister's sake, they'd find allies somewhere. At the moment, though, he wanted to be more focused on bettering his home. How to do that, he wasn't sure of yet, it took a little thinking. Fighting came easy to him, but maintaining a group and meeting their needs was a little harder. That was probably why his mother gave the leadership role to Perpertualtwilight and not him.

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