Adventure's Out There! (Private with Luzon)
Alrighty! Here we are Big Grin

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."
- Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
[align=center][div style="text-align: left; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8.3pt; letter-spacing: .3px; line-height: 1.35; padding: 4px;"]sweet! i’m gonna try to get a rough outline of my character so i know what’s going on : )
Cool! I'll get my outline ready as well.

[spoiler=My OC]
Species: Cyndaquil

Name: Apollo

Gender: Male

Level: 6

Evolved: No

Nature: Timid

Age: (not sure how this is different than level) I guess 14?

Moves: Ember, Smokescreen, Quick Attack, Tackle

Strengths: A very close friend to those who befriend him and will do anything for them.

Weaknesses: Can be too giving or caring at times, so much at times that he doesn't think about his own problems. Also, people thinking he is too weak get to him personally.

Unique appearance traits: Nothing's really unique about him, he's just an average Cyndaquil

Personality: A lot can be said of Apollo, but at the very least you'll find out he's reliable and helpful. Of course he's also forgiving, capable and dedicated, but in smaller doses and they're often spoiled by habits of being difficult as well.
His reliability though, this is what he's often admired for. Friends tend to count on this and his aspirations in times of need. Nobody's perfect of course and Apollo has plenty of less favorable traits too. His timidness and opportunistic ways risk ruining pleasant moods and just affect all around negatively. Fortunately his helping hand is usually there to help mends things when needed.

Family/friends: He's really open to making friends and he's an only child.

Home: Fiery Fields

Likes: Warm climates

Dislikes: being near water or colder climates

Fears: Water/Drowning

Dreams: To help others and have a great times with friends as a job.

Lifetime goal: To find his place of where he belongs.


"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."
- Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
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