

queen, I'll get my baby up soon

[div style="background: #B6BDC0; border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 135px; padding: 35px;"][div style="background: url(https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warr...1003215836) center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 100%; border: 10px solid #fff; width: 80px; height: 80px;"]
[div style="background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-top: none; width: 175px; height: 190px; padding: 15px; overflow: hidden;"][div style="width: 175px; height: 190px; overflow: auto; padding: 0px; padding-right: 32px;"][div style="width: 175px; min-height: 190px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; font-family: karla; font-size: 7pt; line-height: 1.4; color: #333; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px;"]name honeybelly
nickname(s) hon
rank medicine cat (apprentice)

age 18 moons
sex cis-female, feminine pronouns
orientation gay all the way

— a white molly with darker spots along her face and underbelly, has dark amber eyes, quite small
— a free-minded cat that still has the energy of a kit and the attention of one too
— pretty patient and happy, follows orders without problem
— until she sees a butterfly flying over her head, then of course by law she must stop what she's doing and bat at it!
— her mentor ivytuft believes she'll grow out of this kit-like state once she's older
— he's really patient with her and allows her to slack off when he has everything under control
— has her gay awakening when meeting blossom
— asked how she can stand that stench when she's around, she defends blossom on all the bullying
— oblivious to any flirting cause she's a naive child
— would have a southern accent tbh
— also would repeatedly say "hun, sweetie, darling"
— when she's older she'd def say that
— an overall warm and innocent aura
created by zenith

[/table] The day had gone as usual. Getting scolded by Ivytuft for misplacing the herbs in the wrong spots of the medicine den, and being instructed to rehearse the names and usage of them while he visited the elders for their routinely checkup. One of them had been especially cranky, claiming that the ex-kittypets had brought something with them and she wasn't feeling too hot.

of course, both of them had agreed it was some petty annoying act as it was constantly happening since their arrival.

taking the carefully wrapped herbs from their spots, she carefully sniffed each little package to ensure none of them smelled sour. so far so good! "[b]This one helps with infections...fevers...bleeding...uh, milk?" she muttered "I don't know why Ivytuft gave me my name, I can barely recall any of these! I should just run away, huh?"

Short of the joke, she noticed movement at the den's entrance. Stopping what she was doing, she looked up, "Greetings, Blossomnose!" hurrying to set the herbs to the side, she whispered the names of each bundle she touched.

Seeing her limp paw dangling in the air, Honeybelly gasped "Don't worry! I'll take care of it right away!" Looking at the bundles, she scanned the few for anything that could help with the pain. Speaking of pain, she turned to the queen "Does it hurt? Do you want me to fetch Ivytuft for you? He can help you more than I can!" she hurriedly insisted, walking up to her and giving her paw a worried sniff. No hint of any blood drawn or her being in distress.

Narrowing her eyes, she gingerly took hold of her paw and squeezed it, seeing no reactions of hurt from the molly, the medicine cat shook her head. "Are you really hurt? Or are you just dropping in again?" she asked, returning to her work "I was ready to sprint across camp to Ivytuft!" she giggled, picking a bundle and returning it to is respective storage place.
made by zenith

our loves the only thing that could matter [p]
- queen
- former kittypet
- born in leaf-fall

- shy when talking to new ppl
- gets rly excited rly easily
- loves the simple things in life.
- trees? little flowers? incests? loves em
- a lot of things r rly new to her since she wasnt allowed out
- is happy briars growing up in a social place
- ppl dont rly like her tho
- since she was born a kittypet
- shes pretty sarcastic
- rly kind tho
- she talks to insects
- bisexual baby
- shes rly insecure
- also sad
- one day she got out of her house
- because she wanted to know what it was like
- she found a stray named manny
- she got out whenever she could to see him
- she was living with her parents and sister
- her father was allowed out of the house
- he got hit by a car and died, one day
- and then her mother died of a broken heart
- her sister was adopted out
- just as she found out she was pregnant
- because of that her owners abandoned her
- she went to see manny but figured out that he was cheating on her with multiple others
- so she wandered into the forest
- found a little den to have her kits in
- she had 2 kits, but the runt died
- she was malnourished at the time, so she thinks thats why
- she named the kits lily and briar
- a couple moons of scrounging for food and her and briar were found
- the clan took her to spottedstar, and she was soon accepted into the clan
- a lot of the cats didnt like it tho
- she has a feathery tail
- and big, round eyes
- shes just a ball of fur shes very round
- thick, short fur

[div style="bgcolor=transparent; height:40px; width: 20px; border: none; border-radius: 500px; margin-top: -30px;"][div style="bgcolor=transparent; border:none; height: 40px; width: 20px; font-size: 25px; font-family: georgia; color: #778A93; margin-left: -26px; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center;"]
[div style="bgcolor=; border: none; width: 220px; min-height: 270px; padding: 0px; font-size: 10px; line-height: 10px; text-align: justify; color: black; font-family: times new roman; text-transform: lowercase;"]20 MOONS | CIS FEM | QUEEN

really, blossomnose just wanted some sleep. what with briarkit being unable to sleep at night with unfamiliar cats around him and finally, when he does go to bed, he only wakes up a few hours later. blossomnose had gotten maybe an hour or so of sleep. she was exhausted.

[b]"mama! mama! i'm hungry!" briarkits voice rang out, and blossomnose wanted to groan at that. so she wasn't getting any more sleep until he finally passed out from having so much energy all of the time. she stood and stretched her aching muscles, "alright briarkit, come on" she hummed, trotting out of the nursery with briarkit tumbling after her paws, batting at her thin tail.

the queen picked out a decent sized bird, ignoring the whispers about how this wasn't her kittypet home and she needed to be considerate.

she had a kitten to feed, she can take whatever she wants!

placing the bird at briarkits paws, she didn't even have to tell him to eat it. he attacked the bird with such ferocity you'd think hes never eaten a bird before. that made blossomnose purr a bit, smiling wide as she watched her kit devour a bird that was almost bigger than he was.

when he finished about half of it he pushed it towards Blossomnose, smiling up at her and Blossomnose wondered how she got such an amazing kit.

She ate the rest of the bird before licking her maw and staring down at Briarkit, who stood there for a whole 2 seconds before sprinting away to play with the apprentices. They accepted him easily. The only problem was the older cats.

The siamese tabby stood, stretching once more before heading towards the medicine cat den and sitting, lifting her paw as if it was injured. "I think i have a thorn in my paw" She lied, wiggling the lifted paw and licking it as if she was really injured.
-20 moons

let yourself free
[div style="width: 255px; height: 330px; overflow: auto; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 68px; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; color: black; text-align: justify; line-height: 10px;"]- this scrolls


blossomnose beamed at the medicine cat for a moment. then she remembered she was supposed to be in pain so she forced a pained expression and shook her paw a little as if it were really bothering her. she wasn't very convincing, though. she was a pretty bad actor.

she almost felt bad as honeybelly scrambled for some herbs. "w-well its not...that bad." she said quietly, watching as the molly came up to her to examine her paw. she gave a little smile, and if she could she'd be sweating. one day honeybellys gonna smack her upside the head for making her worry so much. if today wasn't the day, at least.

"ah, well it might have fallen out?" she tried, averting her gaze to look at the herbs laid about the den. she liked it in here, it smelled nice and it was always so soothing to just chat with the other molly. even when ivytuft was here and they had to keep everything on the down low. she paused for a while before heaving a dramatic sigh and plopping onto the floor on her side.

"alright, fine, i just wanted to visit." she giggled, laying down to get comfortable and glancing over her shoulder to make sure briarkit wasn't getting into too much trouble. "sorry for making you worry though. i guess its turned into a habit at this point." she teased, lazily flicking her tail as she heard some whispering about her taking up the medicine cats valuable time.

she ignored that, and stood. stretching out her muscles with an overly dramatic groan and walking over to the white-ginger cat. "need some help?"

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