[b]emma batman
[b]chase your dreams and remember sweet bravery
Wintry gales battered the lodge as Emma lingered next to the flaming hearth. She sat with crossed legs upon the warmed floor, her features stoic as she concentrated on the Batman comic in her hands. A slightest twitch of an awed smile danced across her pale lips as she read Batman's rescue of The Joker himself.

It always made her heart warm to know that inside, Batman had a soul of gold kindness, the way he offered even his villains second chances by saving their lives, by offering them help and support, like that one time he paid for Two-Face's surgery in an effort to recover Harvey Dent's persona, and that time he rescued Mr. Freeze and reunited him with his wife. There was that time Batman kept Clayface from melting, and the time he gave Harley Quinn a second chance by paying for her intensive therapy and encouraging her recovery.

Batman truly was a hero like no other. She wished more people in real life were like him, always willing to protect the innocent, and even the villainous. Offering second chances, offering life to all those deserving of it, because that was the definition of basic human kindness, and Batman was the center of everything Emma associated with it.

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Shiloh wasn't super interested in comics, however she wanted to make an effort with the newcomer whom she didn't really know. "Whatcha reading?"
evan — she,her — flintlock lodge — — [url=http://]tags
/death mentions tw

oh, this was the girl who had recently lost her mother. evan, quite honestly, didn't want to think about that. she wasn't going to bring it up at all, she hated even thinking about it. it reminded her of the trauma of losing parent after parent after parent.

"oh, is that batman?" evan asked quietly. "i always liked him more than superman. he's more intriguing." although she hadn't read any comics since before calvin had... left, she still retained her infinite appreciation for them. they made her feel like a kid again. but maybe that wasn't always a good thing.


---yeah we all still die
what will you leave behind ?
emma batman
[b]chase your dreams and remember sweet bravery
Emma's vision shifted at the voice of another, and her gaze lifted from the comic to linger upon Shiloh. The girl's mouth parted as she prepared to answer, before Evan approached.

[b]"Yeah, it's Batman."
Emma nodded with a small grin. "Superman is cool too I guess but...I don't have any Superman comics." She admitted quietly, her fingers twitching against the pages. "Batman is...nice. Look, he's saving The Joker." Emma lifted the comic so the others could see. Indeed, Batman was pulling Joker up from a high cliff edge that hung over a fiery explosion. Of course, Joker had caused that explosion, but Batman, despite his grim facial features, rescued him anyways.

"I wish people in real like were like him." Emma spoke honestly. "I...I think I wanna be. I think I'd give my life to save another, even if they've hurt me before. I'll be like Batman." The young woman determined with a fire igniting her gentle eyes.

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She nodded, "That sounds fair. You should always strive to be a better version of yourself." This is a lesson Shiloh was always trying to implement, one that's oftentimes tough for her to follow through on.
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☁  perhaps hayley had been like that, once. young and hopeful, head in the clouds and stars in her eyes, seeing the good in everyone. she could hardly remember such a time, but she knew it hadn't been that long ago. exchanging pretty smiles and wild stories for a hot meal and a cot, dancing on bar counters without a care in the world, kissing strangers and waiting for the days of the hellish landscape they lived in to cease.

but she couldn't afford to hope for the best, not anymore. the baby within her that was slowly and surely becoming a person, that was her priority. whoever they were, she needed to ensure their safety, and she couldn't let anything endanger them. she'd lay her life down for the people she'd grown to care about here, but she'd do tenfold for her unborn child. sometimes, you had to do awful things for the ones you loved, you had to put your family above all else. and that was exactly what those who resided in the lodge had become to her; a family.

hayley's eyes were soft when she approached emma, recalling the young woman's recent mother passing away. even as she spoke, hayley had to bite her tongue to keep from what her maternal instincts said to say. your mother would very likely see the world burn if it meant saving you, horrible people and good included. it was the maternal instinct, to save ones child, and that instinct had branched out like a spiderweb to those around her. she'd become something of a mother bear it seemed, willing do do whatever it took for the safety of those around her. before the lodge, she'd had to kill for her unborn child's safety; even still, she'd danced and flirted within enemy territory with the sole intention of protecting the lives of those at home.

❝i always thought superman was charming in the comics,❞ she mused as she approached, offering emma and those around her a warm smile. ❝he saved kittens from trees and tried to be a good guy for lois lane. but i like batman too, he's big on saving people. all the hero's are good in my book, even the green arrow, with his vigilante justice. they save the people who can't always save themselves, i like that.❞ batman was a vigilante too, sure, but in his world he was looked at a whole lot better than the green arrow. she supposed the arrow's habit of killing the bad guys was a little... messy.

leaning against the wall, she offered the girl another smile, nodding to the comic books. ❝maybe when the baby's born, you can read them some comic books? i think it's be good for him or her to get the values of batman, and all the others.❞

[b][i]make your girlfriend mad tight, [color=#4A272E]might seduce your dad type
Tommy, of course, had found a way to chime into the conversation. "Pff, superheroes are overrated. Deadpool's the only one I like." In the very few comics he had owned as a kid, they sure were funny as fuck ( even though he hadn't understood most of the jokes until later ). Tommy didn't spend his childhood obsessing over fictional heroes or comics or anything, though. He was literate, but he didn't pick up a book often. In fact, he hadn't sat down to read a novel in years upon years. "I guess comics are betta' than novels or whateva'."

Oh Jesus, he didn't even want to get into the sappy-as-hell "I Aspire To Be A Superhero" discussion, whatever that was. The world was shitty as it was, and he doubted that a few people wanting to believe in their hopes and dreams would pull it out of its apocalyptic state. Call him cynical, but people trying to save everyone from everything was a highly unrealistic goal. Tommy just looked out for himself and did things for others when he found it convenient. He didn't have the time or energy to spend on looking out for other people over himself.

[align=center]my boy, my boy, my boy ———————————— he ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest
"Novels are nice too, though I suppose people like different things." She shrugged, aiming to then peer over Emma's shoulder. "What volume are you reading? I've never read any myself, however I'd be interested in exploring them."
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