NEVER CHANGE ★ meeting 12/9
[glow=Black,2,300]JUST LAST THE YEAR [url=http://]★[/glow]
The last few weeks were slow. To be fair, Videogames had vanished again. He was ... busy.
This is fine. He's already caught up on all the news, anyways!! Because Videogames knows all.
"Hey, meeting time, guys!" Videogames calls, voice as loud and boisterous as ever from where he balances on whatever meeting spot he's chosen this time. He waits. NPCs dutifully pass on the information, and, once more people are gathered, he continues.
"Slow as usual, huh guys? Well ... there's still a few things going on!" He chirps, grining. He settles, eyes round as he regards his clanmates. "The Frost festival is coming up! We'll be decorating for that really soon. Start getting your gifts in order, everyone!" He says. Then, slowly, he remembers how many people were new here. They may have not gotten the memo. Videogames shakes his head, elaborates. "I'll explain decorating for the new people later -- gifts are strung in trees, and a festival will be held, where we exchange them. After lanterns are released, we make a giant snowman for the Flower Festival," It was a gross simplification of the process, but people could learn as it went! His tail sweeps. Frost festival, uh ... What else was he going to say, here?
"We'll also try and repair the old village in Silver Woods. I'm sorry for putting that off, everyone," He smiles ruefully. The territory needed some maintenance in general. They'd just have to work their way through it. Hopefully, by the end, it'd be .. a nicer place for everyone to live. He considers this further. This .. may just be it
"That's all for now, I think. Unless anybody else has anything." Videogames grins.
//not a lot is happening except for,, events
(reminder that you dont need to worry about thread dates to reply. the turkey hunt is still ongoing, for example)
a thread for repairing the village in silver woods will be going up soon!!
the frost festival is coming up!!

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