11-27-2018, 06:33 AM
evans  she,her  flintlock lodge   [url=http://]tags
evans  she,her  flintlock lodge   [url=http://]tags
evans cavey was uncertain. she rarely ever was, so when the woman wasn't sure about her fate there was usually something to worry about. perhaps it wasn't a matter of life and death today, but it certainly a matter of acceptance or utter humiliation.
evans didn't have time for utter humiliation. she wasn't even sure if she cared about what others thought or not. perhaps she should, after all sometimes people wanted what was best for you, but sometimes people were malicious and needed to be disregarded. the only person whose thoughts she cared about, evans decided, was wolfsbane. they had been together for some time, although she truly couldn't remember the exact moment they had gone from strangers to friends. perhaps that was her fault, the lines heavily blurred between the two in her own mind.
but that didn't really matter right now. there they were, together, at the border of flintlock lodge. at least she figured it was a border, although drawing an imaginary line around a mountain and staking it off for a personal power trip seemed impractical in her eyes. ah well, the customs of such groups would have to be accepted in her tired heart if she wanted to get along with everyone.
"Well, I suppose we would just wait here," she murmured absentmindedly. she would appreciate having a passion project once more. "You ready?" perhaps she was making a mistake signing away her freedom in the nonchalant attempt that she was about to make, but not living in a group got boring sometimes.
[please wait for eskie to post with wolfsbane first!]
evans didn't have time for utter humiliation. she wasn't even sure if she cared about what others thought or not. perhaps she should, after all sometimes people wanted what was best for you, but sometimes people were malicious and needed to be disregarded. the only person whose thoughts she cared about, evans decided, was wolfsbane. they had been together for some time, although she truly couldn't remember the exact moment they had gone from strangers to friends. perhaps that was her fault, the lines heavily blurred between the two in her own mind.
but that didn't really matter right now. there they were, together, at the border of flintlock lodge. at least she figured it was a border, although drawing an imaginary line around a mountain and staking it off for a personal power trip seemed impractical in her eyes. ah well, the customs of such groups would have to be accepted in her tired heart if she wanted to get along with everyone.
"Well, I suppose we would just wait here," she murmured absentmindedly. she would appreciate having a passion project once more. "You ready?" perhaps she was making a mistake signing away her freedom in the nonchalant attempt that she was about to make, but not living in a group got boring sometimes.
[please wait for eskie to post with wolfsbane first!]
---yeah we all still die
what will you leave behind ?
what will you leave behind ?