When the introductions were done and the chattering continued, Vessie had unintentionally strayed a few feet from Marcus. Forgetting about his guest or their little catch-up date meant for them to just talk. Instead of focusing on the brunet, he focused on the words being exchanged, and serving a reminder when someone got too close too fast to the girls he was meant to look after. Gently pushing himself between the bodies and serving a stern look that warned the men to back off.

Why did he let himself be used as a shadowing guard again? He found it boring as nothing usually happened. But when something did, he'd have to either flee with his group or would push the threat down. Each group of girls would have someone to look after them, as in the past, unfortunate things had happened before. It was a matter of safety, as some of them were the daughters of the members involved in the gang, and their heads each had a price by rivals.

The party had started to pick up more as a few more people in their groups arrived. A few couples moving to different floors of the building, either to get away from the noise or to have more privacy, seeing as the building had plenty of floors. Of course, there were designated 'guards' on each floor, each making sure nothing suspicious or illegal were being done. For what reason, it had slipped the man's mind. Possibly because they were trying to keep a low profile. But that was a sure lie, as most their activities were done unapologetic ally and unashamed. Meant to be a sign of warning for some. Or maybe because sometime in the last two parties, someone had a little too much of whatever substance it may have been and had been hospitalized.

At the thought of a hospital, Vessie shivered, his head shaking as his arms folded into his chest. Blinking around, his attention began to get distracted again with the sight of the snacks in the back table. Had this been a birthday party or a neighborhood barbecue? Had there been grills outside? Chances were there were. But he had just missed them.
Looking around again, Vessie's train of thought began to drive all over the place. His attention jumping from one thing to the other. His eyes lit up momentarily as he focused on Marcus. And by how he was holding into himself and not being much of a talker, he didn't look too excited to be down here.

Nodding his head in silence, he turned to leave for a minute, in search of someone to cover his group. Returning a little after with a different man, a tad shorter than he was, but still had the appearance of someone not to be messed with. As they approached, Vessie ruffled the shorter man's hair, who whipped his head away with a huff and glare, before Vessie threw him a goofy grin as he excused himself from the group. Moving to Marcus, he gently bumped shoulders with him "[b]Want to head somewhere more quiet to hang? Don't worry, you won't see any ghosts or anything." he teased.

The building had been recently abandoned when the business had moved or had to be shut down. Vessie forgot which, and definetly didn't know what had been done in these walls. But seeing that Martin had enough trust to have gathered people here for a cheerful event for the evening, Vessie didn't have much care to recall any details of the past.

Waiting for a response, the man ran a loose hand through his hair, looking about as he made plans to stop by the table to get some food and drinks before leading Marcus to a different floor. Maybe the third as it may be much quieter than the second.

[color=transparent]thes code
[align=center][Image: tumblr_p0ruommWcb1tc5gvpo6_250.png] [Image: 825a42659c5ced8fb5a8eb27acfa2700.jpg]
[i]you're my sunflower
Marcus was almost immediately bombarded by questions. What did he do for a living, what was he doing here, why was he wearing that, what product did he use for his hair?

He answered the questions with a bit of uncomfortable tugging at the hem of his cute yellow sweatshirt. He noticed Vessie wander off a bit. He watched as the man stepped between a guy and some girl who was seeming to be very uncomfortable and a bit scared. When the music started to pick up and more people arrived, Marcus' head began reeling. He felt cramped and overwhelmed.

He came back into focus as he noticed Vessie nodding a bit, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He seemed visibly relieved, glancing at the dude who Vessie returned with. He grinned up at his new friend, letting his hair be ruffled.

[b]"Yeah, I do. I'm kind of out of my element here. Am I obvious?" his pink lips stretched into a teasing smirk.

Marcus followed him up a few floors. The music was still shaking the floors a bit here, though it was much less crowded and you didn't have to yell to be heard.

He walked over to a guy handing out drinks. Yes, he probably shouldn't, but he needed something to loosen up a little. He'd only have one as to not get too out of control.

He looked up at Vessie with a chuckle, amber eyes glinting "Sure I won't see a ghost? This place is spooky. May be haunted." His gaze shifted over to a blank-haired man who was letting out a belly-laugh, a strange girl leaning on him and twiddling with her hair.

Marcus couldn't help but feel like he knew that guy. He was lanky, though had some obvious muscle with his loose-hanging tank. Tattoos covered his arms and piercings along the cartilage of his ears.

Maybe if he wasn't lip-locking with the girl he would be able to see his face and put a name to it.

Marcus scrunched his features, obviously deep in thought. He caught cerulean eyes that were now glaring a hole into Vessies head. Though that didn't seem to phase the short brunette, as his face lit up like a Christmas tree and he pulled on Vessies sleeve a bit "I know that guy" He yipped, grinning.

"Wanna come to say hi with me?"

rubik's cube
Immediately upon them getting onto the third or fourth floor, Vessie's chest swelled in an uncertain feeling of excitement. He had really been looking towards the day they'd be able to just sit and talk. To get to know each other more than their names and maybe get a chance to start a friendship of a sort. But that was unlikely, as they wouldn't really see each other that often, or even if they did, Vessie would be warned of the potential trouble he could bring to the stranger's family.
They weren't necessarily liked or favored by anyone around this town, if their faces were known, the people would try to steer clear from the gang's hounds. Fortunately for Vessie, he wore a mask to cover his face, and a jacket he never wore out in his private time. So, he was safe for the most part, only his behaviors and accent making it a bit too close of people squinting as they stared at him, raking their brains for the familiarity of him and the unknown persona they feared.
Before he got anymore lost in his thoughts, the taller man shook his body with a chatter of his teeth, a giggle being stifled in the action. Turning to walk to a favored spot of his since he got to explore the building before it was turned into a designated drug or party house, he flinched when Marcus suggested greeting an unidentified couple, but with a sulking turn, he glanced to see who it was.
Chest tightening and stomach dropping, Vessie felt his lip curl just the slightest as his squinting gaze began to register who it was. He wasn't familiar to who it was, what his name was or really what his business or relations were to be at the party but had been in a scuffle with the stranger. Not to choose who the winner was, but it was unclear as either man would claim they had won the fight to save their ego and reputation. Quite frankly, Vessie couldn't even recall why the fight had even started, but just remembered getting a few good bruises and a harsh scolding from both his families for engaging without clearing.
His sulking position quickly turned into him straightening his back and rolling his shoulders back as he shot Marcus a worried yet confused look. Perhaps this kid knew more of gangs than Vessie had assumed. His eyes blurred as he unfocused on what was around him as his heart began to pick up pace as he grew nervous. "Is he a spy? Does he really know this other hound? What if this is a trap and they want to exchange a secret phrase that lets them know my guard is down and they attack me? Martin and Roberto are here, I have to warn them and get them out."
As his mind began to run with paranoid thoughts, his muscles tensed as he idly followed Marcus to the couple, his hands shaking as their grip around the snacks he had grabbed tightened. A temporary snarl was displayed as he stopped following Marcus as he began exchanging words with the unknown man, his laughter stopping abruptly when they approached.
Why he didn't turn and run to share his concerns with the closer people he considered friends, he didn't know. His legs were glued to the ground as his head screamed for his body to turn and flee. His eyes were now trained on all three characters as his expression relaxed with a slow blink and sniff. He couldn't allow them to see him being afraid, less around someone that believed that he could beat him in a fight, and another that he had shown some interest into getting to know. Vessie did as he had been mentally trained to do. Fight against his instincts and stay put. His body forced to relax itself and briefly lifted his chin as a sort of greeting. His quickened breathing slowed and he sighed heavily as a sign of boredom. The possibility of this just being his mind overreacting was very much on the table, Marcus really being innocent and oblivious to the danger he could be putting himself in by hanging with these two types.

[align=center][Image: tumblr_p0ruommWcb1tc5gvpo6_250.png] [Image: 825a42659c5ced8fb5a8eb27acfa2700.jpg]
you're my sunflower
Marcus smiled up at his friend, who laughed and patted him on the head after snapping out of the dirty look aimed at Vessie.

[i]"What a surprise, never thought I'd live to see the day that you'd come to a party again."

Christian seemed to completely ignore the fact that there was someone other than Marcus there. Though, the short brunette didn't seem to notice as he pouted and crossed his arms. [b]"Of course I'd come to a party again. If I recall correctly it was you pressuring me to drink that got your clothes vomited on" He shrugged as he spoke, throwing his hands up a bit and grinning.

He turned to look at Vessie with his wide eyes sparkling, "Vessie! This is my friend, Christian. He's kind of a dick so don't take anything he says personally." He said, gripping his new friend's sleeve gently. He noticed the little awkwardness that arose, though figured it was because they didn't know each other. Never would he have thought that they had actually met before, and quite literally hated each other.

"I know him."

Marcus blinked at the tall tattooed man with a blank look, head tilting.

"Not well, but we met before." He wrapped an arm around Marcus' neck and pulled him close, leaning down to be eye level with him. "Be careful around this guy. He's bad news, Grey."

His voice was quiet and he spoke cryptically, but Marcus didn't understand. He just shrugged- "I think you're overreacting to seem cool in front of your new girlfriend" He tapped Christian's nose as he spoke, before shrugging his arm off- "We'll leave you two alone. Be safe! I don't want to become a babysitter!"

He turned to face Vessie again, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and chuckling. "Sorry about that. Like I said he's a dick. He's probably thinking you're someone else."

He might have taken the words seriously if they came from literally anybody else. Christian was known to exaggerate things and just be plain wrong.

He didn't know Vessie well. He barely knew anything about him, but so far he had been nothing but kind. He even invited Marcus to this party-granted Marcus hated parties-to get to know him better. There was nothing that made Marcus think that he couldn't be trusted.

He smiled wide, crinkling the corners of his eyes. He needed something to take his mind off of the thoughts that maybe Christian was right. He shouldn't judge someone based off of what one overprotective friend said. He took a long drink of the foul-smelling liquid he held in his hands, grimacing a bit at the taste.

"Is there a balcony or something? It's kinda loud in here."

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]sylvester
rubik's cube
As Marcus and his friend began to speak, Vessie stood guard. His posture showing his thoughts of being surrounded by strangers. One in which he had been in a fight before, therefore not being certain of whether or not he'd try to start another tussle.
His mind began to wander, his eyes slowly searching the walls behind Christian and his date, to the ceiling- unsure of what he was searching for, but he continued. He didn't dare listen to the conversation they were having, not that he could hear them anyways. Stand tall, don't look them in the eye, don't show you care of what they say he softly told himself Just as Ed taught you.
The spell he was under was disrupted when he felt a hand grab his sleeve, his eyes focusing on Marcus directly, offering him an awkward soft smile before he looked up at Christian. His fingers twitched as he now listened in. Vessie stifled a chuckle when he heard him say they knew each other. Tempted on speaking, he bit his tongue, turning to walk a little ways away to show his interest wasn't caught.
When Marcus came up to him, he looked down and cocked his head. "Well, there are little ledges outside the windows?" he broke out a goofy smile "Think you can stand on that?" he giggled, shaking his head dismissively "No, that would be too dangerous. We can go to the roof? Not everyone knows where the stairs are since it was boarded up before the building was left. And even if there are people we can just claim an empty spot."
Growing excited, he looked over his shoulder to catch Christian's eyes, quietly muttering "I'm ready for round two" to himself, his fingers fidgeting with what was in his hands.
Practically running to the last floor, he made a beeline to the covered door- setting down his drink and snacks, he eagerly began to wiggle the plywood to remove it. When that was set aside, he scooped up his things and looked back at Marcus "C'mon! Just up here!" Turning to run up the steps, he ducked his head just in case the doorway leading out was sloped down.
Vessie sighed happily- glad to be outside and out of that crowded floor and from the tense situation. Eyes squinting as he leaned his head back to stare at the sky. It was a shame they wouldn't be able to see the stars clearly- lowering his gaze to the city, his shoulders relaxed "But at least we can see the city lights. It's nice too..." he told himself, his attention being taken to watch Marcus emerge from the staircase, becoming a little tensed as he did.
You can trust him. And if you can't, he's like half your size...you can easily take him... just don't stand near the ledge His lips twitched into a frown, before fixing themselves into a grin "Isn't this better! It's too bad there's nothing comfy to sit on, but it's still nice!" he made a point of turning to scan the area, no real chairs or anything of the sort. Unless the boxes were brought up for that purpose.
With a skip in his step, he jogged over to the boxes and tried to move one with his foot, when it gave way, he beamed "Hold on, there are boxes! Help me move 'em over there! Or actually, can you hold these?" Vessie wiggled the contents in his arms.
his mind is in a different place // P
[abbr=cis-male, 26 y.o, pansexual]★[/abbr]
[abbr=tigger, vessie, sylvie]★[/abbr]
[i]If I see only what I believe, reality's bound by what I conceive. Pickin' the scab and watching it bleed
sylvester yoon-minho
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