06-15-2018, 03:35 AM
sry ily | heatherstorm's storage
06-15-2018, 03:35 AM
06-15-2018, 04:38 AM
[align=center][div style="border: 0px black solid; background-color: transparent; width: 450px; min-height: auto; overflow: stretch; padding: 5px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 90%; letter-spacing: 0px; color: #000;"]family + relations:
mother: briarwood father: rockfall siblings: fernkit, mosspaw, ivynose heatherstorm had always had a rough life. she was born from a forbidden duel-clan relationship between a thunderclanner and a riverclanner. her father, rockfall, was a charismatic and smooth-talking warrior who managed to weave himself into the life of her mother, briarwood. their relationship was always complicated. his personality always contrasted, briarwood's calm, cold, and collected persona; how the two managed to carry a conversation without pushing the other away is unknown. for many moons, they would meet under the moonlight and talk for hours on end. what started as meaningless flirting quickly became something more serious. rockfall was known to be a serial player and seemed to be perpetually afraid of commitment. her never believed that their relationship would ever become more than what he saw it was, a fling. so when briarwood approached him with the news that she was pregnant with his kits, he didn't know how to react. he panicked and fled the clans, running somewhere past the horizon to become a loner in some distant land. briarwood was left with a litter of kits and a broken heart. briarwood was never able to give a straight answer to who had fathered her kits. she'd avoid the question, shooting down any attempt to get an answer from her with icy remarks. she felt extremely alone with her kits – with no one to confide in about their past and family, she felt that the kits were tearing her away from her clan. depressed and resentful towards the kits for, in her mind, driving her lover away from her, she began to shun her children. there were no more hugs, no more 'i love you's; in her eyes, her kits were strangers. out of her litter, heatherstorm outwardly reacted the least to her mother's actions. while she did play a bit into the grief the clan was expecting, she never fell to the level of hysteria her littermates reached. she simply turned her head, choosing to close this chapter of her life, just as he mother had. even if the event itself didn't leave a lasting effect on heatherstorm, the events it caused certainly did. it started with her youngest brother, fernkit. fernkit had always been weak – weak-boned, weak-nervous system, and weak emotionally. born the runt, he was constantly under careful watch by all the queens in the nursery. heatherstorm felt particularly protective over her younger brother, perhaps because of her positions as oldest, or maybe because of his inability to manage on his own. regardless, when briarwood began to ignore the litter, it affected fernkit the most. without his mother's milk, his weakened state worsened, and despite the other queen's efforts to get him to nurse, he refused, and died from malnutrition. briarwood took no note of this, but heatherstorm was heartbroken. her anger towards her mother grew, and she became increasingly more bitter towards her. upon receiving her title of apprentice, heatherstorm's mother had been gone for nearly a moon. she fled the clan just as her lover had done some moons ago after unsurprisingly finding disdain from the clan towards her choice to abandon her kits. she grew fiercely independent and began to stray from the clan. despite this, she took her new role of apprentice seriously and would train alongside her remaining siblings, mosspaw, and ivysalt. heatherstorm's mentor was a young, rather inexperienced warrior by the name of cloudleap. from their first tour of the territory, the balance of power within the pair was skewed. cloudleap was a pushover; he had absolutely no experience being a mentor and was often too unsure of himself to give heatherstorm any real directions. she took advantage of this and would twist his logic and words to gain her favor. she never removed ticks from elder's pelts, nor did she ever replace the moss in the nursery. she began to push her luck, using her power to get away with things rather than get out of them. she would sneak out of camp, cross borders, and pick fights, all under the vail that cloudleap was the instigator. cloudleap was failing to stimulate heatherstorm, and after weeks of having free-reign, she was getting bored. perhaps apathy was the right way to describe it, as clan life, in general, lacked the appeal it once held in her eyes. her sister, mosspaw, differed from her in the way that she was still very involved in the clan and her role within it, and worked to prove herself as strong. she never lacked the drive to continually prove herself, something that heatherstorm envied. she began to compete with mosspaw, subconsciously at first, but very deliberately later. their competitions began harmless, like who could catch the most birds or who could keep their paws in a frozen stream the longest, but they got increasingly more difficult as the sisters found each other to be worthy foes. it climaxed when mosspaw dared heatherstorm to leap over a ravine, while not dangerous in its depth, held thorny bushes and rocks at the bottom that were potentially deadly. she agreed and made the jump without effort, landing on the other side without injury. boastful, heatherstorm called out to mosspaw, mocking that she couldn't make the jump, even if she tried. her sister, realizing that heatherstorm was serious with her claims, panicked and weakly jumped, her paws slipping on the loose rocks. she fell to her death, much to heatherstorm's surprise. before she was able to go down to see her sister, cloudleap emerged from the forest enraged. he had been watching the entire time and was finally fed up with his apprentice's actions. he threatened to go to their leader with the claim that she killed her sister. heatherstorm was shocked and panicking, unable to think straight. cloudleap approached her and attempted to grab her by the scruff of her neck, but she reacted without thinking and pushed him over the edge, sending him flying down the ravine to where her sister lay. unable to think, she fled the scene, heading to camp to cry that cloudleap and mosspaw had gotten into an accident, and while she tried to save them, it was too much, and they were dead. the clan believed her, and she was given her warrior name, heatherstorm, because of her 'brave and noble actions'. from that day on, only she knew about what really happened to her mentor and sibling, and she alone carried the weight of the event. from that day forward, she swore to keep her head down and simply give her life to the clan. she was out of energy, out of hope for the future, out of fucks to give. she dipped into a cycle of apathy and repressed anger, where she continues to live.
06-15-2018, 05:26 AM
[align=center][div style="border: 0px black solid; background-color: transparent; width: 450px; min-height: auto; overflow: stretch; padding: 5px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 90%; letter-spacing: 0px; color: #000;"]General  biograhpy
▪ Heatherstorm | Heather ▪ AFAB | Feminine | She/Her ▪ 20 Moons | Unknown birthday | Ages at rpers discretion ▪ Warrior of Thunderclan Physical  reference ♦ DOMESTIC CAT | Health: 90%  Heatherstorm is a medium sized Maine Coon cat. Her body is muscular and petite, hidden under thick layers of fur. Her pelt is a dilute blue-gray with a white chin, chest, and paws. Her appendages are on the shorter side for her breed, her paws a bit larger than proportionally accurate. Large, feathered ears sit on top of her head, missing the signature tuffs of fur notable for her breed. The lack of tuffs on her ears is made up on her tail, which is full and luxurious, reaching well above her head when extended upwards. She has a soft face, her chin often flows into her chest fur, and her snout is not particularly bold when viewed in profile. Her eyes sit in the middle of her face, large and hazel-green, a beautiful accent to her cool pelt. Her nose and paw pads are painted a beautiful warm brick color, which is also less intensely found inside her ears. Her gait lacks motivation, but still demands attention and respect.  minor injuries: Tbd  major injuries: Depression Important Info  played by blondie ▪ Heatherstorm is a difficult individual with an equally difficult past. If your character is the same age as her, take into account the accounts of her past when approaching her, as the events may affect your character's perception of her. Personality  INTP  Heatherstorm is a husk of her former personality. Molded and beaten by the past, she has walled herself off from everyone. She was never a truly open person. Trust was something she lacked; it was to be earned, but even then, it had to be treated with a grain of salt. No matter the lengths one may go to prove themselves, there is a possibility that they could turn their back and cross you. Heatherstorm leads her life with this belief. Her untrusting demeanor causes her to appear short-tempered and snarky, which to some extent, she naturally is. She's a know-it-all, which often rubs some the wrong way, but it comes from experience. She went through a traumatic childhood full of missteps and mistakes and is very vocal when she sees someone making the same mistakes she did. The difference between her being a helpful person and her not is that fact that she is stubborn. She will never explain the reasons behind her outbursts, nor will she accept criticism that what she says might be wrong. This mindset makes her extremely bitter and often causes her to remove herself from situations. While at first glance, it is easy to assume that Heatherstorm's actions are simply the result of her personality, but if time is spared to watch her do mundane tasks within the clan, it is evident that her stubbornness only extends so far. She's a hard worker; it's almost uncharacteristic, her worth ethic. She will never argue or complain when given a task and will see to finishing it before required, as well as offer herself to take the tasks of clanmates if they are too busy to do them themselves. While she works most of the day away, she refuses to do any jobs that are out of the ordinary. She'll avoid patrols that extend their territory, and will drop out if placed in a group with clanmates she doesn't see to be good to be around. Deep down, all she wants is to restart and have a normal life. Love is something foreign to Heatherstorm. She never felt any strong familial love; any form the past either welcomes guilt or bitterness into her mind. While she still cares deeply about her last living relative, her sister Ivynose, she has long forgotten the natural emotion of love. For her, love is a formality; something that's done just because. Romantically speaking, Heatherstorm has never experienced love. Kit and Apprenticehood never allowed her the chance to find love because of her age, and upon becoming a warrior, her mind had already become focused on living a life of isolation from others. Love was never given a place in her life, so if it were to appear, there isn't a guarantee that she would know how to find it. Under the exoskeleton she's built for herself, there is still a little, curious kitten, ready to explore the world through big, curious green eyes. There's still the eager young apprentice wanting to ingest any and all information she could get her paws on, serving her clan with a bright smile. And there's a warrior, not bitter or depressed, not closed off to the world, ready to find love. Not only love in that of a partner but the love of her clan. The love of her parents, the love of her departed siblings and mentor, and most importantly, the love of herself. Relationships  heartchart ▪ Briarwood x Rockfall | Three siblings; Fernkit, Mosspaw, and Ivynose ▪ Biromantic | Bisexual | Monogamous ▪ Currently single | No crush | No maybe crushes ▪ ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅐ ⅛ ⅑ ⅒ Ship/Group/Squad ▪ Very cold and judgemental toward others; outwardly emotionally unavailable, and makes it known. Attempts to begin personal conversation will be shut down. Steadfast when in situations regarding warrior duties. Interaction  plotting thread  Medium Physical Difficulty | Extreme Mental Difficulty  Little applicable fighting skills, despite going through typical apprentice lessons  Fighting shows little forethought and is not technically advanced, but may land blows with sudden and often unexpected attacks  No heavy injury without permission, light powerplaying is allowed  To attack, [member=8791]heatherstorm[/member] & attack in bold #821b37
06-16-2018, 08:22 PM
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