a smol notice to link in my signature
idk how long I've been gone already but to anyone concerned, it'll be a while until I'm back. a big issue popped up and I'm still in the process of sorting my life out. it was sudden and this is pretty much the only way I talk to some friends of mine here so I though I should mention this. I'm not leaving, I just don't know when I'll have steady wifi, so.. yeah? I'll be back.

when this r e p e t i t i o n ends behind the window shades, a semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made  —— that most unrestful bed, that most original of sins, and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again. I'd hate to let you [sub]down,[/sub] so I'll let the waters [sup]rise[/sup] and drown my dull reflection in the naïve expectation in your eyes. back in a cast bit-part, back when I felt most free, I had a butcher's / heart and no-one thought they knew me         .        .        .        .        .         .          [ ★ ]

Ok phew I’m glad you’re 1) ok and 2) not leaving
If you’re able to talk through other things pls let me know otherwise stay safe ok

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(06-08-2018, 05:43 AM)crows link Wrote: Ok phew I’m glad you’re 1) ok and 2) not leaving
If you’re able to talk through other things pls let me know otherwise stay safe ok

[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request    —    van#5054
aaaaa bye my frienpal, stay safe ily <333
ill talk to u when you get back fam, good luck <3

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