yo yo character interest check for WNR
  [font=trebuchet ms]so I want to create a side-striped jackal character that is essentially a play on the edge lord archetype
  acts like the stereotypical dark, brooding fighter, carries a scimitar around for show, picks on those he considers weaker than himself, and just generally gives off the atmosphere of being the strongest around
  but in reality he’s actually a total blowhard, and will eventually get his rear end handed to him (possibly multiple times, depending on how many people he pisses off), leading to him either a) getting desperate and doing whatever it takes to become stronger, leading to him becoming genuinely villainous as opposed to just a prick, or b) learning from the experience and having an actual change in mindset (I haven’t decided which) he’s basically gonna be Infinite from Sonic Forces, but with the melodrama played for intentional hilarity
  he’ll probably be a casual character, for me to try out his character archetype and mess around with it
  would this be interesting at all, and if so, where should I put him?

  posted in the right board this time

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
hahah! I have a feeling that a purposeful edgelord could be kinda silly. I really like this idea. Please tell me where he goes when the groups are out i wanna be his first 'friend' X'D

[Image: tumblr_ohhsy0TTOZ1ujm72fo1_500.jpg]
Check out my art shop c:

your mom was here and she loves you v much
you are a triangle
you're a triangle
boogie woogie woogie
hoot used the pythagorean theorem
joey loves you <3
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