show tropes yo, wip

"Odd Squad's an organization run by kids. We fight oddness where it lurks in every nook, cranny, and the occasional tail. Though our names don't start with an O, I'm loyal to this place and the kids that run it. These...are our adventures."

--Mandy's opening monologue

The Adventures of Peaches and Mandy is a Cartoon Network series created by Seren Dipity, who voices the titular Mandy.

A spin-off of PBS Kids's show Odd Squad, and a crossover with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the series follows one of Odd Squad's agents, a human-hybrid creature named Agent Mandy, and her American cousin Peaches, who is a catgirl. Together, the two fight odd creatures and odd villains, while keeping it together inside Headquarters. The show is set in Season 2 of Odd Squad; however, Mandy and Peaches travel to Olive and Otto's Headquarters from time to time, and the two chat with Olive and Otto often.

Seren Dipity states that the show was a way for her to "get into Odd Squad, but with my own little tweaks." All actors who played characters on Odd Squad also reprise their roles here as voice actors, with Peaches being voiced by Grey DeLisle.

A movie, In Odd We Trust, has been slated for 2019, but has since been delayed for undisclosed reasons.

Could use some Recap love.

[spoiler= A to M]Action Duo: The partners in the show, as well as Mandy and Peaches themselves, can qualify.

Adorkable: Peaches. Mandy too, at times.

Aesop: The show delivers some in a few episodes, but isn't aesop-heavy.

Anachronism Stew: Headquarters itself.

Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: This quote from "Mayor Mandy":

Peaches: She acts like a baby, eats like a glutton, and rides rollercoasters every single Thursday!

Babies Make Everything Better: The Cake twins, whom Mandy cares for when the Cake couple are unable to.

Badass Adorable: Peaches, most definitely. She can kick butt both in human and cat form. Mandy and the ponies can also cross over into this line.

Big "NO!": The Big O gives one in "The Boss's Assistant" upon being defeated by Mandy and stripped of his ranking.

Breaking the Fourth Wall: This is done a lot by Mandy specifically. She references everything, from her script, to her VA, to the show Odd Squad itself.

Chekhov's Skill: Peaches's ability to fly is a major plot point in "Pretty Fly for a Hybrid", when it saved Mandy, who had been taught how to do so, but evidently became unsuccessful.

Christmas Episode: While doubling as a Sick Episode, "Season's Sneezings" could count as this, as it takes place during the holidays.

Cloudcuckoolander: More often than not, Mandy, though Pinkie Pie can count as well. Both have The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right moments.

Color-Coded For Your Convenience: Each department is represented by a color: yellow for maintenance, green for science, teal for medical, blue for security, red for investigation, and purple for management.

Comically Missing the Point: Oh plenty of moments, but most particularly from "Odd Squad Intergalactica":

Oscar: You want me to make a cactus for you? Really?
Olive: Mm-hmm! Really.
Oscar: You aren't afraid I'll turn the whole spaceship into a cactus? (nervously laughs)
Fluttershy: (growls and does the pony equivalent of a facepalm)

Continuity Nod: Subverted. As this show is a spin-off of Odd Squad, many events in the series have continuity from it, such as Olive and Otto becoming co-leaders. However, other things are changed and not continued on, like Ms. O becoming the Big O.

Cute and Psycho: Many can be off their rockers at times, like Oona and Mandy. The former's behavior is explained in "Screwloose".

Cute but Cacophonic: The girls can be like this, especially Mandy and Peaches, as well as Olympia.

Enemy Mime: The episode "Third Mime's a Charm" prominently features the villain trio known as The Thrimes, as they attempt to spoil Mandy's sleeping habits.

Evil Counterpart: Peaches claims to have one back in Vallea, but she isn't shown in the show at all and only appears by mention.

Face-Heel Turn: Adrienne, Mandy's primary enemy, was revealed to do this. She was kind to other humans until she saw Mandy who, at the time, was a hybrid. She got jealous, and attempted to concoct numerous ways to steal Mandy's tail, wings, and horn and use them for her own gain.

Fangirl: Like in Odd Squad, Olive loves the Burly Bears. Similarly, Mandy is in love with Bradley Beli, a famous pop star known around the world, and is most prominently shown in "Fickle Love".

Fearsome Critters of American Folklore: The badge of Odd Squad features a jackalope.

Free-Range Children: Albeit an unusual sort--the kids work jobs like adults do.

Friendship Moment: A lot of them.

Gadgeteer Genius: The Scientists, naturally, but Mandy herself falls into this. Despite being an agent, she repairs gadgets in her free time.

Grade-School C.E.O.: Ms. O, Olive, and Otto.

Group Hug: Olive, Otto, Ms. O and Peaches share one with Mandy in "The Edge of the Rainbow."

Hammerspace: Odd Squad employees can access nearly everything they need just by reaching behind their backs. Mandy also has this ability in her hair and her tail.

Happily Adopted: Olive is Mandy's adopted mother, having saved her from the pienado Odd Todd, Olive's old partner, started, and raising her. Mandy has no issues with calling Olive "Mom" and similar endearing terms on occasion, and Olive isn't afraid to show compassion, and even some overprotectiveness, for Mandy.

Heel-Face Turn: Peaches goes through this in the pilot, making up with Mandy when she offers her a deal, ceasing their fighting. They eventually become allies, which sets the show in motion.

Heroic BSoD: Mandy goes through one in "Agents' Crusade" after finding out that Ms. O loves the fillies and prides them more on their work than her.

I Need A Freaking Drink: Ms. O sometimes needs a freaking juice box.

Jerk With a Heart of Gold: Peaches is seen as this. She falls under a Deadpan Snarker, but overall is generally nice to everyone.

Kids Are The Real Monsters:

--"The Boss's Assistant" has the Big O induct Agent Twilight Sparkle into his ranks. However, he refuses to let Twilight go home to Ponyville, and Mandy ends up having to handle him herself, pinning him down to the floor, which prompts a slew of ranting from him that causes him to be stripped of his rank.

Kid Detective: Most of the cast on the show, save the ponies.

Little Miss Badass: Ms. O, and many other female agents, including the ponies, can be seen as this.

The Movie: In Odd We Trust, where Peaches becomes a powerhungry tyrant of another dimension that Mandy happens to open up by accident.

--As well as the made-for-TV movie Time Sheep Turmoil, where General Pentagon attempts to discredit Ms. O and take over Odd Squad using his own methods.

Mysterious Past: Not much is known about Peaches's past, aside from the fact that she used to live in Vallea and was traveling the world rescuing creatures while Mandy was being raised by Olive.

Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Olive's attempts to get Peaches kicked out of Odd Squad in "Pilot" were foiled by Mandy, who thought that had Olive gone through with her plan, Peaches would revert back on the deal she and Mandy had made before.

Nightmare Fuel: There are many moments throughout the series, but arguably the most infamous is Mandy's "When You Don't Need More Coffee" spiel, in "Coffee Cravings" (one of the shorts that went with Cartoon Network's airing of Time Sheep Turmoil). Mandy takes one sip of coffee and goes off-the-walls, even going so far as to pin Ms. O to the wall with her bare hands and sport a Slasher Smile while doing it.

Non-Sequitur, *Thud*: Mandy will often do this when being knocked out.

Older Than They Look: Ms. O, Olive and Otto have apparently lived a long time, but haven't aged a day. The same applies to O'Donahue.

Oh, Crap!: Pretty much anytime something manages to knock Mandy out of the sky, and/or break her wingbones, leaving her unable to fly while in midair.

--Olive's reaction in "Pilot" to Otto informing her about Mandy and Peaches. The news shocks her so much her drink goes down the wrong tube, causing her to nearly choke.

Once per Episode: As Mandy tends to sleep a lot, every episode usually contains a scene (or a few seconds, depending on time) of her asleep. Sometimes, it's vital to the plot.

One Steve Limit: There's a Dr. O, who shouldn't be confused for Ms. O.

--There's also Mr. O, for male Directors.

Order Versus Chaos: What Odd Squad's primary goal is. Seeking power or stealing stuff is really a secondary goal for most of the villains; they take fun in defying the Squad and causing chaos.

Passionate Sports Girl: Olive, to a tee.

Platonic Boy/Girl Heroes: Every set of partners that are the opposite gender.

Plucky Girl: Many of the female agents.

Punny Name: Many episode titles have this.

Rank Up: In "Pinkie Party", Agent Pinkie Pie gets promoted to "Odd Squad's Official Party Planner", handling every Squad's party-related cases. However, she quickly becomes overloaded.

--In "The Boss's Assistant", the Big O promotes Agent Twilight Sparkle to an assistant of his, forcing her to leave her agent rank behind. By the end of the episode, the Big O is demoted, another assistant named Oriella steps up as Big O, and Twilight gets her agent rank back.

--"Agents' Crusade" focuses on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who get promoted from agents-in-training to full-fledged agents.

Red is Heroic: The Investigation department's color is red.

Rodents of Unusual Size: One episode has the agents fighting off a jackalope that was grown by a villain.

Series Mascot: A bit of a subversion; while the show doesn't focus entirely on Odd Squad, the organization does have a jackalope as its mascot.

Shout-Out: Tons of them throughout the series.

--In "An Odd Squad Gala", Mandy makes a reference to a video where a wife screams at her husband for not taking her to the lake.
--"Pilot" makes a callback to Odd Squad: the Movie:

Mandy: Look...I guess what I'm trying to say is...we have a set villain lineup. I've already fought Adrienne, and because of it, my wings and horn, as well as my walking ability, were sacrificed. I don't want to fight you, too.

--In the same episode, Ms. O recalls Mandy's actions from the movie.

--Olympia imitates Olive's speech from Odd Squad's "Hold the Door" in "Pilot".
--Peaches's line of "Cheaters never win, moron" in "Pilot" is a reference to MePhone's line in the Inanimate Insanity Season 2 episode "Mazed and Confused".
--"The Kir-bees" features the titular creatures, whose designs were based around Kirby.
--Mandy's stomach rumbles causing earthquakes in Headquarters in "Dripping in Fitness" is a reference to Pooh's stomach rumbles causing earthquakes in the Hundred-Acre Wood in The Book of Pooh's "The Spice of Life"--right down to both characters being asleep as it happens.
--Various characters' remarks of "Sorry! Sorry" in various episode serves as a reference to Tigger's line in the aforementioned The Book of Pooh episode.

Speak In Unison: A few times; it varies between characters.

Tastes Like Diabetes: The show itself rarely falls into this at times, moreso relying on the Rule of Funny, but at times Mandy can make facial expressions that fall into utter cuteness.

Theme Naming: With the exceptions of Mandy, Peaches, and the ponies, all Odd Squad agents' names begin with O. Lampshaded by Laura Lovebloom in "Fickle Love":

Laura Lovebloom: Agent...Mandy? But she's an Odd Squad agent, isn't she? Her name doesn't start with an O!

Thing-O-Matic: Most gadgets have names that end in "-inator".

To Create a Playground for Evil: The main goal of most villains; however, some are actually Not-So-Harmless Villains who actively seek to destroy the agents.

Tube Travel: Agents travel by being "squishinated" into balls and then fired through a series of tubes to their destination. Mandy has the ability to ride outside of the balls and the tubes, and still get to her desired destination, using her Flight powers.

Turn In Your Badge: Ms. O has Rarity barred from Odd Squad in "An Odd Squad Gala", and takes her badge.

Villain Team-Up: "Third Mime's a Charm" features the Thrimes working together with the Sandman to disrupt Mandy's sleep.

What Happened to the Mouse?: "The Kir-bees" introduces a new creature species going by the titular name. However, they haven't been seen since the episode aired.[/spoiler]

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
this is sorta a copy from the last post i made in my other dump thread; modified to fit the fanmade show lmaooooo

"Agent 57, at your service! Nice to meetcha!"

Debut: Pilot

Voiced by: Seren Dipity (English), Rie Hikisaka (Japanese)

Singing by: Suzanne Ehlinger, Juliet Simmons (English), Rie Hikisaka (Japanese)

The adopted daughter of Agent Olive, and as of Season 2, the Princess of Equality. Agent Mandy is a hyperactive 11-year-old girl that always brings cheer to Odd Squad wherever she goes while also delivering a healthy dose of snark. She is classified as an alicorn and is very skilled and powerful in magic, though not to the extent of those like Twilight Sparkle. She is depicted with angel wings that grant her the ability to fly, a white long unicorn horn with a tan headband that blends with her skin color, and Pinkie Pie-esque hair, pony ears, and a tail similar to that of one of her partners, Agent Pinkie Pie. She can be cute and sweet, but don't let her innocent demeanor fool you - she can get angry when she wants to, and she can wield both gadgets and a large hammer for her personal use.

Her two partners are Agent Pinkie Pie and Agent Fluttershy, the first partner trio in the agency's history.

[spoiler=Characterization and Background]Adorably Precocious Child: Mandy is only 11 years old, but works hard and is dedicated to being a good agent of Odd Squad.

Adorkable: No doubt about it.

Attention Deficit...Ooh, Shiny!: She can sometimes get distracted - something will catch her eye that will draw her attention away from the task at hand.

Attention Whore: Oftentimes agents look to her rather than to Ms. O for advice, being that she is Ms. O's second-in-command. However, she can also hog the spotlight as she wishes.

Becoming the Costume: Mandy often mimics various characters, whether for humor or for mockery, by dressing up as the character (or in the case of agents, only changes her hairstyle and her badge; she keeps the suit). This tends to get on Olive's nerves quite often.

Berserk Button:

- Hurting anyone close to her.
- Depriving her of her Chocolate Moo-Moo Surprise.
- Hiding something from her.

Beware the Nice Ones: Mandy is a sweetheart and is quite cheerful. But when she gets angry or serious, it's not a pretty sight to behold.

Beware the Silly Ones: Yeah, she's adorable and silly and loves to goof around, but she isn't afraid to show her aggressive side.

Big Eater: So much so, she matches both Otto and Pinkie Pie in sheer appetite. Her primary method of eating involves wrapping her tongue around foodstuffs and gulping it down in one bite. What's more, she can eat multiple-course meals in one sitting.

Black Sheep: Mandy falls into this role with both her adoptive and real families. Olive, her adopted mother, is vastly different from her, being more stoic and serious. Her real mother, Annabelle, was more refined and regal as a Proper Lady, while her real father, Tyler, is a Mellow Fellow jokester. Peaches, Mandy's cousin, is more of an Only Sane Man.

Break the Cutie: Mandy is usually quite optimistic and upbeat, but does have moments where she becomes broken if someone thinks of her as useless or someone hurts her.

- In "The Missing Dreams", she becomes scared when Dr. O tells her that she is the only one to cure the Dream-Transfer-itis outbreak.
- "Cat Got Your Tail?" has her attempting to free Peaches from the corruption of a ring that is attached to her, by trying to convince her of who Mandy is.
- It's narrowly averted, but in "Pinkie Party", she becomes upset at Olive for not telling her about Pinkie Pie's promotion.
- She completely breaks down in "The Kir-bees" upon learning that the eponymous creature framed her for things she didn't do.
- Her repeated and failed attempts to fly with her tail in "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid", despite Pinkie Pie coaching her, causes her great stress, and as a result, she yells at her partner and flies away crying.
- Breaks down a bit in "The Boss's Assistant" when Peaches expresses her worries about Mandy going to kill the Big O, only for Mandy to fire back that she never kills anyone and begin crying. She manages to stop herself and heads into the Big Office while ordering Peaches to stay behind.

Broken Bird: Her hair and tail can deflate when she becomes really depressed.

Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Mandy is hyperactive and is quite dimwitted at times, but she's also very competent at solving cases, to the point where she serves as Ms. O's second-in-command.

Character Development: Word of God states that Mandy was originally conceived to be a Genki Girl, not taking anything seriously and bringing joy to those around her, unable to be mad or sad. While she is still very high-energy, she is geared more towards being The Pollyanna - she is capable of taking things seriously, often in the vein of Olive, but still retains humor and wit. She has also definitely grown from the days when she first transformed into a pony-human hybrid.

Cheerful Child: She is constantly optimistic, often has a smile on her face, and is always on hand to cheer up her fellow co-workers whenever they need it. Even those who are more stoic, like Olive and Ms. O, can't help but smile at her antics.

Cloudcuckoolander: She is dimwitted, boisterous, and looks like an anomalous creature that wouldn't be too out of place in a workplace of oddities, but most everyone loves her for it. Ms. O even refers to her as the heart of the precinct in part because of her zany antics.

Cuckoo Snarker: Mandy can snark at times.

Mandy: [growls] This is the third hammer I’ve bent! How durable are these things?!
Olive: Well, they have to be durable. They go through a lot of wear and tear.
Mandy: [deadpan] That was a rhetorical question, Olive.

Cute and Psycho: If you're a villain, better watch your back -- don't perform any villainous misdeeds, or your face is likely to meet a flaming Mandy's hammer.

Cute, but Cacophonic: When she screams, it can echo throughout nearly the entirety of Headquarters.

The Cutie: Mandy is one of the more adorable agents of Precinct 13579. And she knows it.

Determinator: She is very dedicated to her work, and will often go the extra mile to stop villains, no matter what it takes. In "Double Trouble, Part Deux", she even went so far as to chase a villain throughout town, and didn't realize until the end of the episode that it was a fake one.

The Ditz: Half the time, she's a scatterbrain. The other half of the time...

Drop the Hammer: In addition to her alicorn magic, Mandy also wields a hammer that serves as her weapon of choice. It can grow to be half the size of a large tree.

Everyone Has Standards: Mandy may love to joke around and have fun, but she knows better than to disturb people and will often leave them alone when asked to.

Expressive Ears: Mandy's pony ears (in both hybrid and pony form) fold downward when she is sad or mad. They sometimes also flap when she is excited, which allows her to hover for a few seconds per Rule of Funny. She also folds one of them downward when sleeping.

Expressive Hair: Her hair and tail can deflate when she gets really depressed. In addition, certain things like listening to loud music will cause her hair to stick straight up, and sometimes it will stay that way up until someone fixes it.

Extreme Omnivore: She will eat most anything and everything that is edible. However, she does have limits; she finds Otto's mini Bundt cake to be revolting and can't get more than a few chews in before spitting it out.

Fun Personified: She is a very upbeat person, and many agents adore her humorous, cheerful nature.

Genius Ditz: Despite her scatterbrained and dimwitted nature, she is very intelligent, often finding solutions to issues in the steads of other agents.

- She is the only one who knows her way around Sector 21, and leads the ponies and Peaches through it in "Journey of a Thousand Threats".
- In "Lights Out", she organizes various plans to find Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo.
- She manages to, for the most part, repair Olive and Otto's friendship in "Snailed It", albeit with a push from Peaches and Twilight.

Genki Girl: She is both this and The Pollyanna. She is quite energetic, but is also cheerful and optimistic.

Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She has a stuffed leopard toy named Fluffy that was her favorite as a young child. While she doesn't play with it much anymore, she does keep it on her nightstand.

Girly Bruiser: Mandy can be girly at times, but she won't hesitate to jump into the fray of battle and beat villains singlehandedly.

Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: A bubbly, giggly girl who is loyal to Odd Squad and those she loves. However, she has an inappropriate side, being loud, boisterous, and a Big Eater.

Good is Not Dumb: One of Ms. O's best agents who serves as her faithful second-in-command.

Gratuitous Japanese: Mandy likes to pepper her sentences with Japanese, and sometimes speaks full-on sentences in Japanese. While a majority of agents can't understand what she's saying, Olive can, due to being multi-lingual.

Mandy: Watashi wa sore o anata no te kara torinozokimasu, arigatō.
[walks away; everyone looks at Olive]
Olive: “I’ll take that off your hands, thank you.”
[various “ohh’s”]

Happily Adopted: She was rescued from Todd's pienado as a toddler by Olive, who was an agent at the time. She was raised by her over the course of 11 years after the event. Mandy calls Olive "Momma" quite often, and Olive has no qualms about going to extra lengths to protect Mandy. This is deconstructed in "Mother's Little Hybrid", where Mandy manages to learn the truth about her real parents; however, she still remains with Olive and visits her real family often.

Hates Being Alone: As a toddler, she hated when Olive went on cases, and would often cry for her until she returned. Once she was introduced to Oscar, she was taught how to make gadgets, which kept her busy.

The Heart: Many agents have remarked how Mandy manages to cheer them up when they feel depressed. Ms. O often directly refers to her as the heart of Precinct 13579.

Hidden Depths: The series is littered with moments that showcase Mandy's other moods, or hidden talents that often surprise those around her.

- "Pilot" shows her attempting to befriend Peaches, an aloof catgirl that happens to be her distant cousin. To achieve this, she writes Peaches a note encouraging her to open up, and naps alongside her in bed.
- "The Edge of the Rainbow" shows that curiosity can sometimes overtake her, causing her to rush off without telling Ms. O or anyone else.
- "The Missing Dreams" has Dr. O entrusting the task of curing everyone's sleep-transfer-itis to Mandy, and she quickly becomes overwhelmed when she manages to restore everyone else's dreams, but not her own, causing her great strife. The episode also shows that she makes a great homemade mac and cheese, which she teaches Olive how to make.
- In "Pinkie Party", it's revealed that she doesn't take kindly to those keeping secrets from her, especially when she feels that she has a right to know said secrets.

Innocently Insensitive: Mandy sometimes can go a little over the edge with her antics.
- She pushes Olive to share her story of how she defected to Odd Todd's side in "Viva La Vida", and refuses to back down despite her looking extremely uncomfortable with telling the story.

Jabba Table Manners: Her preferred method of eating is to wrap her tongue around the food, and eat it in one bite. When she's really hungry, she'll dive into food face first.

Kindhearted Simpleton: She is normally regarded as air-headed, socially oblivious, and is generally off in her own little world, but is one of the kindest people you'd ever meet.

Know When to Fold 'Em: While her primary means of attack is to beat up villains until they're begging for mercy, she knows when she's outnumbered or overwhelmed.

Large Ham: Make no mistake, Mandy can definitely ham it up when she wants to.

Life of the Party: If it's not a high-class event, Mandy will be partying hard.

Loon With a Heart of Gold: She's loopy and weird, but goes to great lengths for those she loves.

Loss of Identity: After she was turned into a pony-human hybrid and gained her wings, tail, horn and a new hairstyle, she struggled with connecting with the townspeople, as they would ostracize her for being different from other humans (despite looking more humanoid than equine). This led her self-esteem to plummet drastically.

Love Hungry: She can get this way when it comes to Bradley Beli, a famous world-traveling pop star whom she has a crush on. It becomes especially prominent in "Double B Faces the Music" when she accuses Nerine of wanting to date him, and develops a hatred of her in part because of it.

The Mad Hatter: Mandy knows just how loony she is, and loves every minute of it.

Misery Trigger: She can take most insults with ease, but there is only so much she can take, doubly so if they come from someone she loves. "Agents' Crusade" has her going nearly berserk on Ms. O when she continuously drags her into training the Cutie Mark Crusaders in order for them to become bonafide Investigation agents of Odd Squad, insulting her about her sleeping and eating habits.

Motor Mouth: She launches into this often when she's upset and is explaining what happened to make her upset.

The Music Meister: Mandy is able to get others to dance a lot of the time simply by singing, and leads most, if not all of the songs in the show.

Must Have Caffeine: If she doesn't get her Chocolate Moo-Moo Surprise drink when she wakes up in the mornings, expect her to be completely groggy and disoriented.

My God, What Have I Done?:

- In "The Kir-bees", after seeing how the eponymous creature framed her, she flies into a rage and snaps at Olive, Otto, Ms. O and the ponies, breaking the table with her hammer in the process. After witnessing the damage she caused, she begins to cry and runs away.
- She goes into a Heroic BSoD in "Fake Charmer" when Orino tricks her into believing that Peaches despises her and wants her gone.

Nice Girl: Most of the time, unless you push her Berserk Button.

No Sense of Personal Space: She gets in people's faces quite a bit, and gives out Bear Hugs all the time.

Mandy: [gasp] Cuz!
Peaches: Wait, wait- ulp! [coughing as Mandy hugs her]
Mandy: Oh, am I happy to see you!
Peaches: C-can you… [cough] put me… [cough] down?!
Mandy: Sorry!
[puts her down]
Peaches: [gasping for air]

O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Despite her unpredictable reactions to various things, people are easily able to tell if something is off with Mandy if she isn't her usual self.

- In "The Kir-bees", she gets upset enough to fly into a rage when Olive, Otto, Ms. O and the ponies accuse her of being the one who ruined the bullpen and the Bedroom. When they realize that she wasn't the culprit, they immediately feel guilty, as they know she would never do anything like that on purpose. However, Mandy is still hurt over the accusations and refuses to speak to anyone.

Only Sane Man: Mandy takes up this role more often than not, especially when others around her are panicking or freaking out about a situation, or being completely unreasonable.

Perpetual Smiler: Mandy smiles quite often.

Personality Powers: She believes in equality for all kids, which is Odd Squad's modus operandi, and it reflects in the rainbow color of her horn's aura. While she's not afraid to use her alicorn magic for combat purposes, she also uses it to build and repair gadgets for agents. In line with that, her power of Flight is often used to carry both humans and ponies on her back to wherever they need to go.

The Pollyanna: Mandy is regarded as an upbeat hybrid agent most of the time, assisting people when needed and even helping agents-in-training as shown in "Mandy's Class Act". Even when fighting villains, she has the utmost confidence that she can take them down, and often does so singlehandedly with glee.

Really Fond of Sleeping: She loves to sleep, and can do it in most any location, up to and including stair banisters. It gets to such a point that her not getting enough sleep can have disastrous effects - for both her, and those around her.

Sad Clown: When an agent or someone she loves hurts her in some manner, expect Mandy to lose any semblance of being bubbly and cheerful and turn bitter and upset.

Sanity Slippage: The official animated video for "Sadistic Music Factory" depicts Mandy as being consistently hungry and a harsh ruler with no sanity to be found...that is, until it's revealed that an unnamed spirit was possessing her.

Serious Business: Despite her cheerful personality, Mandy knows when to get serious.

- Don't ever hurt her, emotionally or physically. And don't hurt her co-workers, either. You've been warned.
- Finding the legendary Toronto Rainbow. Try and stop her. We dare you.
- If there's a high-class event being held for someone she respects, she will make sure it goes off without a hitch and chew out those who ruin it.

Simple-Minded Wisdom: Mandy has her moments when holding the Smart Ball.

Mandy: [suspiciously] Boss...shouldn’t the lesson I taught Olive be sticking with you too?
Ms. O: Huh?
Mandy: Sometimes, leader figures aren’t always right, and they can make mistakes like regular human beings do! You shouldn’t put your bonafide trust in them, ‘cuz sometimes those mistakes can be fatal.

Stalker With a Crush: Played with. While she doesn't stalk him, she has a huge crush on Bradley Beli, and it's been likened to Otto's love for the band Soundcheck.

Sweet Tooth: True to her Big Eater tendencies, she has a big thing for sweets, particularly chocolate.

That Reminds Me of a Song: Beginning in Season 2, Mandy often launches into musical numbers, much to the chagrin of those around her.

Olive: Please don’t play The Lamentations of the Lost One again…
Mandy: Aww, c’mon, that was one of the best performances of my time! Smashed the guitar on-tune and everything!

Thinking Out Loud: Does this at times, especially when alone.

Womanchild: Downplayed. While Mandy is 11 and is considered a child by Odd Squad's standards, she carries adult responsibilities as all Odd Squad employees do. However, she can act younger than her age at times. It's become the subject of mockery for agents like Orchid, but Mandy doesn't seem to care.

Work Hard, Play Hard: As mentioned above, Mandy knows the line between work and play. While she does insert humor and wit into what she does, she also knows when to be serious.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Appearance]Burning With Anger: Mandy often gets angry enough to do this, which is a useful scare tactic when fighting villains.

Expository Hairstyle Change: Some time before the series, Mandy fought off a Hydraclops out at sea, which caused her hair to become curly similar to her partner's. She also sprouts a tail similar to her partner's as well, which is secured by a bow at the top.

Expressive Hair: Both her hair and tail can poof up and deflate, but it only happens when she falls into a deep depression. They also stick up whenever she's scared, in a similar manner as a cat.

Hair Decorations: In "Mother's Little Hybrid", she is gifted a bow from her deceased mother, who left it behind for her to wear. Season 2 onwards shows Mandy wearing this bow in every episode.

- In Season 1, the Quirky Curls in her hair are secured by a small bow.

Innocent Blue Eyes: She's into fun and happiness, and has the eyes and personality to match!

Mega Twintails: In one episode, she experiments with different hairstyles, with one of them being these.

Nice Hat: Wears one on some occasions, mainly during showy dance numbers.

Overly Long Tongue: Develops one whenever she eats something in one bite, per Rule of Funny.

Quirky Curls: Her hair became curly in the same manner as Agent Pinkie Pie when she defeated a Hydraclops. Similarly, she also sprouted a tail that looks like the pink pony's, and is even the same color. It's shown in flashbacks that her hair was naturally straight, and it does get straightened when she's depressed.

Ridiculously Cute Critter: Is one in both pony form and hybrid form. And Mandy isn't afraid to call others' attention to it.

Silly Walk: While she does walk like normal humans, she will often also move along by bouncing up and down, like her partner, Agent Pinkie Pie. The name for this gait is "pronking", and there arguably cannot be a better word for how Mandy travels.

Turns Red: Does this at times whenever she gets extremely angry.

Wingding Eyes: When dizzy, her eyeballs spin around in their sockets.

Winged Humanoid: Mandy is a pony-human hybrid classified under the alicorn race, and because of it, she has wings that she uses for flight. However, unlike the wings of other alicorns, Mandy's wings are snow-white and are more reminiscent of an angel's.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Abilities]Ace Pilot: Mandy has her own Cool Plane that she pilots in some episodes. Word of God states that her plane, named Serendipity, is a more compact, simplified version of the plane she built during Odd Squad: The Movie, when the human Main 7 were going up into space.

Awesomeness by Analysis: Mandy can easily sniff out the bad intentions of a villain using her observation skills and Odd Squad's own villain database.

Badass Adorable: Mandy may be cute and sweet and energetic to boot, but make no mistake, she can pack a hell of a punch when she wants to.

Balloonacy: Mandy will use balloons for comedic effects at times. In "Mystic Magic Sleep Rays", her inability to stop flying causes Olive to suggest that Otto tie string around her and treat her like a balloon, much to her chagrin.

Olive: Ah! I may have an idea. Otto, go get some rope and tie it around Mandy. Tote her around like you would a balloon.
[muffled sounds of protest from Mandy]

Beyond the Impossible: She has shown skills such as being able to go long distances without getting tired and piloting her Cool Plane hands-free.

Chekhov's Skill: In "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid", Peaches, and later Pinkie Pie, train Mandy how to fly using her tail as a propeller. It later saves her in the same episode when her wingbones cramp up, leaving her unable to fly.

The Cat Came Back: While popping up out of nowhere is a common ability among numerous Odd Squad agents such as Ms. O and Oona, Mandy does it more often than any of them, and is well aware of it.

Confusion Fu: Ohlm is far and away the most unpredictable agent in Precinct 13579, but Mandy is also sometimes unpredictable in battle, sometimes using gadgets instead of her hammer. Outside of combat, her unpredictability when it comes to reacting to various things is referenced by numerous agents.

Crazy-Prepared: Most agents are this due to their ability to use Hammerspace, but Mandy is perhaps the most prepared of them all. She can pull things that are two times bigger than her from her spine.

Dreadful Musician: Zigzagged. While Mandy is a very talented singer, she puts a lot of spirit into her songs, which can annoy others around her.

[after playing "Lamentations of the Lost One" on an electric guitar]
Rock star: Whoa, that was, like, totally epic, man!
Mandy: Thank ye thank ye! I’ve been dabbling in Japanese lately. I can also sing it in English if you want-
Otto: No! No, I-I think we got it, Mandy. I think we got it.
Olive: [soft moan]

Fast Tunnelling: Like Agent Pinkie Pie, Mandy can turn her hair into a drill in order to dig underground.

Flight: Can fly using her wings, and beginning with "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid," can fly using her tail as a propeller.

Gadgeteer Genius: Aside from being an Investigation agent, Mandy also assists Oona and the other Scientists in repairing gadgets. If she's not out on the field solving cases, she's repairing a broken gadget or two.

Hammerspace: Like all Odd Squad employees, Mandy has this skill, taking out whatever she needs from behind her back.

Hammerspace Hair: Mandy can store a seemingly infinite amount of stuff in her hair and tail, up to and including fillies.

Heavy Sleeper: She can sleep through most any odd happening in Headquarters. Dinosaur breakouts? She's slept straight through them. Tornadoes? She's slept straight through those, too.

Improvised Weapon: When not using gadgets or her magic, she weaponizes ponies. Including her own partners.

Inexplicably Awesome: Odd Squad itself has been explicitly stated not to have any physics involved, and the show itself being a cartoon, Mandy uses it to her advantage. She can ignore the fourth wall with ease, use her tail and hair for numerous purposes, and has a wide range of skills that often help out agents in a pinch.

Leaning on the Fourth Wall: She has a tendency to do this at times.

Offscreen Teleportation: Does this in the same vein as characters like Ms. O, Oona, and Dr. O, although she likes to do it to scare people.

The Power of Rock: She can shred a guitar like nobody's business, as shown in "The One-Trick Agent".

Prehensile Hair: She can hold small things with her Pinkie Pie-esque forelock and can even open jars with it.

Prehensile Tail: She can also hang by her tail, grab things with it (including other agents), bounce on it, and she can use it to fly helicopter-style with her tail as a bottom rotor so she can lay back and relax, and even clean up dirt.

Reality Warper: Any time it aids the joke, she is shown with this ability. She gets a lot of mileage out of it too, as Odd Squad has no physics.

Renaissance Agent: She's in the Investigation department and solves cases like any other agent, but also fixes gadgets, serves as Ms. O's second-in-command, and still somehow finds the time to squeeze in a daily nap and daily trips to the Odd Squad Academy.

Stealth Hi/Bye: She's skilled at this to the point where she can keep up with Ms. O and Oona.

Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish: In "The Kir-bees", she is able to understand the eponymous creature despite it only communicating in chirps.

Super Speed: More in flight with her wings than on land.

Super Strength: Since she's an alicorn, Mandy has an incredible amount of both physical and magical strength, although she does have her limits. In later episodes like "Race Swap", she demonstrates the ability to lift living beings as well as heavy objects with ease, and in "Cat Got Your Tail?", it's revealed that the transformation she went through after fighting the Hydraclops strengthened her spine enough to be able to support the weight of both humans and ponies.

Supreme Chef: She can cook most foods with ease, but is far more skilled in baking, and enjoys doing that rather than cooking overly complex meals.

Toon Physics: Being that the world of the series has no physics, Mandy gets a lot of mileage out of this trope.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Relationships]Cool Big Sis: Mandy serves as this to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, as well as the Mane Six to an extent. Many agents-in-training at the Odd Squad Academy also look up to her as one.

Et Tu, Brute?: Mandy does not take getting emotionally hurt lightly, especially if it's from someone she trusts.

- While more of a mild example than most, "Pinkie Party" has her berating both Olive and Agent Rarity for keeping Agent Pinkie Pie's promotion a secret from her, telling them that as Pinkie's partner, she has a right to know.
- In "The Kir-bees", she breaks down over Olive, Otto, Ms. O, Peaches and the ponies accusing her of destroying the bullpen and the Bedroom when the eponymous creature, named Natsu, was the culprit. Even after Olive talks to her about the situation and she cries into her chest, she still gives her the cold shoulder.

Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Played with. While cousins and not siblings, Peaches and Mandy become more like siblings over the course of the series. Mandy is incredibly hyperactive and is more of a jokester, playing the role of the foolish sibling. Peaches is more down-to-earth, wise, and tends to look after Mandy to make sure she doesn't get into trouble, playing the role of the responsible sibling.

Friend to All Children: As shown in episodes such as "Mandy's Class Act" and "A Class of Her Own", she is a hit with the agents-in-training at the Odd Squad Academy, going to visit and spend time with them on her breaks.

Happily Adopted: Mandy was taken in by a then-Agent Olive and raised after Odd Todd, Olive's old partner, released a pienado into Headquarters as revenge. It's not revealed how Mandy got into the midst of the disaster in the first place until the Season 1 finale, "Mother's Little Hybrid", where Fluttershy tells Mandy where she came from and reveals the existence of her biological parents. Despite the events of the finale, however, Mandy has no problem with calling Olive "Momma" most of the time, and Olive is very maternal when it comes to her.

Intergenerational Friendship: She's friendly to most anyone of every age.

Muggle Foster Parents: Subverted. Mandy was a normal human when Olive adopted her and raised her, but some time before the series, she fought a Hydraclops and gained wings, a tail, a horn, magic, and a new hairstyle, the hair and tail being similar to Agent Pinkie Pie's. After this, others began referring to her as a "pony-human hybrid" - which isn't a species of its own, but is rather implied to be exclusive to Mandy. Despite this, Olive still treats her as her daughter throughout the course of the series.

Only Child Syndrome: Mandy has no known brothers or sisters, but it's implied in "Mandy's Class Act" that she sees the agents-in-training at the Odd Squad Academy as siblings.

Only Known By Their Nickname: According to Word of God, her full name is Amanda, but she is only known as Mandy throughout the series.

Parental Abandonment: In "Mother's Little Hybrid: Part 1", it's revealed that Mandy was conceived with a happy couple, but her mother, Annabelle, didn't want to name her directly after she was born. After Tyler, Mandy's father, learned about Odd Squad, the relationship turned sour, as Annabelle hated Odd Squad for the constant danger they are put in whereas Tyler loved the organization. Tyler named Mandy "Ora" as a placeholder name so she could get into the Odd Squad Academy, and when Annabelle found out, she argued with Tyler relentlessly, leading Mandy to sneak out of the house shortly before a divorce was announced.  After finding his daughter missing, Tyler searched for her but never found her. It's implied in Part 1 that he gave up the search, but it isn't revealed what happened to him or if he found Mandy again.

- Part 2 has Tyler finding Mandy bruised and beaten on the ground in a park at the end of the road where he and his new wife, Holly, live. As Mandy gets better, she reconnects with her father and her potential new mother, learning from Haruko, her spirit guardian, that Annabelle passed away from cancer but left Mandy a bow as a gift, which eases Mandy's grief over her death. By the end of the episode, Mandy comes to good terms with Tyler and Holly, vowing to visit them every week to catch up.

Parental Substitute: Olive is this to Mandy, having raised her since she was a baby. Otto is also this to a certain extent, though he wasn't as active with raising Mandy as Olive was, and the two share more of a friendship than a father-daughter relationship.

Polar Opposite Twins: In terms of appearances and personality, Mandy is vastly different compared to her cousin, Peaches. It doesn't help that the two are entirely different species.

Promotion to Parent: She is tasked with raising a few babies in "Adventures in Babysitting".

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Mandy can dip into Blue Oni at times, but most of the time she is Red Oni to most everyone.

Sibling Yin-Yang: Played with when it comes to Peaches, who is not Mandy's sister, but her cousin. Mandy is loud, humorous, hyperactive, and tends to rush headfirst into situations at times and overreact to small things. Peaches is more calm, cool, and collected, sorting problems out when they involve her and assisting other agents in solving cases and similar matters.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Other]Added Alliterative Appeal: Does this in "Fake Charmer".

Aerith and Bob: In an organization where every employee's name begins with O, her name begins with an M.

Alliterative Name: Her alter ego, Mandy Mane.

Aside Glance: She does this quite a lot with her tendency to break the fourth wall.

The Cameo: She shows up during an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, but doesn't have speaking lines.

Catch-Phrase: "Geezaloo", as a Shout-Out to Brain Dump.

Cool Car: Being second-in-command to Ms. O, Mandy has her own toy car that she drives for comedic effect. However, what makes her car different from other toy cars seen in the show is that it has sequins on it and is decked out with various decorations, making it tailored to her.

Cool Plane: Named Serendipity, Mandy often uses it in combat or, when not in high-pressure situations, for fun. It has the ability to sense villains and other threats from far away and comes equipped with weapons. Word of God states that the plane's design is based on the plane seen in Odd Squad's "Oscar and the Oscarbots", but is modified to be more streamlined. It even has its own theme song, Serendipitous Wings, which is sung by the Vocaloid Meiko.

Death Glare: Expect her to dole these out when she gets really angry.

Facial Dialogue: Does this all the time.

GASP: Is prone to doing this when mocking others, especially Rarity.

"I Am" Song: "I Am Agent Mandy", sung by the UTAU Kasane Teto.

Karmic Protection: Shares this with both her partners. She can be brash at times, is often insensitive, and is ostensibly odder than a majority of the main cast. However, sometimes this protection is stripped off, resulting in a battered babysitter, or a worn-out and injured agent.

Kubrick Stare: Does this often as part of her Facial Dialogue.

Meaningful Name: Mandy's name is Latin for "worthy of love", or "loved very much by everyone". Mandy is indeed loved very much by both people close to her, and the townsfolk in Toronto.

Odd Name Out: Aside from the ponies and Peaches, she is the only agent of Odd Squad whose name does not start with an O.

Only One Name: As with all Odd Squad employees, Mandy does not bear a last name.

Perky Goth: She attempts to dress up as one in order to cheer up Rainbow Dash in one episode.

Poor Communication Kills: In episodes such as "Screwloose".

Rhymes On a Dime: When singing.

Rule of Funny: She can do nearly anything to improve the humor of a situation; it borders on Reality Warper.

Sleepwalking: In "Cat Got Your Tail?", it's revealed that Mandy sometimes sleep-flies. "Mystic Magic Sleep Rays" has her hovering in mid-air in her sleep, being unable to land due to Twilight zapping her in her own sleep.

Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Despite the show being called The Adventures of Peaches and Mandy, Mandy tends to get more screentime than Peaches does at times.

Talking in Your Sleep: Mandy often mutters incomprehensible things in her sleep.

Terrible Artist: Very much so. However, it's justified since Mandy is a child.

Third-Person Person: Slips into this in some episodes. According to her, it's a chronic odd illness.

Vocal Dissonance: Though still feminine, her voice gets a lot deeper when she cries.

Voice for the Voiceless: In "A Class of Her Own", she does most of the talking for Orianna, a young Scientist-in-training who is very shy and doesn't talk much.

Voice of the Legion: Taken to hilarious extremes in "Journey of a Thousand Threats" when Mandy is stuck in a cave.

Waking Non Sequitur: Mandy gives these out constantly. She wakes up, shouts something completely nonsensical, and then goes right back to sleep. In "Under A Rest", the other characters actually attempt to study what she says, and drive themselves crazy doing it.

Weirdness Coupon: Shares this with practically every member of Odd Squad. She does weird things often, and yet no agent gives her a second glance because they're ostensibly odd themselves.[/spoiler]

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
gonna do one for flutters now yup yup, feel free to ignore
wip ofc

"Trust me, Mandy. I'm not just your partner. I'm your friend."

Debut: Pilot

Voiced by: Andrea Libman, Nyanners (singing voice)

The bearer of the Element of Kindness in Equestria, and one of Agent Mandy's partners. Agent Fluttershy is a Pegasus from Cloudsdale who serves as one of the two Creature Room Directors in Odd Squad Precinct 13579. Shy as her name suggests, but gentle and kind, she treats everyone with respect and is always willing to assist others whenever they need it. She has a knack for dealing with any and all creatures, from the common to the odd, and assists Ocean in caring for them. Despite not being sent out onto the field as much as her two partners, Agent Mandy and Agent Pinkie Pie, she is apt for battle whenever she is needed, especially if her friends are hurt.

[spoiler=Characterization and Background]100% Adoration Rating: The town of Toronto adores her, and she is the go-to pony when it comes to pet problems, much to her chagrin.

Acrophobic Bird: It's mentioned in "Cat Got Your Tail?" that Fluttershy was afraid of flying in the past. However, in the series, she flies just as well as any other pegasus.

Adorkable: Especially when around Ocean and caring for creatures.

All-Loving Hero: She's this to nearly everyone, even villains.

All of the Other Reindeer: It's established that Fluttershy was bullied as a filly in Cloudsdale. When she arrived in Odd Squad during the events of the pienado and helped Mandy adjust, she mainly stayed within Odd Squad, and Toronto in general, rather than going back to Cloudsdale. In Odd Squad, she found a connection with animals.

Apologizes a Lot: Tends to do this often with Ms. O, especially if she is on the cusp of getting mad.

Badass Adorable: THE ultimate cute pony. Second to none and the definition of the trope for this series. Don't let her timid demeanor fool you: If you upset her enough to spur her into action, she will kick your ass and she often won't have to resort to violence to do it.

Badass Pacifist: She almost never resorts to violence, unless it gets to extreme points, and instead tries to work situations out without fighting.

Beauty Equals Goodness: She's as beautiful as she is kind.

Berserk Button:

- When creatures really don't want to listen to her, it sends her off the deep end.
- People ignoring her when she needs something also ticks her off, which is explored in "Flutterbye".
- She does not tolerate bullying whatsoever.

Beware the Nice Ones: What, you don't think she can get rough? You'd be wrong...and sometimes, dead wrong.

- In "Glimmer of Hope", she goes off on Agent Olympia, threatening her with "a fate worse than ten nights in Tartarus" if she doesn't warm up to Starlight Glimmer.
- Taken to extremes in "Flutterbye", where, after she is ignored while requesting assistance, she quits Odd Squad...and comes back with her animal friends to destroy it, crowning herself as the "Queen of Toronto Wildlife".
- Numerous times in "Odd Squad Intergalactica", one can see that she gets close to snapping at Olive, Otto, Oscar and Mandy, as well as Ms. O.
- "Four Play" sees her becoming overloaded with Mandy's work, and later blowing up at her own partner for becoming second-in-command (a position which Mandy had no choice in the matter on being promoted to) and thus, giving her so much work to do.

Brutal Honesty: Employs this in "Flutterbye", where, in a moment of anger, she tells Mandy exactly how she feels about her. The results are less than pleasant.

Character Development:

- As the show is a crossover with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Fluttershy's character development from that show could count for this show. However, regarding this series, she improves on the ability to speak her mind to Ms. O, initially being afraid of her; the same goes for Olive and Otto, as they are in the same position as Ms. O. She also learns the truth about why she was in the midst of the pienado, and knows why Mandy was there at the time, but refuses to tell her, as she feels the truth would shatter Mandy's outlook.

- In Season 2, she ventures more onto the field, becoming more familiar with how agents solve cases. When not working in the Creature Room, she will sometimes tag along with other agents, though she helps with smaller cases.

- After "Flutterbye", she realizes just how much others look up to her, a lesson that carries in future episodes.

Chewing the Scenery: Oh so much in "Flutterbye".

Cowardly Lion: She is generally regarded as a pushover, terrified of the field, and is happy to be known as "weak and helpless" if it means keeping her job. But send her hurling over the edge and her willpower multiplies by a factor of a million.

Cruel to Be Kind: A lesson she learns in "Flutterbye", and which sticks. After she tells Mandy off with Brutal Honesty (see above), the hybrid runs off crying. Twilight and Ms. O tell her that while she doesn't have to be a doormat, there is a bar set for telling people how you feel about them, and it doesn't have to border to the point where you hurt their feelings. This is what prompts her to find Mandy and apologize, earning her spot back on the Squad.

Cute and Psycho: As seen in "Flutterbye":

Fluttershy: You're. Going. TO LOVE MEEE!

Cuteness Proximity: Growing up in Odd Squad during the time Olive was an agent, she would often gush over Fluttershy, but only in secret.

The Cutie: Need we say anything?

Dandere: Has more of a close bond with Mandy than anyone else, which is sensical since the two are partners albeit in different positions. She tends to open up more to Mandy, and vice versa.

Determinator: She will help you out, even if you insist you don't need it.

- She will also care for every last creature, even if it means risking her life to do so.

The Eeyore: When her self-esteem is at its worst.

Evil Laugh: Surprisingly, she can produce a cackle that gives villains a run for their money. However, she rarely uses it.

Extreme Doormat: Given her shy personality, she is very passive a lot of the time.

The Face: In a select few situations only. While she is apt at offering solutions to a problem, she isn't willing to take part and lead others on it, preferring to hang back unless she is direly needed.

Fragile Flower: Being around creatures has made her less prone to being easy to hurt, but it doesn't make her any less of a Shrinking Violet.

Friendless Background: Her life in Cloudsdale wasn't a happy one. However, when she makes friends with the other ponies, and later with Mandy, her self-esteem skyrockets, and she spends more time in Toronto than Equestria because of it.

Friend to All Living Things: Being one of the Directors of the Creature Room, this is a given. However, unlike Ocean, she takes this trope quite literally.

- She's even a Friend to Bugs, befriending Oona as a fly without breaking a sweat. She even knew it was Oona off the bat, as "I can tell by the voice."

Girly Girl With a Tomboy Streak: Fluttershy is a sweet, nurturing Fragile Flower, and doesn't get violent unless necessary or in extreme situations, but likes getting dirty with her creature friends.

The Heart: Her Element of Harmony, Kindness.

Heroic Self-Deprecation: While it does get toned down over the course of the series, she often does this by remarking that she would be a "useless weight" on missions, and agreeing with Ms. O when she yells at her.

Hidden Depths:

- Fluttershy has displayed a remarkable talent for drawing and is often seen drawing artwork at her desk when not working.
- Like Peaches and Mandy, she is very dedicated to her work, but it's more to make Ms. O happy than it is a genuine love for what she does.
- Growing up, she was a weak flier, and she was bullied for it in Cloudsdale. Because of it, she made the conscious decision to stay mainly in Toronto, staying at a house in the town along with the rest of the Mane 6 and Mandy, before Applejack sells the house and she begins sleeping in Odd Squad HQ while going back to her cottage to care for her animals.
- A few episodes suggest that Fluttershy enjoys reading, particularly books on animals as well as Obfusco's books.
- It has been implied that Mandy, an expert flier, gives Fluttershy flying lessons to improve her wing strength, but this isn't prominently featured in any episode. It is, however, mentioned and discussed in "Horse Race."

Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Lampshaded by Todd in one episode where Fluttershy goes to visit his Home for Villains in an attempt to assist a few villains in their reformations.

Todd: Wow, Fluttershy, you nice. You're very brave coming here and seeing how we run things.
Fluttershy: Oh yes! I've decided to come out of my comfort zone and make some new friends!
Todd: Heck, I probably couldn't even break you in the past as Odd Todd if I tried! Isn't that right?
*agreement from the other villains*

Innocently Insensitive: Similar to Mandy, Fluttershy never means outright harm, but some stuff she says comes out as this in a particular light due to her occasionally poor social skills. In "Third Mime's a Charm", she explains that had Mandy been awake, she probably would have done more damage to the Thrimes and the Sandman--a comment which Mandy does not take too lightly to, seeing as she had already beaten the group of villains in her sleep the previous night.

Ironic Fear: Since she's a Pegasus, her fear of large heights fits here.

Jerkass Ball: In "Flutterbye" and "Foul Play", she gets into a heated verbal argument with Mandy, telling her off. The former episode has Mandy run off crying her eyes out afterwards.

Karmic Protection: Like Mandy, Fluttershy's shyness tends to excuse her from her more Jerkass moments, although it doesn't always apply. Granted the fact she is a Butt-Monkey in every other area makes it excusable.

Kindhearted Cat Lover: Comes with the territory of being a Friend to All Living Things.

Let's Get Dangerous!: Several examples.

- In "Pilot", she helps Mandy stop Olive's plan to expose Peaches, taking the task of exploring Olive's office while Mandy checks the park.
- In "Cat Got Your Tail?" she takes up the helm in curing Peaches of her aggressiveness; however, she becomes unsuccessful and returns to her worried state of despair.
- In "Pinkie Party", while at first hesitant to help Pinkie Pie with her party-related casework, she takes up the helm anyway. It's implied that the amount Pinkie did with Rarity and Fluttershy made her exhausted even with the two mares' help, so this can double as an Offscreen Moment of Awesome.

Lovable Coward: She can jump into danger when the situation calls for it, but most of the time she is scared of the doors opening, and she is every bit adorable because of it.

Love Hungry: Ends up providing the page quote during "Flutterbye", where she takes others' ignorance of her and her needs very personally.

Mama Bear:

- Towards Mandy at times. While Olive obviously helms the position, Fluttershy is usually a foil to Mandy and keeps tabs on her in Olive's and Peaches's absences.
- She also has a fondness towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The Matchmaker: Of a non-romantic type. In "Whoops, I Let the Leash Go", it's shown that one of the most thrilling parts of her day is finding your lost pet. When Ms. O announces that she is leaving work early to find Whoops, her pet Australian Shepherd (introduced in the Odd Squad episode "Puppet Show"), Fluttershy immediately steps up to the plate and vows to find him for her.

My God, What Have I Done?: Her reaction to finding Mandy huddled up in a corner of the alleyway crying after belittling her.

My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Is just about the only pegasus seen on the show that isn't boastful or arrogant.

Nice Girl: She bears the Element of Kindness for a reason, folks.

Not So Above It All: While one of the most nicest characters in the lot, she can't be perfect and often laughs at Mandy's mockery of other characters and takes part in talking about them behind their backs. In most cases, she is usually apologetic afterwards and/or tries to backtrack.

O.O.C. Is Serious Business:

- In "Flutterbye", she is shown to become more increasingly upset every time she is ignored or her requests are shot down. It takes her a while, but eventually she hits her limit and flips out on every employee, slamming her badge onto the floor, subsequently breaking it, and storming out.
- When Laura Lovebloom calls the ponies and admits to blasting Mandy with her love wand in "Fickle Love", Fluttershy gets upset, much to the surprise of the other ponies (as it's written clear on their faces), and demands to know where Mandy is. When Laura calls her "Flitterfloosh", she gets even more upset and corrects her.
- Inverted in the same episode, when Twilight and Fluttershy teleport to Olive's room to wake her up and inform her about the situation.

Twilight: (in a low voice) Okay, we're right outside her room. We'll have to be quiet.
Fluttershy: (in her natural quiet voice) You know I'm always quiet. You can count on me!

Performance Anxiety: She has horrible stage fright and hates being the center of attention, as revealed in "Shake, Rattle, And Run Away".

Personality Powers: She bears the Element of Kindness, and she has a kind, gentle personality, which is sometimes to her detriment and sometimes to her advantage.

Plucky Girl: A stubborn kindness, this one. While she may not be smiling she'll keep her spirits up.

The Quiet One: In scenes where she makes an appearance, she often doesn't have any dialogue and rarely speaks up.

Remembered I Could Fly: Now and then.

- When she remarks on Ms. O's "suit flaps" in "Sandbox Adventures", Ms. O tersely reminds her that she has wings and that she can fly too. Her response is a meek "Whoops, I forgot."
- In "Field Day" she leaps off of the hill of the meadow Mandy is located in, and at first it seems like she's flying...only she isn't, and she rolls down the hill towards the ground. Afterward she sheepishly remarks that while she had a soft landing, she could have flown off the hill.

Shrinking Violet: She definitely lives up to the "Shy" in her name. Over the course of the series though, she does get better.

Silk Hiding Steel: Definitely fits the character type; humble, loyal, wise, nurturing, etc. but with a clear touch of iron.

The So-Called Coward: She seems like a meek scaredy-pony up until someone genuinely threatens her friends, at which point she becomes absolutely terrifying.

Socially Awkward Hero: Is very shy, but is able to stand up to villains (and people in general) that are several times her size.

Submissive Badass: When asked to do something, she gets it done with little to no questions asked. She becomes more assertive as time goes on though.

Tender Tears: Being a nurturer and a caregiver, this is a given. If Mandy begins to cry, Fluttershy will start crying too.

This Means War!: When she's mad at someone, you know they've crossed the line somehow and are in trouble now.

Took a Level in Badass: More prominent in episodes where she is tasked to do something that aids a solution to a problem. Especially if it involves Mandy.

Trademark Favorite Food: Cucumber sandwiches, much to the surprise of Olly, who had never heard of such a thing.

Undying Loyalty:

- To Ms. O. Though Fluttershy fears her due to her Mean Boss/Benevolent Boss personality, she will carry out any order she wishes, and is always ready to help Ms. O when she needs it.
- Similarly, to Odd Squad as a whole. Fluttershy is happy with her job as a Creature Room Co-Director, but also shows great loyalty for the organization itself, admiring the many feats agents have performed since its founding way back in the day.

Unstoppable Rage:

- In "Four Play", she blows her top at Mandy, despite her offering to take her partner's work while she took a vacation. She chews out Mandy for her position, her lack of self-care, and even such habits as reading in bed "late" at night. Needless to say, Mandy doesn't take too kindly to this, and does the same thing to Fluttershy, chewing her out on her shyness, her lack of assertiveness, and the fact she isn't an agent.

- Taken Up to Eleven in "Flutterbye", where she quits the Squad and storms out after others refuse to acknowledge her when she needed assistance. She later teams up with her animal friends and attempts to destroy the place.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Appearance]Animal Motifs: Her cutie mark is a trio of pink butterflies.

Badass in a Nice Suit: While not usually a badass unless it's called for, she wears clothing similar to Agent Ocean--badge and all.

Color-Coded Characters: She is timid and gets scared very easily, so naturally, she is yellow.

Feather Fingers: Similar to Mandy, Fluttershy can use her wings as an extra pair of hands.

Innocent Blue Eyes: The most kindhearted, caring, and innocent of the cast.

Little Big Sister: Older than her brother Zephyr Breeze, and shorter than him to boot.

Long Hair is Feminine: Pretty, pink, and long enough to hide behind. From certain angles it even appears to frame her face in a heart.

Non-Standard Character Design:

- She is the only one of the Mane Six with a unique Tareme Eyes design. When startled they widen into standard eyes, however.

- In flashback episodes, we see Fluttershy as a filly and she's noticeably taller and ganglier than her peers with daintier hooves. While she is at least one year older than some such as Pinkie Pie, the height difference is still jarring for the small age gap, and we rarely see any young ponies of similar proportioning throughout the show.

- As an adult mare, Fluttershy is seen being left-hooved--the only pony character to do so.

- Eagle-eyed viewers can notice Fluttershy being shorter than the rest of the Mane Six. When compared in height to Mandy, the other ponies go up to her knees. However, Fluttershy is seen being a few inches shorter than Mandy when put side-by-side. This is especially noticeable when Mandy is in pony form, and is standing next to Fluttershy.

Obliviously Beautiful: In-universe, she's implied to be cute and beautiful enough to make Olive--normally brisk and serious--visibly lose her cool. However, she is vaguely aware of it, if at all.

Older Than They Look: It's remarked on in one episode that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie. When Mandy and Peaches find out about this however, neither one of them believe it, as her nature makes her appear a lot younger than other ponies.

Peek-a-Bangs: When she was a filly.

Pink Means Feminine: Her mane and tail.

Puppy-Dog Eyes: She's not above using these when she really wants something. For example, in "Cat Got Your Tail?" when asking Ms. O to take the rest of the day off.

Rapunzel Hair: Besides Peaches and maybe Ms. O, she has the longest hair out of the main characters and is the only character whose tail travels along the ground.

Rose-Haired Sweetie: Of a less saturated variety than Pinkie, representing a less intense and more gentle personality.

Tareme Eyes: Very noticeable when compared to the others and she is significantly sweeter and more gentle.

Tarot Motifs: Reforming villains brings to mind card 8 (or 11), Strength, representing inner courage, patience, and of course, kindness.

Twitchy Eye: Seen when becoming unhinged in "Flutterbye".

Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: She's a pegasus.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Abilities]The Beastmaster: She doesn't use it for combat, but when the Squad is being wrecked by a creature, or when an agent is being threatened by one, she is quick to tame it.

Beyond the Impossible: She has been known to deal with creatures in manners that leave even Ocean slack-jawed.

Fluffy Tamer: Is very good with Ms. O's dog, Whoops, in "Whoops, I Let the Leash Go"--so much so, that Ms. O names her Whoops's official petsitter.

Forgot About Her Powers: Fluttershy is rarely seen hovering like Rainbow Dash, and usually prefers to be on the ground.

- In "Field Day", she attempts to leap off the tall hill in the meadow Mandy is located in, only to roll in a one-pony ball down to the ground. When Pinkie and Peaches ask if she's okay, Fluttershy says yes and then sheepishly remarks that she could have flown to the bottom of the hill.

Guile Hero: In "The Boss's Assistant", she assists with rescuing Twilight, while ousting the Big O in the process.

Heart is an Awesome Power: Her love and connection to animals helped her find her cutie mark. This also gives her the desire to help and protect her friends no matter what. Her connection to animals applies to both odd creatures, and normal, everyday creatures.

Hypnotic Eyes: Combined with Death Glare to produce a power known as "The Stare" to those far and wide. It's able to tame creatures with ease. At one point she asks Ocean if he would like to learn, but he declines (as he is known as a "creature whisperer" throughout the precinct).

Kindly Vet: She is often shown healing injured animals.

Like a Duck Takes to Water: She is quite at home in the Creature Room, and thus, it's where she spends a lot of her time. In "The Kir-bees", while she doesn't know about the eponymous creature, after some research, she takes a liking to it. Mandy, however, is the opposite, as she had gotten into a fight with the creature before. She happily hands it off to Fluttershy, who thanks her partner for creature-sitting the Kir-bee.

Made of Iron: In many episodes, she gets injured or knocked out, but is seen being perfectly fine in following scenes.

Nature Hero: Being in tune with nature has saved the lives of her, her friends, and generally the entire Squad.

Not So Weak: Fluttershy is an adorable, cute little Pegasus who is literally afraid of doors opening. However, despite what most think, Fluttershy is a lot tougher than she looks, going the extra mile to protect her friends and those she loves. She displays an intense loyalty and admiration for Odd Squad and isn't afraid to fight if called upon, nor is she afraid to provide solutions to problems. She is also a pretty average flier, with Mandy being her personal tutor on the subject.

The Power of Friendship: When she's alone, she often has trouble defending herself, but when she's with her friends, almost nothing can stop her.

Prehensile Tail:

- In "Season's Sneezings", it's shown to be strong enough to wrap around a pole and support her weight while dangling from it.
- Her tail proves to be useful in battle on numerous occasions--like Mandy's tail, Fluttershy is able to scoop up things with her tail and fling it, creating a whip sound.

Speaks Fluent Animal: Her special talent is communicating with creatures (odd and normal) on a different level than most ponies. She can also understand them literally. She treats the ones that don't rely on charades as Intelligible Unintelligible.

Stealth Expert: Due to how naturally quiet she is, there have been a few times where she is chosen to carry out the stealth part of a plan, such as in "Fickle Love". She succeeds with flying colors, even going so far as to apologize to Olive and meekly explain the situation.

Super Speed: Rarely exhibited, but she has shown to be able to keep up with Mandy (who herself is a speedy flier).

Talking the Monster to Death: She's done this on multiple occasions, from Centigurps to Daves.

Un-Sorcerer: Unlike most Pegasi, she is a weak flier, and although she is getting better with Mandy's assistance, she prefers to keep her hooves on the ground. She compensates for this by showing an affinity for nature and animals, more like an Earth pony.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Relationships]All of the Other Reindeer: Due to her poor flying ability, none of the fillies in Cloudsdale treated her very well. Even as an adult, there have been times where the entire Squad, or even the entire town is against her (like "Flutterbye").

Childhood Friends: Mostly with Rainbow Dash, but also with Mandy. In the case of the former, most of their closeness as adults comes from being pegasi and Cloudsdale natives, but as children, they were already together around the age for flight camp. For the latter, Fluttershy was revealed to be very kind to Mandy as the two grew up, keeping her under wraps when Olive was out on cases (as Mandy would get emotional when Olive left). It's partially what spurred Ms. O to make the two partners along with Pinkie Pie, being the first Director to form a three-partner trio.

Defeat Means Friendship: Her mindset for defeating villains. She especially takes a liking to Kevin Noisemaker.

Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Responsible to her freeloading slacker brother Zephyr Breeze's Foolish.

Friend To All Children: Since she works with children and is very kind and respectful to them, this is a given. But she is especially close with some children, like Mandy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The Friends Who Never Hang:

- She isn't seen hanging out with other ponies as much as Pinkie Pie and Mandy. At times there will be episodes where she and a select handful of characters go on an adventure together or encounter/cause an issue, but it rarely improves the friendship bond between them.

The Load: Ms. O has remarked that Fluttershy is this a few times whenever she's annoyed and think she's alone. When Fluttershy hears it, she politely agrees, much to Ms. O's chagrin.

Morality Pet: Is seen as this to the Squad as a whole. While she does hold a position just like other characters in the show (save Peaches) do, it's one of the lowest ranking positions due to the symbol that represents it (since rank is determined by how many sides a position's symbol has). Because of this, she looks down upon herself. However, she is not above giving advice to others and helping out when needed.

The Millstone: In "Four Play" she attempts to take over Mandy's work for her while the hybrid takes a well-deserved vacation. Needless to say, Fluttershy underestimated just how much work Mandy does on the daily.

Odd Friendship: Has one with many humans, almost as much as many ponies, like Rainbow Dash. She is especially close with Mandy, despite the pair being two separate species (and one by transformation) and despite their personalities being vastly different.

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Fluttershy's quiet, timid personality makes her pure Blue Oni to all of her friends.

Team Mom: Mainly towards creatures, whom she feeds and takes care of along with Ocean.

Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Rainbow Dash's Tomboy.

Vitrolic Best Buds: A rather unique example. As kind and patient as she attempts to be, nearly every last one of her friends manages to exasperate or terrify her by accident.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Other]Butt-Monkey: Usually gets one end of the stick of this; the other end belongs to Agent Mandy.

Children in Tow: In "A Tour of Duty" she is seen leading agents-in-training around Headquarters, using the same harness Ms. O once used.

Demoted to Extra: Gets to be this in some episodes, sometimes not even having a speaking line.

Evil Laugh: She has one in "Flutterbye" that could give villains a run for their money.

Go Ye Heroes, Go and Die: Tends to draw these as both sender and recipient.

Immune to Mind Control: Lampshaded by Todd in one episode when Fluttershy visits his Home for Villains.

Meaningful Name: She is a weak flier and she is very shy. Similarly, she has a special place in her heart for butterflies and they are her cutie mark.

Out of Focus: The series focuses on the exploits of, well, Peaches and Mandy, but it also focuses on Pinkie, Fluttershy, and a few other human characters. Despite this, Fluttershy is sometimes this in episodes, often not getting many speaking lines.

Squee!: Does this adorably in "Glimmer of Hope".

Vocal Dissonance: Like Mandy, her voice gets a lot deeper when she cries.

Vocal Evolution: Andrea Libman's voice for Fluttershy was quiet almos to the point of a whisper. Later on, the character has a lot more volume and enthusiasm, and even sounds a tad goofy.

The Voiceless: In many episodes, she is seen, but not given any speaking lines.[/spoiler]

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
and obvs, one for peaches, why don't i do all the characters at this point lmao whatever

"They say in Vallea, a catperson is born free, but yet is still caged. Caged by a poisonous force that will corrupt us and take over our lives sooner or later, one way or another. But what do you do when that poisonous force has reared its ugly head time and time again, but yet always slips out of your grasp? You go and find them yourself before any damage can be done."

Debut: "Pilot"

Voiced by: Grey Delisle

Agent Mandy's cousin, and the Deuteragonist of the series. Peaches is a catgirl hailing from the native land of Vallea, a dark and mysterious land populated with catboys and catgirls alike. She does not serve in Odd Squad as an agent or by any other means of holding a position, but rather, she is treated as a welcome guest, and Odd Squad Headquarters serves as her home. She originally went to Toronto in an attempt to find Agent Mandy and make her pay for supposedly hurting her and the rest of Vallea, but is quickly corrected when she finds out that Mandy has no clue what Vallea is, nor where it is, and thus, she was wrongly suspected. The two then reconcile and become allies.

While not working for Odd Squad, Peaches proves herself to be very useful in other ways, helping others with carrying out plans and keeping her cool under intense situations, something that has earned her an unofficial leader status within the Squad for. She serves as a sort of foil to Mandy and keeps her under control when Olive is not present.

[spoiler=Characterization and Background]100% Adoration Rating: While the Squad showed a great dislike for her in the beginning, they quickly change their minds when Peaches makes amends with Mandy and decides to get to know her better, and as the series progresses, the Squad puts a lot of trust into her.

Absurd Phobia: She is deathly afraid of large boulders.

The Ace: She is very skilled and educated in the history of her species as well as Vallea overall. However, this is never expanded on.

All Your Powers Combined: Like Mandy and the original Main 4, she has the power to take the departments' power (represented by their colorful symbols) and go into Super Mode.

Adorkable: You can't deny that when she gets overly excited about something, she really gets excited.

Agent Scully: Falls into this quite often with pretty much everyone.

All-Loving Hero: While lacking more of the humor facet that Agents Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Mandy have, she still treats everyone with respect and kindness, and in turn, she receives it right back. This can also go for a few of the townsfolk, like Mayor Mackelmore and Delivery Debbie.

Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite being a catgirl living in a town populated by humans connected to a land populated by ponies by a portal, that doesn't stop her from remarking about how odd things are.

The B Grade: If she lets Ms. O down, she basically lets the whole Squad down.

Badass Adorable: Oh she's adorable all right...and certainly packs a punch! This goes for both her normal humanoid form, and her tabby cat form.

Benevolent Mage Ruler: Is heavily implied to have been one, if the movie In Odd We Trust is any indication.

Berserk Button:

- Don't hurt Agent Mandy.
- Don't diss Odd Squad in general.
- Pull her by the tail, and you die.
- Just...just don't make her mad. At all.

Beware the Nice Ones: Peaches is just as much of an All-Loving Hero as Fluttershy, Pinkie and Mandy, and is one of the kindest characters on the show, but man oh man do you not want to make her mad.

- "Cat Got Your Tail?" has Peaches turning aggressive thanks to Cherry Moriarty, a local villain and hypnosis expert who puts the catgirl into a state of pure aggressiveness with a ring wrapped tightly around her waist, which also makes her lose her memories. She loses all control of herself, and destroys anything--and anyone--in sight, including Mandy, Ocean, and Fluttershy, all of whom attempt to change her back and fail. Mandy, however, driven by the bond she shares with Peaches, vows to turn Peaches back to normal and eventually succeeds when she uses the Remembrance spell Twilight taught her--the ring is torn off Peaches's waist and she falls into a deep sleep.
- "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid" has her snapping at Mandy for disobeying her instructions on how to fly with her tail, leaving her to figure it out on her own.

Big Eater: Like Mandy, she shows off an incredible appetite at times, but eats more daintily than her cousin.

Blue Blood: In In Odd We Trust, she is implied to be part of royalty in Vallea somehow, but it is never expanded on.

Born Winner: Peaches was born a catgirl like everyone else in Vallea, but it's implied that she was more powerful than the other catboys and catgirls in one way or another.

Break the Cutie: She does not like to bring up her past (involving Vallea anyway), delving into Odd Squad's history instead.

- In "Cat Got Your Tail?", a flashback occurs where Mandy tells Peaches about the pienado incident, causing her to react in shock and sadness. While she doesn't cry, her expression says it all.
- In Odd We Trust hits her hard. After finding out the damage she's done, she begins to break down crying, to the point where she becomes an absolute unintelligible blubbering mess. Then Mandy starts crying while trying to comfort her.

Break the Haughty: In "Pilot", she breaks into Odd Squad Headquarters and demands to see Mandy, not breaking a sweat even when Ms. O becomes verbally aggressive towards her. However, her aggressiveness is quickly shot down by Mandy, who seems unaffected by Peaches's rage and later suggests they make amends.

Broken Ace: She started out as a catgirl seeking full-blown revenge on Mandy, one who seems to think very highly of herself. However, after the events of "Pilot", she becomes more friendlier while still retaining leadership qualities. Anytime she has to follow a leader, she stumbles.

Butt-Monkey: Not as much as Mandy, but she has her moments.

The Cameo: When she's not making a physical appearance in an episode, her name will often be mentioned once or twice.

Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them: Has this relationship with Mandy. While she sometimes can't stand the hybrid and her over-the-top enthusiasm, she also keeps Peaches in check, and teaches her how to have fun even in situations that don't appear fun, as shown in "An Odd Squad Gala".

The Chains of Commanding: Implied that she felt this in In Odd We Trust.

Character Development: She starts out as a vengeful catgirl searching for her cousin, whom she mistakenly believes has hurt her and Vallea. When she does find her, she begins to fight Mandy, until the hybrid offers her a chance to become allies and not enemies. While at first hesitant, Peaches accepts, and throughout the course of the episode, the two begin to develop a bond with each other that gets strengthened when Mandy stands up to Olive (who had planned to frame Peaches as revenge for hurting Mandy). In future episodes, Peaches is seen as kind and respectful, but stern, and is looked up to as a leader.

Character Tics:

- Like with Mandy, Peaches's ears tend to flap when overly excited.
- Her tail wags back and forth like a dog often when she's speaking, and other times it bobs up and down.

The Chew Toy: She is on the receiving end of a lot of accidents...mainly caused by Mandy or Oona.

Child Prodigy: As with the above examples, she is implied to be this in the movie In Odd We Trust, flying sooner and developing skills faster than most catgirls.

City Mouse: "Pilot" shows her getting acquainted with Toronto, a bustling city compared to her more rural, gloomy town of Vallea.

The City vs. The Country: Her initial appearance is a downplayed version of this. Peaches has been searching far and wide for Mandy for a few days and eventually winds up in Toronto--presumably one of the places she hasn't looked for her. Her instincts are correct, as Mandy makes her first appearance after waking up, and after a lengthy battle Mandy proposes that the two become allies. Peaches accepts and is taken on a tour around Odd Squad HQ and Toronto, and by the end, asks Ms. O if she can stay at Headquarters, as flying from Vallea to Toronto is too far of a distance.

The Comically Serious: Whenever she tries to keep it together and stay dignified, expect it to be ruined by another human or pony.

Condescending Compassion: In "Cat Got Your Tail?", she begrudgingly helps Mandy with flying using her tail, despite initially protesting that Mandy has too big of a tail to fly, among other issues such a skill would present.

Control Freak: Becomes this during In Odd We Trust.

Crazy-Prepared: Peaches always has an idea or a plan on hand for an issue or a problem that needs fixing. Always.

Cry Cute: Even in her initial Sugar-and-Ice Personality, Peaches's vulnerable side can break hearts.

Cute and Psycho: Peaches is usually calm and rational, but send her off the rails...and she's neither.

Deadpan Snarker: Very often due to her role as the Straight Man.

Peaches: Mandy, your tail is vastly different from mine. If you haven't noticed.
Mandy: I know! That's what'll make it so cool!
Peaches: But you may not be able to fly due to the poofiness of such a...big tail.
Mandy: Pinkie Pie has the exact same tail I do! And she can fly! Just like you!
Peaches: (flatly) Can she now?

Defrosting Ice Queen: A non-romantic example. In "Pilot", she was The Snark Knight, and came after Mandy for revenge. However, she found out that she was mistaken right quick, and makes amends. Her snark sometimes can overlap with this trope in future episodes.

Depending on the Writer: Like the other characters, Peaches has a consistent characterization, but can sometimes be written different ways by different writers. In some episodes, she is nice and tolerant of others, while other episodes have her be blunt and insensitive.

Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Zigzagged. Peaches originally came to Toronto seeking revenge on Mandy, but by the end of the episode, she becomes a part of Odd Squad. She is perfectly content with where she is, but some episodes imply that her heart lies with Vallea and wants to go back there, but is unable to, due to the reactions from others, particularly Mandy.

- She confesses that she wants to return to Vallea in "Fake Charmer".

Determinator: When she wants to do something, she will do it no matter what. For better or worse.

Ditzy Genius: She is very intelligent and knows quite a bit, but when it comes to "modern" things like cars or even odd creatures, she has no idea how to handle them.

Don't Wake the Sleeper: Subverted in "Under A Rest", when
Otto suggests he, Olive, and Oscar see Peaches for expertise on waking Mandy up. Ironically, Otto later remarks that entering Peaches's room with the door unlocked and waking her up is wrong, but Peaches doesn't seem upset when she is woken up.

Dude, Where's My Respect?: Due to being looked down upon by Odd Squad employees (who subsequently accuse her of being a freeloader), this is what kickstarts her chain of actions in In Odd We Trust. Aside from going to the Odd Side, of course.

Expy: Is considered to be one to Mew Ichigo, to an extent.

Fangirl: Like Otto and (at on-and-off times) Olive, she is a big fan of the band Soundcheck.

The Finicky One: Has a serious attitude and a lack of a sense of humor, in contrast to her cousin, Agent Mandy.

Flat-Earth Atheist: Often reacts in shock and utter bewilderment when it comes to odd things, despite her coming from a town solely populated with catpeople.

Forgot About His Powers: Peaches wields a weapon that is shaped into a hexagon and has a bell attached to it. It presumably holds many powers, but isn't used as much, as she prefers to fight with her claws. However, there are many problems that could have been solved had she used her weapon.

Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric: task-oriented, a good planner, and a leader.

Friendless Background: It's implied that Peaches didn't really have many friends growing up, instead working alone--even when a threat came down upon Vallea.

Go-Getter Girl: Peaches is a natural-born leader and very intelligent and talented, with a knack for making plans or attempting to solve problems and acting on it.

Good is Not Nice: In her first appearance, she is shown to be aggressive towards Mandy for supposedly hurting her and the people of Vallea. She does get better, though.

Good is Not Soft: She's normally calm, friendly, respectful and helpful, but when you push her Berserk Button, all hell breaks loose.

Good With Numbers: Like most agents within Odd Squad, Peaches is incredibly skilled at math, often offering solutions to help agents figure math-related problems out on their own.

The Hero: Shared with Mandy. Aside from Ms. O, who is a leader by position, Peaches is an unofficial but effective leader to many of the characters, and she is the Deuteragonist of the series.

Hidden Depths: A few minor appearances in episodes show that Peaches doesn't like to talk about her past, instead learning about Odd Squad's history to distance herself from it. This is most prominently seen in "The War of Oddness".

Honorary Princess: In Odd We Trust implies that she was a princess of some sort (or at least a member of royalty) back in Vallea, but doesn't reveal anything more than that. Mandy's "Daughter of Evil" song, in where she tells a story to the OG Main 4 about a greedy heartless princess (portrayed by Peaches) in a faraway land (portrayed by Vallea), further pushes the theory.

Humble Hero: Peaches is very approving of Mandy's status and actions as the Princess of Equality, as well as the concept of equality within Odd Squad itself. Because of this, she often wishes to be seen as equal to everyone else, not wanting special recognition for solving issues.

Hypocrite: In "A Catty Sibling Rivalry", she complains about how pushy and competitive her sister, Mirabelle, is. Mandy calls her out on it and says that Peaches is just as competitive as "that rainbow-maned pony you call Rainbow Dash", recalling the events of "Horse Race".

I Choose To Stay: At the end of the first episode, she chooses to stay in Odd Squad HQ, rather than return to Vallea.

I Did What I Had To Do: Her reasoning for dragging Mandy (literally) into her feud with Mirabelle in "A Catty Sibling Rivalry".

Incredibly Lame Fun: As she is a feline, she tends to sleep a lot, and a few episodes prominently feature her asleep. The ending of "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid" has Peaches and Mandy making up (after the former blew up at the latter) and the two heading off to have a nap together. During this exchange, Olive and Otto exchange "we knew that would happen" looks.

Innocently Insensitive: She has a tendency to hurt others with her claws at times, even if she doesn't mean to do it, due to the fact that she always wears gloves with cat claws on the fingertips that don't retract.

- Taken to hilarious levels in "Season's Sneezings"--as she is tucking Mandy into bed, her claws accidentally dig into the hybrid's skin, which causes her to cry out in pain...and then sneeze on her, which causes Peaches to freak out. By the end of the episode, Mandy feels better, but Peaches is now the one who is sick.

Insufferable Genius: While not super-smart, she is one of the most intelligent of the main cast and shows a lot more common sense. However, her frequent Deadpan Snarker ways aren't a hit with the others.

Iron Butt Monkey: As shown in "Peaches and Cream", she can take a lot of damage and keep on going.

I Work Alone: Her attitude before coming to Odd Squad to find Mandy during the pilot. After the episode, she warmed up to the others, though she sometimes does prefer to work alone still.

Jerk With a Heart of Gold: In the same vein as Olive. Despite treating Mandy like dirt, constantly critiquing her, and crushing her dreams before she has a chance to make an attempt a lot of the time, she still loves her with all her heart. This can happen with other agents too, namely the ponies.

Kirk Summation: Is on the receiving end of this in "Pilot", where Mandy ceases all fighting and urges her to make amends and become allies. Surprisingly, it works.

Large Ham: She can do this at times, and it can overlap with Chewing the Scenery.

Lawful Stupid: "Corked" has her physically pick up The Shapeshifter and spin her around without breaking a sweat. All because she began to call Mandy names once she was free of the spell they had put on her. However, she doesn't realize that the Shapeshifter can...well, shapeshift into anything at will.

Shapeshifter: Y-you can't do this to me! I've been a villain for years! I-
Peaches: Ap. Nope. You had your chance and you blew it. And now...uh...
*a zap as the Shapeshifter transforms into a bird*
Shapeshifter: Later, kittycat! *maniacal laughter as she flies off*
Peaches: W- what the heck was that?!

Mama Bear: To Mandy when Olive is not present, and to the ponies as well to an extent.

Minored in Ass-Kicking: This isn't Peaches's day job, but she is more than willing to fight whenever the situation calls for it.

Mr. Vice Guy: While even-tempered, Peaches often has issues with getting upset over minor things and jumping into situations claws-first if battle is involved. She also carries a lot of snark.

Modest Royalty: Subverted. Peaches is implied to be a princess of Vallea or at least some member of royalty there, but doesn't wear anything other than a yellow dress with white silk, a bow on her tail, a bracelet on her forearm, cat claw gloves, and hiking shoes. She doesn't even wear a crown, which is extremely telling. Similarly, Mandy wears her crown more for comedic or dramatic effects, and wears the same clothing that Investigation agents wear.

My God, What Have I Done?:

- In "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid", when she sees just what her frustration with Mandy has cost the hybrid.
- "Under A Rest" has her comforting a sleeping Mandy (who is having a nightmare involving a volcano) with "feline therapy", with an added bonus of catching a few Z's. However, Mandy's loud snoring causes her to quickly reconsider.

My Instincts Are Showing: In human form, Peaches tends to show a lot of feline instincts, such as playing with the red dot from a laser toy at one point.

Mysterious Past: Not much is revealed about Peaches's past in Vallea. A few mentions are made here and there, but the rest are mere implications.

Nice Girl: While still retaining some snark, she's sweet-natured, kind, and respectful a lot of the time.

Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:

- Her actions in "Pretty Fly For a Hybrid" says a lot, especially when she passes by Dr. O's office and sees Mandy with her leg wrapped in gauze and Dr. O informing her that she can't fly for a while. Eventually she reconciles with Mandy.
- "Under A Rest" as well. Even though Mandy has fluctuated from soft snoring to loud snoring, Peaches's "feline therapy" sends Mandy into the latter, which hurts Peaches's ears.

Only Sane Man: Generally the voice of reason compared to a majority of the main cast.

Pay Evil Unto Evil: Heavily downplayed. Peaches isn't one for villain reformation (not that it's a thing in Odd Squad, anyway), and would rather see villains get justice for their crimes rather than train them to be functioning members of society. However, she has her limits and refrains from injuring them too much.

Plucky Girl: She is very enthusiastic and full of energy in even the most dire of situations.

Pragmatic Hero: Peaches usually jumps into battles claw-first; when a situation can be resolved with gadgets she declines in favor of using her claws.

Pride: Has a lot of pride in protecting Mandy and helping others out, but isn't one to show off by any means.

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Subverted. Peaches doesn't hold a position within Odd Squad like the other characters on the show, and instead serves to assist others in solving cases without actually going out to the field to do so. Despite this, she is shown to be a valuable asset, especially when it comes to fighting.

Rage-Breaking Point: While she does get angry quite often, it takes her a lot to get her to a point where she really blows her top.

- In "Dripping in Fitness", she snaps at Mandy (who had kept on getting injured by various equipment) after she drops her membership at the fitness center and vows to never exercise again, calling her "highly overweight" and even getting into a physical fist fight with her. It takes Ms. O and Twilight to break the two up.

Royals Who Actually Do Something: Subverted. As mentioned before, it's implied that Peaches was some member of royalty in Vallea. However, this is never expanded on nor is it revealed to the rest of the cast.

Sanity Slippage: Has her shades from time to time, most notably when she loses her grip with Mandy.

Serious Business: Tends to take pretty much everything seriously, even fun events like parties. Subverted in "An Odd Squad Gala" where, after Mandy apologizes to her for not showing her that Odd Squad has fun too, she says that the gala was fun anyway and such events were "never this crazy back in Vallea."

Shut Up, Hannibal!: Done to the Shapeshifter and Father Time in "Corked" along with the OG Main 4 (excluding Oscar).

Slasher Smile: Sports one in "A Catty Sibling Rivalry" when she falsely believes that she has won the race against Mirabelle.

The Snark Knight: Very, very much so.

Squee!: Is absolutely ecstatic over cat treats. She will eat them in both human and cat form, and gobble them up the same way Otto eats everything. Is referenced by Mandy in "The Boss's Assistant".

Mandy: Uh...okay, sure, I'll escort him to Twilight. Right after I give my treats.
*throws the cat treats on the floor where Peaches is sitting*
Peaches: *meows in thanks before gobbling up the treats*
Mandy: This feels awkward the more I do it…
Ms. O: *nods* Understandable.

Temporarily a Villain: In the movie In Odd We Trust.

Tomboy Princess: Subverted. As previously mentioned on this page, she is implied to be a princess or some member of royalty within Vallea, but it is never revealed.

Took a Level in Badass: Peaches is already badass enough, but it really reaches its height in "A Catty Sibling Rivalry", where she gives it her all and beats Mirabelle in nearly every single competition.

Took a Level in Cheerfulness: Mandy's endless optimism rubs off on Peaches from time to time in various episodes, and damn does it show.

Took a Level in Kindness: In the pilot, where she attacks Mandy on false claims that she had hurt her and the people in Vallea. After Mandy explains that she has no idea what Vallea is nor had she been there, and after she offers a deal to Peaches in order to cease their fighting, she accepts and becomes kinder to Mandy from then on out, as well as the rest of the cast.

Undying Loyalty: To Ms. O, though more out of respect than anything else. While the two often don't see eye to eye at times, she still respects her as a Director.

Unwanted Assistance: Inverted in "A Catty Sibling Rivalry"; she practically begs Mandy to help her beat her older sister, Mirabelle, at something. When Mandy declines, saying she wants no part in the sibling duel, Peaches ends up forcefully dragging Mandy out of the bullpen while the hybrid cries out that her own cousin is kidnapping her and begs someone to help her. No one does.

Wise Beyond Their Years: Sort of. While she's only 14, she is shown to be an effective planner and leader, oftentimes moreso than Ms. O herself.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Abilities]Awesomeness by Analysis: Peaches is a very effective planner, and will take the time to point out flaws in a plan, or a solution to a problem that could hinder action. Many times, her plans are successful.

Animal-Themed Superbeing: Type 1. Peaches fits the criteria for this trope due to her having a hexagonal weapon with a bell attached, which she mainly uses to fire beams and other magic, as well as for general flinging at enemies.

Breaking the Fourth Wall: A Running Gag for Peaches is facing the audience and holding up two signs, one that reads "Do I destroy the girl?" and one that reads "Or do I destroy myself?", a Shout-Out to one of the captions of Scenes of Savage Stingy.

Beam Spam: Can use this with her hexagon-shaped weapon.

Flight: Can fly by spinning her tail like a propeller. Unlike Mandy, however, she cannot perform the move downwards.

The Leader: Is shown to have many leadership qualities and is always up-and-front similar to Ms. O.

Magical Girl: She fits a lot of the criteria.

Magical Girl Warrior: When fighting, though she doesn't use her weapon that often.

Not Quite Flight: Peaches can fly on Mandy's back.

Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Peaches is only 14, but can kick but like nobody's business.

The Strategist: Peaches usually adds on to plans, but other times she makes her own plans or comes up with problems to solutions--and she has no issue leading the charge.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Appearance]Cat Girl: Fits the criteria to a tee, even having cat claw gloves (however, the claws cannot retract).

Coon Crown: Subverted, as it's only implied that Peaches was a princess of Vallea, but it is never expanded on.

Cute Little Fangs: Sports these in both human and cat form.

Innocent Blue Eyes: Has big round ones, though they can turn into Icy Blue Eyes right quick.

Motifs: Being a catgirl, she is portrayed as being more feline than the rest of the cast.

Non-Standard Character Design: Most, if not all characters in the show are drawn by Salison and come from her original character concept ideas. However, Peaches is animated and drawn differently; her original concept art was drawn by Hannah Holmes as a request for Amanda, and she hired her on the show to draw Peaches exclusively, as well as other catpeople, like Mirabelle and Orion.

Slasher Smile: Gets one in "A Catty Sibling Rivalry" when she thinks she has beaten Mirabelle at the competitions.

Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: She's a catgirl.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Relationships]Annoying Younger Sibling: Seen as this to Mirabelle.

Big Sister Mentor: Is this to Mandy.

Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: When Olive isn't present, she takes this role to foil Mandy.

Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Subverted. While not siblings (the pair are cousins), Peaches and Mandy become more like siblings over the course of the series. Mandy tends to go with her gut and is more of a jokester, playing the role of the foolish sibling. Peaches is more down-to-earth, wise, and tends to look after Mandy to make sure she doesn't get into trouble, playing the role of the responsible sibling.

The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: "A Catty Sibling Rivalry" is centered around Mirabelle, Peaches's older sister, and her obsessive need to be competitive, with Peaches attempting to battle it out with her (and take Mandy with it, too).

The Kirk: She's levelheaded and logical, which is why she's viewed as an unofficial leader of the cast.

Loner-Turned-Friend: To Odd Squad employees as a whole.

Loony Friends Improve Your Personality: She's definitely a lot more cheerful when she gets familiar with Odd Squad and its employees (who are odd themselves).

Not So Different: From Olive. Both girls are brisk and serious about their work, and usually think before rushing into action.

- From Twilight too, to an extent.

Odd Friendship: She has pony friends and human friends--but perhaps her most bizarre friendship is that with Mandy, who is a pony-human hybrid and is also blood cousins with her.

Red Oni, Blue Oni:

- Blue Oni to Mandy.
- Flip-flops with red and blue for the rest of the cast.

Sibling Yin-Yang: Subverted--she is not Mandy's sister, but her cousin. Mandy is loud, humorous, hyperactive, and tends to rush headfirst into situations at times and overreact to small things. Peaches is more calm, cool, and collected, sorting problems out when they involve her and assisting other agents in solving cases and similar matters, and rarely freaking out when a situation gets too extreme.

Straight Man: She serves as this to Mandy.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Other]Absentee Actor: Played with. In some episodes she plays a minor part, like in "The Boss's Assistant"; other episodes she has a bigger role in.

Meaningful Name: She is seen eating peaches quite a fair bit. Similarly, her favorite color is peach.

Token Minority: She is the only catgirl among the main cast.[/spoiler]

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
olive now too, why not haha

copied and edited from my other storage


"Okay, honey, that's well and all, but maybe don't throw yourself into mortal danger?"

Debut: Pilot

Voiced by: Dalila Bela

The adoptive mother of Agent Mandy and co-leader of Precinct 13577. Olive is a headstrong, stoic and serious leader who jumps into action to protect Mandy, oftentimes being seen as overprotective or being scolded by Mandy herself. The byproduct of bullying due to her old partner, Odd Todd, Olive is usually the first to attack oddness and won't hesitate at a battle call. She is also close friends with Ms. O, who served as her mentor at Precinct 13579 prior to being promoted to Director. Olive will oftentimes visit her, Mandy, and others in 13579. She tends to despise girly things and is an athlete, training under Coach Roberts, the town's coach, in her spare time.

Being a Director, she has the ability to fly using her 'suit flaps'. Her partner is Otto, who serves as co-leader of the precinct alongside her.

[spoiler=Characterization and Background]The Ace: She was one of the lead agents in 13579, and gets a lot of screen time.

Anti-Smother Love Talk: Olive often doesn't like to see Mandy leap into the fray of battle, and will often shield her r bar her from doing so. It takes reasoning with her to make her change her mind.

Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Sometimes to Otto, but mostly to Agent Mandy.

Determinator: Borders between this and Plucky Girl.

Fangirl: She can be this at times, especially around Coach Roberts.

Good Parents: Though brash and overprotective, Olive is a good adoptive mother to Mandy and the two love each other quite a lot.

Jerk With a Heart of Gold: Especially when dealing with Mandy.

Little Miss Badass: Can kick some serious butt.

Little Miss Snarker: Aside from being the Only Sane Man, she's also a Deadpan Snarker.

Passionate Sports Girl: In most sports.

Platonic Boy/Girl Heroes: With Otto.

True Companions: With the rest of the Main 4 - Oscar, Otto, Mandy, and Ms. O.






we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
episode tropes for the show's episodes

("cat got your tail?" contains a tw for blood/gore/mutilation)

[spoiler=Pilot]Mandy: [gasps] Now that you told me about yourself, let me tell you about myself!
Peaches: Oh cattails…
Mandy: Agent 57, at your service! Nice to meetcha! The name’s Agent Mandy, and I’m the funnest, most happiest agent you’ll ever meet! [bounces up and down] I love fighting odd, eating, sleeping, and making friends! [hugging Peaches and whispering] I also bite. [giggles]

Written by Seren Dipity

Mandy and Peaches reconnect for the first time in years. Having been former rivals in the past, the two vow to set aside their differences and reconcile. Mandy teaches her cousin about life in Odd Squad, and the two spend some time bonding.


All of the Other Reindeer: Peaches is an outcast in her hometown of Vallea, having thought that King Ashero, the leader of her town, had sent her on a mission to find who burned it down as part of something bigger. However, she soon realized that the king had actually sent her away because she was a nuisance, and Odd Squad's kindness and acceptance was the first time anyone had been nice to her.

And Here He Comes Now: When asking about the hierarchy of Odd Squad, Peaches wonders how, if Mandy is Oprah's second-in-command and yet is an Investigation agent, she isn't equal in rank to Olive and Otto. Olive explains that Mandy can take her to Oprah's precinct and ask her directly. Cue Mandy teleporting right into the office.

- At the end of the episode, when Peaches says that Mandy's happiness is rubbing off on her, the hybrid ends up walking right into Oprah's glass door.

Because You Were Nice to Me: Mandy, Oprah, Olive, Otto and the ponies all being nice to Peaches spurs her to befriend them.

Bloodless Carnage: Averted with Mandy being attacked by Peaches, as she begins bleeding from the scratch wounds. However, the blood dries up quickly, and Olive doesn't notice until after Mandy returns from a case--and on that note, neither does Mandy herself.

*Crack!* "Oh, My Back!": Mandy's back cracks at one point after she wakes up. While Pinkie reacts in disgust, Mandy treats it as though it's a regular occurrence.

The Cuckoolander Was Right: Mandy is right on the money about Peaches being a lonely outcast.

Comically Missing the Point: Mandy slips into this at times.

Peaches: Don’t act innocent with me! I recognize that body shape clear as day!
Mandy: Aww, did I gain weight again? I thought the flying was s’posed to make me lose weight!

Continuity Nod: Mandy greets Oprah with the same singsong "knockity-knockity" that Olympia used to greet the X's in "Xs and Os".

Cosplay: Invoked by Mandy when she suggests that she show Peaches around Toronto. Peaches declines since no one is used to the sight of a Cat Girl. Mandy points out that she could say she's cosplaying as one.

Cry Cute: Peaches is so moved by Mandy's note to her offering her friendship that she starts to cry and has to leave her room. When she bumps into Ms. O, she cries even harder to the point where she becomes a blubbering mess.

Doomed Hometown: Peaches explains how someone came into her hometown of Vallea and began burning houses down, which killed some and left others wounded (and which she wasn't present for). King Ashero, the ruler of the town, tried to find the victim using witnesses' accounts of the incident, but when he failed, he sent Peaches out to find the culprit under threat of being banished from the town forever.

Dude, Where's My Respect?: Otto outright agrees with Peaches that Mandy is loud and annoying, despite the fact that Mandy is renowned throughout Odd Squad as an organization and happens to be his friend.

Peaches: How can you two stand her? She’s really...annoying, and loud, and...the complete opposite of what us catgirls are!
Otto: Well, you’re not wrong!
Olive: Otto! Have some consideration!

Establishing Character Moment: Mandy is initially introduced as a high-energy Genki Girl who is more than excited to meet Peaches, whom she considers to be a new friend. On the flip side of the coin, Peaches is introduced as aloof and being a little Hot-Blooded at first, seeking Revenge on Mandy.

Establishing Series Moment: The very first scene of the episode involves Ms. O giving Mandy a case of people being turned into giant acorns, with her going to the town park to solve it.

For Happiness: In her letter to Peaches, Mandy states that one of the things that one of her goals in life is to make others happy.

Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance: Averted for the most part. Mandy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, being a Genius Ditz, but instead of overstating her intelligence, she happily accepts that she's dimwitted, even when Peaches tells her so.

Peaches: You’re as much of an idiot as I thought.
Mandy: Yeah, I get that a lot! But what I lack in smarts, I make up for in style and power!

Impossibly Tacky Clothes: Peaches regards Mandy's Odd Squad uniform as tacky. However, she finds some tolerance with Olive and Otto's Director outfits.

Involuntary Shapeshifting: Peaches shapeshifts from her cat form to her human form while sleeping.

Long-Lost Relative: After attempting to threaten Mandy with little success, Peaches has a realization and recognizes her as the child of Aunt Kimi and Uncle Derek. Mandy doesn't recall either of them, which serves as Foreshadowing for how she and Peaches are actually related.

Mama Bear: Olive spots the scratches on Mandy's body, and immediately goes into a state of shock, asking Otto to get some antiseptic to treat the hybrid's wounds.

Meaningful Background Event: A catboy can be seen hiding behind a tree when Mandy meets Peaches for the first time.

Minor Injury Overreaction: Inverted. Mandy gets scratched up by Peaches and is in visible pain initially, but her high energy and ditziness causes her to brush off the injuries like they're nothing. It's played straight for Olive, however, once she sees Mandy injured.

Mistaken Identity: Peaches mistakes Mandy for the culprit who burned the homes of innocent people in Vallea and killed them. Mandy tells her that she has no idea what Vallea is.

No-Sell: Downplayed -- Mandy does feel Peaches' attacks and briefly remarks on how she's bleeding, but then brushes it aside.

No Sense of Personal Space: Par for the course for Mandy, as she gets up in Peaches' personal space often.

Oh, Crap!: Olive has a moment just before Mandy glomps Peaches.

[Olive sighs in relief]
Otto: Why are you so relieved?
Olive: I’ve been tackled by Mandy 5 times this week alone. I take no risks.
Otto: Eh, fair point.

Running into the Window: Mandy does this when walking into Oprah's office.

Sacred Hospitality: Since Peaches is part of Mandy's family and an acquaintance of hers, Oprah allows her to stay in Headquarters while she searches for whomever burned Vallea down. In return, Peaches befriends Mandy.

Sarcasm-Blind: Mandy completely misses Peaches' sarcastic remark on where she comes from.

Mandy: Ohhhh, so you’re the odd one outta the bunch! [giggles]
Peaches: I was being sarcastic.

Shout-Out: When Peaches tells Mandy that she's from Vallea, Mandy asks what they have there. Peaches sarcastically remarks, "Apes, but they're not so big."

Stock Animal Diet: When Mandy offers to make Peaches something to eat after settling in her new room, she asks her for some tuna, and at the end of the episode, she asks her to make some more. Later episodes would establish fish as Peaches' Trademark Favorite Food.

Teleportation Sickness: Mandy teleporting her and Peaches to Olive and Otto's office gives the latter a headache.

There Is Only One Bed: Invoked by Mandy, who sleeps with Peaches in her room in order to befriend her despite the catgirl's objections. When she sees Mandy in her bed, she is startled and falls to the floor.

Welcome Episode: Peaches, and by extension the audience, is introduced to the rest of the main cast. Odd Squad as an organization, as well as its hierarchy, is also explained by Olive and Otto.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=The Edge of the Rainbow]Olive: What’d you find, Mandy?
Mandy: [giddy laughter] This is it. I’m gonna get in the history books! I gotta take notes!

Written by Seren Dipity

Mandy discovers an Odd Squad legend that tells of a rainbow that stretches through Toronto once every year, with a secret surprise at its edge. She abandons her duties for the day and travels across the city to prove the legend is true.


Bear Hug: Though Mandy is prone to giving these out, she ends up on the receiving end of one from Olive upon returning from finding the rainbow. Due to the Director's strength, however, she begins to choke.

- Mandy also gives these to Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash when they manage to find her.

Cats Are Lazy: Defied by Peaches, who mentions that she is adjusting her sleep schedule in order to partake in adventures so that she doesn't sleep all day.

Children Are Innocent: Rocky Road, the unicorn colt whom Mandy befriends, is very polite, and refers to her as "miss" until she tells him to stop calling her such.

Comical Nap Drool: The episode opens up with Mandy asleep at her desk with a stream of drool coming out of her mouth.

Crowded Cast Shot: The treasure that Mandy buries is a photo of the entire main cast at a beach.

Delayed Reaction: Olive is so concerned about where Mandy is that it takes her a few seconds to process that she's standing right behind her.

Otto: Mandy can hold her own in battle. Don’t think she’s-
Olive: Killed?! Otto, Mandy may be powerful, but she can’t “hold her own” for long! For all we know, she could be in the hospital, or-
Mandy: Right behind you!
Olive: Or right behind me, or dead, or-
Olive: [gasps] Mandy!

Everything's Better with Rainbows: The episode revolves around Mandy finding the Toronto Rainbow, a rainbow that extends throughout the entire town of Toronto once a year that has a surprise at its edge, after being told about it by Olive. She eventually does find it with the help of a young colt named Rocky Road.

Fatal Flaw: Mandy's love of sleeping and tendency to fall into deep slumber nearly makes her miss seeing the Toronto Rainbow.

Great Big Book of Everything: Mayor Mackelmore has a book with details on the Toronto Rainbow. When Mandy asks Ice Song (his secretary) why he has such a book, she tells her that Odd Squad shared their findings on the phenomenon with him a long time ago, which was recorded for future reference.

- Precinct 13579 also has a book on the rainbow that's quite thick, but it's a different book than the Mayor's.

Hammerspace Hair: Mandy's ability to store things in her hair is discussed by Olive and Otto when she produces a pencil from it.

Otto: But how’d she get the pencil from inside of her hair?
Olive: [deadpan] I can’t answer your every question about Mandy, Otto.

Jumped at the Call: Mandy reads about the Toronto Rainbow and immediately becomes dead-set on finding it to the point where she neglects to tell Ms. O where she's going. It's implied that it takes quite a few hours for Mandy to find the rainbow, since Ms. O ends up sending out a search group of Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash to find her.

Mama Bear: Both Olive and Oprah become increasingly stressed about Mandy not telling them where she went.

Overworked Sleep: Mandy pulls an all-nighter while repairing gadgets and doing paperwork, and falls asleep at her desk as a result.

The Power of Friendship: Mandy buries a group photo of the main cast at a beach in place of the treasure, citing that if someone finds it, they'll be inspired by friendship and make some friends of their own.

Mandy: Friendship’s the greatest treasure of all! Twi taught me that.

Prehensile Hair: When looking for the Toronto Rainbow's treasure, Mandy turns her curly forelock into a drill in order to dig underground.

Stealth Hi/Bye: Mandy does this to Peaches at one point, causing her to attack her and nearly slice off her forelock.

You Did the Right Thing: A non-sacrificial example. The treasure at the end of the rainbow contains money that was stolen as part of a Bank Robbery many years ago, and Mandy is forced to choose between keeping the money for herself or giving it to the Mayor's office. However, Mandy is fine with the latter option, as she feels she doesn't need money to be happy and that keeping it wouldn't be right. As a reward, she gets special recognition at the festival held the next day in honor of the rainbow, is offered a job at the credit union where the money was stolen from (which she refuses), and is allowed to bury a group photo in place of the treasure.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=The Missing Dreams]Dr. O: If my predictions are correct, however...this year, Mandy will have to be the one to solve it.
Mandy: M-me?! Why me?!
Dr. O: You have the most control over your sleep and dreams. Your brain is controlled by a central...hub, of sorts. It primarily controls your magic usage while asleep, as well as your sleep cycle. According to reports, the transformation you received while battling the Hydraclops may have altered your brain in numerous different ways, including how it handles your sleep. Which is why I entrust the task of curing everyone to you, Mandy.
Mandy: B-b-curing everyone?! That seems like such a huge responsibility!
Ms. O: Well, if my agents don’t get enough rest, I don’t see productivity rates rising around here. [beat] No pressure.
Mandy: [hyperventilates]
Peaches: Great, now you’ve made her even more panicked. Nice going.

Written by Kate Carter

Odd Squad gets a widespread case of a disease called sleep-transfer-itis, where dreams are switched around. Mandy wakes up and finds that she has the disease, and she must be the one to cure everyone.


Adaptation Inspiration: The episode's plot is taken from My Dream is Yours, an Odd Squad fanfic. However, it's expanded on in order to include Mandy, Peaches, and others.

Catapult Nightmare: Mandy wakes up this way from both nightmares.

The Chosen One: Dr. O tells Mandy that she is the only one able to cure Precinct 13579's agents of sleep-transfer-itis due to having the ability to control her dreams. While future episodes would reveal that he, nor anyone else, knows exactly how her transformation affected her sleep and dreams, he holds enough trust in Mandy to let her handle the outbreak on her own. As a result, she becomes anxiety-ridden over carrying the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders.

Cordon Bleugh Chef: According to Olive, Otto puts a lot of odd foods into his macaroni and cheese, which is why she asks Mandy to help her make some homemade mac and cheese for her to try.

Crashing Dreams: In Mandy's first nightmare, she runs to a window in the hospital she works at and screams "Let me out!" as a cry for help. She then keeps repeating "let me out" as she tosses and turns until Peaches comes into the Bedroom and attempts to wake her up, at which point it becomes a Catapult Nightmare.

Cry into Chest: Mandy becomes terrified enough from her first nightmare to break down crying into Oprah's chest as the Director comforts her.

Dream Episode: A few of Precinct 13579's become victims of an outbreak of sleep-transfer-itis, where dreams between those affected are swapped. Mandy, who is knowledgeable about her own sleep and dreams, is tasked by Dr. O to cure everyone of the disease, while also dealing with it herself.

Dream Intro: The episode opens on Mandy having a nightmare involving her and a group of other doctors and nurses preparing to remove a patient's liver. It's later revealed that Mandy is having Dr. O's dream as a result of the sleep-transfer-itis outbreak.

Drop the Hammer: Defied in Mandy's second nightmare when she goes to defend herself against Dr. Price and his staff by reaching behind her back, only to come up with nothing. However, she is still able to defend herself using her flight and magic abilities.

Earn Your Happy Ending: After being tormented with nightmares for the past couple nights and curing the second round of sleep-transfer-itis among Precinct 13579's agents, Mandy finally gets some well-earned rest with her original dream of running through a spacious meadow.

Eureka Moment: As Mandy teleports to just outside of the hospital to escape her former co-workers, she begins to beg her brain to wake her up. She then wonders if, since the previous Dr. O of Precinct 13579 had sleep-transfer-itis, the current Dr. O has it, and once she wakes up, she teleports to Dr. O's house to cure him as well as herself.

Go-to-Sleep Ending: The episode ends on Mandy, still asleep on Oprah's couch, dreaming about running through a luscious meadow.

Heavy Sleeper: Olive manages to sleep through Mandy's second Catapult Nightmare, wherein she wakes up and takes in a huge gasp of air in fright.

- Downplayed with Dr. O, who also manages to mostly sleep through Mandy's exchanging of dreams with him -- while he does wake up, he is in a dazed state and has no idea what's going on.

The Insomniac: While watching a movie with Olive, Mandy invokes this in order to prevent herself from having another nightmare. However, it fails, and she eventually tells her about the nightmares she's been having.

Instantly Proven Wrong: Oprah tells Olive and Otto that she'll allow Mandy to rest up from the events of the last couple days. Not even a second after she says that, Mandy wakes up and asks the trio to keep down the noise.

Million Mook March: The doctors and nurses at the hospital in Mandy's second nightmare come after her while marching in unison.

Nightmare Sequence: Mandy goes through two of these as a result of her dreams being swapped with Dr. O's. Both of them involving her being forced to work as a surgeon and operate on a patient, unable to quit her job.

Noodle Incident: Whatever happened last year with the sleep-transfer-itis outbreak is left mostly unexplained, apart from the fact that Oprah, Oscar, Olive and Otto were all affected.

No Sense of Personal Space: Mandy teleports to Dr. O's house in the middle of the night while he's sleeping. Not only that, but she teleports directly on top of his bed and gets right up in his face.

OOC is Serious Business: Olive points out how staying up during a movie and not falling asleep is unlike Mandy, since she is Really Fond of Sleeping.

Resignations Not Accepted: In Mandy's first nightmare, she attempts to quit her job as a surgeon due to her incompetency at her job, only to be told that it's difficult to get fired. The next nightmare she has (which continues from the first one) has Dr. Price, the head of the hospital, tell her that resigning will cause the downfall of general healthcare and refuses to let her do so. When she keeps insisting she quit in order to save the lives of other patients, he orders her to be sedated.

Sacred Hospitality: To help relieve stress from being tasked to cure everyone of sleep-transfer-itis and from her nightmare, Mandy asks Olive if she can stay at her house for the night. Being her adoptive mother, Olive is happy to let her stay, stating that she was about to invite Mandy over herself so she can make her homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner.

Ship Tease: There's a bit of it to be found with Mandy and Otto near the end of the episode.

Mandy: [attempting to get up from Oprah's couch] Olive, you have one heck of a sticky sleepin’ bag…
Otto: You’re, uh, in Ms. O’s office.
Mandy: Otto?! J-jeez, Olive, I thought it was just gonna be the two of us…

- When Rainbow Dash tells Mandy about the odd dream she's been having, this exchange ensues, making it seem like Mandy is intentionally invoking the trope.

Mandy: Ah! So you must have Peaches’ dream then, and she has yours! [clears throat] Touch foreheads.
Rainbow Dash: What?
Mandy: You heard me.
[beat as Rainbow stares at Mandy bewildered and confused]

Take a Third Option: Instead of letting herself be surrounded by doctors and nurses on both sides, Mandy decides to fly upwards and fire a widespread energy blast that stuns everyone and leaves them in considerable pain.

Talking in Your Sleep: Dr. O does this when Mandy teleports to his room to exchange dreams with him, which further confirms her theory that she has his dream, and vice versa.

Tempting Fate: When Olive and Otto bring Mandy back to Oprah's Headquarters and apologize for bringing her in a sleeping state, Oprah forgoes the apology, stating that if she's cured, Dr. O will tell them. Cue him walking into her office and telling the group that Mandy is cured.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Cat Got Your Tail?]Mandy: Peach...I’m going to find who did this to you. I’ll make them suffer dearly at my hammer’s behest. But first...I want to make sure you’re okay. I want to know more about you, and I want to help you find the person who burnt your town down. I wanna go up to your King, and tell him how great you are! [crying] I want you to see the wonders of Odd Squad with me, to help the agents here thrive! We have so many more adventures we hafta go on!

Written by Alexander Parry

When Peaches is attacked by a villain who puts her under hypnosis and erases most of her memories, she becomes aggressive, attacking anything in sight. Ocean and Fluttershy vow to “re-train” Peaches to make her affectionate, but they soon become in over their heads.


Affectionate Nickname: Mandy develops one for Peaches, calling her "Peach". She later calls her "cuz" after Peaches had called her by the nickname earlier.

Agony of the Feet: Peaches sinks her claws into Olive's legs as Otto yanks her towards him, causing her legs to develop deep gashes. The wounds are bad enough to leave her needing a wheelchair to get around, and when Mandy goes to see them after defeating Cherry Moriarty, blood is shown still seeping into the bandages that Otto places on her.

Attack the Mouth: During their one-on-one battle, Mandy rams her hammer into Cherry Moriarty's mouth, causing her to choke. Later episodes would establish that this is Mandy's Finishing Move, with the intent to teach her opponent a lesson and make them concede rather than straight-out defeat them.

Bandage Wince: Olive winces when Otto and Mandy change the bandages on her legs. Since the pain from her injuries is to an extent that she apparently hasn't felt in a long time, it's perfectly justified.

Beware the Nice Ones: When Mandy finds out that Cherry Moriarty is the villainess that hypnotized Peaches, she becomes absolutely enraged to such a point where she wishes for her to die and has no problem facing her one-on-one in a fight. Even the ponies know not to intervene.

Big Damn Heroes: Just as Cherry Moriarty begins to attach a golden ring to Fluttershy, Mandy flies in and grabs her partner.

Bloodless Carnage: Averted -- blood is shown seeping out of wounds on various characters at various points. Mandy's battle with Cherry Moriarty has the latter bleeding from being beaten by the former's hammer, as well as from a tooth being ripped out, and when Peaches attacks Olive, it leaves bloody gashes in her legs that leave her unable to walk.

Broken Heel: As Olive and Otto flee from the Creature Room, the former trips and falls. However, before she can get back up, Peaches begins attacking her legs by sinking her claws into them, and Otto attempts to pull Olive towards him so Ocean can close the door. He does so successfully, but at the cost of Olive's legs developing deep, bleeding gashes in them.

Burning with Anger: Mandy does this during her showdown with Cherry Moriarty when the villainess attacks Fluttershy. It's enough for the ponies to stay on the sidelines, not wanting to risk making her angrier.

Cats Are Mean: When Peaches becomes put under a trance by Cherry Moriarty, she becomes aggressive and attacks those like Twilight and Olive. The latter's injuries are severe enough that she is left unable to walk and has to get around in a wheelchair. Mandy later theorizes that her aggressiveness is being caused by the ring Cherry placed around her, which in turn caused an adverse effect due to her being a catgirl and not completely human.

Caught Monologuing: During her brief tussle with Peaches, Mandy begins to boast about her fighting ability, but stops herself midway.

Mandy: [scoffs] Mandy, Mandy, you have got to stop monologuing. That, is how you get the villains to catch you.

Choke Holds: Played with. Mandy rams her hammer into Cherry's mouth and down her throat, something that would be established as her "finishing move" in future episodes. However, with the move, she doesn't have any intent to choke her opponent -- she does it to make them give up and admit defeat.

Continuity Nod: When attempting to snap Peaches out of her hypnosis, Mandy reminds her of when they first met, back in "Pilot".

Cry Cute: Mandy breaks down in tears when trying to free Peaches from her hypnotic state, as she explains about all of the adventures that the pair have to go on.

Curb-Stomp Battle: Mandy ultimately decimates Cherry Moriarty and manages to defeat her pretty quickly. When Cherry does get a chance to attack Mandy, she misses nearly every time.

Ear Ache: Peaches' yelling while riding on Mandy's back (believing that she wouldn't hear her up in the air unless she yelled) causes the hybrid to wince and clean out her ear briefly.

Enemy Rising Behind: Olive and Otto spot a ring that is clasped tightly around Peaches' waist, and decide that they have to inform Mandy. However, as soon as they turn their back on the aggressive catgirl, she slowly and ominously rises behind them, and they make a break for it.

Fashion Hurts: Cherry Moriarty puts a ring around Peaches' waist in order to hypnotize her. It's very tight, and neither Ocean nor Fluttershy can get it off. Mandy eventually manages to pry it off using a great deal of magic, and destroys it with her hammer.

The Fashionista: Cherry Moriarty is a villainous Fashion Designer whose ultimate goal is to create servants to assist her with her work. She does this by creating golden rings and attaching them to people's bodies so they'll be hypnotized.

Floating in a Bubble: When confronting Peaches at the park, Mandy uses her magic to create a bubble in order to trap her inside of it, holding onto it in order to tote her around instead of having her float away. While it's sturdy enough that it can't be popped with claws, it's implied that the feat takes a great deal of concentration and power, as Mandy is unable to teleport a woman in need of medical care to a local hospital to get help while magically holding the bubble.

Foreshadowing: This episode provides a little insight into Mandy's backstory -- she was apparently abandoned by her biological parents, and Odd Squad helped to raise her. However, what actually happened to her isn't explored until the "Mother's Little Hybrid" two-parter.

Go-to-Sleep Ending: The episode ends with Mandy checking up on Peach before taking a well-deserved rest.

Heroic Resolve: Mandy manages to stop Olive and Otto -- two powerful Directors -- from falling to the ground by catching them with her magic, despite the fact that she is nowhere near as powerful as other alicorns like Twilight and the feat is something she has been trying to do for years. Upon doing so, her horn begins to spark and she becomes briefly winded.

- Directly before that, Otto manages to stop himself and Olive from falling by wrapping his legs around a guardrail bar, holding on for a fair while before he loses his grip.

"I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Mandy does this with Peaches in order to help her calm down and break free of Cherry's hypnosis. It ends up working. According to Oona, another Odd Squad agent did the same thing with his partner when he fell victim to one of the villainess' rings.

It's Personal: Once Mandy finds out that it was Cherry Moriarty who hurt Peaches, she takes the helm in finding and beating up the villainess herself, despite the fact that she had recruited all of the Mane Six agents to help.

Let's Split Up, Gang!: Since the park is a big area, Mandy has the six ponies split up to try and find Cherry Moriarty.

Motor Mouth: While Mandy does this often when excited, this episode reveals that she also has a tendency to do it when she's nervous, as she does so when explaining the situation with Peaches to Olive and Otto.

Music Soothes the Savage Beast: Ocean manages to calm Peaches down temporarily and lull her to sleep by playing his ukulele.

Nervous Wreck: Mandy becomes one after managing to capture and deliver Peaches to Fluttershy and Ocean for them to take care of. It gets to such an extent where Olive walks up to her and casually says her name, and her hair and tail stick straight up in shock as she lets out a continuous scream before she cuts herself off and begins stumbling over her words.

Otto: Is...that the most volatile I’ve ever seen her? ‘Cuz it looks like if she even feels a slight breeze she’s going to explode.

Never Say "Die": Played straight with Mandy referring to Peaches "destroying" someone while in her aggressive state.

Noblewoman's Laugh: Mandy does one when Peaches asks her what she's going to do with Cherry Moriarty while she rests up from the ordeal of being hypnotized.

Omniscient Database: It's revealed that Oona keeps a database of villains in the Lab, stating that Oscar suggested Precinct 13579 have one just in case.

- Ocean also has a creature database in the Creature Room, which he is shown updating at one point.

Reality Ensues: When turning to Olive and Otto for advice, Mandy reminisces about the previous night, where Peaches attempted to teach her how to fish by hooking them with claws. While Mandy is a relative of Peaches and has some feline blood in her, she is a pony-human hybrid and has no claws. As a result, she is unable to fish the same way Peaches does, even when improvising using her hands.

- It's revealed that Mandy is unable to perform large feats of magic such as lifting other beings, and doing so in a short period of time leaves her winded. While she is classified as an alicorn, her magical strength pales in comparison to those like Twilight's, which is likely why she prefers to use her hammer in battle over her magic.

Sleepwalking: Mandy tells Peaches about a time where she flew in her sleep and ended up two towns away. "Under a Rest" would later imply that her sleep-flying isn't a one-time occurrence.

Stepford Smiler: Olive and Otto wonder if a villain turned Peaches aggressive, and suggest that Mandy look for one that could have attacked her. When the partner pair also suggest that she not become stressed over the situation, she responds in her usually cheery manner before walking away, putting a frown on her face.

Sword Over Head: Double-subverted when Mandy is about to kill Cherry Moriarty with her hammer. The camera cuts to the ponies as a distant bang is heard, and they believe that she killed her...that is, until Fluttershy sees that she intentionally missed, and the camera cuts back to Mandy granting Cherry mercy with her hammer rammed into the villainess' mouth.

Teeth Flying: Mandy ends her fight against Cherry Moriarty by yanking her hammer out of the villainess' mouth, causing some of her teeth to come out.

Mandy: [as she stops Burning with Anger] Get that checked out by your dentist. And don’t put it on my tab.

You Just Had to Say It: Upon Mandy returning to Precinct 13579 and updating Oprah on what happened, the Director remarks that she looks like she could fall asleep standing upright, leading her to speak the trope name verbatim as she heads off to bed.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Pinkie Party]Olive: It’s just...going against the Big O...goes against everything you have been taught as a Director. It’s like a moral code.
Mandy: Why?
Olive: Huh?
Mandy: Why do you have to follow what the Big O says? Just because he’s your higher-up? [chuckling] Sometimes, leaders aren’t always right. They make mistakes just like any human being does! And sometimes, they do things that are immoral. But that doesn’t mean ya hafta go through with it! It’s up to you to figure out what’s immoral, and what’s right. Like for example, I know that you know you don’t think what the Big O is doing is right. And I don’t either! Somethin’ fishy’s goin’ on, and it’s not ‘cuz I’m cooking fish for Peaches again!

Written by Seren Dipity

Agent Pinkie Pie is elected as the official party planner of Odd Squad by the Big O. However, against his wishes, she enlists Agents Fluttershy and Rarity to help, while they, along with Ms. O, Peaches, Olive and Otto, attempt to hide the news from Mandy.


Absurdly Long Wait: Rarity tells Mandy to come to her boutique in Headquarters and try out a suit she made. When Mandy arrives, Rarity tells her to take a seat on the couch while she heads to the back room for a bit. The wait for the suit ends up being so long that Mandy falls asleep, and doesn't wake up until Rarity and Fluttershy have spoken with Ms. O about the situation and the former returns to the boutique.

Adaptational Villainy: The Big O in Odd Squad, while quite incompetent, is heroic and sometimes helps the organization out. In this series, he's a more intelligent Jerkass who ultimately turns out to be a Disc-One Final Boss.

Aesop Enforcer: Mandy makes sure Oprah learns the lesson that she taught Olive earlier: that leaders aren't always right.

Beyond the Impossible: This is shockingly averted for both Mandy and Pinkie --they both play the trope straight often, but this episode has Pinkie unable to solve every party-related case in Canada, which both she and Mandy cite as impossible to do despite the Big O's insistence that it is possible. This is due to the fact that Pinkie has both her party-planner duties and her agent work to do.

Big "WHAT?!": Mandy shouts one when Olive tells her about Pinkie's promotion. She later gives another one when she looks over the Big O's report and finds that the increase in party-planning cases is in Zambia, not Canada, to such an extent that it shakes the screen and sends a flock of birds flying.

Blatant Lies: Rarity attempts to divert Mandy's attention away from Pinkie's promotion by asking her to come to her boutique at Precinct 13579 and try on a new suit for O'Q, the precinct's tailor. Mandy immediately grows suspicious, but doesn't call Rarity out until she realizes that she's been waiting for hours for the suit and drags Olive into the boutique so she can help her finish it.

Cliffhanger: The episode ends on Oprah sitting on Mandy's words and wondering if the Big O is really incompetent and if he should remain in charge of Odd Squad. This is a lead-in to "The Boss's Assistant" four episodes later, where Twilight is promoted to the position of the Big O's assistant and his true colors begin to show.

The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right: At the end of the episode, Mandy calls the Big O incompetent. When Oprah takes the insult to heart and says that he isn't, Mandy asks her about the country mix-up. All the Director can do is remain silent and slack-jawed.

Comical Overreacting: Most everyone believes that Mandy always reacts to news in an over-the-top way, and a flashback shows her doing a Spit Take at Pinkie's (presumed) pregnancy announcement, fall off a ladder after Rainbow Dash announces she got into the Wonderbolts Academy, and nearly destroy a gadget when Olive announces that she's going to basketball camp.

Continuity Nod: Underwater Ulanda, who hasn't been seen since Odd Squad's "Undercover Olive", returns in this episode as the villainess that Olive, Otto and Mandy are interrogating.

- In one of the second flashbacks, Rainbow Dash's news is that she got into the Wonderbolts reserves.

Crippling Overspecialization: It's implied, though not directly stated, that many agents at Precinct 13579 have a hard time with, if not completely incapable of, solving birthday-party-related cases compared to Mandy and Pinkie, who can solve such cases with ease. The trope is averted with the partner pair, however -- they can solve other cases just as well as party-related ones.

Delayed Reaction: Mandy is so focused on fixing a gadget that it takes her a couple seconds to process Olive's news of her entering basketball summer camp.

Disapproving Look: Rarity gives Mandy one of these as she arrives in Headquarters with Pinkie and Fluttershy. It manages to completely unnerve her, and she later calls her out on it.

Flat Scare: Mandy is distracted enough by Pinkie that a simple "boo" from Olive causes her hair and tail to stick up in fright.

Heroic RRoD: Pinkie Pie is wiped out by the time she arrives at the boutique so she and Mandy can confront the Big O, and once things are resolved, she gives in to her exhaustion and falls asleep on Mandy's back on the way back to Headquarters.

Hypocritical Humor: One of the flashbacks shows Mandy offering to monitor Otto, a Big Eater, at his and Olive's precinct while the latter attends basketball camp for the summer. This is despite the fact that Mandy eats quite a lot herself, scarfing down entire Thanksgiving feasts without flinching, and gets excited over food the same way Otto does.

Implied Death Threat: Mandy gives one to Underwater Ulanda during her interrogation.

Mandy: Now tell them what they want to know!!
Ulanda: Or else what?
[Mandy levitates her hammer with her magic]
Mandy: Or let’s just say...there will be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean. And it will not be mine.

I Work Alone: Invoked by the Big O, who tells Pinkie that any help she receives as Odd Squad's party planner will only slow her down, and encourages her to go at it alone. However, the job proves to be too much for the pink pony, and she enlists help from Rarity and Fluttershy.

Jumped at the Call: Pinkie volunteered for the position of Odd Squad's official party planner, believing the job to be easy. However, she soon comes to regret her decision when she realizes how stressful working without help is.

Keeping Secrets Sucks: Both Rarity and Fluttershy become increasingly stressed while attempting to keep the secret of Pinkie's promotion from Mandy. Once Olive and Otto become involved at the behest of Oprah, things get more complicated as Olive runs off to get her thoughts together only to bump into Mandy herself, and accidentally lets the beans spill. Needless to say, the hybrid is definitely not happy about having something hidden from her.

Locked Out of the Loop: Mandy is unaware that her partner has been promoted to Odd Squad's sole party planner. According to her, it was a "family matter" that she had to resolve that caused her to miss the Big O making the announcement.

Mistaken for Pregnant: Two flashbacks show Pinkie entering Ms. O's office and announcing that she's having a baby. While the first flashback has Mandy perform a Spit Take in shock, the second one shows her congratulating her partner up until she reveals that it's the Cakes -- the ponies she works for -- who are having kids, not her. Mandy does a Facepalm and tells Pinkie to work on her phrasing.

My Master, Right or Wrong: Whatever the Big O says is accepted by all Directors, no matter how irrational it sounds, due to the fact that he is their higher-up and he knows what is best for Odd Squad. Going against the Big O is considered immoral and can potentially land a Director in trouble, if not outright fired. This is treated as a moral code of sorts by Olive, Otto, and Ms. O, and because of it, they go along with his observations of there being an influx of party-related cases in Canada without question. However, Olive becomes doubtful about the Big O's words and confides in Mandy that she doesn't think that what he's doing is right, and Mandy discusses the trope as she gives her some Simple-Minded Wisdom before going to confront the Big O herself with Pinkie Pie in tow.

Olive: It’s just...going against the Big O...goes against everything you have been taught as a Director. It’s like a moral code.
Mandy: Why?
Olive: Huh?
Mandy: Why do you have to follow what the Big O says? Just because he’s your higher-up? [chuckling] Sometimes, leaders aren’t always right. They make mistakes just like any human being does! And sometimes, they do things that are immoral. But that doesn’t mean ya hafta go through with it! It’s up to you to figure out what’s immoral, and what’s right. Like for example, I know that you know you don’t think what the Big O is doing is right. And I don’t either! Somethin’ fishy’s goin’ on, and it’s not ‘cuz I’m cooking fish for Peaches again!

Noodle Incident: Subverted. The beginning of the episode has Peaches and Mandy discussing "everything but the bagel", right before it's revealed that Peaches was attempting to catch a bagel with legs and teeth.

- It's played straight with the reason why Mandy missed the Big O's meeting -- she states that she had a "family matter" to take care of and couldn't attend, but no other details are revealed beyond that.

Ocular Gushers: Pinkie begins to cry these when the stress of being Odd Squad's party planner gets to her. The Big O responds by begrudgingly asking one of his assistants to get a mop and bucket to clean them up.

Once More, with Clarity!: When Rarity is discussing with Fluttershy how to handle the news of Pinkie's promotion concerning Mandy, flashbacks show the hybrid overreacting to news from Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Olive, with fears that the news of Pinkie's promotion will also cause her to overreact. Later on, when Olive spills the beans about the promotion, more flashbacks show the same three agents announcing their news, with Mandy reacting how one would normally react -- she gives her congratulations to her three friends and isn't shocked or mad in the slightest.

Perp Sweating: Olive, Otto and Mandy do this with Underwater Ulanda in order to find out where a (presumably) stolen item is hidden. However, Mandy takes front and center stage in the interrogation, and threatens the villainess with an Implied Death Threat until she cracks and tells her the item's location. It's implied that Olive and Otto frequently employ Mandy for assistance in getting those who are unflappable to cooperate due to their different interrogation styles.

Poor Communication Kills: Mandy eventually realizes that the Big O mixed up Canada and Zambia, and that party-related cases are surging in the latter place rather than the former. She promptly calls him out on his mistake before he apologizes.

Rank Up: Pinkie is promoted from Investigation agent of Precinct 13579 to being a party planner for the entirety of the precinct by the Big O so she can handle all party-related cases in Canada after a recent surge. She later is demoted back to Investigation agent by him when he realizes that Zambia is the country with the surge in such cases, not Canada.

Stealth Hi/Bye: Make no mistake: Oprah's still got the skill to do this with ease -- she startles Mandy as she and Olive are discussing Pinkie Pie near the end of the episode.

Strong as They Need to Be: Mandy is able to use her magic to drag Rarity into the front room of the boutique with ease, whereas last episode had her struggling to hold Olive and Otto. Justified since all three of them have differences in weight and Rarity is much lighter than both Olive and Otto, meaning that Mandy has more ease in moving her.

We Are Not Going Through That Again: Mandy invokes this with the Big O preparing to resolve the issue of Zambia's surge in party-planning cases by suggesting he promote multiple agents to the position, and not just one. The Big O responds by saying that he'll take the idea into consideration.

Wrong Assumption: Most everyone believes that Mandy always reacts to news in an over-the-top way, and various flashbacks show her doing a Spit Take at Pinkie's (presumed) pregnancy announcement, fall off a ladder after Rainbow Dash announces she got into the Wonderbolts Academy, and nearly destroy a gadget when Olive announces that she's going to basketball camp. They could not be more wrong, as Mandy points out, while more flashbacks show that she doesn't over-react to news at all and instead takes most of her friends' announcements in stride -- up to and including Pinkie's promotion. It's justified by the fact that, according to Oprah, Mandy is known to have unpredictable reactions to various things, and everyone was afraid that she would go and kill the Big O.

Your Costume Needs Work: Implied to be the case with one of the Big O's assistants, who doesn't believe Mandy is who she says she is when she tells him that she's Oprah's second-in-command at Precinct 13579. She shows him her badge to prove her legitimacy, and he allows her to see the Big O.

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: Mandy warns the Big O of this about her, and to cement it, she turns into her Burning with Anger state.

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
more show episode trope things

[spoiler=The Kir-bees]Ms. O: Something wrong, Olive?
Olive: I don't know, I just feel like something bad's gonna happen with that creature.
Ms. O: Like what?
Olive: Like maybe it'll turn on Mandy or something. It can't be completely cute and innocent.

Written by Seren Dipity

Agent Ocean and Agent Fluttershy discover a new creature in the Creature Room. They decide to keep the creature, known as a "Kir-Bee", in the care of Mandy. As she slowly develops a budding relationship with "Natsu", she soon realizes that Kir-bees are not as innocent as they seem...


A Boy and His X: Once Mandy takes the Kir-bee off Fluttershy's hooves, she forms a bond with it, naming it Natsu and toting it around with her everywhere she goes. However, Natsu turns out to be manipulative, and it frames her for destroying the bullpen and the Bedroom.

All There in the Script: The episode's credits and script list the Earth pony stallion Mandy is attacking at the beginning of the episode as "Astral Thunder".

Ambiguous Gender: Played with in the case of Natsu, as it is referred to with male pronouns, but most of the time everyone refers to it as just that, "it". In addition, it also speaks with a feminine voice.

Apology Gift: Olive gives Mandy some fried chicken and some cake as a way to make up for wrongfully accusing her. While she eats the chicken out of hunger, she doesn't fully accept Olive's apology until she is given the cake.

Babysitting Episode: The episode revolves around Mandy being tasked with babysitting a creature known as a Kir-bee while Fluttershy helps Ocean with research on it.

Bear Hug: Mandy gives one to Peaches when she wakes up in Oprah's office. She later gives one to Otto, Oprah and Olive after she helps them lock the doors to the Dinosaur Room.

Berserk Button: It's mentioned that Olive gets extremely angry when being interrupted while busy with something important. When Natsu escapes from Mandy and approaches the Director, Mandy tells it to come back to her, only for it to screech loudly, causing Olive to become startled just as Mandy teleports Natsu and Otto out of the office.

-- If you don't want to make Mandy angry, let her at least have one nap a day. Oprah found this out the hard way.

Big Damn Heroes: Mandy saves Oprah, Olive and Otto from the threat of the dinosaurs in the Dinosaur Room escaping by magically placing a temporary seal on the doors to hold them closed.

Break the Cutie: After she learns that Natsu framed her, Mandy blows up at it, as well as the ponies, Olive, Otto and Oprah, before running away crying. Olive only manages to break her further when she reminds her that Natsu has to be returned back to its native habitat eventually, which causes her to cry more -- and even after that, she gives everyone the silent treatment until the next morning. It's explained that hurting Mandy is a common way to break her.

Burning with Anger: While this is a common trait of Mandy's, this episode implies that the flames surrounding her are as real as they appear to be -- Oprah remarks about getting burns from them, and the hammer Mandy uses to threaten the ponies, Oprah, Olive and Otto becomes hot to the touch.

Calling the Old Man Out: Mandy snaps at Olive when she tries to give a more heartfelt apology to her.

Mandy: [through tears] If you’re tryna get me to come back, forget it. I don’t wanna work for people who think that I’m a culprit of something I didn’t do. You’ve lived with me for years. You raised me, Olive! And yet you think I destroyed the bullpen and the Bedroom on purpose, without even checking for evidence?! A real Odd Squad agent would think about the facts first and not make assumptions! [short, anguished cry]

Cassandra Truth: Mandy attempts to convince her friends that she didn't wreck the bullpen and the Bedroom. Her attempts fall flat, however, and she is forced to accept responsibility for the incidents despite being asleep at the time they occurred.

Cathartic Scream: Shortly after she calls out Olive for failing to check for evidence as to whether she destroyed the Bedroom and bullpen on purpose or not, Mandy lets out an anguished scream.

- Peaches lets out a frustrated scream when her attempts to wake Mandy up to see the wrecked bullpen fall flat.

Chekhov's Volcano: The volcano in the Volcano Room ends up erupting when it wasn't planned to do so for 4 more months. Oprah, Twilight and Peaches go to wake Mandy up to enlist her help in handling the situation, only to be unsuccessful due to Mandy's Heavy Sleeper tendencies, leaving the trio to deal with the volcano themselves.

Delayed Reaction: It takes Mandy a few moments to realize that she has mushed cake in her hand.

Mandy: [yawns] Hmm…? [beat] Oh, I have cake in my hand.
[teleports a Chocolate Moo-Moo Surprise drink into existence and drinks it]
Mandy: I HAVE CAKE IN MY HAND! [licks her hand clean] Mmm, chocolate, my favorite!

Disapproving Look: The ponies, as well as Oprah, Olive, Otto and Peaches, all shoot Mandy these when she tells them that she was asleep when the incidents occurred.

Mandy: W-why are you looking at me like that? T-t-turn those off, guys! [nervously chuckling] Y-you’re scaring me!

Dramatic Shattering: Oprah and Peaches arrive at Headquarters to find the bullpen in near-shambles, with the floor cracked, desks broken, and beams laying on the floor. Later on, they find the Bedroom in a similar state, and pinpoint Mandy as the culprit. Eventually it's revealed that Natsu destroyed both areas and framed her for the misdeeds.

Evil Laugh: Natsu chuckles in a rather sinister manner after Oprah, Peaches and Twilight fail to wake up Mandy.

- It chuckles again in the same manner when going with Oprah to be interrogated after the bullpen becomes destroyed.

Exposition Beam: To prove her innocence, Mandy uses the Memory Reflector, which is a helmet which publicly displays the wearer's memories, to show the others what actually happened to the bullpen and the Bedroom.

First Pet Story: The Kir-bee that Mandy looks after is her first time having a pet, and the episode revolves around her caring for it in place of Fluttershy. Olive and Ms. O allow her to keep it so she can learn about how much of a responsibility owning a pet is, but it backfires when the Kir-bee turns out to be mischievous and manipulative.

Flat Scare: Peaches knocking on the glass door of Oprah's office manages to startle Mandy and angrily tell her not to scare her in Japanese before she realizes exactly who scared her.

Forgets to Eat: Olive becomes so absorbed in her work that she misses dinner at her own precinct. As a result, she goes to Precinct 13579 to have Mandy make something for her.

Forgot to Mind Their Head: Oprah asks Mandy about feeding Natsu, which causes her to bump her head on the underside of the cabinet as she searches for a bowl.

Frame-Up: Natsu destroys the Bedroom and the bullpen while disguised as Mandy, framing her as the culprit. No one believes her when she tells the truth up until she shows her memories to them, which detail what happened and what Natsu did.

Free-Range Children: It's revealed that Olive, and by extension other Odd Squad agents, do their own grocery shopping, as she laments about how she has no energy to do so.

Get Out!: Mandy gives an out to the Earth pony stallion she's attacking and tells him to get out of her sight. He beats a hasty retreat and stumbles away.

Growling Gut: Happens to Olive a few times after she misses dinner in her precinct due to being too busy filling out paperwork.

- It happens to Mandy a few times throughout the episode as well.

Guinness Episode: Heavily downplayed and played for laughs -- according to Olive, there's more than one record in place for how long Mandy can cry, with her longest streak being an hour.

Hammerspace Hair: Mandy apparently keeps things not just in her hair, but her tail as well -- she asks Olive to get a mixing spoon from it at one point.

The Heart: Olive refers to Mandy as "the heart of the precinct" when attempting to improve her mood.

Heroic BSoD: Seeing her memory of when the destruction of the Bedroom happened manages to leave Mandy in a wordless shock as she begins to cry before letting all of her rage out on Natsu and the agents.

Hidden Depths: Peaches is a good cook, something that manages to surprise Olive when the two team up to make fried chicken.

I Have a Family: Lampshaded by Mandy, who asks the Earth pony stallion she's attacking if he has a wife and kids. Not that she cares.

I'll Kill You!: Mandy tells Fluttershy that she's going to give her five seconds to set Natsu down so she can kill the creature with her hammer. She never does, however, as she becomes sidetracked by Olive telling her to calm down and sets her sights on her and the rest of the agents.

Lost Pet Grievance: Downplayed. Natsu doesn't die, but must be taken back to its own habitat in another town. Despite it framing Mandy for destroying the bullpen and the Bedroom, she's still heartbroken over it leaving and cries into Olive's chest as she consoles her.

Luminiscent Blush: Mandy gets one when Olive and Otto tell her that she continues to surprise them, but warns them that if a person's face gets too red, they can turn into a beet. Luckily, in her case, it doesn't happen.

Mama Didn't Raise No Criminal: Played with. Olive believes that Mandy is the cause of the destruction, but isn't angry at her and instead asks her why she did it, saying that she didn't raise her to destroy Headquarters.

Manipulative Bastard: Natsu manages to fool everyone into believing that it's nothing more than a cute and innocent pet, despite Olive's suspicions. Even when Mandy is being accused of destroying the bullpen and the Bedroom, it puts on a concerned act before Mandy's memories reveal the truth behind what it's done.

Mood Whiplash: Everyone in the Breakroom goes from being joyful and upbeat to sour and upset when Mandy approaches them. And things only get worse from there.

Must Make Amends: Olive, being Mandy's adopted mother, takes it upon herself to reconcile and apologize to her for wrongfully accusing her of something she didn't do -- first by verbally apologizing, then by making her fried chicken and cake and writing her a note on behalf of her and the rest of the agents.

Noodle Incident: If Mandy's Motor Mouth plea to Fluttershy is any indication, she has apparently killed many plants in her lifetime. While it's implied that she forgot to water them, those are all the details we get.

Not Worth Killing: After threatening to kill Natsu during her bout of Unstoppable Rage, Mandy comes to the conclusion that actually doing so won't bring her satisfaction and is too cruel for her to do.

Oh No...Not Again!: A variant occurs when Oprah brings up Natsu needing to be fed, causing Mandy to panic as she begins speeding all over Headquarters in a frantic attempt to find Fluttershy. Oprah and Olive are completely nonplussed, only reacting with "Off she goes again."

Perp Sweating: Oprah does this with all six ponies and Peaches in order to find out who destroyed the bullpen. She attempts to do this with Mandy, but doesn't get a chance to before the Bedroom is also found to be destroyed.

P.O.V. Cam: Mandy's memories of what happened to the Bedroom and the bullpen are shown directly from her viewpoint.

Properly Paranoid: Olive is suspicious about Natsu, believing that it can't be entirely innocent and worrying about how Mandy will react if it turns on her. She turns out to be right on the money when the Kir-bee wrecks part of Headquarters and blames Mandy for it, and she flies into a rage as a result when she finds out that it betrayed her.

Puppy-Dog Eyes: Natsu gives Mandy these when she scolds it for running away from her to bother Olive. It doesn't work, and Mandy counters by telling it that only she can do that, as she uses the trick to get Olive to make her signature strawberry pie.

Rejected Apology: Olive stutters out an apology to Mandy, who threatens to hurt her shoulder if she doesn't admit that she was wrong about her causing the destruction. The hybrid agent refuses to accept the apology and smashes the table instead, knocking everyone to the floor. It takes another more heartfelt apology as well as a note to get Mandy to forgive her, and everyone else.

Rhymes on a Dime: Oprah indulges in this at one point after Peaches fails to wake Mandy up, and lampshades it.

Ms. O: Let me guess, it wasn’t a success? No rhyme intended.

Series Continuity Error: Oprah mentions that Mandy doesn't sleepwalk. However, it was revealed that Mandy flew in her sleep at one point in "Cat Got Your Tail?".

Shout-Out: The Kir-bees look identical to the character they're named after, but have a few unique traits, such as screeching loudly when they're angry and being manipulative towards people.

Silent Treatment: Mandy gives this to Olive.

Strong as They Need to Be: Mandy uses her magic to pull Olive closer to her, despite having trouble holding her in "Pinkie Party". May be justified by the fact that she isn't holding Olive in mid-air, but rather, she's sliding her across the floor, which would be of less difficulty.

Suddenly Voiced: Natsu, who frequently speaks in chirps, screeches, and growls, is revealed to be able to speak when Mandy shows her friends what happened with the Bedroom and the bullpen being destroyed.

Supering in Your Sleep: Oprah explains how Mandy used to fire magic beams in her sleep after she first transformed into a pony-human hybrid, and how she and other agents helped her to stop doing so.

Take This Job and Shove It: During her fury-filled outburst, Mandy quits due to being mistreated by everyone, which is punctuated by her ripping her badge off of her suit.

This is Unforgivable!: The beginning of the episode shows Mandy having beaten up a stallion for hurting Pinkie Pie. If her explanation to Fluttershy about him being villainous is to be believed, she had every right to beat him up.

The Trickster: Kir-bees are known to be mischievous and manipulative, and don't get along well with other creatures. Mandy experiences this firsthand when Natsu, the Kir-bee she's tasked with caring for, shapeshifts into her and frames her for destruction of the Bedroom and the bullpen.

Unishment: Oprah's punishment for Mandy is to have her stay in her office for a week. However, due to the fact that Mandy is Really Fond of Sleeping, and the bullpen is in shambles anyway, the punishment is lessened slightly.

Unstoppable Rage: Mandy flies off the handle when she finds out what Natsu did. She doesn't just take it out on the creature, though -- she also takes it out on Olive, Otto, Ms. O and the ponies, even going so far as to split the Breakroom table in two before running off in tears.

Unsuccessful Pet Adoption: Fluttershy asks Mandy to take care of a Kir-bee she finds while she and Ocean do more research on it. Throughout the episode, Mandy falls in love with the creature and names it Natsu as she attempts to prevent it from causing much trouble. However, Natsu ends up framing Mandy for destruction she didn't cause, and as a result, she begins hating it as well as her friends, who all believe she wrecked the bullpen and the Bedroom. By the time the Kir-bee is returned to its native habitat, she feels little remorse for it and fully grasps what it's done to her.

Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Mandy's zooming around Headquarters every which way looking for Fluttershy? Olive and Oprah are completely nonplussed. Justified, since it's Odd Squad, and this sort of thing isn't uncommon when it comes to how Mandy acts.

Unwanted Assistance: Averted. Oprah, Peaches and Twilight all attempt to try and get Mandy to help them in stopping the eruption of the volcano in the Volcano Room, but can't wake her up from her nap. By the time Mandy does wake up and is cooking dinner for Olive, the trio have already solved the issue themselves.

Voluntary Shapeshifting: While it's not explained if this is a shared trait among its species, Natsu is shown to have the ability to do this, and turns into Mandy to destroy the bullpen and the Bedroom.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=An Odd Squad Gala]Rarity: All I wanted was to make this gala special for Ms. O. [sniff] I never meant to steal the show for myself with my outfits, but...part of what I love, being a fashion designer, is having creative freedom. Perhaps go overboard with my outfits, but I do it out of love and passion for what I do. [beat] I’m terribly sorry if you feel the way you do, but...please, do try to understand.

Written by Kate Carter

In honor of her leadership, Ms. O decides to host a gala for others to attend. While it garners many mixed reactions and stirs up old tension and drama, Agent Rarity is delighted and invites ponies from Equestria to join in, while overtaking the gala for herself.


All There in the Script: The first agent whom Mandy, Olive and Otto eavesdrop on, and who apologizes to Rarity later on, isn't named in the episode proper. However, the credits list her as "Omaria".

Apologizes a Lot: Downplayed. Oprah and Rarity don't just feel the need to apologize to each other, they also apologize to Mandy because the Gala was meant to be special to her as well, as Oprah's second-in-command. Naturally, Mandy forgives both of them.

Apology Gift: At Mandy's suggestion, Otto and Peaches bake a cake for Oprah to help cheer her up from the events of the Gala. Since she isn't a fan of cake, she only eats about a quarter of it, and gives the rest to Mandy at the end of the episode.

Ballroom Blitz: Oprah hosts a Jackalope Gala to honor her many years of leading Precinct 13579. However, things quickly turn sour when Rarity shows up with Canterlot elites, which Oprah didn't formally invite.

Berserk Button: It's implied that Rarity becomes a nightmare when going through a fashion crisis, although how she becomes a nightmare exactly isn't touched upon.

Brief Accent Imitation: In addition to changing her hair and tail, Mandy also adopts Rarity's accent when asking Olive about her dress. Olive also imitates the unicorn mare's accent, but only to get Mandy to stop her imitation.

Continuity Nod: Just like in the last episode, someone brings a cake in order to apologize for something. In this case, Otto and Peaches bring Oprah a cake to apologize for the disastrous Gala.

- Mandy brings up the time-travel adventure Otis, Olympia and Oona had when reminding Oprah of the last time an event was held in honor of her leadership. She then recites Twilight's comment about time-travel from "What About Discord?".

- Olive's proficiency at sewing Burly Bears uniforms, which was displayed in "Bad Luck Bears", is brought up by Olive herself when asking Mandy to make a dress for her.

- Mandy changes her hairstyle to that of Rarity's curls by using her wings, the same way Rainbow Dash styles her mane in "Newbie Dash".

- During the Gala, Oprah becomes worried for Mandy when she tries to speak and is unable to, stating that she doesn't want another odd outbreak occurring.

"Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: The agent whom apologizes to Rarity for her actions acknowledges that if she had told her about her concerns from the start and not talked ill about her behind her back, the tension would have been lifted.

Delayed Reaction: It takes a few moments for Mandy to wake up from her nap before she realizes that Peaches can sew.

Dope Slap: Mandy gives one to Peaches when she tells Oprah about Rarity inviting the Canterlot ponies to the Gala. She promptly returns it to sender by slapping her in the face to snap her out of her Nervous Wreck state.

Everybody Laughs Ending: The last shot is Mandy and Oprah sharing a laugh over the latter swallowing the former's cake.

Exact Eavesdropping: Olive, Otto and Mandy overhear a conversation between two agents about the Jackalope Gala as they compare it to previous events that Odd Squad has held and go up to Oprah's office to try and convince her to ban Rarity from the Gala due to her tendency to show off with her outfits. This is how the trio are clued in to what Rarity is supposedly doing at these events.

Expressive Hair: Mandy changes her hairstyle from her usual Pinkie Pie-like curls to Rarity's curls with just a sweep of her wings through her hair, while she uses magic to change her tail.

Foreshadowing: When addressing the attendees of the Jackalope Gala, Oprah brings up a "past stint" she had as an Odd Squad Director before losing the position, then becoming one for the second time in 1983. The full story of what happened during her first time being a Director isn't explored until "The War of Oddness".

Get a Hold of Yourself Man: Peaches slaps Mandy in the face when she begins freaking out over agents turning on her because Rarity invited other ponies.

Get Out!: One of the agents at the Gala tells Rarity to go with the Canterlot elites when they take their leave from the Gala, and others soon join in. Oprah, on the other hand, orders her to stay, leaving her conflicted on what to do.

Hair Reboot: All it takes for Mandy to restore her hair and tail back to its normal style after imitating someone is for her to inhale deeply and let it inflate with a loud pop.

Here We Go Again!: At the end of the episode, Mandy suggests that another Jackalope be held with just Odd Squad agents being invited and Rarity handling the outfits. Oprah and Rarity agree to the suggestion, and the episode ends with everyone having a good time at the second Gala.

Hidden Depths: Mandy isn't just able to imitate Rarity with a simple sweep of her wings and a few magical adjustments, but she's also a very competent Fashion Designer who can rival Rarity herself at the art. It's implied that she often helps out in Rarity's boutique located in Precinct 13579 on her off time.

- Similarly, Peaches is also revealed to design clothes as a hobby, and states that she made her trademark yellow dress herself. It's implied that she made clothes for the people of Vallea often, but no one cared for her designs since catgirls aren't into making themselves look fashionable.

Idiot Ball: When meeting Fancy Pants for the first time, Mandy becomes nervous and believes that everyone will blame her for Rarity bringing other ponies to the Gala and believes that if everyone hates Oprah, they will hate her as well since she is the precinct's second-in-command. Both Olive and Peaches call her out on her nonsensical logic.

It's All My Fault: Played with. While Oprah states that both she and Rarity are at fault for how disastrous the Gala turned out to be, her words to Otto and Peaches make it seem very much like she's placing the blame on herself for not clarifying who was invited and who was not in the first place.

I Will Find You: Olive, Otto, Mandy and Oprah all attempt to find Rarity when she goes missing. None of them manage to do so, and don't see her until after the Gala begins.

Jumped at the Call: Being a party planner by nature, Pinkie immediately jumps at the opportunity to help plan the Jackalope Gala. According to Oprah, she made it known by outright demanding that she take the job.

Pinkie: Aww, don’t worry! You made the right choice hiring me for the party planning committee!
Ms. O: [deadpan] I didn’t hire you. You came up to me and demanded you help me.
Pinkie: Eh, same thing!

Laser Hallway: Downplayed. Mandy has her dress protected by invisible lasers and says that she "takes no chances" when Peaches is dubious.

Nervous Wreck: Mandy becomes one shortly after meeting Fancy Pants for the first time, to the point where she becomes completely tongue-tied when Oprah approaches her and the others and can only speak in strangled choking noises and inarticulate yells.

OOC is Serious Business: Numerous characters comment on how Rarity being away from Odd Squad for a long time is unlike her.

- Mandy, known for being an upbeat Genki Girl, becomes serious and authoritative when the Gala is brought to a standstill, and starts giving out orders to other agents in a melancholy tone of voice.

- A more positive example occurs with Oprah offering Rarity a juice box near the end of the episode, with Rarity commenting in surprise that she's never offered her one before (since she tends to hog them for herself).

Overworked Sleep: Mandy manages to fall asleep at her sewing machine after finishing dresses for Oprah and Rarity, leading Peaches to work on Olive's and team up with her to work on the other ponies' dresses.

Present Absence: Following Oprah's announcement about the Jackalope Gala, Rarity disappears, and a majority of the plot consists of everyone attempting to find her while simultaneously worrying about what she'll do during the gala. It's eventually revealed that she had been busy spread the word to various Canterlot elites, who come to the event, much to Oprah's chagrin as she kicks them out shortly after they arrive.

Shaming the Mob: When Rarity and Oprah both leave the Gala upset, Mandy calls out everyone for their mistreatment of the former, saying that if they had an issue with Rarity, they should have talked about it with her. She also orders the agent who complained about Rarity and the Gala earlier to apologize to the mare.

She Cleans Up Nicely: Mandy arrives at the Gala, and every head turns to look at her. One agent even comments that she looks like a princess, and Olive and Otto both address her as such before she tells them there's no need for formalities.

- Peaches' outfit for the Gala also manages to turn some heads. She admits that she and Mandy had a fashion challenge with making the ponies' dresses, with the latter coming out on top.

- The Mane 6 themselves look quite stunning in their own dresses, with Olive calling them "regal".

Shoddy Shindig: The Jackalope Gala is this from the start, as agents have mixed reactions about it when Oprah announces it. This is due to Rarity constantly stealing the show with her clothing designs at every party Odd Squad hosts, which puts many on edge and spurs Mandy, Olive and Otto to take action when she suddenly goes missing following the announcement.

Simple, yet Opulent: Olive's outfit is relatively simple, with only a waist ribbon and a flower hair dec for accessories, but she still manages to look regal for an Odd Squad Director.

- Otto's tuxedo also qualifies, as the only outstanding feature on it is a purple bowtie, but the outfit perfectly befits someone of his rank.

Suddenly SHOUTING!: Olive goes from mimicking Rarity's accent as she confides in Mandy to her normal voice as she shouts for her to stop imitating Rarity.

Team Spirit: When talking to Rarity, Olive suggests that she work together with Mandy if an outfit doesn't seem right for an event, since the two of them are Fashion Designers.

Olive: Believe in your friends, Rarity.

Terrible Artist: Oprah asks Mandy to make a dress for her, and gives her a list of things she wishes to have on it. The sketch she makes leaves the Director squinting in confusion before bluntly telling her that it's illegible. As she leaves, she asks Oprah to recite the features she wants on her dress.

Theme Tune Cameo: At the beginning of the episode, Mandy is humming the Odd Squad theme song while sewing.

There is No Kill Like Overkill: Rarity has this approach when it comes to fashion, as she goes overboard with designing her clothes for every single Odd Squad gathering. It becomes a flaw for her when other agents express hesitance about the Gala and view her party outfits as her trying to outshine others and be a show-off, and later call her out on ruining the event when Oprah kicks out the Canterlot elite ponies and declares it to be over.

Twisted Ankle: Played with in the literal sense -- Mandy ends up twisting her ankle when the agents at the Gala begin to riot against Rarity. As she has wings, however, she flies to avoid aggravating the injury.

Uninvited to the Party: While Oprah initially doesn't say anything about Canterlot elite ponies being uninvited to the Gala, when they actually arrive, she makes it clear that they are unwelcome and kicks them out.

Well-Intentioned Extremist: Rarity invited ponies from Canterlot to attend the Jackalope Gala in order to make it one of the most historic events in Odd Squad history, and to make it special for Oprah. Unfortunately, this backfires on her due to the fact that the other ponies weren't explicitly invited in the first place, as Oprah wants nothing to do with befriending other ponies apart from the Mane Six. It's implied that with other events supposedly ruined by Rarity, she had good intentions, but her tendency to go overboard on things made everyone dislike her instead.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Pretty Fly for a Hybrid]Mandy: Can you teach me?!
Peaches: Teach.
Mandy: Yes!
Peaches: You.
Mandy: Yes!
Peaches: How to fly with a tail?
Mandy: Ye-e-eesss!
Peaches: [sighs] You’re going to keep asking until I say yes, aren’t you?
Mandy: [giggles]

Written by Tom Walker

When Mandy notices Peaches flying using her tail as a propeller, she inquires about using her own tail to fly. Peaches gives Mandy lessons but constantly criticizes her, with Pinkie Pie also attempting to teach her later on but failing, leaving her wondering if she'll ever have a unique way of flying.


All Animals Are Dogs: When Mandy sees Peaches flying for the first time, her tail furiously wags back and forth like an excited puppy.

Amusing Injuries: Downplayed. After trying and failing to learn with Peaches as her teacher, Mandy comes back to Headquarters in a state of disrepair, with her tail kinked, bruises and dirt all over her body, and an inability to walk normally. For the cherry on top, she breaks down and cries from Peaches' stressful teaching.

Ask a Stupid Question...: When Olive and Otto bring Mandy's stir-fry dinner to her and find her talking in her sleep, this exchange happens.

Otto: Is she dreaming about flying with her tail?
Olive: Nah, she’s probably dreaming of sending a villain far far away by spinning their tail and flinging ‘em.
Otto: Okay, well, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that sarcasm, thank you.

Bear Hug: A relieved Olive gives Mandy one of these after she breaks her fall and prevents her death.

Brick Joke: While falling, Mandy takes the time to write out a will and testament. When she saves herself and is told by Dr. O that her wingbone simply popped, she teleports the will and testament into existence and tosses it out the same way.

Butt-Monkey: Poor Mandy just can't catch a break in her quest to fly with her tail. She even lampshades it at one point.

Calling Your Nausea: While flying on her own without the use of the hoop, Mandy lifts herself up to the height of a tree branch that Peaches points out just before her tail gets caught on the branch and she gets tangled up. While she says she's going to be sick, it cuts to the next scene before she vomits.

Chekhov's Skill: Mandy learning how to fly using her tail pays off when a last-minute attempt to do so due to her wing popping ends up breaking her fall.

Comically Missing the Point: Mandy does this often during Peaches' and Pinkie's lessons due to her tendency to get sidetracked.

Continuity Nod: Oprah recites her "It's important that we do nice things for ourselves" message from "Reindeer Games" at one point.

*Crack!* "Oh, My Back!": When Mandy wakes up from her impromptu nap in Oprah's office, her spine cracks, and she winces before she remarks on how she's not elderly.

Delayed Reaction: In Mandy's nightmare, she doesn't initially realize she's falling and has no wings until a couple seconds later.

- Pinkie comes up to Mandy and greets her, talking about how she tried to wake her but was unable to. Mandy's response is a rather apathetic "Hey, Pinkie" before she realizes who she's talking to.

Determinator: Mandy is absolutely dead-set on learning to fly with her tail. When Peaches explains the situation to Olive, Otto, Ms. O and Twilight, a Flashback shows a battered and bruised Mandy still raring to try again in spite of her current state and Peaches telling her it's foolish to do so. Ms. O even tells Twilight later on that if Mandy truly can't fly with her tail, then the Big O himself would have to try and convince her.

Dreaming of Things to Come: Played with. Due to her obsession over flying with her tail, Mandy has a nightmare where she is falling to the ground and has no wings to stop her fall, instead having to rely on flying with her tail to save her. She does so successfully, using her tail to float off of the ground briefly. The climax of the episode has Mandy experiencing the same thing, only with a lack of ability to fly using her wings due to her wingbone popping rather than simply not having them. However, Pinkie doesn't berate her like she does in her nightmare, and is absent when the disaster occurs.

Easily Forgiven: Peaches apologizes to Mandy for being too hard on her and not giving her a second chance to try flying differently. Mandy's response is that unless Peaches is getting her Chocolate Moo-Moo Surprise drink, she wants to go to bed and get some sleep, which Peaches takes as an acceptance of her apology.

Failure Montage: One occurs as Pinkie attempts to teach Mandy how to fly with her tail spinning downwards rather than upwards.

Famous Last Words: "Momma...gomen'nasai...koreha sayōnaradesu…" or "I'm sorry, this is goodbye" -- spoken by Mandy as she plummets to her death. Luckily, she doesn't die, and her attempt to fly using her tail ends up saving her from hitting the ground.

Go-to-Sleep Ending: The episode ends with Peaches and Mandy going to their rooms to get some sleep.

Hammerspace: While Mandy has this ability due to being an Odd Squad agent, Peaches does not since she doesn't work for the organization. As a result, she is unable to use gadgets to pull Mandy back down to the ground when she spins a hula hoop around her tail fast enough to lift her off the ground and into the air.

Heli-Critter: Peaches is able to fly short distances using her tail in this fashion. When Mandy sees her doing so, she inquires about using her own tail to fly and asks her cousin to teach her how to, but her style of teaching proves to be too rough for the hybrid and she breaks down in tears when she returns to Headquarters. She then goes to Pinkie, who has the same ability as Peaches, for assistance, but that also has disastrous results. Eventually Mandy learns to fly by using her tail as a propeller to float a little ways off the ground, which breaks her fall from the sky after her wingbone pops.

I Just Want to Be Special: One of Mandy's motivations for wanting to fly with her tail is that she wants a skill that's unique to her and her alone. While she can fly with her wings (which Peaches and Pinkie don't have), she also wants to use her tail so she can impress others.

Injured Limb Episode: Downplayed. At the climax of the episode, when Mandy flies away from Pinkie Pie crying, her wing pops with a Sickening "Crunch!" which sends her plummeting to the ground. Olive and Otto, who are walking by, see her falling and attempt to rescue her using a tarp, but soon realize that they can't get to her in time. Mandy is eventually saved in a last-ditch effort to fly in an alternative manner by using her tail as a propeller to float off of the ground, and Dr. O instructs her to keep off the wing for a few days to let it heal.

Ironic Fear: Mandy, a pony-human hybrid who is classified as an alicorn, used to be afraid of heights. She remarks that falling from the sky without any way to keep herself afloat may reignite that fear. It's justified by the fact that Mandy isn't a biological alicorn.

Literal Metaphor: Lampshaded by Mandy when helping a woman who is half-lobster.

Mandy: And, uh, might I suggest you eat less lobster? “You are what you eat” has a few more… [clears throat] ...literal connotations in this world.

Mistaken for Dying: Dr. O examines Mandy's wing and tells her that it's just as he expected. She responds in kind by worriedly asking him if she's dying.

Nightmare Sequence: Mandy has one in the form of a Catapult Nightmare where she is plummeting to the ground and can't use her wings to save herself since she doesn't have any. While she manages to save herself with a last-ditch effort in using her tail to fly and realizes that she's dreaming, Pinkie Pie criticizes the feat and berates her for not listening to Peaches. Before Mandy can explain herself, the ground underneath her crumbles and she begins falling, but doesn't have her wings nor her tail to break her fall. She then bolts upright in bed and wakes up, remarking on how her suspicions were right and the entire ordeal was a nightmare.

Not the Fall That Kills You: Mandy falls from the sky at quite a high distance, but is ultimately saved by using her tail as a downwards propeller. Neither her nor her tail suffer from any injury. apart from her wingbone popping.

Ocular Gushers: Mandy cries two huge waterfalls of tears upon returning to Headquarters after her disastrous learning session with Peaches. It gets to such a point where Twilight conjures up an umbrella for her, Olive, Otto and Ms. O to share as they rush out of the latter's office, and it's mentioned that Mandy once flooded an entire interrogation room by crying.

Phrase Catcher: "You/she just continues to surprise us" is starting to become a popular phrase when referring to Mandy and her unpredictability -- not only does Otto say it to Olive, but Peaches says it to Mandy herself at the end of the episode.

Reality Ensues: Peaches vents about Mandy being a terrible student and how she is unable to fly with her tail due to the fact that her tail is too large. Oprah fires back by telling her that it was only a mere day of training -- of course Mandy isn't magically skilled at flying with her tail yet. Her words fall on deaf ears, however, as Peaches storms off in a huff.

- Mandy realizes that she can't fly with her tail like Pinkie can despite the tails being the same shape due to the fact that Mandy is heavier than Pinkie. This is subverted at the climax of the episode when she finally becomes able to.

Running Away to Cry: After her learning session with Pinkie falls through, Mandy snaps at her and flies away in tears (using her wings, not her tail).

Shout-Out: When Olive asks what Mandy wants for dinner and she responds by saying she wants stir-fry, Olive remarks, "Daring today, aren't we?"

Sickening "Crunch!": One is heard when Mandy attempts to fly using her tail, only for a bone in her tail to crack and for her to stop spinning it, which causes her to fall to the ground.

- When Mandy is flying and berating herself for lacking the ability to fly with her tail, her wingbone pops hard enough for her to start falling before she attempts to keep herself afloat with her other wing.

Spit Take: Olive sees Mandy falling from the sky, and promptly spits out her soda in pure shock.

Stern Teacher: Peaches falls under this for the most part. While she doesn't go easy on Mandy and isn't afraid to rant to others about the hybrid's inability to focus, it's clear that she loves her and even apologizes to her at the end when she does manage to fly with her tail.

The Tell: Otto can easily tell that Olive is bothered with thoughts of Mandy just by looking at her.

Otto: All right, dish.
Olive: Huh?
Otto: Something about Mandy is bothering you, isn’t it?
Olive: N-no! [scoffs] What makes you think that?
Otto: I know my partner well enough. It’s about her flying, isn’t it?
Olive: [sighs] Yeah.

"Well Done, Son!" Guy: Played with. Since Precinct 13579's agents serve the role as Mandy's family, her wanting to fly with her tail so she can impress them can fall under this trope. However, Olive, her adoptive mother, explains to her that she's already proud of her as it is and she doesn't need to impress her or anyone else.

Why Are You Looking at Me Like That?: After Peaches leaves the group to give herself a bath, everyone turns to look at Olive.

Olive: Why are you all looking at me like that?
Ms. O: You’re Mandy’s mother.
Olive: Adoptive mother.
Otto: Surely you can help calm her down!
Olive: [groans] Fine…if I must.

[spoiler=The Boss`s Assistant]Mandy: Even if I have pony blood in me, that doesn’t mean that I’m just a pony, or just a human! It’s possible to be both! And Peaches...she’s a catgirl. A mix of a cat, and a human. And she’s human-like just like me! [spits] You have such a black-and-white viewpoint that you refuse to have any sort of moral standards! You want a regime where humans thrive, and ponies are their subordinates. [takes her hammer out and bangs it on the ground] Well I refuse to let that happen! As long as I’m alive, I’ll never let you go through with your stupid plan.

Written by Seren Dipity

The Big O comes to visit, and decides to take Agent Twilight Sparkle with him to help him out in his office promoting her to the role of "Big O's Assistant". However, it's soon made clear that there is more to him than meets the eye, and soon, Twilight is caught in the midst of change -- a world where humans rule and ponies drool. Can Odd Squad stop him before it's too late?[/spoiler]

we're lost in a dream now
marmy odd squad connoisseur dump wattpad current sparta base [abbr=pats you - Pyre | you are a kratt | you're a kratt | boogie woogie woogie | hoot follows rules | joey loves you <3]staff love[/abbr]

I'm a rule breaker - Pyre
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