MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - Printable Version

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MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - south - 01-25-2017

hey guys! the staff team would like to introduce ourselves so y'all know who we are!! here at bearbones, staff is here to keep the site running and protect and help the members; you can pm any of us for any issues or questions you may have!

the team consists of:
our gorgeous overlord: eulophia

she's sure worked her butt off in getting this site to where it is now, and have never failed to help me truly achieve my dream of getting bearbones up! i'd like to personally thank her here <33

also, i'd like to give a big shoutout to [member=4]aporia.[/member], who coded a great majority of the site's current theme!!

i'm eskie, the admin/creator of bb. i'd like to also thank everyone who has joined so far or told their friends about us! bb is honestly a dream come true, and i'm going to ensure it stays a dream come true! :^)

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - sultan - 01-25-2017

ew it's the staff
jk i know most of y'all already and i love u v much

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - fangs - 01-25-2017

esk you're too kind <33

i'm fangs, i coded the things such as the mini profile you see and what it looks like when you quote posts and put things in a code tag. i enjoy music from top, p!atd, halsey, that poppy and marina and the diamonds and i also compose my own songs from time to time. if you ever need anyone to talk to just about anything i'm happy to talk to all of you and get to know you all!

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - crows - 01-25-2017

b a n n e d

kisses esk

hey there guys gals and nonbinary pals, i'm crows! i'm a sixteen year old mess that currently runs riverclan, and is the proud (ish) creator of possibly the worst family in existence. i have no clue how the actual hell i managed to get onto the staff, except maybe for my devilish charm. i'm fond of twenty one pilots, marina and the diamonds, imagine dragons, and anything related to aliens or death note. i'm totally up to be chatted with at any time, i'm pretty friendly i swear. i'm on pacific time (usually i get more active around 2 or 5), so please keep that in mind when messaging me. <3

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - ashen - 01-25-2017

im felix!!

mostly ive been writing guides and I worked on giving us a coding guide (its still a wip tho whoops)
I've been putting togethe a lot of the new world, the human based main game! ofc I had a lot of help, a lot of ppl contributed to the guides and the loner lands guide was written by pari on their own!! anyway, uhhh

I really love a lot of things i read a lot and listen to a lot of music and uhhhh im in love w mettaton whoops

im trans and queer and 19 and if y'all need someone to talk to, staff-related or no, id be glad to help <3

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - deer - 01-25-2017

aaaa it's the staff
my parents i wheeze

bless all of u for creating this wonderful place
if y'all (to staff && everyone) ever wanna chat and probably witness me melting down in spanish hmu <333

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - trailhead - 01-25-2017

ooo dabby

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - aporia - 01-25-2017

hello all! i'm aporia, and i coded a lot of the site's theme. i've been working in html for close to three years now, whether it be on tumblr making themes, or experimenting with web design for classes. i also write a lot and take pictures and code templates to use for posting as well as bios and such. i'm a really nice guy (at least i think i am) so if you ever need a template recoded, reworked for bearbones if you're transferring from feralfront, something doesn't work, or just need anything coding related, don't be afraid to message me. my pms are always open to the bearbones family. c:

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - joey - 01-25-2017

Hey guys I'm Joey, aka the idea guy. I feel like I contributed the least to the website honestly but I'm thrilled to be a part of the team nevertheless. What I did do was help wrote the windclan guide (which is going to be led by yours truly), throw out lots of random ideas to make the site more friendly like the announcement archive, the group wide plot code thing (as you can all tell I'm not good with words), and this thread, and tbh I'm definitely the comedic relief of the staffers. I'm an 18 year old deaf dude who loves to write and honestly just good around. Feel free to shoot me, or any of the other staff member a message/tag us in a post if you need anything. I'm super glad to be on the team that's leading such a great group of people on a great website c:

Re: MEET THE STAFF TEAM!! - skullcrow - 01-25-2017

[justify]o shit waddup i'm late + ashjskmf ty esk aaa

heLLO MY FELLOW,, BEARBONITES,, i'm skullcrow, aka skull, aka kinky mckinkerâ„¢ (dON'T ASK or do, idm). i'm a 14-year-old queer filipino who has done absolutely nothing thus far, aside from keeping up team morale, but will absolutely pull his weight when the situation calls for it translation: leT ME BE USEFUL. i'm a demiboy and i prefer he/him pronouns (generally being referred to as a binary male is preferrable) but they/them is fine. i'm a dc person and i will defend the dceu to the dEATH. i'm lowkey straight for diana prince + gAY AS ALL HELL FOR CAVILL!CLARK'S PUPPY FACE.

it may take me a while to get around to them due to timezone differences, but my inbox is always open to messages <3