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Redeveloping Bearbones - truce. - 11-17-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 7pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]So as promised, here is a thread to discuss how BB can move forward from here! Activity is definitely an issue at the moment, so redeveloping the site might just be the best way to go in order to find something that everyone would be interested in writing. Any decisions will be 100% member-led, and we can all vote on where we want to see BB go in the future. 

So just my thoughts at the moment... Personally I don't think that making an entire new game is the best way to go just yet but this doesn't mean it can't be an option for in the future. I'd LOVE to see a new game one day, so working on activity in TNW first would be paramount to make that a reality without stretching people too thin.

I do like the idea of focussing on the two main groups for a little while. Of course the other groups will still be around but for the meantime the focus of the story could revolve around the relationship between Flintlock & Badlands and peoples' lives in those groups. Since I'm currently leading both groups, I'd really like to give someone else the chance to take on the role of leader to guide the groups in a new direction! I'm more than willing for Eddie to step down in FL so that someone else can encourage change in the group! Since Finny and I still have so many ideas for BL, I'd love for us to continue leading at least for a while.

Staff have been toying with the idea of a huge change to push TNW into an entire new era and perhaps this will ignite a bunch of new plots. We were wondering what people thought about electricity beginning to return to TNW slowly but surely as they try to bring modern civilisation back to life. Of course it wouldn't be something that would happen overnight, nor something that will just magically happen - it would have to be something similar to how electricity was harnessed the first time. After all, electricity is a natural force; it will always exist in the world, it just needs to be reintroduced into the world after the devastation of the blackout. If it started with something as simple as electric street lights being put up, small changes to start to rebuild a life that will actually never be the same again.

It would be really interesting to see how TNW could invent a whole new meaning to "modern life" because it will never be the same as it was before, but it could be a new direction in creating a new definition of modern life. They could no longer be entirely in the dark ages, but with the slow revival of a electricity powered world it could come with whole new challenges. Will groups be willing to work together to develop new transport networks, electrical powered medical devices, radio communication etc.? It was mentioned that a lot of our characters barely know life with electricity so adapting to that kind of life could be interesting.

If people aren't keen on the idea, then it would be great to hear any other ideas on something that can massively shift in TNW to encourage more activity!

I just wanted to throw out those ideas but I'm really interested to hear what you guys want to see done in TNW and in BB as a whole!

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - Beatles. - 11-17-2022

I think I could go either way with regard to a new game being set up right away or not! I understand wanting to focus on one aspect of the roleplay at a time and I think it's important to do so as we wouldn't want to spread ourselves too thin. With that being said, I think that having the option to roleplay in another universe would be nice but also if it's implemented further down the line that's cool too. When I originally brought up the idea, I just wasn't sure if there were any ideas for TNW going forward and figured that could be a backup option.

Even if we did make a new game, it definitely doesn't have to be as complex or lore-heavy as TNW and could have a simpler plot as not to take away from TNW. I do think that if there's enough interest for a side game then I don't see why it couldn't be explored, especially if it's member-led so there's no pressure on staff or anything. Sometimes I have OCs that might not translate well into TNW's universe, for example, so that could be another place where folks could write and experiment with a new concept. And hey, I mean, if that gets the site more posts then that's not a bad thing! What I'm basically saying that, if there's an "other rp" game that garners enough interest, then having the option for a backboard and an on-site spotlight would be cool!! I know that the "other roleplay" board and old-school style threads with sign-ups/single rp threads are still a thing but I do feel like those die out quicker because of the lack of a board.

I think the problem with TNW for years (I remember this personally being a complaint of mine and several others back in like... 2018-19) was that there was no progression civilization-wise and I think that introducing electricity is the plot that the game needs as an ultimate game-changer so!! I'm definitely on board with that. I personally don't think I'm in a position to lead atm but I'm staring super hard at this plot!

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - south - 11-17-2022

[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify;line-height:1.2;font-size:9pt;"]i'm so excited for this first off! i can't wait to write w everyone again and help revive a new/transformed main game!

i agree condensing is going to be a big problem-solver when it comes to not spreading the member base so thin between multiple tnw groups or main games right now, though i agree that would be very fun if the member base grows! i think it would be fun to condense the groups, maybe to either just FL and BL, or one big conglomerate group (maybe a plot of the groups all begrudgingly merging into one due to lack of resources or people?), or even one group like BL and then maybe a group-less "group" thats maybe either a democracy/anarchy without much form to it? idk, but that concept is kinda fun to play w/ too.

i also don't mine either improving tnw or starting a new game, either. to add to beatles, i think maybe if we do tnw as the main game still, we could encourage the ability to make "other rp" boards if anyone has ideas for those after getting interest checks. kind of like backboards but in their own separate category and they have their own individual worlds/plots! that could be really cool. spotlighting them in the site header and such! badges/events of their own j like main game but on a smaller scale. just to give people variety but not spread members so thin.

i like the idea of the main game progress happening w electricity/modern life slowly being rebuilt. a whole industrial revolution arc in their own way would be fun to flesh out. eventually maybe groups/people specializing in like their own buisnesses? leaders being like industrial tyrants etc would be a fun concept. factions of loner lands being known for like gas production, mechanic work, solar expertise, etc! people coming together to craft and work out these new devices etc. love it.

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - allthekingsmen - 11-17-2022

I'm happy to see some activity! Big Grin

I haven't been around nearly as long or as much as many others have, so I'm unsure how much my input or feedback would be worth, but here are some of my thoughts:

Condensing groups makes a lot of sense; I personally love having a bunch of choice in where to stick my OCs and plots, and have a lot of fun molding characters to fit their specific surroundings, so I'm not super enthused about that idea, but, logically speaking, it's way easier to manage and, considering the quality of writing I've seen around here, I'm sure that each character's story and the overarching plot(s) will still be equally as engaging and interesting—or even more so, because there'll be a stronger sense of community and connection. TL;DR: sounds good, makes sense, onward ho!

Considering a new game vs. building on TNW: I think improving TNW would be pretty nice—there's a lot to explore and create, especially with these iterations of characters on the roster, so I'd be hesitant on having something else next to it, since, as you mentioned, activity is still pretty low. Having a new game pulled up after the user base grows a bit, though, is definitely interesting, and I'm intrigued as to what's in store for that!

The slow introduction of electricity and more modern life is definitely awesome to me! Lots of opportunities and unique situations can spring up in the wake of that, both plot- and character-wise, so I don't see any downsides to that, as far as I can tell. Double thumbs up!

In general, all of these developments seem interesting and I'm definitely inclined to see them through. My schedule as of late has been super clogged with schoolwork, though, and I'm not experienced at all with Bearbones or the overarching storylines of TNW, though, so I probably won't be taking center stage (or anywhere near that) anytime soon Tongue Regardless: I'm excited and can't wait to see what comes next.

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - finny. - 11-17-2022

track for rn!! so hype

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - Cas - 11-26-2022

Vibrates in excitement

I also agree that condensing and continuing with TNW are both smart moves!! Maybe further down the line, once plot ideas have run their course we can think about starting over but there's still so much potential and I think it'd be a shame to waste it. And definitely either a simpler, less lore heavy human RP or an animal RP on the backboards for people looking for something more casual! I think it's also important to think about places to advertise, since a lot of the old member base probably won't be coming back. I was toying with the idea of advertising on the warrior cats forums, and I know Chicken Smoothie is a site that was kinda tied to feralfront back in the day so it may be worth advertising there? Feel free to lmk if yall have any ideas! I'm just so happy to be back and im rotating my characters 360 degrees in my head at all times

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - truce. - 11-26-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for completing the forms to decide which direction BB should go in!

82% of participants agreed that groups should be merged together with some sort of plot involved. So, it has been in discussion the idea of splitting groups up as FL, ND, BP & VW forming as one big conglomerate group whilst BL remains its own power. Instead of a sole leader in the conglomerate group, it will be led by representatives from each group, usually the most upstanding citizens as spokespeople. It will become a group led by democracy, left in the hands of the people's vote rather than a sole leader.

And, we have an idea for how this all comes to be: a natural disaster that destroys group resources & infrastructure so the four groups come together to build from the bottom up a new place where all groups can offer their niche skillsets for the betterment of the conglomerate group as a whole. After the natural disaster, members in the groups would have three choices they could make: they could go solo and leave all groups behind, they can join the conglomerate group and build a settlement from nothing, or cave in to BL's promises of a more civilised but autocratic life with them.

It will cause tensions between the new group and BL because its premise seems to entirely juxtapose BL's current ideals so they will most certainly see rising tensions (and many opportunities for plots!).

91% of participants wanted to see a new game in the future. The general consensus is that most people would like to see a new game set up in the future once the member base starts steadily improving again. Ideas such as reviving WNR or starting a new game such as a supernatural game are some suggestions brought up. I know that there is already "Halfmoon County" in "Other Roleplay" that is a very well developed supernatural game that people can involve themselves in - otherwise, in the future we can easily make more small scale games like we have done with HM.

100% of participants agreed that it would be a good idea for electricity to begin to return to TNW! This means that it's fair to say that we can probably get started on plotting for that to happen in the near future! Introducing electricity again can bring about many plots - short term and long term - so I hope you're all as excited as I am for this! There is currently a group of researchers in ND that have been trying to rediscover electricity to build the world up from nothing again - some have been working on this for months, others for years - and so there is the idea that this group is who discovered it again, before being captured by BL so that BL can be the group to benefit from the electricity first for their own selfish needs. This could inspire the conglomerate group more than ever to work together to develop their "for the greater good" kind of civilisation before BL manages to develop their "self-serving" kind of civilisation.

BL had their moment to shine in reintroducing monetary currency in the form of "bones" to TNW, now its the new group's turn to shine.

Lastly, several participants have suggested the idea of increased advertising. Admittedly this was something that dwindled as time went on, and it's something that staff need to start working on again! As well as that, staff also need to update site guides in order to make the game easier to understand, which are all suggestions that I promise to work on for the site.

Anyways, thank you to all those who participated, and I'd love to hear if you have any more ideas or want to add onto anything I've said in this post!

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - subject_topside - 11-27-2022

[div style="overflow: auto; width:400px; min-height: 10px; background-color:transparent; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; color: black; margin-top: 5px; padding-top: 5px;"]
[align=center][shadow=#f56b2c,left]GETTIN' HICKEYS FROM MY BED BUGS,[/shadow]
[div style="color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; width: 395px; border-top: 3px solid #f56b2c; padding-right: 5px"]

I have nothing of importance to add, so I'm tracking!! All of these ideas are really good so far, I'm so excited to see where BB goes :]

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - south - 12-11-2022

[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify;line-height:1.2;font-size:9pt;"]love all these ideas 100% of course. i'm so excited for this. i think it'll really work out to be a great plot that we can continue long time as electricity and inventions continue to be created and the tensions between the conglomerate group and BL play out.

i think we should have a separate place to plot the new group's design with everyone interested. either discord or on bb?

Re: Redeveloping Bearbones - truce. - 12-11-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]
(12-11-2022, 06:11 AM)south link Wrote:[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify;line-height:1.2;font-size:9pt;"]i think we should have a separate place to plot the new group's design with everyone interested. either discord or on bb?

Oh yeah for sure!! I can make a thread in a bit to develop the new conglomerate group, hm wait-

Okay nvm I actually just made the new thread so head over to the plotting thread to further develop the new group! GHJKFHL

Anyways, I also wanted to provide a few updates since my last post on here...

Quote:Lastly, several participants have suggested the idea of increased advertising. Admittedly this was something that dwindled as time went on, and it's something that staff need to start working on again! As well as that, staff also need to update site guides in order to make the game easier to understand, which are all suggestions that I promise to work on for the site.

Okay so we have started advertising the site again. So far it's only staff doing so but if any members would also like to contribute when/if they come across any other sites, feel free to use this template for any advertising purposes.

As well as this, I have updated the Guide to TNW so hopefully it is easier to understand the game's concept!

Also many thanks to South for being in charge of BB's reworked theme! You may be able to tell by now that we have a cute new skeleton bear mascot so any name ideas for him would be appreciated GJHJLKL