
CULTURE Vampires have gained an infamous reputation due to their vengeful origins. Today, they are seen as violent, greedy, and apathetic. Old time vampires are especially regarded this way, though many modern vampires are changing the tides today, more likely to regard themselves as vegetarians (only drinking animal blood) or vigilantes (only feeding on problematic humans).
> TRANSITIONING A vampiric transition is an excruciatingly painful process. To successfully turn a human into a vampire, an existing vampire must bite/draw blood from the human, then wound themselves and force the human to drink their blood as well. Vampiric blood will stay in a human’s system for 24 hours, and within those 24 hours, the human will then die. They will come back to life in up to 1 hour, and will be known as a “new blood” in this state. They will feel extreme hunger, become nauseated by food, develop a heightened sensitivity to their senses, and often become irrational. A new blood must then choose either death, or to submit to the hunger and feed on a human to fulfill their transition.
> APPEARANCES Vampires do not visibly appear any different from humans unless provoked in some manner. They have the gift of eternal life, in which they do not age from the time they are turned. Vampires also have red eyes and fangs, but these characteristics are only revealed when a vampire feeds or becomes triggered by the scent/sight of blood.
> ABILITIES Vampires vary in their power, and these abilities are learned, and thus better honed with experience. They can possess enhanced strength and speed, manipulation/hypnosis, and regenerative healing. Vampires can hypnotize humans only by looking them in their eyes and focusing, using their words to command the human, though they cannot hypnotize a human to harm themselves. Their regenerative healing time is also directly correlated to the seriousness of the injury sustained.
> WEAKNESSES Many things can harm or impair a vampire’s abilities, such as direct sunlight causing third degree burns, vervain (an herb) weakening and burning a vampire when touched/ingested and preventing hypnosis/manipulation when consumed, wooden bullets severely harming vampires, and a stake through the heart killing a vampire and turning them to ash. Vampires also cannot consume human food without having to expel these meals shortly after, as their digestive system is meant only to consume blood. Vampires cannot enter a human household without being invited in. This rule only applies to a household currently owned by a human- it does not apply to abandoned houses or houses owned by the supernatural. Their only preventable weakness is sunlight damage- if a vampire hires the help of a witch to bind an object with a spell to allow said vampire to walk in the sun, they can wear this article on them to prevent damage sunlight causes them. This can be a small stone they place in an item of jewelry, for example. These vampires are referred to as daywalkers, and those without this ability, as nightwalkers. With witches now having died out, newly turned vampires must now inherit this item from others before them, or avoid daytime altogether.
> POWER OF BLOOD Vampiric blood possesses extremely strong healing powers to humans, just as human blood possesses extremely strong healing powers to vampires. This means a vampire can wound themselves and offer/force a wounded human to drink their blood as a means to heal them just as their own regenerative healing works. This applies to wounds only, not sicknesses.
werewolvesharbingershalfmoon countydiscord

Re: A GUIDE TO VAMPIRES - south - 07-25-2022



> are there child vampires in HMC?
no, all vampires must be 18+ minimum. if a vampire were to attempt to turn a child, say to save their life, the transition would fail, and the child would simply die. their body, not fully grown and adult, would reject the transition.

> can vampires eat normal food?
yes, technically, though they take no nutrition from it and have to soon dispel of it from their system. a vampire will usually only eat human food if they feel their cover is being tested somehow.

> can vampires conceive?
no, all vampires are infertile at the time of their transition. if an individual is pregnant at the time of their transition, they will miscarry the baby due to their dietary change.

> do vampires sleep?
they can sleep, but they do not need to. as their body has different needs, sleep does not restore their energy. although, many vampires swear by sleeping as it does give their minds a break if they feel overwhelmed/stressed. and no, they do not sleep in coffins or upside down (unless they really wanted to.)

> are vampires cold to the touch?
slightly. they are not startlingly freezing, as their body still functions and beats. they are slightly colder due to the fact they are dead, but kept alive by otherworldly factors.

> does a vampire become more alluring/attractive after their transition?
in a way. they do not change much appearance wise except for no longer suffering human ailments- such as blemishes, aging, and minor injuries. however, a vampire does gain a heightened attractive quality to them, as they are meant to lure their prey in. humans will find themselves more drawn to vampires than others.

> what happens when a vampire bites werewolf/harbinger?
(there are no hybrids in hmc) because of their regenerative properties and otherworldly origins, harbingers and werewolves are immune to vampire venom. however, this does not mean their bite doesn't sting like hell. their regenerative healing takes the wound harder than it would an ordinary bite, and they will feel a searing pain that lasts for many long minutes.

A GUIDE TO VAMPIRES - Printable Version

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A GUIDE TO VAMPIRES - south - 07-25-2022


in the light of the moon
When the stars are in bloom
On a hot night in June
That's when I call for you
----I've been working the whole day long
Getting older while you stay young
Give me shelter, the night is dark
Live forever
ABOUT The first vampire was born centuries ago from the curse of the sun and moon, just as the first werewolf. The brothers, newly turned, sought revenge, thus planting themselves in Lunar Point and forcing the transition onto countless victims due to their rage and naivety. From it grew a heavy population of vampires, many with ties to Lunar Point even today.