current meeting.
current treasure hunt.
main hub.
npc directory.
discord link.
the finders are often found in the shadows. a group of close-knit bounty hunters, these fellows are strictly neutral in their quest to discover. available upon commission to find people's lost things, the finders have made a name for themselves for being able to procure people, objects, or animals out of what seems like thin air. they pride themselves on their neutrality (their loyalty goes to the highest bidder) and their natural talent at finding hiding things. the seekers themselves appear to be half hidden away themselves - their home consists of complex tunnel systems, and buildings carved into a canyon.

the most notable part of the finders home base are their tunnel systems. they begin from the former territory of st. peter’s, and end in a long, steep canyon. the tunnels are long and winding, and one can easily get lost if there’s no guide or map. most finders spend months dedicated to familiarizing themselves with the tunnels - most frequented tunnels will often have red yarn leading out the tunnels. these tunnels often lead off into storage rooms - in a highly secluded, very secretive tunnel is the treasure tunnel - the storage for every reward, bounty, or find that they make. in another tunnel (though less secluded) are their medical supplies, and in a shallower, more readily accessible tunnel are their weapons.

after leaving the tunnels, the first thing seen are the large buildings that appear to be carved and built into the sides of the canyon walls. these are functioning buildings that are used in day-to-day life. these buildings are high enough to be protected from flooding during rainy seasons in the canyon, as a large, fast flowing river cuts through the bottom of the canyon and can function as transportation. dangers to the outside include venomous snakes or insects - and most annoyingly (though not particularly dangerous) the herds of cliff-climbing wild goats that like to plague the finders.

seeker is the leader rank, and often is the one to divide finds up for the group.
spotter are the second in commands.
searcher are members who have shown talent in the medical field.
hunters are members who have shown their prowess in hand-to-hand combat.
finders are basic members.
foundlings are new members who have not yet completed a find.

— betraying another member of the finders is forbidden.
— harming another member of the finders in the name of a find is forbidden.
— if a finder is approached privately for a job instead of selected by a leader for the job, the finder may keep the bounty they gain. otherwise, rewards and finds are shared with the group.
— finders are to protect each other at all costs, as finders are family.
— outsiders are forbidden to wander the tunnels without a finder present. outsiders may not access the treasure or medical tunnels.

initiation: after a finder has successfully completed their first find, the group will celebrate by leading the new finder to their treasure tunnel. after depositing either the find or their reward, the new finder may select an item to take as their own, as a sign of trust and family closeness between the group.

the finders are notoriously neutral. they work for the highest bidder, and have no interest in dealing in the politics of other groups. they find no good or evil in this world, just jobs that need to be done.
credit for this guide goes to crows. [color=transparent]acrylic

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - Jackal - 12-12-2019

"God is gracious"

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - Asyli - 12-12-2019

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]Tracking!

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - crows - 12-12-2019

trackin on ma main

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - GRAVES - 12-12-2019

tracking on sub

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - Beatles. - 12-13-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width:500px;font-size:9pt; line-height:1.3"]twack

Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - cosmyn - 12-14-2019


Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - finny. - 12-14-2019


Re: THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - fox17hp - 12-14-2019

oh shit whaddup

THE FINDERS — UPDATED 12/12 - Printable Version

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