ALL OF THE MIRACULOUS THINGS / another takeover - Printable Version

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ALL OF THE MIRACULOUS THINGS / another takeover - merged stuff - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify"]eldritch had just showed up and then left. they had no leader, no one to keep them safe, so he would take over the job. screw his initial job- he had a new one. to make sure these people didn't get destroyed by the badlands. so, he stood in the main room where meetings were normally held, and took a deep breath. he wasn't used to talking to large groups of people.

"flintlocklodge, gather." he called. "Eldiritch abandoned us, so seeing as everyone here is either children, or hurt, i'll be stepping up. i'll hold and actual meeting once I have everything undercontrol. in otherwords, welcome to jane."

/this is bad, but it isn't an actual meeting, and its 1AM so im sorry yall